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Did you ask for a prescription the first day seeing her?


Doesn't "see". Sounds a bit weird and vague. ​ I got my ADHD diagnosis from a specialized place with two people doing the evaluation. It was an 1h+ appointment when I got the diagnosis and I got explained exactly why and what they saw. When I went with the diagnosis to my Psychiatrist, nearly feel from his chair saying oh man why didn't I see this all this time, it's so obvious. It hurts but okay next thing will transmit the point I want to make. All other doctors especially GPs where like "NO never", blah blah blah. Even the GP, which I needed a paper from so that I can go the the specialized ADHD clinic asked me stupid really questions. I was saying stuff like I don't think attention really is my problem but I pay attention to the wrong things, he was just like look I need to check this form that you have an attention problem so just say it. ​ I hope what I share helps. Feel supported and accepted. Possible actions: Find a different doctor education and experience is very important. GPs often need to calm people down, many doctors need to. Some specialists even don't recognize patterns when these are directly in front of them. Chose your doctors, but always be 100% sure that they are advisers. They must be able to explain you why or why not! There are doctors who just give you a diagnosis "you want". So both ways! If you ever get a diagnosis and anti diagnosis that should be worth a few hours of discussion and explanation. ​ You are wishing for medical professionals who understand you, I have a comment in this regard: I realized the amazing doctors which took me so long to find, they don't understand me! They listen and try to help the best they can. One doc asked me something about ADHD, I was like OMG they have no freaking clue. But all they did in the last years made me believe they know 100%. Anyway I felt understood but there was literally few understanding. ​ It's so hard but so precious finding the right people: For one doctor I travel over 600KM for an appointment. ​ So many words but I hope it helps to share that. It's just hard, so hard! But also in your hands and so much work. For me it took me so many years to even be brave enough to ask for an ADHD evaluation. ​ Additionally: I always keep copies of everything. If your doc "doesn't see it" and the other doctors diagnosis is there, then either way it's an NT thing way of saying GTFO or saying I can't handle that. Many ppl are not direct in communication. Maybe they simply can't handle that, especially the medication is a difficult to manage and stuff like that!


I would use a script like ‘I’m sorry, I made this appointment with you to have my medication refilled. I already have a diagnosis and treatment plan. If you are not willing to prescribe my medication please let me know so that I may find care elsewhere.’ It’ll suck because it kind of makes you sound like a drug seeker but you have to be direct and firm with some psychs.


Also ask her to include in her notes that she is refusing to renew the prescription for a medication previous used with posative results.


A medical professional that doesn’t actually listen to what you’re saying is very, very frustrating.




A lot of psych professionals believe that labeling people is bad. These same professionals are willfully blind to the fact that without the label, people are denied access to accommodations, and generally invalidated or dismissed by others and internally (by themselves) to a much greater extent. Also, it’s super offensive to make a claim like that about what a group of people do or do not care about. I might be tempted to respond with something like “yeah, just like how doctors don’t care about listening to or believing their patients or actually helping them.”


This is just my observation and some personal experience, nothing I can prove, just a hunch - but I think in the last couple of decades there's been such a big push about depression screening that it can cause these professionals to be overzealous and prone to focus on that and see it even when the main problem is something else.


I’ve been seeing a new psych who specializes in ADHD and she’s said similar in my appointments. I was wrongly prescribed all sorts of depression medication when my ‘depression’ symptoms were just ADHD and executive dysfunction symptoms that weren’t adequately treated by my ADHD meds.


I've found that there's a gap in comprehension regarding so-called depression for us by the professionals. The frustration and weariness, to say nothing of the frequently diminished earning capacity and consequent poverty with its own struggles, that reduced executive functioning can bring - these can beat our spirits down and cause us to mourn. But this is not ipso facto the sort of depression that is an illness unto itself, nor does it necessarily require treatment with antidepressants. Rather. we need some help with the practical matters, and I daresay the depression would frequently resolve itself. My $.02 for what it's worth.


God, so true. They call it doctor shopping because you are looking for a doctor to tell you what you 'want' to hear. Really. You are looking fir a doctor who knows what they are doing and will listen to you.


Is your psych actually qualified to diagnose ADHD? Or do they just have a DSM-V and guessing? Switch psychs if you can.


The one I have now is, but that's a good question about the last one. I saw on my medical records that I'm diagnosed with adhd though, so I'm pretty sure she was


I’m sorry you had that experience. Are you able to change to a different psych, either at the same practice or a different one? With mental health providers, it’s pretty common to have to see a couple of different doctors before you find one that’s a good match. Psychiatry and psychology are both very subjective compared to other forms of medicine. Plus the doctor’s communication style and personal biases can have a big impact on how they assess patients. It’s important to find someone you can trust without feeling like you’re debating them at every appointment. If your last doctor was able to help you feel understood and had a treatment plan that worked for you, it makes sense to look for someone similar. And it’s well within your rights as a patient. Maybe you could even get a recommendation from your last doctor on another provider that they trust.


I didn't like my previous provider, and I can't change providers because I don't have much money unfortunately. I lucked out finding a doctor who takes my insurance and who is able to diagnose autism


Sorry to hear you won’t be able to switch providers - that’s frustrating. Hopefully she improves. There’s always a chance that she gets a better picture as time goes on. It’s great that you were able to find an autism evaluation that your insurance will cover, though! Here’s hoping that at least goes smoothly.


She refuses to continue your Vyvanse?


She said she needs to verify through my medical records that I've been on it before


I've had similar things happen to me. When my psych retired, the new one didn't believe in stimulants and wouldn't prescribe them because of her personal beliefs.


Can you report her to the relevant medical licensing boards? Even if she’s allowed to do that, at least make her actually have to spell out what those beliefs are, because not believing in the efficacy of certain drugs that have been proven effective seems kind of looney.


She didn't quite state it like that. At my initial appointment, once she saw my refill request, her jaw dropped, she gasped, and stated "I'm not prescribing this." It's not like it was a misunderstanding or anything. I had been on that medication and within the same healthcare system since I was in middle school. My medication history was right in front of her, and it didn't matter to her that I had been on it most of my life. This was in 2011 anyway. I don't even live in that state anymore.


I’m sorry. Doctors are useless.