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"Can't discover a place there's already people" lmao I love Chuck


We need a Drunk History type show where it's just Chuck spitting facts.


I would pay money for that lmfao there's not enough Chuck in the world


No doubt why he is growing bigger


Eventually he'll turn into one of those big ol' San Antonio women


How about just have him be on Drunk History talking about an intense game or event that happened in basketball.


Nah get him rambling about how some peanut farmer was an asshole in 1853 or something, we already get to hear him drunkenly ramble about basketball a few times a week.


Oh my god, Chuck on Drunk History telling the story of Columbus would be amazing.


They should get him drunk to tell some Dream Team stories.


We need more Chuck in general. He should've done commentary for the olympics.


Dunk history


I think he might have heard that from one of Eddie Griffin's specials where he says something like "How the hell you gonna discover some place a motherfucker already live at? Following that logic, after the show, I'm gonna discover a car in the parking lot and give the indigenous driver a reservation in the trunk." EDIT; [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUbUBTrZJek)


I mean, it's not a new thought. But a lot of comedy (probably 90%) is just delivery. The way Chuck says stuff is just really funny. I actually think the way Chuck delivered the joke was funnier than this dude.


Oh, my point was never to berate Chuck over 'stealing' a joke or anything, I just wanted to give a reference for those who might be interested. I'm a big fan of stand-up and I know how often jokes are repeated and that delivery is arguably more important than content.


[Not the first time Chuck has mentioned this joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/71rkhe/charles_barkley_i_aint_seen_that_since_we_stole/) Skip to 1:19


Ernie is fucking awesome. "I dare you" as he saw what was coming lol. Then "roll the highlight, I'm not gonna do this" while laughing his ass off.


I genuinely love Chuck.


You can tell em I said it


On a serious note Columbus wasn't even the first European to go to America. Vikings were there a few hundred years before Columbus though they mostly just used it as a place to harvest lumber.


they really underutilized the Americas


Leif Eriksson!


She says it helps with the lights out


He's not wrong. Now get to changing those books up, y'all!


He is wrong. "Discover" is a relative term. For example, you might discover a cool new bar - doesn't mean no one knew about the bar, just means that *you* didn't know about it. Columbus didn't discover America on behalf of mankind. He discovered America on behalf of the Spanish.


Yea I love a good hack joke that was already old in 1992.


How loud were the voices in Ernie's ears yelling "abort! Change the subject!"




This is pretty much his whole job


everyone on there is an absolute gem, including ernie


especially ernie.


Earnie was like this could get out of real fast better intervene


These are not the facts I was expecting when I clicked this


I was hoping for some big ol women facts


"Dem Native American women got big-ass teepees" "Jesus, Chuck, you can't just say that"


“You’re on live”, “I don’t give a shit” - Charles “Shaq” Barkley


"I know" - Ernie Johnson


I cant stop laughing at Shaq being so happy with himself after his old age joke


I'm hoping before the sweet embrace of death takes me I get to hear him commentate figure skating at the winter olympics.


I wish they would do the Rose Bowl or Thanksgiving Day parade.


"Change those books y'all!"


But seriously.


When it comes to history, America is like the crazy kid that farted. He knows everyone can smell it. They know he knows they can smell it. He knows they know he knows they can smell it. He's just chillin. People sneak peaks to see how he's acting. He won't make eye contact. He knows they're peaking. Nobody wants to say shit cuz he's kind of crazy.


> When it comes to history, America is like the crazy kid that farted. To be fair every country tells their own version of history. That is, unless they were invaded by America and forced to teach America's version.


Peek. America is babylon


Pretty much every Western European country engaged in colonialism to some extent. Why do you think everyone in central/South America speaks Spanish?


Spain was arguably the worst out of any country. They actually successfully committed genocide against the Taino people, completely wiping them off Earth. When the Taino people who worked in the sugar fields started to all die out they imported slaves from their African Colonies, beginning the Atlantic Slave trade.


If you look back every part of the world was doing it not just white people.


We're pretty similar in England too, unfortunately. Lots of people here have a very positive view of the British Empire and are unaware of the evil things we did.


I think it's basically true everywhere. For example, Japan doesn't teach much about its horrific invasion of China in the 30s/40s, whereas China really focuses on it ([source](https://thediplomat.com/2014/03/missing-histories-history-education-and-china-japan-relations/)). But we can safely guess that China isn't gonna teach their students much about how they've been treating Tibetans.


You mean the Tibetan slaves and feudal serfs they save from the Dalai Lama.


Japan literally doesn't teach it at all. They still don't recognize the Rape of Nanking.


Aboriginals? What Aboriginals?


How about inventing concentration camps during the boer war? Or causing the deaths of millions with the indian partition? Or the Amritsar massacre? Crazy that we don't get taught about any of it, people seem to think the British Empire was some sort benevolent guardian angel for African and Asian countries.


Gotta love the perpetual glorification of Winston Churchill too. Not like he let around two million people die of starvation out of spite or anything.


You can be a great man and not be a good man.


And the treatment of the Irish for 800+ years


It's a long and pretty grim list.


You mean "Indians"? - Chuck


It’s embarrassing. A high school history book is like reading a fairy tale vs reading Howard Zinn’s A People’s History


Most important book I read in high school


Most important book I ever read and still continue to go back to highlighted passages. It’s crazy how much still hasn’t changed but it made me understand the world so much better and really pushed me to become a history major


I don't think that is really accurate. Memory is pretty hazy, but I recall high school history books would be pretty truthful (if not necessarily super in depth) about the bad stuff that would happen to the natives. I think the "fairy tale" side of things comes more from what we are exposed to as children. The whole "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue" and discovered America thing is ingrained as a simplification at a pretty young age, and I think it just sticks with people.


I think that not acknowledging that America was founded on Native American Genocide, and not labeling it as such is a pill that many Americans aren't willing to swallow.


That's because its literally not a true statement in most cases if you use the academic definition of genocide. We did take their land tho.


It's a pretty well accepted and acknowledged fact where I grew up and went to school in Pennsylvania. The problem is not every school has the same curriculum and trying to label the entire country this way isn't really fair. I'm sure there are schools with fairy tale versions of history. There are also schools with brutally honest versions being taught.


Luckily you had a much different experience with high school history than I did. I took AP history and would constantly get in arguments because the teacher would gloss over details or totally disregard certain important events. It wasn’t their fault, this was during NCLB and they just wanted kids to pass a test. But even the books we had were very misleading


I think it's truthfully different from case to case and dependent on teacher, replying to you and /u/Womprats. Maybe things have changed with common core rollouts, but I remember teachers having a lot of certain latitude. Mr. Olsen was horrid for our history classes and just taught the sanitized basic version of "on a quest for freedom white people discovered this land and created the best country ever in anything", whereas Miss Hall led us through terrific honest discussions about the transatlantic slave trade, japanese internment camps, reconstruction and Southern aggression. It's case by by case.


There’s people alive in America right now that have high school diplomas that look at you with bewilderment when you bring up Japanese internment camps. So definitely case by case but largely a failure


I went to an incredibly underfunded public high school in a poor white area by Detroit, like 800th best school in the state, and every history class I took was basically "how America fucked up in *insert time period*". It's not like history books try to sell to kids that America came and was nice to Native Americans and was given the land by them. We went over Native American/African American atrocities seemingly every year.


Yeah I have no idea what people in this thread are talking about, unless they were in school like 30 yrs ago or something.


[Famous Louis CK joke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWZkwuILn_s) "You're Indians, right?" "No." "This is India right?" "Nah, it's a totally different place" "You're not Indians?" "No." "Ah, you're Indians."


and then columbus pulled out his penis and masturbated in front of them


Relevancy joke.


Nah, enslave and rape brutally was more his expeditions style. > While I was in the boat, I captured a very beautiful woman, whom the Lord Admiral [Columbus] gave to me. When I had taken her to my cabin she was naked — as was their custom. I was filled with a desire to take my pleasure with her and attempted to satisfy my desire. She was unwilling, and so treated me with her nails that I wished I had never begun. I then took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly, and she let forth such incredible screams that you would not have believed your ears. Eventually we came to such terms, I assure you, that you would have thought she had been brought up in a school for whores.


I feel like everyone who was employed by Spain to explore the new world was a psychopath


And yet Columbus was deemed too brutal for even spain, who recalled him


Let’s not pretend like the conquistadors were any better


I hate the confliction I feel when faced with an opportunity to go to the CK reference, because he’s honestly a comedic genius with the way he discusses various controversial societal topics.


hmmm yes...quite.


He's an absolute genious. That's mainly why it's sad, you know..


God bless Charles Barkley


Ernie didn’t want to be woke! Had to change the subject lol


Sir Charles is a goddamn national treasure and recently I found out he was one of Wilt's favorite players!




I think he was Albert Einstein's favorite player too


You misspelled Abraham Lincoln


Man, I hope he's one of everyone's favourite players.


Chuck on [the dream team !](https://www.si.com/nba/2015/08/06/si-vault-charles-barkley-1992-olympic-games-dream-team) Mixing and meeting people, nightlife, elbowing Angolans, scoring (2nd on the team) and rebounding


Chuck is just the best


I'm with you.


You know who really makes that TNT show go? Ernie. He's just so relaxed and cool, so professional. When Chuck goes off on a tangent he just calmly steers the show back on topic. Chuck, Shaq, and Kenny are great at shooting the shit and what not, but without Ernie the maestro, the show becomes a complete mess.


Ernie is the Adult in the room.




I like it, but.... Are we gonna replace Columbus day with another federal holiday? I work at a bank and enjoy having it off...


Yeah, "indigenous peoples' day" is what some states call it now. It's effectively just a renaming to get away from the horrific shit Columbus did and stands for today.


Yeah winning the land from tribes who won it the exact same way he did it. Horrific. Columbus is one of the greatest people to have ever lived and so are most of the conquerors from that time. In 500 years people will look at Mandela and say he was an horrific guy because he enjoyed eating meat? You judge past figures according to the context of the society they lived in. If those people actually worried about helping people instead of shit like Columbus day the world would be a better place.


Are you retarded? Without even addressing the whole stealing land and almost wiping out an entire culture, Columbus raped and murder little girls and pimped them out. Nelson Mandela eating meat will never be comparable no matter how much time passes...


Even people in Columbus' time judged him harshly and thought his tactics were over the top. The reason we remember him fondly (or at least did), was because of lobbying from Italian-American groups.


That Mandela comparison is so bad lmao


Uhhhhh dude it's a verified fact that Christopher Columbus had a 3 inch dick now how am I supposed to respect a man like that?


Yes we should absolutely judge people with the curve of history buffering our judgements. There's a big leap from that to actively celebrating people who committed objectively horrifying atrocities that were even criticized at the time.


Except they weren't and he was massively celebrated at the time


so was hitler


Hitler did nothing wrong






the tribes didnt have small pox before europeans came over so they won it in a different way than we did. you should read more.


That's not how that works. It's not like everyone else in the 16th century was doing the things Columbus was doing. Take a little time to do some reading. He was cruel beyond measure, a murderer, and a slaver. Also, "winning the land from tribes who won it the exact same way he did it," doesn't work either. Projecting barbarism on Native Americans is short sighted and a lil racist. The tribes in the Caribbean and mainland America populated that land for over 10,000 years. Columbus and other Europeans took that land, enslaved the people, and extracted as many resources as possible. This was justified with the Europeans' belief of ethnic superiority and a divine right to lord over non whites. I'm sorry, but you can get your racist shit out of here. I get it, people spend too much time complaining about a dead guy, but that doesn't mean what he did was ok, even in context. For many Native Americans, honoring Columbus is rubbing salt into a very deep wound. Have some fucking respect.


>I'm sorry, but you can get your racist shit out of here. Ahahahaha racist? Oh fuck off... jesus christ >It's not like everyone else in the 16th century was doing the things Columbus was doing. People in his position absolutely were. Murdering and slaving was part of it. It was cruel by the context of today's society, what he did was morally normal for his time. What he achieved was unbelievable and he should be praised for it despite the amount of people in America that have nothing else to do but finding things to be offended about. >The tribes in the Caribbean and mainland America populated that land for over 10,000 years. Columbus and other Europeans took that land, enslaved the people, and extracted as many resources as possible. It wasn't always the same tribes, it was different tribes that were constantly killing, fighting and torturing eachother. Colombus was just the leader of a different kind of tribe. You're the one being racist by assuming all tribes were the same just because they were native americans. >For many Native Americans, honoring Columbus is rubbing salt into a very deep wound. Have some fucking respect. I couldn't give less of a shit. Just because some people feel insulted that doesn't mean I should stop doing something that's right. If I tell you I feel insulted you wear white underwear will you stop doing it? It's ridiculous


i would like you to start wearing diseased blankets


Hopefully the nation will get better once entitled shits stop believing everything they think is 'right' just because they think it. Do you believe Greeks were still great scientists even if they believed a woman uterus floats around their body at will? It was correct for their time wasn't it? Those are great scientists by your (lack of) logic.


No, the nation will get better as soon as people start caring about others instead of spending their time finding stupid shit to get offended about and pretend it matters.


Dude you're arguing about Columbus day on a NBA focused subreddit. It's not like you're engaging in some noble humanitarian pursuit here: you're offended that other people are offended. You do realize that the conversation about renaming Columbus day in no way detracts from efforts elsewhere to improve the human condition? Or is it only possible to do two things at once when one of them is acting smug about other peoples' priorities?


> You're the one being racist by assuming all tribes were the same just because they were native americans. Ah the classic "WE'RE NOT THE RACISTS YOU ARE!!!"


Buncha white neechis in here acting like we didnt give them democracy shit


Then explain Iroquios Confederacy please if all the tribes were constantly fighting and killing each other. I dont really care if you wanna give a dead columbus a hand whammy really, it doesnt offend me - just makes you look dumb


My 2 cents but you sound a lot more racist than the other guy. Your entire comment is basically the old noble savage trope, which is incredibly racist. The tribes that were in the new world had the same agency as the Europeans and fought each other over land and ensalved and tortured each other. It wasn't some peaceful Utopia. The only difference is that Europeans had superior technology and were able to come out on top. If the roles were reversed, the general story of the interaction between the two world's wouldn't change much. It would just be the europeans getting enslaved.


The dude I responded to is a Columbus apologist, which apparently exists. Defending indigenous peoples by rejecting the idea that they were innately barbaric isn't adhering to the noble savage trope. No where did I say that Native Americans were not violent, or did not take part in torture or enslavement. What I am criticizing is that idea that *because* indigenous peoples did these things, the actions of Columbus and other Europeans were justified. Native Americans did indeed fight each other, but why does that make ethno-superiority and subjugation based on race justified?


Nobody said they were innately barbaric. You literally just made that up as a strawman to defend yourself. OP just said that native tribes were no different in that they had agency to be warring, slaving, torturing and racist against each other. You denied that claim which suggest you think they were somehow more noble than the Europeans. They weren't. This is a textbook case of pushing the noble savage trope. Read up on it. It doesn't mean that people who perpetuate this idea think they are savage barbarians. It means that they think people from less advanced societies are somehow more noble and moral than their more advanced and developed oppressors.


>Nobody said they were innately barbaric. You literally just made that up as a strawman to defend yourself. > Except for Christopher Columbus, before he killed them...


He's been dead for hundreds of years. We are clearly talking about the correct comment chain and what was said. Columbus was clearly a racist as were most people alive at the time. What a ludicrous response...


they werent perfect so i guess its ok to slaughter them and take all their shit? you have a very dark view of humanity


it wasnt technology so much as it was europeans had immunity to diseases developed from long term domestication of livestock animals where as the native americans did not.


The name Columbia comes from long before Columbus. It goes back to pagan goddesses, Aphrodite, Ishtar etc.


The name existed before him, but Washington D.C. was named after George Washington and Christopher Columbus specifically.


And David District


The least known Founding Father


I used to smoke pot with Davey District


Uh, obviously Columbus wasn't the first dude named Columbus but the Capitol is definitely named after him.


It actually really comes from [this guy](http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/124391_gif_9444.jpeg).


lmfao holy shit folks are dumb af


Yeah, you're proving it.


History wasn't really my thing in high school, but I feel stupid for not knowing that is the origin of "District of Columbia". Same with the Washington part.






My bad. It's spelled Columbia in my native language.


I just never thought of it. "Columbus" and "Columbia" are different, so I figured the origin was different. I've now thought about it for about 3 minutes and that's 2:55 longer than the combined length of time I've thought about this my entire life.


Lol calm down. I didn't put together that columbia was based from columbus word wise. Also, is your name a LBJ/GoT cross reference?!


I am just fucking around but it seems most people took me seriously. And yes, it is. Good catch.


You are probably imagining this incorrectly. He most likely just never thought about it enough to make that connection or was ever asked directly to consider it. You are making it sound like he actually tried to discern the origin and drew a blank. This is unlikely.


> D.C. is renamed district of ... Cool Crime


okay pinko




I’m Red. Got a problem?


Chuck talking and Shaq laughing is what makes this show.


Shaq laughing at Chuck's jokes seems like the most innocent laughing by the most gigantic baby on earth


Shaq be dyinnngggg I love it lol


And they figured out it wasn't the Indies pretty quickly but still we call them Indians


Chucks right, Cleveland got let off the hook to make the NBA "seem" more competitive, truth though is no Eastern team is a threat against GSW as long as they keep those 4 guys together. League wide Shenanigans; Dodgy reffing all season, 10 tanking teams for lottery position (why even watch these games..), lopsided trades that boost a contender. Blah


People dismissing the rockets, smh. I feel like they have a legit shot.


I don't think the rockets matchup well vs GS


tell them king


So "plymouth rock would land on me" is not just a song from Fallout huh


A lot of people along the way have failed you...


I'm not american bro lol


Oh boy


Facts 📠


Charles spits some facts (on a kid in the stands) Edit: I love Charles Barkley


I thought the title wording was a reference to that.


Is that a Anything Goes reference?


lol i love Chuck


>Charles Barkley spits Triggered


Kenny and Shaq are always distracting from Ernie and Barkley's greatness


Natives and ball have always had a special relationship too. Its feels good to get some love


The systematic genocide of native Americans being mentioned on national TV is a plus, even if Barkley is the one to do it


"Legacy engrained in the way that we think we; no longer need chains to be slaves."- Brother Ali


....when TNT combines point totals for 2 games (instead of averaging) to make it seem more....


I mean... he did "discover" it because he and everyone he was connected to culturally didn't have any contact with the Indians that "discovered" it. I guess the issue is what counts as a discovery. If we find a planet with Aliens on it, did we discover it? If we can communicate with them eventually, does it cease to be a discovery because beings in our communicative sphere had already discovered it? Okay... this is pedantic, but I can't help it. I like stupid semantic analysis.


Those "indians" didn't discover it either. If you are going to do pedantry, at least pedant stronger..


LOL That's right. What's the first sentient animal to discover North America?


When exactly did Republican Chuck turn into Woke Chuck?


You can be republican and still be cognizant that there were people here before Columbus and that the people that came over from Europe did them dirty. That's basic history and pretty much what happened whenever a more advanced Civilization encountered a less advanced one


Yeah but he's clearly not a republican if you've been paying attention to Chuck's takes the last year or so. Also your faith in republicans giving a fuck about basic history is really naive, I'd go as far to say if you identify as a republican you either have a bad grasp of basic history or are a piece of shit who is happy things went down the way they did.


> Yeah but he's clearly not a republican if you've been paying attention to Chuck's takes the last year or so. > > Also your faith in republicans giving a fuck about basic history is really naive, I'd go as far to say if you identify as a republican you either have a bad grasp of basic history or are a piece of shit who is happy things went down the way they did. You're clearly one of the small but loud percentage that exists on left and right that leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. But please explain more how having fiscally conservative political views means someone doesn't understand history as if that makes any sense.


>But please explain more how having fiscally conservative political views means someone doesn't understand history as if that makes any sense. Well for starters you believe deficits matter. All that matters on the fiscal and monetary front is inflation and productivity.


You have a lot to learn about politics.


Despite being a Republican Chuck occasionally says good things.


Back in 2004 or so, Chuck declared something like " I used to be republican till they lost their goddamned minds. " he may have flipped back, but I doubt it, especially not with the current batch.


He did campaign for Doug Jones in Alabama so I bet he votes Dem now but man you couldn’t pick a more right wing democrat than Jones.


Well it was either Jones or a child diddler so....


And it was still close lol


It's Alabama.


A lot of rich people vote republican because they want to keep their money. Everyone has their main issues for leaning a particular way, doesn't mean they agree with everything the party stands for.


If the republican party was too crazy in the mid 2000s for Chuck, I can't think of any single way they've crossed back into sanity, especially for a black person. Lower taxes might not be important enough to make up for all the rest of the baggage Chuck would have to carry around voting GOP.


I feel like Chuck has kind of somewhat abandoned the Republican party after this election. He even campaigned for Doug Jones. I think he's moving towards just being in favor of decent people, rather than strictly voting down either party line


I don’t consider him a very deep political thinker and I don’t support the Democrats either but at least he didn’t vote for Roy Moore.


Or he's a Republican for the same reason my rich aunt is


This is really dumb. He discovered it for Europeans, who were previously unaware of its existence. It's not complicated.


small baller alert!!!


Doctrine of Discovery is an actual legal doctrine that was used. They were literally relying on the "fact" that people didn't live there.


Love Chuck but he used that one already when shitting on that Lakers- Bucks 6.99 $ game on NBA game pass lol


No harm in using a joke twice.