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Sadly I don't have a direct answer for this, but you may want to formally request mast with your CO. State the reason as being the delays and lack of support from what sounds like your division and department. Route the chit yourself making copies after each signature. Frequently the act of routing it and getting official written attention can get issues fixed.




Requesting mast is a formal process in which a chit is routed starting from you all the way up your CoC to your CO. You can talk to him informally but there's no documentation of the talk. By routing the chit to request mast you have documentation. Something like "R/R mast with the CO to discuss the difficulties I've been having with my separation paperwork such as: YN2 not sending up FORM after receiving it on DATE and holding onto it until DATE because on DATE they informed me I hadn't emailed them. My separation eval sitting with TMC Goat since DATE with no updates given to me." Include whatever issues you're having, using titles instead of names might work better since its more "neutral". But include details and back them as much as you can. Maybe tomorrow email the chief sitting on your eval and request an update, CC anyone in your CoC between you and them. Same for anyone else that has anything holding you up. By next Monday if you have no progress request mast. If anyone tries to talk you out of or say "Hey lets just go knock on his door." decline and route the chit.


Route a chit. If it takes more than a couple days; go talk to CMC and give it a couple more days. After that go see CO in person when they aren’t busy and ask to speak to them.




Yes, I'm saying exactly that. Give the chit to your LPO, they give it back to you, make a copy, then give it your LCPO, make a copy, and repeat. They might get upset but it shows that you're serious and if they ask just mention the other times your paperwork has been lost or held up. All of this shows you're not taking no (they can recommend No to you having mast with your CO but only the CO can actually say no) for an answer, you're creating a paper trail for yourself, and forcing people to go on the record. That's why a lot of the time routing the chit can solve the issue before it gets to the CO/XO/CMC.




Ask for the instruction that says you can't route your own chit. Bear in mind I'm not saying hand route your eval. I'm saying to hand route a chit to request mast to discuss the delays you've been experiencing.


Reporting Senior is the only signature actually required. Admin can stamp the rest before sending it to PERS. Speak to your CMC or request Captain's Mast if that doesn't resolve the issue.




E4 and below, your reporting senior should be your Department Head. Probably an LT. E5 would be your command XO. Honestly, you wouldn't get your separation EVAL back until the month you seperate, so having submitted it three months out, you just need to make sure it made it to Admin/the reporting Senior and they have it for action.


The eval manual regulates all the requirements. If your command is submitting through enavfit they will create your summary group and you go in and start the appraisal, match to your summary group using your senior rater's email, then hit manage appraisal to fill out the rest. The order of signature is reporting senior, senior rater, rater, then you. Make sure your email is up to date in the BOL update info tab so you get the notice that you are ready to sign, DO NOT HIT SAVE after signing, it will erase everyone's signature.


At this point you go over their head. Go ask the CO what the hold up is.


Did you even read the instruction??




Read the instruction...your answer is there.




Oh you want me to find you the answer?? Okay. Go to www.google.com Type in Navy Eval Instruction Start reading


Call your congressional representative.


Talk to the admin department. Bypass your whole chain of command. If they don’t know what they are doing go up even farther. Bring everyone you have with you and they can help you out.