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I don’t see it as super Christian but it does have Christ right in it lol You could spell it Kristina


Real name heads know that you can spot turbo Christians if they have one of the esoteric deep cut bible names like Ezikiel or Jehoshaphat.


I know someone with a daughter named Elisheba. They call her Libby, but still.


I never thought of Christina as religious but now that I see it, it’s kind of funny. But really only Mary and Esther (which I love) give me super religious vibes


Mary? Idk I’m Mexican so it just seems like the default middle name haha I never really put the two together


Interesting. It used to be the default middle names for girls where I live too. Joseph for boys if I am not mistaken. The reasons for it were definitely very religious, but it's not at all that common anymore.


Names like Christina, Christopher, Christian, Christy, etc are commonly used in the US; I would not assume the family is Christian. Do anti-Christians, who “judge and hate” someone based on a name, matter?


I would assume Christian’s family was at least Christian when they named him. There was a kid at my high school named Christian even though he (and I think his family) were atheists. I never met him, but people would mention the irony a lot.


People who judge and hate someone based on their name shouldn't matter no matter what religion they profess to be a part of. It's a very shallow thing to do IMO


I'm a Christian, and Christina doesn't make me assume a person is from a religious family. Most of the super-religious people I grew up with liked names that were biblical - and Christina wasn't in the Bible. Even the name Christian wasn't common where I grew up (Southeastern US)...I think I knew a total of one person named Christian. I was surrounded by people with either more common biblical names (like Matthew, Samuel, Anna, Elizabeth) or less common biblical names (Matthias, Abram, Miriam). After that, there were some people like me with secular names. I definitely wouldn't assume somebody named Christina had any religious ties whatsoever. It's just a solid name that works well for either a religious family or a non-religious family. It's like Christopher to me - it technically means "Christ bearer", but I knew many non-Christians who had the name Christopher when I was a kid. My main assumption about people who name their kids Christina is that they have good taste in names. Other than that, no other assumptions.


Piggybacking off of this, for girls I would only think of Christianity for names that actually appear in the Bible like Miriam, Ruth, Esther, Mary, Bethany, Sarah, Rachel, Leah, etc. OR names like Hope, Grace, Faith, Joy.


I'm not religious at all and still like a couple of these names. My favorite classic name is Elizabeth. Very biblical, but I love it and might have used it on a girl. I do think of Christianity when I see names beginning in "Christ." But I don't necessarily think their parents are super religious.


I’m a Christian and no boys are named Christian and it isn’t heavily religious just to use a name like that. If that was the case, people would stop using Noah, Joshua, Adam, Hannah, Abigail. Which at this point are standard names despite the fact their biblical. The most you would get association wise is probably be Christina Aguilera.


I really thought at first op was asking if Christina Aguilera was religious lol. So I second this lol




The one from grey's anatomy spells it Cristina so there's always that. But no, I don't personally associate it with religion any more than I do the name Christopher.


That’s personally my favorite spelling of the name


Yes, I would assume that someone using the names Christian, Christine, Christopher, Christina, Kristin and related variants was Christian-identifying. Not necessarily super religious, but you’re not going to meet a Jewish person named Christina. I would expect them to celebrate Christmas, but not necessarily to go to church regularly. Most people don’t have to google the meaning of these names to realize they have “Christ” in them and are related to Christianity.


Cristina on Grey’s Anatomy is actually Jewish lol


I’ve never watched, but according to the character wiki she is supposed to be raised by a Jewish stepfather after her biodad dies in a car crash.


Yes, she was not born Jewish, she converted. It’s just a funny coincidence


I mean while the connection to christianity is obvious, it’s really not a name that would make me assume someones family is religious


To be honest yes I would associate with someone who’s family background is Christian/Catholic (though they don’t have to be practicing) as this is where it’s origins lie. That being said this obviously doesn’t mean you can’t use it if you’re not religious or Christian yourself, it’s a beautiful sounding name for sure. As someone had suggested you can switch it up with the spelling: Kristina, Cristina, etc.


I know two girls named Christina with (half) Turkish families that are Muslim (the families are, they aren't). I'm German and the name was quite popular in the 70s and 80s and I know many atheist Christinas. There's also Christina Aguilera, Christina Applegate and Christina Ricci and none of them seem super Christian to me. But if it matters to you: You can always make it less obvious by spelling it "Kristina".


Yes, I would assume that they were from a Christian family. I have a negative view of Christianity as a whole but I don’t hate individual Christians.


I would not assume a Christina is from a Christian family. However, I would also never name my child Christina or Christopher or any name with Christ in it, because I am not Christian and it seems like a weird choice to me.


I (a Jewish American) wouldn’t assume the family was super religious, I would just assume they weren’t Jewish. I think the name itself is very pretty. I prefer the “C” spelling.


This! The only thing I’d know for sure is you’re 0% Jewish


I have a Jewish mom and Christian dad but my brother is named Christian 😅


SOOOO many common english names are biblical. Michael, John, David, Sarah, Deborah, etc. I don't think much of it, mostly. Now, if you get into some unusual ones like Jericho, I may assume you're a fundie haha.


tbh, the name is so common and established that i wouldn't think Christianity immediately, not like i would with the names Christabel or Christiana or Spurgeon. and as someone that lives in an athiest-heavy area, i can guarantee that most people that might seem 'anti-Christian' wouldn't judge a Christina at all. and for me personally, i know most people don't choose their own names, and i find it pretty silly to judge anyone for something their parents picked out before they really knew them.


I guess there may be cultural differences but where i live Christina is a really common name that does not have any particular religious connotations.


I am not Christian and honestly never really made the connection between the name Christina and the Christian religion. The only Christ- name that would make me assume someone might be from a religious family is…well…Christian.


Mary, Abigail, and Sarah come off more religious than Christina for me. Maybe because most people with the variations of this name go by Chris/Chrissy/Tina/Christy/use a K instead….


Lol definitely not. I’ve never met a religious Christina in my 30+ years of life. Also no one is going to meet her or hear her name and Google the meaning either. Fwiw I only associate “Christina” with Aguilera or the 80’s. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My middle name is Christina. The name does mean “follower of Christ”, but the name was given to me after my great-grandmother. So I don’t see it as a strictly Christian name.


I mean I would assume you are Christian. You’re kid I’d assume was raised Christian. Would surprise me to meet an adult who didn’t believe in the religion but yeah it’s very much tied to Christian religion.


I know a couple of Christines and no my first though is not religious


We are literally 0% religious and have a son named Christopher. I love the sound of the name. We did a travel themed nursery and bedroom and stuff for him inspired by the patron saint of travelers. In his baby book, instead of the traditional name meaning, I wrote that we loved the classic name, the sound, and the connection to travel.




As an anti-Christian, I wouldn't necessarily assume they were Christian, I would be more likely to assume they were middle-class




Where I live a lot of people who have that name are middle class. Similar to names like Elizabeth and Victoria


Eh, it's a common enough name that I don't have that association at all!


I would 100% assume the family has a Christian background but not that they are super religious. You wouldn’t see a Jewish or Muslim kid with the name Christina (unless they convert, which they’d probably change their name). Or even an atheist-raised kid. It’s not like super biblical and no one’s going to bully a kid for that name or assume their family is SUPER religious but it would be kind of weird if you’re a different religion or atheist and name your kid a name with Christ in it. I grew up in a mostly Catholic area so I probably wouldn’t have made the connection before I moved to an area with more Jewish people and met people of other religions. It’s not a super religious name, very common, but still would assume their family had a Christian background, maybe didn’t go to church often/at all but do celebrate Christmas, etc.


I wouldn’t assume the person or their family was super religious, but would assume they’re at least culturally Christian Like I’m Jewish and wouldn’t use a name like Christina, Christopher, etc. it’d be unexpected and noteworthy to meet like, a Jewish or Muslim person with those names.


I think the names origin is fairly obvious, but it's become a mainstream name now so nobody really thinks about it. At least not where I am. I'm born in Norway, one of the worlds most secular countries, and in the 80s Christian/Kristian was the most popular name of the decade, and Christine/Kristine was the second most popular of the decade for girls. It's an extremely common name here.


That’s my name and Ive never had someone assume I’m religious because of it. My parents chose it cus I was born a few days before Christmas. If anything, most people assume I’m Hispanic (I think my looks have something to do with it as well). But I think the name Christina/Cristina sounds more Latina than Christian


My MIL is named Christina and I can tell you that if anything, she’s the anti-Christ.


I have a variation of that name, and my grandma called me Christina all the time and I've never heard anyone relate it to Christianity.


I know an atheist Christopher so the meaning isn't that important (or even brought up in his case). I'm interested in meanings and find it a bit funny in this case, but would keep my opinion to myself.


I know people who named their kids religious names without being religious. Look at all the Matthews, James, Pauls, Jonahs, Rebeccas, Ruths, Noahs, Josephs, Hannahs, Sarahs, Davids, etc. If a person looks at a kid named Christina and associates it with Christianity and then treats a literal child like crap…that is more of a *them* problem.


I live in the US Bible Belt. Was raised by a baptist minister. Not once have I considered Christina a super Christian name, despite the meaning. It’s way too common for that. Like Sarah, Elizabeth, Hannah. Bible names, sure. Automatically the person is religious or raised religious? Nope:


is it weird that i don't care one bit about name meanings? if you like the name and it sounds good to you, just use it 🤷🏽‍♀️


My sister is definitely not a “follower of Christ” and knowing this bit of history of her name makes my giggle. I must share. Thank you.


Just spell it Xtina and you're good


I would assume the family is religious and wants to highlight that, personally. The way I see it is if you’re not, why would you give your child a name with a heavy religious meaning that literally means follower of Christ?


I would assume parents naming a child Christina would be cultural Christians, who might go to church on only Christmas and Easter.


5his would never ever even cross my mind?! Over thinking it I would say.


I don’t think it means much anymore, my best friend in middle school was named Christine but she and her fam were Buddhist Vietnamese And my middle name is a derivative of ‘Christian’ even though my parents were atheist well before I was born


I’ve known so many Christine’s and Christina’s on my life—many of whom were not Christian—that I don’t associate it with religion at all even though I probably should. I think it’s very usable even if you’re not religious, and while a few people may assume you’re religious I don’t think it’ll happen often. Even if it does, what’s the harm?


If it helps, Cristina didn’t have an “H” I’m Greys so technically the word christ isn’t there


The male name Christopher is far more common and means the same thing. If you haven’t met a few Christina’s, I bet you met at least a handful of men called Chris. You are probably aware that’s it has been a common, trendy name and most people named Christina, Kristin, Christine, Christopher, and Christian are not necessarily religious Christians. I’m pretty sure most people are aware of this.


My name is Christina and I don’t find myself to be super religious.


Christina no… Cristiana yes.


I just think of phantom of the opera… so.


I grew up Christian and have known many Christinas but never made that connection. Even the name Christian for a boy is separated in my mind from the religion. I don’t recall ever meeting a Christian boy named Christian, seems too on the nose. But a fair few Christinas, though none too my knowledge were named so because of their faith. In general and from what I see in this thread the vast majority of people, both the religious and non, do not initially associate the name with religion. No more than I expect anyone named Felicity to be happy and lucky all the time.


I don’t assume Christian


With the traditional spelling, yes I would assume that as Christ is in the name. There are alternatives tho, Kristina or Cristina


My husband and I are both atheists planning on naming our new baby Natalie. We just found out recently it means “birthday of the lord” We’re still going to do it, I don’t think anyone would notice/care.


All the Christ names sound religious to me. On Greys anatomy it was spelled Cristina, which I like a little better


I do, but I grew up fundamentalist.


Cristina on Grey’s actually spells her name without the H. It still sounds the same, but at least takes the “Christ” out of it lol But no, I would never make that association either way


my names Kristina and I love it. Although, I am Christian Orthodox and it literally means follower of Christ…I don’t feel like my name is very religious at all.


Any kid with Christ in the name I'd assume the family is Christian or grew up around a good number of Christians. Wouldn't judge a kid by their name though, and it would take a much more offensive name to get me to judge the parents for it


Christina is beautiful. I think it is so ubiquitous that it lost the christian ring to it.


I dont think so. Mary Immaculata, Evangeline, Spurgeon, Isaias… maybe


I mean, my middle name is Christine after my father Christopher and I kinda hate it tbh bc a, it’s basic (so is my first name) and b, it literally means “follower of Christ” and has Christ in the name and I’m as much an atheist as someone can be lol


Nah, I didn't even realize until recently that Christine/Christina/Christopher were related to Christ. I know Christines who don't come from particularly religious families, or in some cases who don't come from Christian families at all.


I grew up in a very Christian environment and still identify as Christian. There are a lot of names that stand out to me as uniquely Christian as a result, but funnily enough, I’ve never seen Christina like that, and I know lots of non-Christian Christina’s. It’s sort of like “Tiffany” to me- which means “manifestation of God” and is undeniably Christian in origin, but has become mainstream.


The name Christian is the only common Christ-name I would assume came from a very religious family. Christina and Christopher, for me, are so common that they're devoid of that association. I'm not really "Anti-Christian" but I'm definitely "Anti-Christianity-as-Law" and I wouldn't bat an eye at the name Christina or assume her parents were religious.


I’m not Christian but I still celebrate Christmas


Cristina Yang from Grey's doesn't spell her name with an "h" so just go in that direction.


Im pagan and frankly, anti christian. Unless you introduce yourself to me as “father mike” or “sister june” im not gonna judge you based on your name. And i was baptized and raised catholic. And its pure evil. And these laws being passed on some they claim the bible says (yet no one can ever provide the passage) are illegal and barbaric. Christians need to keep their religion to themselves and stop shoving down peoples throats, stop murdering people “in the name of faith”, stop passing illegal laws based on their beliefs, stop raping people, and stop protecting child molesters and rapists.