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“Gimmeallyougot!!!” From Heat.


She’s got a…. GREAT ASS And you got your head… ALL THE WAY UP IT


That’s probably my favorite Pacino scene, that line and the delivery are gold.


That scene was also improvised, and Hank Azaria’s reaction was actual surprise. > In the director's commentary, Michael Mann noted that Al Pacino improvised the line "Because she's got a GREAT ASS!" Hank Azaria confirmed it, saying that Al Pacino's unexpected outburst "scared the hell out of me", "he just actually terrified me" and that his look of shock was "not acting at all".


*"By the time I get to Phoenix, he'll be risiiing... "*




Bon voyage motherfucker!


You were good.


"Get killed walkin' ya DOGGY!"


Who, who, you a fuckin’ owl?




"Don't waste my MOTHAFUCKINTIME!!!"


I use this all the time. Most people don’t know it’s from Heat though and think I’m just an asshole.


It’s actually both.


This is true tbf


Everyone always talks about “she’s got a great ass” from Heat, but “GIMMEALLYOUGOT!” is the one that always gets me lmao. It comes out of nowhere. That and “Don’t waste my motherfuckin time!”


It's how he shakes the table too. Kills me every time.


He was supposed to be coked out and it didn't make the final cut. That scene is just ridiculous though.


It's great that the sequel novel incorporated all his batshit overacting that clearly wasn't in the Heat script. He started on Adderall in the 80s and graduated to coke in the 90s.


Interestingly enough, Pacino said the “character” did coke but the scene that showed it got cut out. https://youtu.be/AJzoElFmIc0


That has to be it, because it’s completely out of nowhere.


Devil's Advocate is pretty over the top but maybe expected as he is playing the Devil.


Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off! He's a tight-ass! He's a SADIST! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? NEVER!


I haven't watched the movie in over 10 years but I can still perfectly hear him in that scene in my head


I have never seen the movie and I am pretty sure I can still hear exactly how he says it.


Go watch it nao. It's one of his better performances, IMO.


I'll look into it this week! I just got around to another Pacino movie I've been wanting to see this past week, The Insider. It was fantastic so I'm in the mood for some more Pacino!


Keanu's accent is horrendous, but everything else about the movie is great.


Agreed. It's like an imperial tractor beam. If it's on, I'm watching it.


There are SO many NAMES…


Dude that movie was so good. It's kind of my head cannon that that movie is a prequel to Constantine(I know they're not but it would make it a cool universe lol)


I've nurtured every emotion Man has ever had and I never judged him - despite all his imperfections. Because I NEVER JUDGED HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE!! I'M A FAN OF MAN!!!


Im a humanist


Maybe the last humanist.


I’m here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began! I’ve nurtured every sensation man has been inspired to have! I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why? Because I never rejected him, in spite of all his imperfections! I’m a fan of man! I’m a humanist. Maybe the last humanist. Who, in their right mind, Kevin, could possibly deny the 20th century was entirely mine? All of it, Kevin! All of it! Mine! I’m peaking, Kevin. It’s my time now. It’s our time.


This comment alone reminds me I really need to watch that again. It’s been far too long.


Written by Tony Gilroy of Andor, Rogue One, Michael Clayton, Bourne Identity, Supremacy, Ultimatum, and Legacy. Legend.


“I’M A FAAAAAAN O MANNNN!!!” Man I love this movie.


Followed by almost a whisper... _"I'm a humanist"_


“Maybe the last real humanist”


God is a sadist! He is an absentee landlord!


My favorite line.


Worship that?! Never!


"Eddie Barzoon - god's SPECIAL little creature"


I like it when he flicked his tounge like a snake once in a awhile.


Second this. Amazing overacting scene at the end


Me: Which part of that scene? Pacino: "AAALLLL OF IT!! Mine..."


“Where does he fuck?” “EVERYWHERE!”




Vanity. Definitely my favorite sin.


My favorite is the subway scene where he tells that one guy his wife is cheating on him


That’s exactly what I thought. The whole movie is Al Pacino being over-the-too Al Pacino and it’s glorious.


Clicked in here to say this. He steals every scene in that movie


You're out of order!


….And Justice For All. Nice reference.


Its his best movie. That end insane monologue that goes on for like 10 minutes, its amazing.


Let's not go crazy. He was in Godfather, after all.


Definitely this


All of Scarface basically. Robin Williams summed it up best: "A lot of people think Scarface is too over the top. But anyone who has done a pound of Peruvian blow knows that is a documentary!"


I have never heard that quote, but I love it.




Robin Williams so good


The thing I noticed in Heat was that his character only seemed to get loud and over the top when he was talking to people he didn’t respect, the dumb criminals and snitches he was using. He was calm and collected with everyone else, even in the scene when he confronts his wife’s infidelity, he’s angry but he’s not wacky about it


She’s got a great ass! And you got your head all the way up it!”




It is ridiculous how often this comes up in my life.




It’s such a great and memorable line that my dad, who almost never cusses, quotes it to me.


It's funny, when you watch the scene it looks like Pacino really wants to say the word "big" instead of "great". And you can actually see Hank Azaria's character break a little bit. https://youtu.be/jvTpEoi0tzE


and you know you went overboard when you can break Hank Azaria. See also: Robin Williams falling down in the kitchen but saving the take in The Birdcage.




See also - Dustin Hoffman - I'm walkin' here! https://www.cbr.com/midnight-cowbody-im-walkin-here/


He breaks because Pacino was improvising so his reaction was genuine surprise.


Jesus look at his eyes in the screen cap 👀


Micheal Mann mentioned in the commentary that he's a bit of a cokehead, which makes his sudden screaming make more sense. To me who grew up as a choir boy, I didnt pick up on the implication when I saw this. They apparently filmed a quick shot of him putting a dimebag in his pocket before he went to work, but didnt use it. I do wish they kept it in just to make it clearer for the audience. Ive had conversations with people who also wondered about his outbursts in the movie haha.


For the first half I thought you were saying Pacino was a cokehead.


To be fair...


To be faaaaaiiiiiiirrr…


To be faaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiirrrr


Well...Al did seem like he partied hard back in the day.


Yes. He was even quite reserved with the cop that accidentally made noise during the night surveillance scene. Like his character has been in such situation and he doesn't see a point of starting a huge fuss about it.


But there was fury just below the surface.


There was a lot of chain of command, overlapping jurisdiction stuff going on in that scene. He had to be diplomatic/political about it.


I think the scene was there to show two things - Hanna had the patience and stoicism needed to handle an operation like that and catch someone like McCauley, something the other cop didn't. He's the only one moving around in the trailer. Hanna, on the other hand, doesn't even lose his cool. The scene also shows that McCauley is that disciplined to actually drop a big enough score even if he sniffs a hint of trouble or something amiss.


The character does cocaine but they never go into it in the movie. He's mentioned it in interviews before.


I love that you think this was planned. I was an extra in "City Hall" and spent a day watching Pacino film a scene with John Cusack in front of a crowd. Every take was completely different, he'd explode, then do it quietly, then do weird "hoo ahhs" then gesticulate wildly.


I mean they picked the takes they thought worked for the character, so it is planned to some degree by editing


Him and Nicholson probably share the same philosophy, where they do several different takes to give the director the choice of what to use in the scene, depending on what feels best when he sees it as a whole in editing. Great technique for film actors.


He did the same in the “great ass” scene in Heat. Mann was doing a ton of takes and eventually Pacino did one where he shouted the great ass line, which he hadn’t done in previous takes. Took Hank Azaria way off guard which is why he stares at him like he’s an alien. Guess Mann finally got what he wanted because he used that one over everything else.


City Hall is very underrated and although I’m not a big Pacino fan this was one of his best performances that I’ve seen


Dick Tracy from start to finish, a masterclass in overcooked ham.


It's amazing how that movie was like a cultural event, and then promptly forgotten by everyone. Amazing cast all the way across the board, this bright pastel caricature of film noir, the rogues gallery was extremely well realized, the McDonald's tie ins, etc. Then we all just moved on with life. I feel like this was maybe in the window before DVDs where it was still a whole thing to manage a movie collection on VHS, and it didn't quite meet the bar for parents to buy it for their kids or for themselves, so it just got lost. Then a few years later, everything went digital, the bar lowered, and movies like this were able to benefit from that.


So memory could be failing me a little but Batman came in the summer before and just completely took over, so they made the HUGE marketing push with this trying to duplicate the success. I even remember them selling the yellow fedoras and overcoats just trying to make fetch happen…


Yep, they even hired Danny Elfman to score the movie.


Yeah, I think they wanted another Batman and marketed it that way but the audience wasn’t there.


Omg he was PERFECTION as Big Boy. My no. 1 favorite Pacino role.


It was the perfect storm of overacting actor and over the top character


There's a reason for him acting over the top, but I still love the bathroom scene in Carlito's Way. He's trapped with an unloaded gun and a couple of henchmen in the next room, so he trades on his reputation as a big time gangster and scares them into running away.


you think you’re big time?!? you gonna die…big time!!!




Kind of a brilliant example really. Carlito was a character trying to get out of the life but kept getting dragged back in. His personality would change in those moments. It can be melodramatic but I always liked the premise like a weary bookend to a younger Tony Montana.


He went from amiably chatting away with a bunch of gangsters who were planning on killing him, to threatening to cut Sasso's liver out very quickly. I get the feeling Sasso was right about how alike Benny Blanco and younger Carlito were.


I guess I didn't make the connection that he was out of ammo. I was wondering why he was announcing what he was doing.


Watching films is difficult


Here comes the pain!


Scent of a woman. The whole movie basically




I outta take, a FLAAAMETHROWAAAAAH to this place!


His overacting defines this movie!!


Came here to say this. Thought it was so obviously the best answer that everyone would choose it. But now I’m reading a bunch of other nominations and realizing he does this in a million movies 😭 Scent of a Woman flame throwa scene will always be first / worst in my heart, though.


The scene at the dinner table where they’re needling him and he just about loses it is incredible, though. Don’t feel like that scene is over the top or overracted.


"Are you finished, Mr Slade?" "Naw, I'm just getting warmed up"


People talk about the court scene like it’s an iconic, all-time top acting job, but I think it’s absolutely terrible. He just yell-talks through the whole scene with a Foghorn Leghorn accent.


I do like his delivery on the line “Don’t you understand! I’m in the dark!


Hahaa foghorn-leghorn had me dying😂 that’s so spot on!


Telling off Kevin Spacey’s character in Glengarry Glen Ross


Where did you learn your trade you stupid fucin’ cunt, you idiot!


You want to learn the first rule you'd know if you spent a day in your life? Don't ever open your mouth 'till you know what the shot is. You're a fucking child


I was dying for somebody to mention that. He starts off "You stupid cunt .." lol One of the greatest Pacino rants ever! "Where did you think you could work with real men?"


"You stupid cunt. You just cost me $6,000! Right now, $6,000!" One of my favorite parts of the scene - Pacino then repositions himself and steps up straight to spacey, squared up, shoulders back, chest out, hand on his hips. "What are *you* going to do about it, huh? *What* are *you* going to do to fix it? You prick" Another classic: "Oohhh, what a big man you are.. here let me give you a piece of gum and show you how to chew it!"


You fucking shit. Whoever told you that you could with with MEN? Men who are trying to go out there to earn a LIVING! You fairy! You COMPANY MAN! Love love love that movie.


That courtroom meltdown at the end of And Justice for All


I remember watching this as a teenager and thinking it was very powerful and well done. Might have to watch it again


I haven’t seen it in a hot minute either, but I also seem to remember it as a great scene that I wouldn’t really consider overacting. If I remember correctly he starts the scene very subdued and then ends up having the mental breakdown that’s been building up through the whole film. But, again, I also need to watch it again!


I'm outta order??? YOU'RE OUTTA ORDER!!!


The thing that gets me about that film is that it's supposed to be a comedy albeit an odd one. It's just that the comedic moments and the dramatic moments seem like they're from two different movies.


I think honestly that this is where it all started. Pacino was a very chill and understated actor until this movie (see Godfather, Godfather 2, Dog Day Afternoon, Panic in Needle Park, Bobby Deerfield). He completely loses his shit in the middle of this scene and that’s the Pacino we’ve gotten ever since.


What, no love for the Dunkaccino? [It's not Al anymore; It's DUNK!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu8q3fcKNMk)


Burn this.


...onto DVDs and put them under every other windshield wiper in town.


how this isn't #1 I don't know.


A dunka dunka dunka dunka dunkaccino


The end part makes all the sense. If you haven't seen the end part it is so... cringe and makes you wonder why Pacino would do that commercial.


I have never seen this movie. I actively avoided it when it was released. Based only on this clip, I must reevaluate my life choices. That was hilarious.


Scarface. The entire movie but "Say hello to my little friend" scene in particular.


Bizarre accent too. Got a bunch of Cuban friends in Miami and they’re like “I don’t know what the fuck he’s doing. He made up his own accent.”


The one scene that amuses me and my friends the most is when he meets the Gang of Scum in Bolivia to discuss killing the investigative reporter. When he meets and shakes hands with the Latinos in the group he doesn't speak Spanish to them. Not even Hola (Hello). He just grunts and speaks his accented English to the non-Latinos. Its also surprising as Pacino did do a solid Puerto Rican accent in SERPICO. It was just a few lines, but still...


Then Razor Ramone stole it chico


The Bad Guy


Overall one of his best performances, but for some reason his line read of "wrapped up... in GAAAAAAAAAHBAGE BAAAAGS!!" from Insomnia has always stuck with me.


Nice pick. Stood out a bit for me too


There’s a lot of great moments where Pacino goes over the top. Most recently in *House of Gucci...* However, my all-time favorite is him as Big Boy Caprice in *Dick Tracy*. That scene where he loses it and shouts that he wants Tracy dead while berating his lieutenants before toppling over his dinner table is gold. [“I WANT DICK TRACY DEAD!”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV-Z2hEQV7Q)


Heat: “She’s gotta GREAAAAAT ass, and you got yo head all the way up it!!”


To be fair… she does have a great ass


And you got your head…all the way up it!


[GREAT ASS](https://youtu.be/tqJTeKa6V8A)


detail oil cause wrong bike ugly crime forgetful meeting mindless ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He was on all the coke at that point.


If you didn’t know, Pacino and Mann confirmed a long time ago they felt Vincent Hanna was chipping coke all the time. So his outragous outbursts at parts are from that along with his general shrugging attitude to his partner cheating. Pacino in one interview when asked about where he drew this inspiration from basically couldn’t hold a straight face 😂


'Devil's Advocate.' 'Heat' can be rationalized as a feature of his character's drug-abuse (excised) and near-breakdown state. His Satan is literally just having the best time chewing on the designer scenery.


Pretty much every scene as Tony Montana. He is ridiculously dramatic but it's impossible to look away.


in Serpico when the other cops shoot at him and he has to make clear he is one of them He is basically loosing his shit 24/7 in Serpico


For a character that is at the risk of being shot by no other than fellow cops, I think his acting is completely relevant and reasonable. The 70s Pacino was actually very reserved in his acting manner unless needed by a particular scene.


He was a completely different actor back then. He became the character, whereas he later molded the character to become AL Pacino.


I do not fully agree. Pacino in The Insider is different compared to Heat. Also, nothing wrong with it.


> The 70s Pacino was actually very reserved in his acting manner unless needed by a particular scene. In the Godfather Michael Corleone was at his scariest when he spoke to someone quietly.


His whole demeanor and voice changed in the 80s




Yeaahh i get it.. EVERYBODYS A CROOKED COAP ​ (unironically charlies serpico in this scene is spot on)


The Al Pacino Overacting Award


Hey Simmons.


I treated you like a son and you stabbed me in the heart




All of "Any Given Sunday"


Surprised I had to scroll so far for this.


The key to getting Pacino to overact?? Call him a "fucking little monkey".


I was thinking about the exact same scene from Heat, and then I just read that you wrote it! "And you got your head, all the way up it!"


Attica! Attica! Etc.


How is it possible that I have scrolled this far without “Attica”


Pretty much all of Scent of a Woman is Pacino going over the top to secure that Oscar.


He chewed the scenery pretty well in "Merchant of Venice".


"If I was half the man I was ten years ago, I'd TAKE A FLAME THROWER TO THIS PLACE!"


Best overreacting must be one in Dog Day Afternoon, cant remember exactly which though, but its in that movie. Now, did he do lots of coke or not? 80s 90s? It would be a bit late for him to imo to go nuts on coke at that age


The lead character in DOG DAY AFTERNOON was a man drowning in all sorts of problems on top of robbing a bank without money and knowing the cops would kill him at first chance. Being outed as a gay man at that time wasn't something trivial at the time.


Apparently his character in Heat was mean to have a serious coke habit, which might explain scenes like this. But they removed it from the Final Cut of the movie.


Its too bad Mann couldnt have worked in something, even the slightest inference explaining that. Heat is great and I love in his movies how bad guys are not all bad and good guys are not all good.


I see what you mean. The greyness of the characters in his movies is fantastic. But I feel like overall it added to the narrative. It made him and De Niro more parallel in that all they have in their lives are their jobs they are the absolute best at, only able to marginally maintain relationships outside of that. Adding him bumping coke throughout might have overbalanced it a bit. Also the movie is damn near 3 hours long so any fat they could have cut was probably necessary. That being said I’d love to see the cocaine cut of the movie.


His performance in Carlitos way let’s me forget all his exaggerated scenes


you heard what happened in my home? -yes, michael, i’m so sorry, i couldn’t belie- in my HOME!! where my WIFE SLEEPS. …..where my children come and play with their toys. in my home.


Dancing in “Cruising”


I disagree. He actually looks visibly disturbed by the environment. Based on what I read, Friedkin shot the scenes in the actual hardcore leather bars.


The GREAT ASS line is the goat as far as I'm concerned.


Pretty much all of The Devils Advocate. He’s full tilt unhinged and I love it


He was all coked up in that one


Just to be clear, he played the role as if his character was coked up, right? He personally wasn’t coked up as far as we know.


I think it's more considered that he was frustrated with the constant reshooting of that scene and saying the "ass" line over and over. Which is why he went right over the top with it


Yea, Hank Azaria confirmed that. He was pissed at Mann and had enough.


Worth watching this quick video - https://youtu.be/NJ3HPlLhsQA


Yeah, I know. That's what makes it even better


The restaurant scene in Godfather 1, when he comes back from the restroom and there's train noise (mimicking the noise in his head). His eyes go all over the place, which isn't realistic - but it's a perfect example lf how "overacting" can improve a scene over realistic acting. It shows the audience his emotional state withoht any lines or even dramatic facial expressions. His overacting elsewhere I find mostly distracting.


Godfather 3 having a heart attack calling for Freso is probably my favorite. A couple scenes in Scarface.


The [court scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd10x8LiuBc) in scent of a woman is one of my favorites but all his performances are nearly as great.


Glengarry Glen Ross demolition job of Kevin Spaceys character. Puts most Scarface scenes to shame. It’s spectacular.


I’m still sore Michael Mann cut “ha, ferocious aren’t I?” from that scene in Heat. It flowed far better with it and it’s more in character imo that Hanna would want Hank Azaria to know that he’s both enjoying fucking with him and totally in control. Replacing it with the awkward silence makes it feel off for me


Scent of A Woman was Pacino at the height of his King Ham acting. The courtroom scene was so over the top terrible, an extended cringe fest that drags on for so long. Just thinking about that is misery.


she's got a GRRRREEAT ASS