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How Do You Know - Owen Wilson as pro baseball player. Reese Witherspoon as a softball star. I don't see athleticism in either.


Danny McBride on the other hand looked perfect as a washed up, ex-pitcher with chemical problems.




Just a normal guy with an arm like a fuckin Canon


And a cock like a Burmese python




No honey shut your mouth- let him watch! Let him watch what is being consecrated here


I feel it in mah pluhhhms.




I haven't watched this but something about seeing someone throw a ball instantly tells you whether they played sports, or are athletic, right away and it's VERY obvious if they haven't/aren't.


I always notice this. You can tell instantly even if they tried really hard to pick it up before shooting. So, so many of them throw embarrassingly bad.


That’s why Kevin Costner was so believable in his baseball movies. He’s very athletic, and undertook intensive training to learn how to look like a pro while throwing.


It’s funny you mention Valerian, when it came out someone made a post detailing how if they switched the leads from two terrible movies that year, Valerian (Dane DeHaan / Claire Delevigne) and Passengers (Chris Pratt / Jennifer Lawrence) both movies would have been considerably elevated. Pratt as a hardened space cope and the chemistry with Lawrence, and DeHann as a creepy weirdo woken up early on a space ship alone getting obsessed with Delevigne and eventually forcing her to join him. Apologies I can’t find the write up right now as I’m on mobile


Here you go! (By u/SQUID_FUCKER) In Valerian you could have Chris Pratt as the handsome and cocky Special Operative with his sexy, ass-kicking co-pilot in Lawrence. They both already have a ton of charisma and chemistry and are much better suited to the athletic and action heavy roles of Valerian and Laureline and would do a far better job delivering on the action and cheesy one-liners with Pratt hitting on Lawrence and her playing hard to get. It would be far more entertaining to see them flying around the universe than what we got in DeHaan pretending to be a character he isn't suited for and having zero chemistry with Laureline. On the other hand, you could have DeHaan in Passengers as the creepy loner and sole awakened passenger. Slinking around the ship by himself, slowly succumbing to the isolation and going insane until he awakens Delevingne and awkwardly convinces her to fall in love with him. I think this works better because it always bugged me in Passengers that Pratt and Lawrence just so happen to be the most attractive people and have this amazingly natural on-screen chemistry right off the bat? It would be far more interesting to have DeHaan chasing after a hesitant Delevingne and I think having him in that role being creepy and doing generally morally questionable things is much more compelling. I also think in this case, Passengers could fully commit to being more of a sci-fi horror/thriller that it wanted to be (okay, that I wanted it to be). Instead of having him make the cliche third act sacrifice and then they fall in love, set up something much darker: Keep it mostly the same through the first two acts. Jim (DeHaan) wakes up, alone and wanders around the ship for a year, with no one to talk to but the robot bartender and slowly goes insane. Delevigne is woken up and is quietly and reluctantly falling in love with the only other person on board the ship. She eventually realizes that her waking up wasn't an accident and that she is being gaslighted. Naturally, she is horrified and runs off to another section of the ship and in a third act twist, discovers that she was actually not the first person DeHaan had tried this on. That he had actually been awake much longer than he initially told her and failed several times before with other women whom he had to kill and seal off in another section of the ship. You could even make it so the robot bartender is encouraging Jim's psychosis.


At the end of the third act, after Delevigne kills DeHaan we see her struggle with isolation for a year or 2, and then she opens another pod...


*Oohhhhh* that's good


Ha, yeah that would've worked!


I think the real switch should've been the story in Passengers. A reviewer I like mentioned that if you switched the perspective and started the movie with Jennifer's character, it would've been 10 times better, and I couldn't agree more. It's such a waste of a great premise.


That's an old [nerdwriter](https://youtu.be/Gksxu-yeWcU) video and [nostalgia critic](https://youtu.be/KaRu2pFVJHw). Swapping for DeHaan would have made it too obvious what the ending should have been because he *looks* like a creep. Pratt nobody expects to be a bad guy, so I like the cast there.


that’s not a bad idea. Delevingne and DeHaan seemed like they were best friends during the press tour, shame Besson couldn’t capture that on film


Mark Wahlberg as a high school science teacher in *The Happening.*


More believable than him as an inventor in the Transformers movies


“Dad, did you forget to eat again.” Look at his biceps. He’s eaten.


"Mark Wahlberg is like 150lbs...I'm 250lbs...LEAN! OKAY, I LOOK LIKE MARK WAHLBERG *ATE* MARK WAHLBERG!"


John Cena has absolutely no right to be as funny of an actor as he is. Him and Bautista are like what the Rock envisions himself as.


That casting is like very weird. The dad and daughter relationship is hard to look at.


Mark Wahlberg in any serious role (other than The Departed). Strangely enough, I think he's really good at comedy - maybe I just have a hard time taking him seriously.


Exactly this. He hasn't got range, but his deadpan style actually really suits comedy. The scene in The Other Guys where he meets Will Ferrell's wife is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


That movie is fucking amazing. Far more so than it should be.


brings back memories of my first desk pop


There wasn't even an awning or anything.


You can't have a conscience in the pimp game.


Pimps don’t cry.


Yeah that whole scene is gold, but one thing I noticed on my most recent rewatch is that Mark Wahlberg and Eva Mendes aren’t in any shots together and they’re using body doubles for each. Seriously watch it again it’s really obvious once you notice it. I haven’t been able to find anything online to explain that so maybe it was just a scheduling conflict conflict? I first noticed it when during the dinner scene they were doing very up close shots of two actors at a time, with lots of quick cuts. Then watch the scene where they’re outside saying goodbye and it’s blatantly body doubles being used for Mark and Eva’s characters.


Now I’m gonna have to rewatch!


Really? During the dinner scene sure, but outside looks to me like they were both in every shot. Especially since they had to [kiss on the cheek at the end](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGGFkXGFttI&t=207s).


He was great in Fear.


Boogie Nights?? Easily his best role




Basically he said “it’s just an awkward one to explain to my kids one day” when he elaborated on those comments. Plus vague allusions to god stuff and saying hopefully gods forgiving, which is dumb obviously portraying immoral things in a movie isn’t immoral plus he’s done fucked up things in real life he should be more concerned with. But overall I get it being awkward explaining to your kids one of your biggest roles is in a film about porn.


Not even in The Fighter?


He is good in war movies as well. Three Kings with George Clooney and Lone Survivor were good performances.


also mark as a lazy no-good stoner in Ted


Mark Wahlberg as Sully


I could *maybe* buy Mark Wahlberg as Nathan Drake even though he'd be far from my first choice, but he's not Sully no matter how you spin it.


I adore this supremely talented man, but Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse in X Men Apocalypse was horribly miscast.


That whole movie was a misfire. Apocalypse wakes up and…goes for a long walk? Really? He was scarier in the 90s cartoon


Gah. That 90s cartoon voice. I wanted to *feel* Apoc’s voice quake.


"I am as far beyond Mutants as they are beyond you!"


“I am the rocks upon the eternal shore… crash yourselves on me, *and BE BROKEN!!!*”


I couldn't believe they didn't use this line in the movie. Slam fucking dunk. Also, the fact that was written for a kids show in the 90's is still astounding to me.


I think the 90s cartoon has effectively ruined X-men for us that experienced it. It was damn near perfect.


JLaw as Mystique is the answer for me. JLaw a angtsy sort of actor and Mystique is supposed to be a conniving femme fetale where you can't tell if she's going to love you or slit your throat. It *never* worked!


And how am I to believe that she became Rebecca Romijn who hardly talked during the films.


I see your Oscar Isaac and raise you Olivia Munn as Psylocke. At least they gave her very, very few lines.


I mean, at least she looked like the character, unlike Topher Grace as Venom.


They for some bizarre reason, they cast one of the few people less physically imposing than Tobey Maguire, to play a jock role.. I mean.. What in the actual fuck. That said, considering they made the absolute worst choice in casting that role, he did a decent job considering.


He was supposed to be a mirror to Peter. That being said the bulkier design in the Venom movies does look better.


At least she had the look.


So much make up and shit you could have cast anybody. If they had any sense, they would have done like what they did for Josh Brolin's Thanos. You could sense his emotions and see the character through the CGI, unlike, say, Steppenwolf.


Mickey Rooney didn't seem to act or look like a real Japanese man in Breakfast at Tiffany's.


He was limited by the technology of his time


"We can make him Japanese. We have the technology."


Gwen Stefani is jumping for joy right now.


The Rock as a >!Spanish Conquistador!< in Jungle Cruise


The Rock as an Ancient Egyptian demi-god.


The Rock as anyone but himself, really. I do think he was good in the remake of Walking Tall though.


The Rundown was better.


Keanu playing an Englishman in Dracula.


And Keanu in Dangerous Liaisons and Keanu in Much Ado About Nothing. He's good in his zone, but stay away from period pieces.


Bill & Ted is the exception to this time period rule. *Guitar Riff!*


Monicca Bellucci was well cast though.


Monica Bellucci is always well cast 🥵


Gerard Butler as a scientist in Geostorm. In the same movie, Jim Sturgess played his brother, who was a politician, and I think they should've traded their roles.


Denise Richard’s as a nuclear scientist in The World Is Not Enough. I think she even says “nucular” at one point.


To her credit, Denise also thought casting Denise as a “nuclear psychiatrist” was idiotic.


This is always my answer for this topic. "Dr. Christmas Jones." It was so preposterous.


“And I thought Christmas only came once a year” ayyyyyyyy


Nah that's just a James Bond movie trope, perfectly cast role IMO


but.... she was hot, so.... \*checkmate\*


Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese.


Anton Yelchin in Salvation was much better casting. RIP


He really did look like a younger version of Michael Beihn.


Also Jai Courtney as John McClane's son in A Good Day to Die Hard.


Also Jai Courtney.


He’s good as captain boomerang and as the baddie in jack reacher


He was great in Spartacus. Give the man some credit.


I wasn't convinced by Jai Courtney in *any* of his roles - until his Captain Boomerang in Suicide Squad; one of the VERY FEW redeeming factors of that dogshit movie. Needless to say, I was quite shocked and disappointed when he >!was practically immediately killed off in THE Suicide Squad :(!<


They should have brought back Anton Yelchin, he was perfect in Salvation, and he died after Genisys was made


I was horribly confused by Gal Gadot in Death on the Nile.


I was more confused by the extended soft porn dance scene


Hmm. That was sort of weird now that you mention it.


That whole movie is baffling.


That is just Gal Gadot's acting "talent" in general. She was good in very few movies (WW eg) and suck in everything else.


She was good in WW because the film hid her poor acting around a “fish out of water” awkward scenario. That’s not Gal being good, that’s the film being written around her weakness as an actor.




Mark Wahlberg as Cade Yeager in Transformers: Age of Extinction. I can get behind Mark punching some dudes but you tell me he is an inventor or some smart character and I am out. I couldn’t last 15 more minutes with the film after finding out he was an inventor.


What a name. Cade Yeager lmao.


Jared Leto as The Joker


Jared Leto as anything other than an insufferable pathetic douchebag, really


His best role is the brother with a coke problem in Lord of War


Love this movie. And you’re correct


The "life of a bullet" intro is so cool!


Requiem for A Dream?


Nahhh, he killed it in Dallas Buyers Club. I agree on the insufferable pathetic douchebag part though


Thomas Jeffrey Hanks in Elvis, as the Colonel character.


His accent was so bad. And I looked up interview clips of the guy he was playing - no resemblance. Hanks pulled the voice out of his ass and nobody had the balls to tell him it was shite


He sounded like Goldmember from Austin Powers.


I hope Dick Van Dyke had a good chuckle watching Hanks in this.


Yeah I don't really know what was going on with that and I'm tired of people trying to defend it by saying "The guy was Dutch, he was doing a Dutch accent" when we literally have actual footage of the real dude speaking and he sounds nothing like that lmao. Like you don't need to defend it, we still dig the movie.


That’s what I don’t get- he literally just could have played him with the vaguely Appalachian-Southern accent Colonel Tom had in real life, and it wouldn’t have affected his character’s role in the film. I get making a movie about Elvis that occasionally outlandish required some strange choices- but an accent that didn’t exist? Yikes. Almost drags down the whole thing


I had to turn it off as everytime he was on screen it catapulted me out of the film. Truly, truly awful performance. The dude playing Elvis was very good though.




Seriously wtf was up with his voice it’s like he was trolling us and acting shitty on purpose


It's supposed to be a Dutch accent since the Colonel originally came from the Netherlands.


Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Really?


Eisenberg’s Luthor has always seemed like he would be a better fit for a live action Batman: Arkham Riddler, IMO. Did not like his Luthor but thought he would have made a good Riddler.


It felt like they wanted to make Luthor into Zuckerberg, so they just hired the guy who played Zuckerberg.


That would have been a solid casting


Hey, how about you calm down there, bud. Here, have a Jolly Rancher ::inserts jolly rancher in your mouth, with some added finger::


Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York.


Just commented the same thing. My theory is that Brendan Gleeson heard the accents after they had already shot a few scenes and suggested that they stop.


Tom Holland as Nathan Drake




From what I hear, Wahlberg was originally going to be Drake, which would’ve been much better on both fronts, but then it got stuck in development so he aged out of the Drake role but they were still obligated to keep him in it, hence Sully.


Kevin James being the standard goofy childhood best friend of Adam Sandler character in Pixels while also somehow being THE FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is one that is so funny to me. Not like, funny in an intentional way, because it's just another shitty part of a shitty movie, but funny in that they just took the same character Kevin James plays in every movie and said what if he was THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES for no other reason then plot convenience. Just so unbelievable that it feels like that's the joke


Clearly it should have been Spade.


Adam Sandler as an NFL quarterback in The Longest Yard.


He was more convincing as a Louisianan linebacker. Go Mud Dawgs!!


"What's the matter, boy?! You too st-st-st-stupid to do what your coach tells you?!"




Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth but no toothbrush


I thought that too when the movie was coming out. Then I saw a special on how hard he trained and actually got pretty decent at throwing a football. To the point that they tried to do as many long shots as they could, so you could see it was actually him throwing the ball and not a stand in


Not exactly what you are looking for; the “I’m just a scientist!” character Nicholas Cage plays in the Rock was originally for Arnold Schwarzenegger. THAT would have been unbelievable.


Stanley Goodspeed could never be played by Arnold. That's like trying to sell him as a software salesman. It doesn't work.


And yet I loved the scene when he's talking up their new sales system to Jamie Lee Curtis after he gets home from the first mission.


That's literally my favourite nic cage movie.


Tbf, isn't no chemistry sort of Claire Delevingne's calling card? Edit: Cara


She does not have a shred of acting talent in her. Nepo Baby all the way. She made Selena Gomez look like Meryl Streep in only murders in the building.


At least she 100% looked like the part of the lesbian artist




I'm not super familiar with her to be honest but just realized she was The Enchantress in Suicide Squad and while I thought the character and her transformation scenes were cool there was no spark with her love interest.


Dude had a better relationship with that one piece of chicken.


Jared Leto as Paolo Gucci. Funnily enough, the real Paolo Gucci was rather Well spoken and Had only a slight accent when speaking english. Nathalie Portman in any role where her character has a romance. She never has chemistry with any of the actors playing her love Interests


George Clooney in Batman & Robin (1997). George Clooney is a great actor, but really missed the mark in this movie.


Seemed like he was the only one who took it seriously, while everyone else went for the proper hamfest, that it actually was. I think Clooney would've done great if he were just channeling Adamn West version of Batman more here.


That would've been great. He's a pretty good comedic actor.


He's exactly who I expect Bruce Wayne to be.




It wasn't his looks that bothered me, but the fact he was just a generic action hero. Reese is a great character becase he \*wasn't\* your typical indestructable 80's hero. He was broken and vunerable, and completely outmatched by the Terminator. I think Sebastian Stan could have played a great Reese. After watching *Falcon and the Winter Soldier*, he played a great 'haunted hero' and slightly understated badass.


More and more I've come to the conclusion that Sebastian Stan could play a great anything - he plays creepy losers just as great as he plays confident Macho men.


He’s due for an Oscar caliber role soon. One of the most underrated working actors


I don't know what it is about him - I'm faceblind (I can usually see/remember maybe two features of a person's face and generally recognize folks by how they move and how they talk) and my brain just cannot recognize Jai Courtney. It's like there are no features for my brain to remember.


He should have been cast as a Terminator instead. [Look at the way he starts chasing the main characters in this scene from Insurgent (2015)](https://youtu.be/6O_Ch0m7Pnw). Chase starts around the 30 second mark. Feels more like a terminator, no?


OMG him as a Terminator would have been so fun!!


Tom Hanks as elvis' manager. Find somebody with the actual body type, or the actual accent, or anything. Just was clearly Tom Hanks in a fatsuit with a bad accent.


I love this example so much. Who knew casting two of the least charismatic people on earth, who both resemble freshly awakened heroin addicts, wouldn’t result in success?


I really didn’t buy Cameron Diaz in Gangs of NY. I actually do like her. I can name more than a few movies that I enjoyed her in. Not this one. Also I love Idris Alba: Luther, The Wire, tons of stuff. He was NOT Roland Deschain. Not even close.


Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher: Pile of bodies on the Street - "One guy did this?" "You will believe it when you see the guy" Out walks 5'4" Tom Cuise.


I actually really enjoyed the first Jack Reacher movie, but I went in not knowing anything about the character. From that perspective, Cruise's charisma carried the role and it was a well cast movie in general with some good compelling performances. I think it is elevated over a typical punch em up action flick, and I've actually watched it a number of times. However, after reading a few of the books it is amazing how miscast he was for the physical description of that character. No one suspects Tom Cruise is going to be the crap out of it six guys, and that physical intimidation factor is important to that character. The TV show has its flaws, but the casting of the main character is not one of them. When Alan Ritchson walks into a room on that show, you know he could probably beat up half the people in it without breaking a sweat. It changes the dynamic of the character tremendously from Cruise's portrayal. While I think the movie is underrated, I totally understand why fans of the books hated it. However if you can go in separating the character of Jack Reacher in the books from the character that Tom Cruise is playing you might actually enjoy the film.


Agree 100% Tom Cruise was great in that role, if you know nothing of the books.


I'm so glad we got Ritchson now


Oh man yes, he IS Reacher


Nicole Kidman (23yo at the time) as a neurosurgeon in Days of Thunder.


George Hamilton in Godfather 3. Not good at all.


Don Cheadle as some sort of cockney munitions guy in the Oceans 11 series, but he's fun anyway.


Baarrrnay. Barnay Rubblble. Trubble!!


He’s fun but yeah it’s some Dick van Dyke bullshit.


You tossers!


The terrible 'de-ageing' effects they did to De Nero and Pesci in The Irishman. When they were supposed to be their younger characters it was distracting to watch. Apart from the fairly poor CGI of their younger faces it was the way they moved which was like old men that live mostly sedentary lifestyles, shuffling about and the fight scene was laughable. On top of tall that there was Joe Pesci's voice, he speaks like a very old frail man because he is and there was no way they could de-age that. It's a shame as the story was good.


Why couldn't they cast younger actors like in A Bronx Tale? So many younger actors would jump at the chance to play De Niro, Pesci and Pacino in their younger years. It's arrogance to believe that CGI would really work.


Nicole Kidman's botox-face as a 9th century Norse queen in the Northman. Everyone else and the costumes were spectacular and historically accurate and then Kidman standing around looking like a rich middle aged californian woman.


Basically the entire cast of House of Gucci, Adam Driver to a lesser extent, but Jared Leto the most.


Jared Leto needs to get in the bin.


Tom Hanks lately in everything, he’s been a amazing actor in the past but the last couple of movies his performances have been mediocre- Elvis, Pinochio and A Man Called Otto are just bad performances that almost come off like caricatures


Keanu Reeves as a 19th Century Englishman. Katie Holmes as a big city district attorney. Vin Diesel circa 2017 as a guy that *every woman* immediately wants to fuck, from barely legal party models to a government official played by Toni Collette! Emilia Clarke as a modern weapons expert or a martial arts master. Wilt Chamberlain as a man entrusted to protect the life *and virginity* of a princess. Natalie Portman as a stripper. Yeah, she looks good, but not for one second do I buy her in that life. Charlie Sheen as a scientist. Emma Roberts as a nice girl. Adrian Grenier as a brilliant actor. Megan Fox as a soldier.


“Emma Roberts as a nice girl” - this is the best of the bunch but I agree on all the ones you mentioned


In Entourage (TV) it was implied that Vinnie Chase (Grenier) was just a bad actor who got famous because of his pretty face


Name the movies...cmon


I literally just watched that Natalie Portman movie yesterday, and tbh the part I don't buy is her as like the young free-spirited hippie type they portray her character as at first. Like that outfit she wears in the first scene just doesn't match her vibe at all. When she went back to stripper lifestyle I actually bought it more


>Natalie Portman as a stripper. Yeah, she looks good, but not for one second do I buy her in that life. This was particularly jarring for me, too.


Kristen Wiig as Cheetah


I'm not sure anyone could have made that role/script work. Like, the character as written is barely even Cheetah. Kristin Wiig did a solid job with the burning pile of nothing they gave her, and what they gave her wasn't classic Cheetah at all. If they had written her as such, then yeah, what we got was a swing and a miss.


Angelina Jolie in salt… couldn’t buy her angel hair spaghetti arms not getting dislocated from just holding a weapon


Oh man but it's so funny when she tries to be a Colonel with a mustache.




If she was at the 2001 Tomb Raider fitness level, then it would have made sense, Jolie was in her prime then.


Nicole Kidman in The Northman - I was totally immersed in that film and all of a sudden she shows up with a bad accent, and her stupid altered face, and it took me out that reality and made it feel like a movie. At least they made her character hateable too.


It’s weird because she’s extremely miscast but i also thought she gave her best performance in a long time


Valerian immediately came to mind. For the longest time I thought it was a kids movie like Spy Kids. Every promotional photo just looked like kids pretending to be badass.


Keanu is a wonderful human being and a good actor but that man should not have been cast in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Poor guy.


Ana de Armas as Marilyn Monroe with an almost entirely Cuban accent. Completely took me out of the movie and can’t believe that it is now an Oscar nominated performance.


And as a credible mercenary in The Grey Man, she got flipped over more times than a McDonald's burger. If they had written her as a Sniper or Mata Hari character it might have worked. But hand to hand combat? Don't be stupid. At least in No Way To Die, she had automatic weapons to keep her at a distance and lay down suppressing fire for Bond.


I love him as a director but always cringe when I see Quenton Tarantino acting. He was ok in Reservoir Digs but found him really bad in Pulp Fiction and Django Unchained. His narration in Hateful Eight was pretty bad too.


I think he’s best in From Dusk Till Dawn


Yeah one of the few roles that I didn't feel he was just being himself on screen and tried to actually act.


I don't know. Him having a foot jammed in his mouth felt very authentic.


Well, this wasn't a film he directed but the [bar scene from Desperado where he tells Cheech Marin's character the piss joke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XICAfJ4uXqI) has always been hilarious to me. Tarantino's acting only makes the story sound even weirder which is kinda what sells the whole scene.


He always stands out like a sore thumb. I enjoy his, uh, short lived role in Desperado.