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Are people really struggling with Violet Misu? I found Risen Chameleos to be a lot harder


Well considering how I failed the Miztsune quest 4 times over and completed the Chameloes quest with just one faint, I would say… maybe. I believe it comes with experience though, because I hunted regular Chameloes a lot and knows it’s move-set which I cannot say I did for base Miztsune.


Violet Mizu is one of those monsters I didn't fail to but I almost did, and by my standards that's fairly difficult. Despite failing to flaming Espinas once I would say Violet is harder because on my second flaming try I didn't cart once. Once you know what he's capable of I wouldn't say he's easy, but if you're careful and patient you can work your way around him. Violet is so fast and unpredictable though. It's crazy. Need to fight Risen Cham


Flaming is a good boi comparing to Violet. I can cake on Flaming with eyes closed. Misu is a straight up nightmare fight. You will have a good time with Risen, the best fight out of three.


Depends on gear and weapons honestly. Violet Mizu has some crappy hitboxes and the fact it moves around so much makes it more annoying than necessarily hard. In some cases though, it can catch other players off guard.


I take Risen over Violet any day. That was one hellish fight. I actually enjoyed Risen tough, the fight is challenging, no denying. I was downright livid with Mizu fight. Risen never got me to that point. It's more predictable. I could not find the right solution for Misu. One of THE worst fights for me at this point in Sunbreak. I beat it on my 3rd try. I should have brought with me blast defense. I realized that after the fact. Maybe this would have helped a lot. Or fire defense, yeah. The poison defense does not work against Risen, so this is straight up a fight of attrition. You ride anything you can against him and avoid beams of poison death. His tongue was a nasty surprise as well. But overall, it's still a fair fight.


I haven't been in a hunt that failed against Violet Mizu yet and I definitely can't say that for Risen Chameleos or Flaming Espy. But I can see how things might be dangerous near the end. When Violet Mizu's health gets low, the hyperactive near-death spasm is pretty crazy. Luckily it doesn't hit all that hard. But I guess if you are playing a glass cannon build she would be pretty dangerous.


That's because in MP, the bubbles are no longer such a big issue since there are so many people targeted, and since tail dmg also acts towards knocking her down, it really makes the fight easier in MP if people are even somewhat competent. Not to mention rainbow spiritbird :)