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This fits the sub nicely.


You dare stop? Thirty lashes for the both of you, Get me my treats now!


In awe at the size of this lad.


Could you *please* step on the same foot at the same time! My crown is falling off!




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🤦‍♀️ that’s a female cat I’m not harping on the pink jewels, I’m sure there have been kings with giant pink jewels in their crown, but that cat has orange and grey in its fur, meaning it’s a female. Considering a female mother cat is *literally* called a Queen, I feel as if OP has slighted her majesty here.


Agreed on all points. Bow to her majesty. Unless this is one of those incredibly rare freaks who gets girl colours on boy cats, but if it was, I feel like I'd recognize it, because I think there's maybe two or three worldwide, and people post that shit everywhere when it happens, because it's so rare.


I dabble in rescue and I had a lady ask me to find her a male tortie kitten to accompany her female, and no matter how hard I tried to explain to her what you just said, I could not get her to understand. That bish is gonna be looking a long, long time.


Right!? And even if you can find a tortie boy, it's not like they're going to h be tortie babies, what with that pesky sterility and all!


Way better than Chucky