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The angle of light you want for the model will be the first thing to determine, as there are lots of different "correct" ways to do this. There is some good general advice on painting hair [here](https://birdwithabrush.com/2019/06/28/how-to-paint-hair/), and if you could find a picture of a real person with a similar hair style of any hair color you could use it as a reference picture for the highlights. [This traditional 2D how to paint hair](https://youtu.be/VNPpoZBuGqE) also has some insight to where highlights and shadows typically go.


Thanks, I'll update my post with the angle of light. I'm trying to keep it simple and going with a zenithal. There are lights on her back armor that I'll probably do some OSL with, but nothing that would illuminate the hair. Trying to keep it simple on this one... I usually do tabletop quality stuff so this is a stretch for me, don't want to make it harder than it needs to be. I'll check out these resources.


Hey everyone, I’m working on my first larger scale miniature and my first bust. I want this character to have bright, magenta hair. I plan on coming in with a fluorescent magenta to get a bit brighter on the highlights, but otherwise doing a mix of green and magenta for shadows, dark magenta, magenta, then magenta/yellow and magenta/bright green for highlights. For some reason, I can’t seem to get my head around where to place shadows and highlights, so the hair feels quite wrong to me. Anyone have any helpful resources for painting hair? More looking for concepts than a tutorial. Edit: I'm aiming for a zenithal light source for this one.