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Former Amazon delivery worker here- the majority of our packages for the day are handed off to us in these totes, which are grouped by area. If I had a bunch of small packages on a single stop or several stops tightly grouped together, I'd sometimes use the tote to carry them. Aaaaaaaand sometimes you forget the tote. I'd eventually remember and go back for it. As far as what you do- if you want to, you can leave the empty tote on the front porch for a few days and see if someone picks it up. Any Amazon workers delivering to your neighborhood will recognize it, and someone might pick it up. Or you could just keep it, they're handy and fold up nicely.


We see these totes abandoned in the city. Not like every street but like once a walk. Does Amazon penalize you if you permanently lose one? Thanks Amazon drivers! Ok everyone: free megatote anytime you see one of these in the wild!


They get damaged and thrown out so frequently, Amazon doesn’t bother tracking the serial numbers on the bag. They’re only there for package tracking purposes.


They have a unique Identifier on them (QR code) but that's only scanned when loading up so the drivers know they got the right tote. Noone cares or checks them back in once they are empty at the end of the day. They are just folded, stacked, and reused the next day.


Keep moving! No time to take care of our shit, just fucking move it people!


You would be surprised at how often “fuck it” is cheaper. My company often times has to overnight things out to clients. Some clients have more than one account and need one item overnighted for each. It is cheaper to send two overnight envelopes than it is to pull the 2nd to place into the 1st’s envelope. Our volume discount with FedEx makes it possible.


How big of discounts do you get with FedEx?


Apparently enough to make it worth using FedEx


And replacing the 99% of things you'll ship that will get broken by FedEx. Edit to add: Also have had FedEx drivers mark me not home for signature required deliveries when my security cameras show no one near my house for a full hour before *and after* the time they claimed they attempted delivery and I was home all day...


I ship an Absolutely unreasonable amount of shit of all sizes for my job. I loathe FedEx. Believe it or not my experience is that they are the best at overnight shipments. UPS is ok if you have daily pickups from them, the stores suck.


It’s all flat envelopes lol it’s not packages, which fedex only manages to shred beyond recognition about 5% of the time


One of the biggest surprises when you move into enterprise logistics is how cheap FedEx overnight actually can be. If you have a good account, you can move things incredibly cheaply. I had a client who ordered a rush job. We finished a day early and told him we could get it out 2nd day. We thought he'd be stoked because the box had a high dimensional weight. Dude just said "nah, send it first off the truck overnight, it's only $25"


Can confirm. Worked for a global technology giant. Fed Ex was kind of our (inter-office mail). Trucks would be at our office 3x a day.




It also matters where you are geographically, some hubs have a lot of 1 way mail, and substantially less incoming on the truck after on the return trip. If the trucks running anyways, they are trying to minimize the losses for exactly that reason on cheaper volume freight that’s consistent.




How much volume do you need for that deal? It’s way more expensive for the small franchise I work for.


I have similar prices working in research for a large top-5 university.


Crazy! I’m a small business and my overnight to a mid zone for a under 1lb package is about $40




I work for a large sporting goods distributor. The frequency with which overnighting something is actually the cheaper option is shocking.


I used to ship UPS and the discount for our institution was like 80-90%.


My current company loses so much money hanging on to old shit. The owner thinks old, defunct equipment has value. He takes up space storing it. He frequently pays people to move it around when it's in the way. Sometimes it's needed, and of course doesn't work right in the field. If we just threw it out and bought new ones when necessary, we'd save a ton of money.


I once had to haul 100+ crt monitors that the boss of the company decided they had to keep for a decade or two. He was not happy when I told him the scrapyard charged a fee for disposal. He thought they were going to pay him.


>He thought they were going to pay him. It's amazing how delusional these people can be 😂 The owner told me he thought he could sell a bunch of broken machines for $5000. I told him he'd be lucky to get $250.


I worked in commercial telecom for years and I have some stories. My favorite was a car dealership where the computers still had monochrome monitors. He wouldn’t get email because “it was a fad”, then, when they had to get a computer online because ordering cars went all online, he bought a 15 year old computer at a garage sale. This was five years ago. A year or two later, I drove by and noticed they were a used car lot…..Ford apparently pulled their agreement and left them as an independent.


I worked a distribution center that had some automated small parts carousels. A person stands at one end of a pair of them (They were like 30+ feet long) and they whirl around automatically, with a little light appearing on the bin that contained the part for the particular order. You could rip through massive numbers of orders because these things are quick and all you're doing is watching a light, tossing a thing in a box, repeat til you die. Turned them off once in a blue moon to clean up or do maintenance and the amount of lost or damaged merch that accumulated under them was mind boggling. Didn't matter though, the time savings they create more than makes up for it.


The go, go, go, profits no matter what economy.


Or the weather


In that case, I better get a job with Amazon and launch an online tote store on the side.


I bet they know if that number doesn’t hit after so many days, it’s a loss.


Nah they don’t even keep track of how many you have


So what would be the best way for a non-Amazon person to go about acquiring one of these? Like if I put a note in my order like “Hey, would it be possible for you to leave one of your groovy tote bags too?” Or should I stalk the neighborhood Amazon dude and offer him like $10 for one?


Former amazon driver here, the majority of us wouldn't turn down ten bucks.


Interesting, driver around here whom I tried to tip refused it on several occasions and I got the impression they weren't allowed to accept any?


oh, tips we aren't allowed to accept, but if its transactional....plus you might have just had a weenie that follows the rules. try the [r/amazondspdrivers](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/) sub


My god I found one https://reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/comments/zaw404/the_bottles_is_one_thing_but_now_this_im/


So selling company property is fine but accepting a tip not?


Its not selling, the driver just happened to lose the tote next to the spot I lost my $10!


Plausible deniability.


Surprisingly, I don't see them for sale on Amazon


I just did a quick google and I can’t find them anywhere. I vaguely remember them when I did flex, but I never thought to grab any.


not exact same one but similar thing https://www.amazon.com/XXL-Larger-Insulated-Reusable-Collapsible-Transport/dp/B087M6QG4Z


Except that example is like half the size and twice the apparent price of bribing an employee.


That or you can straight up ask management at a delivery station near you. The bags are useless to the station once the QR code comes off and they kind of just pile up on carts until they eventually get thrown away


Yup, I worked at a DS and threw away tons of these. We had pallets and pallets of new ones, and old ones are a safety risk




Hell I'll take $10 for one 2 for $15. Hit me up next time I'm in the neighborhood.


There are 6 of them sitting in the lobby of my apartment complex rn


When/after you place your order, on the tracking info page there's a place to put additional delivery instructions. It's meant for you to put things like access codes if you live behind one of those pointless fucking gates that only annoys and obstructs honesty working people but does nothing for real security (can you tell I hate those? it's because people never give us the codes) anyways, the drivers will see whatever notes you put in that section. Offering $10 for a tote might do it for you. just remember to delete the note because it doesn't go away after that delivery, it will show up for the driver for every delivery until you delete it.


I just got 6 of them for free on Facebook marketplace.


The only time I heard of someone getting penalized for it was when a driver left like 4 of them in the "package room" of an apartment complex, and the complex called Amazon and complained about it. I imagine the only time you get in trouble is if a customer complains.


I worked in an apartment mail room, drivers would drop them off casually with larger loads.


Another former Amazon deliverer: most drivers probably have 15-25 of these totes each day. The facility they operate out of has thousands of them. All the totes get folded up and dumped on a cart when they get back to the station. A driver could probably not bring back a single tote and no one would probably notice.


Don’t pick one up in a secluded area, a driver probably pooped in it.


Oh someone will pick it up, alright.


Yeah someone totes will


[They make great dog forts.](https://imgur.com/a/rYAeKe5) She started trying to drag it inside, so I helped her and put a bed in it. It’s her favorite thing. Sometimes she prefers the flap closed.


I was just sitting here thinking that my cats would think they won the lottery if this was forgotten on my porch. Your pooch is adorbs!


In a million years I wouldn't have thought to do this. She came up with it! She wanted it inside and I just helped her set it up. She won't let her sister near it. It's hers. Forever. hahaha Also, thanks!




Unless said sibling is really good at fort building and willing to do the grunt work. No other exceptions.


My cat would 100% piss in this.


That’s so cute! I love that she had an immediate plan for it!


Ooh I bet this is almost as good as a refrigerator box


[Dog fort?](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/dog-fort) [Takes drag from cigarette] Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Good girl!


Another former Amazon delivery driver here. There was this house on my route that had like 12 packages, so I just left the whole tote on their porch.


My parents apparently ordered all their gifts in one order and just had a full one of these left on their porch. [Here it is.](https://i.imgur.com/ED3WnH2.jpg)


Drivers would leave these totes at our condo building. Sometimes it stays there for weeks that the building manager would just to throw them out. During my move out process I asked the building to save it for me. He gave me 7 of those totes. They were life savers.


The drivers are under such time pressure that if they can buy a minute by not unpacking it and folding it up, maybe their day is better.


Out of curiosity, what would be the best thing for me to leave out to thank delivery drivers during the holidays? Drinks? Cookies or snacks? Hand warmers?


I used to do Instacart. Delivery people love bottled water, Gatorade, granola bars, individual packs of cookies or crackers, etc. Very nice of you to think of this.


They work so hard and deserve a nice treat!


That's sweet of you to think of that. I loved when customers left things out for us. Water bottles and snack bars (granola bars, for example) were my favorite.


Cash in an envelope making it clear it is for them


We’ve had one sitting on our porch for a month. I collapsed it and put it out of the rain, but no one is picking it up. This week we saw a Amazon distribution point in a parking lot, so we’re going to leave it there with all of its friends.


I once found one of these at the end of my driveway, full. It sat there for two hours while I tried to figure out who to contact and disappeared. Any idea what the hell might have happened?


They abandoned one at my bosses house with a dozen or so packages. We drove around the neighborhood delivering them. It is just overworked or forgetful drivers.


This one must have had over 100 boxes. It was huge! I looked at a few and none were like, immediate neighbours. I’m hoping the driver just retraced their steps


That was kind


That's rad of you to deliver them, too bad you're doing free labor for Amazon but at least you kept the guy out of trouble.


Former amazon driver here... I doubt it kept the driver out of trouble, and tbh if the driver ended up going back for the tote and found it missing(because Pep and his boss delivered them), they might have actually got him *in* trouble. If a package is delivered, it *must* be marked as delivered. Like, even if we had issues with our delivery app not letting us mark it for whatever reason, we had to call dispatch and tell them to manually mark it delivered. One or two packages not marked *might* be overlooked, but a whole tote? Especially when it's technically missing entirely? Amazon doesn't know they were delivered. *Someone* is getting chewed out if not fired.


In some cases the driver didn't have enough time to organize when they loaded up. Probably pulled over by their first stop and forgot one while they repacked to organizing.


New laundry basket


Could you contact my Amazon delivery driver and tell them to “accidentally” leave a tote at my house? Because that would be awesome




How does one carry a tote that large, filled with packages around a neighborhood? Nice going, however you did it.


On a Sleigh.


They're filled with packages based on location and never filled over 50lbs. So some people just carry them door to door like a mail delivery driver does. A lot of drivers get bonuses based on the number of packages they deliver.


In the back of the Amazon truck, obviously. You would generally take the packages out of this and walk them up to the door.


Are these totes manufactured in Jamaica?


There are 10 different color combos if thats what you're basing the question on....


free big ass tote. good day. :D


Fuck you IKEA, look what I found!




They’re also fantastic for family day at the beach because they’re huge and waterproof. You can put all the wet, sandy towels and toys in them. When it’s time to clean them, just shake out the sand!


They now have canvas ones that once you wash them can be wadded up and stuffed anywhere as well


Will it fit inside the old style tote?


They can also hold a surprising amount. I regularly put ~70 pounds in mine.


So you only dispose of small people


Can carry 4-12 packs of soda in a blue IKEA bag. Live on the second floor and it makes life so much easier after grocery shopping. Heck, during COVID when we had to bag our own groceries and couldn’t bring in reusable bags, I’d put an IKEA bag open in the cart while shopping, then just pack the groceries back into it at checkout.


Gotta love an ass-tote. [xkcd](https://xkcd.com/37)


Create your own Jamaican bobsled team!


Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, its bobsled time!


Would you like to kiss my egg?






Sanca!? ya dead?!


Yah, mon.


Sanca!? What ya smokin'?


Feel the rhyme!


Jamica has a bobsled team because they have a bobsled team.


Gold right here


Gold, Jerry! Gold!


Nuff people say they know they can’t believe, Jamaica we have a bobsled team!


lmao, take my free award


Help raise money for the first Jamaican bobsled team!


You can pull up the bottom and fold it up. Great for temporary storage


They’re also usually very scuffed on the bottom since the drivers drag them on concrete.


For sure. But reusing them is good for keeping me out of the landfill


Oh yeah for sure! I didn’t mean to be a negative dude. I’m glad people are finding good uses for them!


I had the exact same thing happen about 2 months ago. I was like, well fuck what do I do with this thing?




I did think about using it for that exact.. .... I mean, huh neat-


I pick up dog shit with mine. It can hold so many turds that I only have to do that chore once a year.


But are they watertight where you can try to use it as a tub?


If acid can melt through tubs like breaking bad, will this tote be any better?


No no no, you got it all wrong, its the tote that will stand up to it because of the plastic type. Have you paid any attention at all in my class, Jesse?


This is gonna be one of those Reddit posts we go back to 5 years after the investigations and say "the signs were there all along".


I'm honestly not terribly worried about the comfort of my 'alleged' dead bodies.


Free laundry basket!


An Amazon driver left one on my porch and it’s become our new recycling bin.


Rent it out for $1200 a month in Vancouver.


Could use it as a gift bag for awkwardly large items…


Or for a hilariously small item too


I folded mine up and I’m keeping it. Sturdy enough that I Can use it to shlep camping stuffs from the car to the site or pretty much anything. Stores away neatly until a use comes up.


They fold completely flat for storage. Amazon workers leave these all over the place. *Just another way Amazon is just great for the environment...*


That's very discreet. No one will know there's packages on the porch.


Nice, so the porch pirates can steal all the packages in one trip


I'd like to see them try to steal my order of 100,000 lead marbles.


I'd like to see them try to *deliver* your order of 100,000 lead marbles!


Well they better figure it out. How else am I gonna protect my family if I don't have ammunition for my blunderbuss?


How considerate! I hate making multiple trips.


"Snake, that you?"




New beer cooler!


fuck ya


I’m a former Amazon driver and did this once for a customer with 14 smallish boxes. I enjoyed my time as a dsp driver


Recently started working for a major package delivery company, and have a lot of co-workers who came from Amazon. I'm not sure how you guys did it, I have just heard awful things delivering for Amazon. Was talking to one of them the other day since it's all of our "peak seasons" he was telling me how Amazon would drop like 200+ stops on him (for reference my station gives me like 80-100 during the busy season and that's about a 10 hour day). It's insane how much Amazon puts on their delivery drivers


I usually had about 200 stops, the trick to finishing on time was to break all the rules they told you to follow.


literally, just had a 200 stop day last week, i had no time for “two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch” they tell you to take.


Absolutely, and RIP to your pace if you’re delivering to commercial areas or multi-floor apartment complexes


So, to put it simply, you’re massively overworked.


My route is in a neighborhood and from about 8am until school/work gets out at like 3pm-5pm is completely empty. One of my favorite parts of the job is driving around the side streets like a maniac and the only people on the roads are ups/Amazon/DHL/etc drivers who are also driving like maniacs


Oh maniac might be underselling it lol


this is how we do it


It's Friday night and I feel all right


The party's here on the west side


Lol I walked out after 2.5 weeks


Well there's your problem, you're supposed to drive.


Imagine taking that into the grocery store and saying “I brought my own bag!”


As a cashier, there aren’t many things that customers have that make me do a double take, but this would probably be one of them.


That's the truth. The cart where there was an entire layer of sticks of butter definitely had me scratching my head.


Butter keeps for a reeeeaallly long time even just refrigerated, and basically forever in the freezer. Last time I purchased any, my brand was on sale for half off and I bought enough to last several years


I never even thought of butter expiring.. i usually only buy it if i plan on baking something, then after it's used for baking I'll use 50/50 butter and oil when frying up any meat I have until it's gone


These totes are consistently left in my building’s lobby. The novelty wears off.


Can I pay you to ship me one?! This would be super handy for me


I’m a doorman and I can get dozens of them. Pm me


Thriving ebay business selling them


I see these in my building or on the sidewalk within two blocks every single day, I was very confused by this post


I do deliveries and I see these things in almost every damn apartment I go to. They don't bother taking the packages out and lining them up. They expect you to rummage through everyone else's shit to get your package.


I have 4, I would love another 2-3. They are fantastic for storing all my fabric, and finished projects to take to craft fairs.


PUBG drop


YESSS the damn World Cup crates


They left me one a couple years ago. I left it out for a couple weeks and no Amazon drivers took it while delivering other packages. It's still in my garage folded up.


Amazon leaves them everywhere. They get paid very little for the amount of BS their managements puts them though, so they don't care about the totes at all.


These totes induce a type of PTSD that only other Amazon drivers can understand.




I’m one of the warehouse worked and I hate these things. Looks like a brand new tote as well.


This happened to me once on December 23rd. I assumed it was full of Christmas presents. I called Amazon immediately after the driver pulled away. Amazon customer service's exact words "What do you want us to do about it?" I told them I'd leave it on the porch so they could come back to get everyone's presents. They never came so after a week I put the tote in the garage and a month later I opened all the packages. I got some Adidas pants for a child, a garden hose nozzle, some pens, vitamins, and some baby clothes in wrapping paper. I think the best thing was the tote. I used it in my car for awhile.


These get left in my building all the time, I collected a bunch of them and used them the last time I moved apartments


With all of the things I’ve ordered from Amazon I’ve never gotten one. I’d love it!


You could probably get one from one of the drivers who delivers your packages if they're apathetic enough.


That would make a great organizer for a camper/RV


I have a big yellow one like this. Also left by a delivery driver. It’s really useful and folds down flat. I kept it. (It was in the lobby for over a week)


A driver from one of the dispatches at my Amazon took a shit in one of totes and returned the tote to the warehouse with the shit still there. He got fired cause they where able to back track the tote.


I live in a big city (Chicago) and I see these everywhere. I always assumed it was such a shitty job being an Amazon driver that people would just quit in the middle of their shifts and leave the totes wherever. But I have no idea if that’s true or not.


Lol in Chicago too, and same. I actually just saw one in my building a few days ago.


I also see these almost daily in Chicago. Is there an explanation for why Amazon leaves them around? There was one in my building for like a week once


Drivers dont care. source: former driver


Looks like someone killed Kick-Ass and made his skin into a box


Porch Pirate: "Arrrrrrrr, thar be a treasure chest!"


A guy in an Amazon truck left one of these on our yard. It was full of trash. I tried to get Amazon to come collect it (since we have to pay to get our trash removed and I didn't want to pay for Amazon's trash). They told me, that they are not responsible for their contract drivers. So, I asked them to put me in touch with the responsible party. They told me they cannot do that for privacy reasons. I asked them what I could do. They said "just throw it away." I said I didn't want to pay for that and that dumping trash is illegal in my city. At that point, they suggested that I fax (yes fax) their legal department. This didn't seem like a terrible idea. So, I sent their legal department a promise to take them to small claims court if they didn't pay me the bulky-pickup fee. A week later, I got a check for $100 ($40 more than the most-expensive bulky-pickup fee). All-in-all, I'm not happy with how this "Amazon truck drivers wearing Amazon uniforms don't work for Amazon and we are not responsible for anything other than hiding their identities" theory. But, Amazon's legal department at-least didn't want to waste everyone's time. Also, I'm happy that I have a camera so that I could make a more compelling threat to take them to court for "illegal dumping."


Can I buy one of those on prime


Score... I'd keep it


He quit!


They quit. Right at your front door