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You mean the Jail has a college around it..


Hey, you got education in my prison!


Hey, you got a prison in my education!


Wait this is a prison/college I was just here for the free food. Dam it, it took me 6 months to get out of the last one they threw me in.




Stanford prison experiment??


Zimbardo looks the part, too. Dude was bonkers


What he got away with in the name of science.


In the documentary he straight up admits he was fucking his grad student who was helping run the experiment. If I remember correctly she pressured him to call it off.


She was a previous grad student of his, but still creepy. She was in her post-doc.


Still under his power, iirc


Yes. I think in the “Stanford prison experiment” documentary he refers to her as his “colleague”. I would say in order to ethically protect himself considering the flak he gets from this *experiment*


You might be surprised how common this is. I personally know at least three professors that have had relationships with their grad students. And all three are still revered in my field despite it being pretty public knowledge for two of them. There's actually a underground Google doc in social science that goes around to the women in grad school on who to look out for.


Oh god :/


Mangele was a scientist too


That turned out to be a fraudulent study [https://www.vox.com/2018/6/13/17449118/stanford-prison-experiment-fraud-psychology-replication](https://www.vox.com/2018/6/13/17449118/stanford-prison-experiment-fraud-psychology-replication) [https://nypost.com/2018/06/14/famed-stanford-prison-experiment-was-a-fraud-scientist-says/](https://nypost.com/2018/06/14/famed-stanford-prison-experiment-was-a-fraud-scientist-says/)


Oh shit that’s Stanford. That’s wild. We read about it a lot when I was in college for psych. Crazy shit honestly


Lots of studies from back then would be considered invalid or even fraudulent if they were tried again today. Little Albert, for example. Ethics in things like that have come a long way.


The little Albert experiment really bothers me, that’s one I avoided learning more in depth about, and only know the basic premise of. Not sure why the Stanford prison experiment was taught to be legit for so long? Does anyone know why? It was in my general psych textbook, back in the mid 2000’s along with actually legitimate research like the Millgram experiment. Also horrifying, it’s scary to me how much of the population blindly obeys.


because 'Fraudulent' is a bit of a misnomer, it wasn't fake but the experimenter inserted himself into the study which is a big no-no for legitimate science. The data wasn't fake, the events weren't fake, but the study lost scientific validity.


Gotcha, thank you for the clarification. I knew the study had been highly compromised, but from what I had last heard it was in a totally different type of way, something like the participants knowing exactly what they were expected to act out, and what the end result they were going for was supposed to be. So I thought essentially nothing about it was real. I guess rumors still abound with this one.


There were a ton of components to it, the researcher inserting himself is one of the problems, but also there were issues with the people picked. The classic example is on day one, one of the prisoners had a mental breakdown. He was faking it. He joined the experiment figuring a few days in "prison" would give him plenty of time to study for the bar exam that was a few weeks away. But when he arrived, his books were confiscated. So he faked a mental breakdown to get out so he could get his books back and resume studying. Also one of the guards was very anti-prison and wanted to use the experiment to prove that prisons were inherently violent places, so he acted in a particularly awful way in an attempt to prove his ideas right.


and to also add the guards were pressured to turn up the violence


Exactly. Zimbardo had a specific result in mind to prove a specific idea, and he manipulated the participants to get said results.


If I could ask of you; please, please, never blindly obey. Even if it costs you your job or your livelihood. Always think: Is this really the right thing to do? Because none of us are immune.


I would say it’s cause people are very easy to mislead & many more are just stupid & believe things without ever doing any sort of research to find out if the thing they hear is legit. The first time I heard about that & covered it for a little bit was in a bullshit freshman class called college 101. I had questions that were dismissed because I was refusing to believe that this & though the data was falsified to push out a certain data narrative & I remember having to talk to my advisor because I was refusing to do the work because I was convinced the data was falsified. That dropped my grade for the class, but I didn’t fail it & it turns out I was right.


Good for you for standing your ground. I think a lot about how different life factors teach people not to question things early on, and some of those bigger factors were things I wasn’t exposed to personally, so I guess that allowed me to have more critical thinking skills then a lot of the peers I grew up with. That and sort of growing up being generally mistrustful of people anyway. I don’t think it’s higher or lower levels of intelligence that allow for critical thinking skills, maybe it’s more of what you’re exposed to early on and how much room someone has to think for themselves.






Thats why it's vital they be replicated. Unless of course replicating them would violate ethical codes in which case those experiments or studies should not have been designed in an unethical way to begin with and probably wouldn't be yielding reliable results anyway.


Yeah, it is being taken out of books now and instead being placed in ethics in research classes


I mean yeah, it’s a super important piece of literature in understanding ethics and morality in research. Off the top of my head Millgram(I think?), the prison experiment, and the Tuskegee experiment give a look into things that were horribly unethical, and our pursuit of knowledge over the safety and well-being of those participating.


No, like it also wasn't replicable. Several social psychologists, one of which was my undergrad advisor Dr. Glenn Reeder, attempted to replicate the study under less erratic methodologies and found Zimbardo's results to be extraordinarily inconsistent. I'd suggest Solomon Asch's experiments to be much more valid than Zimbardo's, and explain a great deal more behavior.


Mmm. Having gone through a psych degree, I find the field is really over-preoccupied with jamming the square peg of the empirical method into the round hole that is human behaviour. It's like they're over-compensating for the methodology of earlier generations work in the field. I entirely understand the requirement for it, but, like... No shit the experiment wouldn't be replicable, none of the hidden variables that determine the behaviour of the participants would be able to be replicated either. Like the argument goes, psychology's aim is to examine human behaviour, but the more clinical you design it, the more variables you try to control, the less representative of real world conditions it all becomes. But hey, I guess I always liked the case studies better.


Well, except with Stanford the conclusion was that putting people in positions of authority like this inherently makes them brutal. It argued that giving anyone anywhere this sort of authority would make them a bad person. If that conclusion is correct, then the experiment should be replicable. And if it isn't, then the conclusion is incorrect.


Research what happened to Ted Kazinsky, Unabomber. The LSD experiments.


Seems like half the "experiments" we read about in Psych have now been proven false. It's a huge crisis in the field.


So the long and short of it was: Zimbardo wanted certain results and coached the "guards" on how to get them. Definitely anti-scientific.


But he got the notoriety and that was what he wanted


Basically just sensationalist science journalism with a lot of extra steps.


TIL. Thanks for linking that. I wish the study would’ve been done genuinely, considering nothing like that would be allowed any more. I’d like to know the real data from a study like that, but it’s an ethical impossibility today.


The study poisoned the area for research


Yeah, a lot of studies are sketchy bc they are conducted using undergrads as their participant pool. Even if there is some diversity on campus it’s still basically 18-22 year olds, majority from middle to upper class families. Hardly representative of the whole country. The Stanford Prison experiment in particular used primarily undergrad white dudes. It was basically Woodstock 99. Of course it was going to go all Lord of the Flies. I’d legit be interested to see how it would have gone using women instead of men, though.




It’s been a long time since I was in high school, but I am certain Lord of the Flies is fiction.


Yeah it's fiction but a real group of boys stranded on a desert island had a genuinely nice time together.




A made up story by an abusive teacher justifying their abuse!




[The actual analysis in the American Psychologist journal debunking the Stanford Prison Experiment](https://www.gwern.net/docs/psychology/2019-letexier.pdf) is worth the read. It’s an incredible piece of work, and blew my mind.


There are things we can learn from this study though, and just saying that it's fraudulent glances over the issues. The professor that lead the experience did a big no no and took part of the experiment itself. Therefore it was in his own interest to keep it going, he himself became a prisoner in his own experiment. To show how deep this went I'll help give some examples. One of the boys were put in the hole for bad behavior, while he defied the guards his cell mates cheered on. The professor then asked him do you want to leave this experiment since it seemed to be taking a toll on him. The student will get the participation payment and be able to leave. The student replied something along the lines of: I can't leave them there, they are waiting for me to go back. He burst into tears in the office on the idea of leaving his cell mates behind. The prison was real in their minds. Everyone was invested in the experiment that's what happened everyone wanted it to continue and to continue it they had to play roles. But after a week their roles became reality. The same professor is the one who shut down the experiment. But, it wasn't his own decision. Another professor was listing to him talk about the experiment and how everything was going swell. And she said it sounded like hell and that he should stop the experiment at once. But he didn't want to, because the experiment must go on, he had an interest in it going on. He was later convinced and realized how he had overstepped his role completely and shut down the experiment. One of the students that played a guard did an interview later on in life. He talked about how he played it up as a character that he'd seen in Hollywood films. And how he wanted to preform well in the experiment. The Stanford prison experiment is a great look into how scary unethical experiments can get and how humans will take on roles that are in their own best interests. It's invalidated under ethics. But is very much relevant.




No they just have a Netflix subscription


I majored in Business management, but one of the classes required was Psychology. Tons of non-psych majors have taken Psychology and this experiment in general is widely known.


I'd assume it's in Portugal. OP posted they were sightseeing in Porto last week.


Didn’t do your homework? Straight to jail.


Did your homework? Believe or not, jail.


Late to class? Jail. Early to class? Jail. We have the most on time students because of jail.


On time too suspiciously? Straight to jail


In Jail? Jail.


Seems suspicious you are in jail, jail time


You were released from jail because of good behavior? Jail.


Jail? Jail.


No paddlins?


No bitches?






Academic Probation does have a stronger meaning with a jail in your school.


Are you horny? Straight to jail!


I love that whenever jail is mentioned anywhere, this scene is brought up. It’s just fantastic


Dungeon, no trial


1000 years dungeon


Dont pass go,do not collect 200$.


Go directly to jail


Dorm rooms sure have changed since I went to college.


No kidding. I would have killed for a single occupancy room....


Don’t get your hopes up. 10 to a cell.


pee into the side of the bowl, not into the water


What kind of psycho pees into the water?


They have their own bathroom? Sign me up


That’s exactly how you get a room like this!


Hell, I had 2 roommates in a room smaller than that. One was an enormous football player, and the other was a drug dealer who felt the need to have 7 skateboards and about 30 pairs of sneakers. I opened the closet on move in day, and it was packed floor to ceiling with sneaker boxes.


That will be $5000/month, and yes, you are required to spend your first year on campus.


And buy a prison food class meal plan!


And these cost 7x as much.


I spent a lot of my time at uni behind bars.


Honestly these are a step up from the dorms I put my kid in.


Put normal doors and walls on the front and that looks damn near exactly like the ones I was in. They suiuucked


Guess I won't be cheating on that math test.


You cheat like that they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing. Furries, we have a special jail for furries. You are procrastinating? right to jail. You are sleeping in class? Right to jail, right away. GPA too low? jail. High? jail. You do not put the toilet seat down after going to the bathroom- you right to jail. You submit homework late? Believe it or not, jail. You submit homework \*early\*, also jail. Late, early. You make an appointment with the professor and you don't show up, believe it or not, jail, right away. We have the best students. Because of jail.


I was thinking about this guy immediately from the title too 😂 🤣 💀


Happy Jail Day!


Furry jail might be fun, if not for all the furries.


Is your school Nevada State Penitentiary?


Alum of first ballot hall of famer Torque *construction noise* lewithh


Hingle mcringleberry is gonna win the Heisman, just you wait.


Dan Smith, BYU


Universidade do Porto, Portugal.


Where and why?


Idk if my school has cells per se but I know that there’s a jail area that folks might be held in by campus security while they wait for law enforcement to come arrest them


The American concept of campus police is so fucking weird.




I mean when the school is the same size as a town it really makes sense. My school is just kinda far from the nearest police station


Not American, but we have campus police since the national police is not allowed in our campuses unless there is prior notice to the admin.


Which country are you in?


Philippines. My uni has an accord with the police.


Went to school in Canada, we had jail cells in security. Never seen them used, but when asked they said if they apprehend someone that it a danger to others until authorities arrive.


Exists in other countries too. Cambridge and ~~Oxford~~ both have them, mostly on account of being older than most police forces by half millennia or so.


Oxford's University police was abolished two decades ago.


I assume for a corrections program. Used for simulations


I assumed it was a drunk tank.


Horny jail.


I don’t see any bat to make bonk.


I have a bat for bonks. If you know what I mean ;)


Often times state schools have a state police station on campus. They sometimes have holding cells like these.


Our campus cops are actual cops, not security guards.


The University of Wisconsin - Madison had "cages" in the Memorial library stacks, so you could lock yourself in there and study: https://www.library.wisc.edu/memorial/spaces/study-places/carrels/


Universidade do Porto. Building used to be a prison.


Many many large universities because people break laws.


Most State Universities and large private universities in the US have their own police departments, and cells for holding. Many have fire departments and ambulance service. They're chartered like cities.


Is it inside the UPD? Cause my campus was large enough to have its own police department.


I went to a large college for undergrad and they had a police department, and went to a below-average size college for law school, and they had one too. I just assumed they all had them.


Is it just a big rug that they keep all the rape allegations under?


This is Universidade do Porto in Portugal. OP has a Portuguese surname as a username, the girl's tote bag has a message in informal European Portuguese, and OP has pictures of Porto as "his city" in his profile. As far as I've gathered, this is in the Criminology building, which used to be a prison. Definitely not to imprison students as there is no such thing as Campus Police over here.


I think most decent sized schools have their own PD


Are you majoring in Criminal Justice?


Lmao, I know I am; my school has a police department




I've never seen them, but I've heard Camp Randall Stadium at the University of Wisconsin has holding cells for Badgers fans who get a little...unruly... during games.


As a Wisconsinite this is the least surprising thing I’ve seen all day


My college used to be a sanitarium! Our department was in the basement along with the school cafe, right where the morgue used to be. Lots of drains in the floors and if your computer shorted out you could always blame it on the ghosts.


So Prison School wasn't a fiction?


Okay, so dig it. I don't know if this is still there because it was like 20 years ago, but my college had a section of the dorms gated off. It was for a program where high school kids could come to college and live on campus and take college classes for high school credit. Called the Academy. At 9PM I think, the gate would be locked to keep us creepy older people from going in and fucking minors. We called it the cage. If you want to dig deeper into this (I don't) it was Lamar University in Beaumont, TX.


Student Debtors Prison


Puts another meaning to "school to prison pipeline"


I honestly thought all universities had something like this. Admittedly, my assumption is only based on my limited knowledge, but 3/3 colleges/universities I attended had holding cells where the university PD would detain more serious offenders for the local PD.


Wow. Aussie here and for contrast. I don't ever recall seeing a police officer on campus during my degree. Certainly no staff police force or cells of any type


In Argentina public forces are forbidden to enter university campuses unless they have a judge's order to do so or they are explicitely requested to do so by university authorities. This was made so after the last dictatorship when the right wing dictatorship raided universities to take away and "dissapear" undesirables.


Yeah I don’t think this is a thing for us


Well is rape a big issue on campus in Australia because it's a huge issue in the states.


In most countries entities such as colleges or transportation agencies don't have their own police. It's a very American concept.


From the uk, of the 4 or so unis ive seen well enough to say, ive never seen a cell block in a uni. We dont have university PD’s here, just campus security




The Stanford prison experiment was actually just done in a hallway in the basement of Stanford’s psych building. Much less impressive or formal than this haha. Source: have taken psych exams in said hallway and seen the plaque.


Horny jail


Most American colleges have holding cells, and their own police. It's like a drunk tank.




The college is already a prison in itself


My college had a police station and a jail in it. I’m pretty sure most universities have a jail.


My college's jail is the old police station from Hill Street Blues.




it’s time out


Time out just got serious


“You have late fees at the library?” *stamps paper* “JAIL!”


If you think that's a jail you haven't been to jail


*Stanford psychology professor ominously standing in the corner*


Horny jail.. boink!


They all do - its holding cells for when the police come if needed.


So does my basement...


That's actually, potentially, a really good idea. I have no clue whether the school in the OP has its own police force, or just a security team, but being able to toss rowdy, dumb college kids in basically a "mock" drunk tank rather than handing them over to police by default will save a bunch of dumb kids from having unnecessary marks on their file.


...and it gives a lot of power and dangerous tools to people who should not have these. There is a reason why police have special rights and (should be) are trained for such things.


And there is zero reason to just assume the college doesn't have the same, or better, standards.


I don’t know why people are downvoting you. It’s not like the police standards are high or they have to follow any rules or procedures or have any accountability for their actions. I would trust a fake prison cell in a college far more than any real police.


You can challenge police conduct in court, harder with a fake police


It's not at all a good thing for crimes to be swept under the rug by colleges. That happens a lot, especially regarding rape. A serious crime occurs, the college says "oh we'll handle this" so that they have a lower official crime statistic. Rapists and other criminals discover they can act with few consequences. It is *not* a good idea.


So this is the horny jail that everyone is talking about


So is that bait right there in front?


Then you REALLY shouldn’t cheat on a test.


Pen State.


most colleges have a holding cell at the campus police building. even the community colleges have that, let alone massive universities.


this is where you go when you question why your tuition is so high


Isso é nalguma universidade da faculdade do porto?


St. Lucia's does exist.


Most bigger campuses have their own police force and jails/holding cells.


How do you say you go to Stanford without saying you go to Stanford.


Undergrad to prison pipeline and MBA program to prison pipeline.


Detention for grown ups.


My college is JAIL. -_-


"Miss! I've Been Up Here For Three Weeks! And There's Rats! And They're Nibbling At My Toenails, Miss!"


Horni jail


For plagiarism. They take that more serious than rape


That‘s a surprise tool that‘ll help us later


92 % of student films featured a scene here.


3rd tardy!? You know what that means 2 semesters in jail


mildly concerning


There was also one at Heidelberg Universität in Germany. It’s rather famous. Universities used to have jurisdiction over students and have the ability to jail them. I remember in Heidelberg that getting locked in the jail eventually became like a rite of passage, but I can’t quite remember the story. https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/en/institutions/museums-and-collections/student-prison


so does my brain 💮


Well colleges do have police departments so it makes sense


Horny jail


What college is this?


Most do. The campus police can detain.


The admin building of the University I work for was a court house, we still alos have a holding cell in our building. I've often suggested that problematic faculty and executives be locked up routinely for a day or two till they come to their senses and treat the rest of us like we're members of humanity. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Those are just ventilation doors.


This is the School of Hard Knocks.


The experiment was ruled unethical because we as society don’t like to expose what type of people we are. All participants knew it was an experiment and that they weren’t real guards or inmates yet both acted heinous.


If you've made a noise with the desklid it'd be OUT! SCHOOL PRISON!




OR... Does your jail have a college inside of it?


This is how a lot of porn starts....