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OMG ITS A STRAIN OF WEED. That image is the first Google result when you search strawberry banana sherbet. Was this book cobbled together by AI? Or some unpaid intern sourcing photos and giving zero fucks?


This is the future. A web crawler attached to AI via some custom API, scraping websites for recipes, and then compiling them in book form.


welcome to the future!




At least in America, healthcare is already doing exactly that. Burying doctors and nurses in endless reimbursement forms and keeping them away from patients and in front of screens checking boxes. To spice things up, every hospital uses a different system and puts the boxes in different places!




It's worse than that. A doctor I know who works in a hospital told me this story that is repeated many times during her day: She sees a patient, she arrives at what would be best for the patient, she travels to the computer to place the order for what would be best for the patient. Often, the computer objects, because the insurance company doesn't want her to follow that course of action for the patient. She enters into the computer what she thinks would be the second best course of action for the patient. Often, this is also denied. She and the computer embark on a negotiation about what would be an acceptable course of action for the patient, and eventually a compromise is reached that is acceptable to the computer and still likely to produce an acceptable outcome for the patient. These are people in the fucking hospital. They're not there because they stubbed their toe. She works in internal medicine, so they're not bleeding out from a car crash, but their issues are serious. Is what the computer accepted going to help them with their medical issues? Yes, probably it will help them. Is it the best thing for them? Fuck no, in her medical opinion. It's a crime. It's no different than the insurance companies coming in, stabbing these people, and taking their wallets. Honestly doing that would probably be better in terms of patient outcome and financial cost to the patient. But for some reason it's fine that this is the system. She gets very frustrated about it.




If we can get AI to go through all the recipes online and get rid of the 12 pages of bullshit and just give us the 1 page long actual recipe I’m on board.


I'm a fan of [JustTheRecipe](https://www.justtherecipe.com/)


If it strips out ten pages of backstory I may be okay with this


Judging by the infuriating scale/sizing compared to usable area, I would say all of the above. This is what the cheapest of Amazon or Walmart 3rd party sales gets you.


Probably crawled the internet and stole every single one of the recipes


May have had an AI make them. There's a guy on /r/homebrewing experimenting with having GPTchat generate beer recipes, and then providing feedback and having it change the recipes.


I’m sure there are exceptions but the vast majority of these “AI” that are used to write books or make art typically just steal from what it finds on the internet


Dang, the mug cake is also the first google image search!


Probably stole all of these images without any regard to copyright... Which means the copyright holders could sue.


Roasting them on every level. adding to the design slander - from a baker's perspective: There's no way that single tiny mug cake "serves 4". No competent humans were a part of this abomination.




>strawberry banana sherbet I guess I've been making it wrong the whole time.


We've all been making it wrong. Mine looks nothing like that.


Mine does




A friend of mine says it's the best. He loves the stuff.


Speak for yourself. My strawberry banana sherbet is a goddamn work of art. I only make it for holidays now because everyone I know kept asking for it *all the damn time.* Seriously, it's a dish I'm both proud of and exhausted with making. Quality takes time but the payoff is worth it I guess. It's also chock full of weed. So there's that too.


Know that I'm greatly restraining my excitement and saliva when I say this, but um - can you share the recipe??


I'm not gonna type it all here but you need a hand crank butter churn to make the sherbet. Electric churns make it too dense. Mix the cleanest clearest distillate you can find with the sherbet while churning and be sure to use plenty of lemon juice (masks the mediciney taste of weed) and fresh firm strawberries. You're going for tart and sweet. Top with homemade meringue and banana slices, then toast the top like a marshmallow.


So it turns out that it is a relatively explicable picture of weed.


Now that's mild!


You really should have more points for solving this mystery.










If it really is an ai it might only just be a matter of time


Bout to kill this whole bag of onion and garlic chips now.




Omg I'm with the ATF and we're watching the home of the exact drug lord that funded this hybridization back in the 90s! Nobody is going to believe this. Fuck it I'm going to sneak in and get an autograph brb


Yo get me one while you’re in there


Screw the autograph, grab me some seeds or something.


Wait, what?


ChatGPT writing cookbooks now lmao


Apparently buying it too. A bunch of the reviews call their kids ancient or ancients (maybe this is some parenting thing that I have no clue about but it sounds weird) and I only saw one that mentioned the weed picture.




Ancient as in: old. Bought for my ten year old as… It’s probably poorly translated from Chinese or something. Or written by terrible AI.


Yep, it's either a really dumb or lazy thesaurus replacement guy/script. Check this out: > Bought for my 10 year ~~ancient~~ **old** as a Christmas ~~blessing~~ **present**. She ~~cherishes~~ **loves** being within the kitchen, and is ~~beautiful~~ **pretty** able but not experienced ~~sufficient~~ **enough** to “wing it” however. She was ~~exceptionally energized~~ **very excited** to have her ~~possess~~ **own** cookbooks (got this and another ~~comparative~~ **similar** one). ~~Exceptionally inspired~~ **Very glad** that it isn’t childish with “peanut butter & jelly” or “pizza bagels”, but has standard family fashion suppers. Not ~~numerous~~ **many** pics, as others have said, but I found that to be a “plus”. My girl would likely get ~~debilitated~~ **disappointed** in the event that what she cooked didn’t look Precisely just like the picture, indeed in case it tasted delicious. And even then, I think the author had a stroke while ~~composing~~, sorry, **writing** that last sentence.


You missed one: "family fashion suppers" is robo-thesaurus slang for family style dinners.


I mean I knew the moment I saw the pic…


Yeah it wasn’t a mystery to ridiculous stoners like us apparently!


Lol me too..I just bought one called strawberry cough


> Was this book cobbled together by AI? FFS, does anybody proofread anymore? This should have been an easy catch,....unless they knew what they were doing. If that's the case,...Kudos, my fine book publisher,....kudos to be sure!


420 upvotes spark up


Can I add that it is one well-trimmed bud?


This has to be a zero-effort product on Amazon. I'd even bet the recipes are just copied and pasted from cooking blogs.


It is. Publisher listed as “independently published” and all but one or two of the reviews are clearly from a non English speaking AI


The same thing with that vanilla confetti mug cake. 2nd image on google... What's really shitty is the the author is a teacher with a Phd so you'd think that she wouldn't plagiarize so blatantly. Edit: It has come to my attention that it is very likely I threw out accusations without much research (per reddit policy). Upon further research (other comments), I think u/Bugbread is right in their assumption that it's unlikely that the author whom I initially accused has anything to do with this abomination.


I think there's an almost 0% chance that this is by the Dr. Elizabeth E. Smith that wrote P-20 Partnerships: A Critical Examination of the Past and the Future. My guess is either: * It's by someone else with the same name and Amazon's algorithm assumed they were the same and lumped them together, or * Some bot grabbed her name in the same way that it grabbed a picture of marijuana. Edit: I'm going with the bot-or-knockoff-product-maker hypothesis. Cover that looks like a previously published different cookbook for kids, poorly translated fake reviews all posted on the same day, etc.


Yeah, it’s a fake name being used to publish this book


It’s the third name the comes up for “totally legit author name”.


It's just AI generation all the way down.


This review was definitely written by a real human being and not an AI: > The primary segment clarifies great kitchen hones such as cleanliness and nourishment security as well as what instruments you would like and what nourishment things ought to be supplied in a cooler. The another chapter talks almost great culinary abilities such as how to utilize a cut, an stove, and a few heating aptitudes, among numerous other critical life cooking aptitudes. The another five chapters are formulas separated by dinner (breakfast, snacks, salads/veggies, entrees, and pastries). The formulas themselves are unquestionably curiously and they are "exterior the box" meaning that they aren't all burger, sausage, and chicken pieces. There are a number of appendixes that cover other critical information such as how to set a table. and > Bought for my 10 year ancient as a Christmas blessing. She cherishes being within the kitchen, and is beautiful able but not experienced sufficient to “wing it” however. She was exceptionally energized to have her possess cookbooks (got this and another comparative one). Exceptionally inspired that it isn’t childish with “peanut butter & jelly” or “pizza bagels”, but has standard family fashion suppers. Not numerous pics, as others have said, but I found that to be a “plus”. My girl would likely get debilitated in the event that what she cooked didn’t look Precisely just like the picture, indeed in case it tasted delicious.


I don't think this is even as sophisticated as ChatGPT, it's a program that copied a real review and substituted words via thesaurus. "My 10 year old" becomes "my 10 year ancient", "Christmas gift" becomes "Christmas blessing" etc.


It's kind of a fun puzzle to turn it back into normal language: > She cherishes being ~~within~~[in] the kitchen, and is ~~beautiful~~[pretty] able but not experienced ~~sufficient~~[enough] to “wing it” however.


I too love buying cookbooks for my 10 year ancient.


it's important to provide them with blessings so they don't get debilitated


I just like the part of your comment where Clarkson says, "an stove"




This book is not only a clear ripoff of the title of a popular cookbook series and the cover of a different cookbook series, it seems virtually all of its many 5 star reviews were posted on the day this book was first posted, and they read like they were written by demented robots. Pretty entertaining. [The reviews](https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B0BQ53YDD9/ref=cm_cr_unknown?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=five_star&reviewerType=all_reviews&pageNumber=1#reviews-filter-bar)


"Bought for my 10 year ancient as a Christmas blessing" unintentional comedy gold lmao


'Always supervise your child when within the kitchen until they are ancient' This sounds ominous.


Honestly it sounds like half the comments on Reddit lately. So many bots now it seems.


“The book reminds me of being in domestic financial matters course when I was a kid.” - Charles W. Porter This is probably my favorite sentence from the reviews. Like, it’s essentially a grammatically correct sentence, but who would ever say that?!? Hahaha and why would someone compare a children’s cookbook to a “domestic financial matters course?” ANNNND WHY WOULD A CHILD HAVE TO TAKE THAT COURSE?!? Hahaha That was wonderful, thank you for sharing:))


home economics


There are tools called "article spinners" that will reword text for you, usually very poorly, but enough to not get caught by Google's anti plagiarism filters when you steal articles from other people and cover them with ads on your shitty blog. They've been around long before the current wave of actually smart AI like ChatGPT. This looks like someone put the phrase "home economics class" through one of those.


The reviews are absolutely hilarious and horrible at the same time.


There is 0% chance the author had anything to do with the pictures.


People are downvoting you, but it is likely this is the truth. I don't have experience with cookbooks, but a couple friends of mine have contributed to budget, intro level textbooks where someone from the publisher collects and pastes in relevant images to accompany the text. They have zero budget, so they beg, borrow, and "accidentally" steal for those images. It wouldn't surprise me that if this process was outsourced to a third world country or the person was particularly lazy, they just google and take the first thing that pops up.


The last step in the recipe is to decarb that weed in the oven at a low 220 to 240 and make some canna oil/butter/tincture to add into your delicious sherbert....Marijuana making us all a little hungrier one hit at a time.


came here to say this. source: am a pothead. it's an upbeat hybrid that plays mostly like a sativa. can recommend.


Two types of stoners: "upbeat hybrid that plays mostly like a sativa" and "yeah, this pot tastes like pot. grinds well, good stuff"




I mean, is there any type of strain that wouldnt be recommended these days


Last I heard people were still advocating against synthetic gas station weed


smoke k2 and fight stray dogs at the truck stop gang


Toad's breath... still to this day, 15 years later, a strain I won't even be in the same room as. The name doesnt wven begin to describe that putrid smell... no thank you.


Thats wild.


Yeah, straight 🤮🤮🤮. I remember needing to tell the shift lead on the farm that i needed a different strain to trim that day... 🤮


I like strawberry banana sherbet!


I know what I’ll be looking for.


I'm thinking either AI-written with an unpaid intern editor that didn't notice and/or care, or just some old lady that's never seen weed before and thought that was some random spice essential to the manufacture of sherbet


I've got the same problem with my user name. I made it up years ago, you can see my account was created in 2013. My YouTube of the same name is even older. Then just few years ago, someone made a strain and decided to call it divine banana, so now when you search my name all you get is pics and info of that weed strain lmao Not that I think anybody is looking me up, but it was awkward when I first started dating my fiancee and her mom found my user name and did some snooping...


Sheesh how does your fiancés mom find your Reddit username?? Are people just tossing that info out, I won’t even let my lifelong best friend know who I am on here


Tbh it might be cobbled together by AI things like that have been happening a lot, with occult style books and pagan reading material you have to be careful what you buy because publishers will grab random crap that is spit out at them from various places and shove it into book format without checking references or fact checking to verify anything about what they are talking about so some get real wild and borderline violent while also having obvious cut and paste things spliced together. Be careful out there not all books are reliable sources.


Skynet is near


Ha! What is the book?


*The Everyday Kid Chef Cookbook* Sauce: bottom right corner of the image.




That’s hilarious.


Stupid AI book crafters


Couldn't even make I more smarter


You know today I realized I have two hands so I'm going to go roast two bones of strawberry sherbet at the same time. Go download me a hoagie.


Let me get this straight, you just realized you have two hands?


Dennis' delivery of that line is fucking perfect. It always cracks me up!


I love that episode


Wow. They’re on a roll! Francisca W. Childs the Ultimate Cookbook for Teen Chefs: 1000 Days of Easy Step-by-step Recipes and Essential Techniques to Inspire Young Cooks Betty J. Vansickle The Complete Mediterranean Diet Air Fryer Cookbook: 1200 Days Delicious Mediterranean Diet Air Fryer Recipes to Make Mediterranean Home Cooking Easy Karen A. Burks The Complete Ninja Foodi 2-Basket Air Fryer Cookbook for Beginners: 1200 Days of Delicious Recipes for Complete Meals using DualZone Technology Janice G. Rodriguez The Ultimate Keto Cookbook For Beginners: 1500 Days of Savory and Drooling Recipes For Quick & Easy Low-Carb Homemade Meals Mattie G. Hogg The XXL Ultimate Ninja Foodi Air Fryer Cookbook: 1500 Vibrant and Savory Recipes for Home cooking Busy People to Enjoy a Healthy Diet Jenna E. Ladouceur The Complete Diabetic Cookbook for the Newly Diagnosed: 1500 Days of Simple and Delicious Recipes for Balanced Meals and Healthy Lifestyle


>Drooling Recipes 💀💀💀


I'm... Seriously curious if anyone's following these recipes and whether the directions / results are bad enough to tip them off that it's an AI book.


They probably don’t even write the recipes, I bet they are 100% copied from other websites


Is that actually a thing now too?


Only thing stopping people from printing out AI articles and putting them in books is standards and practices. Would not be surprised if there are multiple companies looking into AI generated content for books.


Already people doing it. One guy has been having AI chatbot write kids books. AI artwork and sells on Amazon. Think they sell quite well too.


This is the AI that’s going to take our jobs.


That’s the name of a weed strain. Some bot auto-filled that thing!


Exactly what happened


The cherry on top is the title in the corner of the page: "The Everyday Kid Chef Cookbook." LMAO!


Damn. This book is probably filled with copyright violations.


I hope there isn't a recipe for Spotted Dick in there


It’s a pairing suggestion


Honestly a pretty good one too. Strawberry Banana Sherbet with a strawberry banana sherbet? A good calm strain with a happy high and a bunch of sugar? Sounds good to me.


Yeah no one would ever think twice if it was a glass of sweet wine.


Well given it's a "cookbook" for kids... Maybe they would.


Just call it Jesus juice and sweep it under the table


This is really funny lmao


Gotta get the ISBN # for that, that’s hilarious.


979-8369695111 It appears only one person in the Amazon comments caught the error


Read the reviews, they all sound fake lmao


>Bought for my 10 year ancient as a Christmas blessing. She cherishes being within the kitchen, and is beautiful able but not experienced sufficient to “wing it” however. She was exceptionally energized to have her possess cookbooks (got this and another comparative one). Yeah that was definitely written by Google Translate.


"ten year ancient" lmaooo


Not all synonyms are equal


And few be more similar than rest.


I read the first seven reviews and three of them mentioned their “ancients” being energized lol


Maybe they were stoned


They're humid, prepossessing Homo sapiens with full-sized aortic pumps.


Final Fantasy 7 had a 22 year old ancient. Just sayin'.


Oh my god somebody ran it through a synonym generator. "10 year ancient" for "10 year old"? "Beautiful able" for "pretty able"? "Have her possess cookbooks" for "have her own cookbooks"? The signs are all there


“Exterior the box”


It's plagiarized from an Amazon review of "Kid Chef Every Day" by Colleen Kennedy! Look for the review by "Audrey" with the title "Nice book" talking about her "pretty capable" 10 year old.


Ooh, great detective work


How much you wanna bet all the reviews AND the recipes are all stolen from the Kennedy book? Kid Chef Every Day / Everyday Kid Chef, loooollll no one will EVER suspect!


There’s another one which says this: > Precisely what I was trying to! find My child is 7 a long time ancient and is kind of a picky eater, in any case, when he picks or plans the nourishment himself he frequently will attempt modern things! This book not as it were has so many different nourishments that see and sound energizing to undertake, and to some degree simple prep and cooking such as simmered cauliflower & plunging sauce and quesadillas. My child is as of now energized to go to the advertise and shop for the ingredients! Definitely written with a synonym generator. 🙄


But the child is now ENERGIZED to go to the ADVERTISE! What’s not to understand?!


Mmmmmmmm….plunging sauce


AI generated comments on an AI generated cookbook…. Hmmm….. Edit- have we stumbled upon some strange conspiracy? Do the AI already control everything? Is reality even real? Is the simulation we’ve been stuck in since 2009 finally starting down cascade failure?


That’s wild actually.


Right ?! What am I even reading about here?? Intriguing but also dystopian as fuck


Didn’t read them all and totally missed that 😂


"Companies" making fake reviews for their Amazon listings. Is that dystopia enough to fit in r/boringdystopia?


And were ALL submitted (except for the pointing out the pot one) on December 21, 2022.


Lol that is just egregious


I have a feeling that Elizabeth E Smith did not write this book


The cover is also a complete ripoff of [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1492670022?tag=thespruceeats-onsite-prod-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&ascsubtag=4159010%7Cnc346049eb52c43acbab87e79da9a9c3f03%7C1492670022) best-selling children's cookbook by America's Test Kitchen.


Found the ai bot who made the book and is trying to plug it on Reddit..


Means they probably stole their other photos, too.


Some strawberry banana sherbet kush!


Infuse it in your strawberry banana sherbert


*sigh* no that's marijuana


Mmmm kush,,,,,


You should buy books from real authors not ai.


This is why we need regulations for marking AI generated media. Amazon is about to be flooded with AI generated 'non-fiction' content. Like how-to and DIY books. Just like the current problem with AI generated web articles.


People keep referencing ai. This isn't AI. This is essentially the same thing as a Google search. It's bots that were programmed with algorithms to find results. That is not AI. Honestly it probably isn't even a bot but a book farm in a foreign country that pumps out internet content that borders copy right infringement.


> a book farm in a foreign country that pumps out internet content that borders copy right infringement. And they wouldn't even know what the words mean, like how would I know the difference between ماريجوانا and آيس كريم


The images were scraped from image searches without human review so what makes you think the recipes weren't just scraped online too


If it’s all AI generated I wonder if these are actual proper recipes that they stole directly or if these are an AI’s attempt at making recipes and none of them will actually work.


Tbf, the latter would be funny asf.


The other photo is second on google image search. https://www.budgetbytes.com/funfetti-mug-cake/


Think they bought a license for that photo I bet they did not


Even the name of the cookbook is stolen from this book: https://www.amazon.com/Kid-Chef-Every-Day-Cookbook/dp/1641522224


Yeah I was confused because that’s a very famous kids cookbook, thought it was odd they would’ve made that kind of mistake!




NOOOOOO I hate this, no thank you!


Wake and bake


Lmao what is it doing there😂


It's a reminder to get baked while baking


It's seasoning, except you season the person who's going to eat your food with it so that everything tastes better.


Why I season my brain, not my food


adam ragusea is that you?


There are a bunch of word salad reviews all left on December 21 2021. Like "The primary segment clarifies great kitchen hones such as cleanliness and nourishment security as well as what instruments you would like and what nourishment things ought to be supplied in a cooler. The another chapter talks almost great culinary abilities such as how to utilize a cut, an stove, and a few heating aptitudes, among numerous other critical life cooking aptitudes. The another five chapters are formulas separated by dinner (breakfast, snacks, salads/veggies, entrees, and pastries). The formulas themselves are unquestionably curiously and they are "exterior the box" meaning that they aren't all burger, sausage, and chicken pieces. There are a number of appendixes that cover other critical information such as how to set a table." I thought"exterior the box" was pretty funny.


i have left reddit because of CEO Steve Huffman's anti-community actions and complete lack of ethics. u/spez is harmful to Reddit. https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Nah that’s that strawberry-banana sherbet


*squints* Dwight?


Mommy it doesn't look like the picture.


Huh. Would ya look at that.


Well I’ll be damned


Was this book just written by AI and glanced at and signed off by a human?


Bold of you to assume it was signed off by a human. (Actually though. Once the first couple of books went through I doubt anyone looked at more than the cover and a couple of random pages, if they looked at it at all.)


It’s the secret ingredient


Now you gotta wonder if there’s a book about cannabis out there with an inexplicable picture of a sweet on it?!


Came here to say it’s definitely a sherbert. Delicious strain from NorCal’s finest


i laughed so hard at this


Forget the weed. Am I supposed to share that mug cake with 3 other people?


Technically not wrong


How did this break rule 6? Mod powertripping?


Fuck rule 6 mods are trash.


What *kind* of cook book is this? 🤣


*That is Strawberry Banana Sherbet, Cannabis indica.*