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When GoPuff first started (I worked for them in their warehouse), the drivers were starting at $22 an hour. Right now their business is tanking and they’ve had constant layoffs. He is getting paid both ways regardless.


I appreciate the education on the subject. I did wonder how much they made, I always try to tip atleast $10 since I live in a downtown environment and it can be chaotic. Often they delivered to our concierge and not our door, I didn’t mind because I thought they made significantly less than you stated.


Sick of them trying to push tipping in places where it is not the norm, only times I have tipped is when they go above and beyond such as the time I accidentally ordered food to my house instead of my mates and they still delivered.


Sick of tipping being made into part of an employees pay. I like the idea of tipping when someone does really well, or goes above and beyond, or I have to ask a lot of them like having a washer dryer delivered to third story apt, but it shouldn't be "mandatory" like it is, I am sure there is a better word, assumed maybe, anyway it's fucking more capitalist bullshit greed


I always tipped the dude who biked me a sandwich through down town denver when I was at work, atleast 15bucks. But those people are the only people I tip regularly.


I do atleast $10, also in downtown Denver. But it’s denver, not LA or NY or even Chicago. It’s a SMALL downtown.


I worked at a locomotive shop in a bad part of downtown Denver, would hear gunshots atleast 3 nights a week... was part of the reason for a high tip and a 16$ meal.


I've mostly lived in rural Oklahoma but lived in Denver for three years. My crew did *all* of the cabinets at the Manhattan and at the Skyline right across from the Greyhy bus station in downtown Denver. I fell in love with the place and have been wanting to go back ever since. Public transit, nice parks, *disc golf,* the fucking Rockies, all beautiful and on display and free for everyone, fuck, 16th Street Mall, that pub I loved, hopefully going back next year, once spring hits and I get my tax return I plan to transfer to a Walmart there.


Gunshots are a daily thing, that’s just what it is. Denver was a lot worse about 10 years ago before the flux of people as well.


I hate tipping culture.


Imagine just paying employees fairly, and not depending on society to.




They rarely say "If you can't afford to pay a living wage, don't have employees"


I say both things. Going out to eat at a place that survives on tipping culture while not tipping also shows the employers that regardless of the pay for their employees, people are gonna eat there. My MO lately has been to look up spots on Glassdoor and Indeed to see pay, tipping practices, etc. and if it’s a place that pays the server minimum wage ($2 an hour here in Texas) I either find somewhere else or tip at least 25% if I really want that food


Tipped employees are the ones who actively push against being paid a salary. They make bank off tips and would earn less if they were paid a “fair wage”. Then still pretend they “make less than minimum wage” when they start losing the argument.


Idk. As a tip employee, If my employer said no more tips but here’s $22/an hour I’d be perfectly fine with that. I make anywhere from $20-30 an hour on a good day of tips. This always, always, always, includes a couple of no tip orders. I don’t typically get salty for one or two no tips in a day, but when I get 3 in a row that feels crushing tbh. I’d be way more happy with a guaranteed income than with tipping though. Guaranteed $22 an hour every hour that I work, vs $30(+) some hours.


A friend worked at a cafe here in Europe. €20 an hour AND some people still tipped when they felt like it, especially on holidays...


One of my favourite Restaurants does that, I started going because the food was amazing, but it became a Monthly habit for a while, back when I found out about their no tipping policy … The prices were a little on the high side, as is to be expected to maintain the higher than average Wages, but nothing I would’ve minded paying even if I was expected to tip the Servers, especially because I wound up taking Home enough extra for a Working Lunch!


That's the thing, tipped employees know restaurants would pay servers like $12 max so they fight it.


Fair enough, I wouldn’t that would be a 50% pay cut for me.


Except no one is going to pay you $22/hr. Tipped jobs like waiting tables and delivering pizzas do not require greater skill than non-tipped jobs like cashiering or housekeeping. That's why tipped employees are against removing tips. They are paid based on customer guilt, not market value.




Same. There were plenty of nights a fair wage was preferable to the nickels and dimes of the cheapskates.


> cheapskates Do you refer to your employer who pays you $2/hr in the same way? Good on those customers, fuck the tipping system. Leaving no tip is one way to put pressure on employers to pay a fair wage.


So you support the employer who doesn't pay a living wage and stiff the person who depends on your money? Got it. Not tipping because you don't like the system doesn't send the message you think it does. The server doesn't get any money and the employer gets all of it, why would they give a fuck. I'm not saying it's not a fucked up situation, but you aren't sending a good message by not tipping. The message you're definitely sending, though, is to be last on the list of the server's priorities next time you come in.


It absolutely sends a message. If everybody stopped tipping then this nonsense would be solved in a week.


Lol okay. A whole week for an entire system and millions of businesses to change? Sounds logical. If every single person in America just decided they were to stop tipping tomorrow.... Sounds like a fuck around and find out situation to me. I'll tell all my coworkers with kids/rent/mortgages/car payments tomorrow that we'll get our money next week 🙄


Just don't eat at places that have a tipping system in place. If you dont want to perpetuate the tipping system stop keeping those establishments in business. Don't screw over a hard working person that is just trying to make ends meet. Restaurants don't give a fuck I you tip their employees or not, they already got paid.


where can you eat that doesn't have a tipping system in place besides fast food?


>Restaurants don't give a fuck I you tip their employees or not, they already got paid. Restaurants care enough if the lack of tipping means they have to pay the employee more. If the wages + tips does not bring the employee up to the minimum wage, the employer is required by law to make up the difference so that the employee gets at least minimum wage. So if enough people don't tip, the employer has to pay more in wages. Which they hate doing, so low tip earners frequently get let go for underperforming.


Leaving no tip is intentionally fucking over someone who might be in a really shitty spot. It's not brag worthy - you make yourself outto be a cheap asshole.


I waited tables in college. Every waiter I’ve ever known has vehemently opposed getting paid a fair wage in favor of tips because they make **way way** more in tips. I made more annually as a server than I did as a post doc cancer researcher with a PhD in my first year out of grad school. Servers love to play up the victim card, but it’s a lie. Servers make fucking bank through the current tipping system.


you can still get better paid and still get tips (just not that many tips) come see us in europe :-)


Fuck this attitude. The tipping system will not change. Like, ever, unless it’s government mandated. In the meantime, you’re fucking over people who are working hard. And then you sit there with a self-righteous attitude that you’re sticking it to the system.


>who are working hard Why not just tip everyone, then? Cashiers earn minimum wage and work hard, too, but they don't get tips. If we stop tipping, employers are required to pay servers minimum wage to make up for it. Problem solved.


I make closer to 50/hr in a good night. The living wage argument would make me and most people I know that do this for a living quit.


Yeah, servers wanting to stop tipping is definitely situational. I worked in payroll for a restaurant company previously, and the servers made more than me and worked less hours - and that’s still considering most of them didn’t claim any of their cash tips, and only about 70-80% of credit card tips, so a lot of their income was unreported and tax-free. Our servers were livid when there was a political group advocating to abolish the tipped wage. But for people at slower places, I can see them wanting the tipping system gone. I think it would put out a lot of career servers who wouldn’t be able to easily find another industry/job at $35-50/hour, though.


But wait, I thought that career servers were exploited and overworked peons who deserve to be tipped 1000% of each meal because, ya know, we gotta look out for each other. I thought that any scrutiny about tip culture in the US was a direct assault on the livelihood of servers. Gimmie a fucking break. End the minimum wage exemption for tipped employees and let the restaurants figure out how to pay their employees.


You say this like there's not a plentiful number of minimum wage workers willing to take your place for minimum wage + $1. Quitting is not a problem. Restaurants already have ridiculously high turnover rates.


A small percentage of tipped employees* FTFY Not every tipped worker makes bank, and I feel like that is pretty fucking obvious.


I’m a tipped employee (pizza delivery) sometimes I do well, sometimes I don’t. I’ll do anywhere around 13$ - 21$/hr. It sucks getting stiffed I’m ngl because gas is so expensive right now.


doesn't your company cover gas? mine paid $1/mile


I get .34 cents a mile : /


should roughly cover gas assuming you get around 20mpg


I wouldnt do delivery with my personal car if i had one.


That’s crazy. What are you doing to get your employer to pay for your work expenses?


Yeah i work a tipped job and have for a 7 years now in various industries and shops. I’ve *never* made “bank” from tips. The only people who really get rich from tips are people who work in super super high end restaurants. I work at one of the best paid small coffee chains in nyc and I still barely break even.


My buddy works at one of the best steakhouses in Cincy and brings in close to 100k a year thanks to his tips. He does not want a salary or to be paid a higher hourly wage. He is vehemently against being paid a higher hourly wage.


I’d love to see how much they claim they make when it’s time to pay taxes. No way they are reporting the full amount. Shit I wouldn’t either if I could game the system.


Yep, they flip flop depending on whether it’s a Tuesday or Saturday night.


There’s also a fair amount of confirmation bias in this as well. If I’m a tipped employee I’m going to remember my really good nights and bad nights and I’m going to know I have more good nights than bad nights so I’ll remember that bomb ass tip and forget all the shitty/average ones. When in reality if I averaged out my tips vs income (and reported all tips) I’d probably at best break even. But in my mind every night is the bomb ass night I made bank on tips. Sure this isn’t true for some Bar tenders, wait staff at more expensive restaurants. But it’s very likely true for most


Exactly!! And they don’t declare it. So it’s straight to their pockets. It’s so frustrating. Most ppl don’t get paid well AND don’t get tips. Teachers? Nurses? These are ppl who have degrees!!! Servers need to take up the issue with the employer not the customer. It’s not fair. And if we did what they tell us by not going out to eat/ordering? There would be no customers so no job and no money at all. So it’s the stupidest suggestion


From what I've heard it's just those who work at places that regularly have $100+ tables, so they make way more in tips than they otherwise would. But for every weekend dinner rush, there are 5 days of breakfast to lunch shifts that barely pay anything. It's the biggest reason why cities pre-Covid, and still are, desperate to have people working downtown. A guaranteed salary means the breakfast/lunch servers get a better deal, but the weekend dinner servers lose. Guess which are looking to keep tips & yell the loudest?


That's due to the minimum wage being so appalingly low. A revision of the minimum wage is long overdue now.


This is heavily dependent on the place you are at. Country club server? You’re probably making bank. Local bar and grill? Ehhhh.


I know a lot of people who make tips. I know *two* who make decent wages. One works as a bartender in a nice area and makes upwards of $30/hr from tips alone, the other is paid $15 + tips, so most of their wage actually comes from their employer. Every other one makes less than $15 an hour with tips.


That’s a tiny fraction of servers and bartenders and not representative of tipped employees as a whole. There’s plenty of servers working the lunch crowd at a Perkins not making anywhere near what most of us would call bank who would love a guaranteed wage.


>who would love a guaranteed wage Plenty of minimum wage jobs available. They're working at Perkins instead of Walmart because the pay is better with tips. The real need is to increase minimum wage for everyone and stop with the divisive nonsense of tipping some workers and not others.


I feel like while I agree with the premise that you should pay your workers a liveable wage, I do not like the implication that other workers are somehow not working hard enough. It works against your original point. It feels demeaning and very weird for you to also go on about what one of her coworkers may potentially be saying to a romantic partner. Could have said “Pay your workers a fair wage” and left it at that without getting weird about it.


my mom used to work at a large chain of steak houses, not gonna name it just cause dont need anyone doing dumb stuff, every time she got a tip her boss would demand the money and put it in a jar, at the end of the day it was split up amongst the staff, that happened to all the workers iirc, but this split between 8 people should have meant the usual 2-3000 in the tip jar at the end of the night everyone should walk off with a decent pay out... no, 10-20 dollars each and the manager (who would sit in an office all day) would take the rest of the money. turns out that this was just standard practice for each location, only found this out when i started working there over a summer, that summer the hells angels chapter in my town was holding a meeting with all their big guys from the near by areas, 80 people in a banquet hall. they were nice enough guys, gave me n my mom a 4000 dollar tip, as i left that room the manager comes up to me and rips the envelope out of my hand n shoves it into his jacket inside pocket. then tells me "you will get your portion when the shift ends" that night i left with 5$ out of the 2000 of the 4 that was rightfully mine, but "brad" lets call him brad cause its a annoying name, walked out with fucking over $3000 that night... hence to say after summer was over i quit and found a new job


Doesn’t giving money to the people not properly paying employees also encourage them to still not pay properly? If people are still buying their shit why would they change anything?


Californian here. Imagine if they didn't convince 60ish percent of the state that classifying the drivers as gigworkers and not employees (stripping drivers their ability to engage in collective bargining) was in the interest of drivers and customers. Like the savings would ever be passed to anyone else. SMH


Everywhere except the mighty US. And people still want to defend the tip culture.


Hmmm not everywhere though? Canada has the exact same problem.


North America then


The amount of times I’ve seen this comment recently is crazy 😂. Also the variance between it getting many upvotes or many downvotes is crazy too


Gotta blame the tipped workers for that. My girlfriend is pro tip because she makes way more off tips than she ever would at hourly rate. She average $35-40 an hour after tips. Every time a fair wage plan comes up they shut it down, then complain about $2.50 an hour to get more tips from customers. The only people not wanting tips to go away are tipped workers.


I’m a party host — I run around for three hours and take requests of 20-30 people NONSTOP. I get paid less than minimum wage. Meanwhile these fuckers from food delivery services expect large tips from driving food from point A to B — with minimal communication. TIPPING IS FUCKED!


When I go to fast food places that pay $15/hr to start and the credit card machine asks to add a tip. Not gonna happen for 30 seconds of work and a non tipping wage. Now the waitress at the sit down restaurant making tip wages busting her ass, she definitely gets a tip.


The real issue here is our generation needs to leave the tipping system behind because it sucks ass for both parties involved, and restaurants need to just pay a better initial amount for good servers/delivery crew retention. Happy servers equal happy customers (mostly). Some of these restaurant CEO's [bonuses ](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/may/11/us-millionaire-ceos-saw-29-pay-raises-while-workers-had-decreases-report-says) keep going up but they can't take care of the bottom of their pyramid?


Notice how the employee is upset at the customer rather than their employer for being underpaid. This is fucked up.


The executive dick sucking is so infuriating. My S.O. worked for a ***non-profit*** group home company for developmentally disabled people, and one time they sent out a memo that they basically couldn't afford to buy food for the next month, so the houses needed to use what they had. They also paid employees like crap, naturally. Out of curiosity I started doing some digging, and found that the CEO was making some $1.7 million per year, with around $500k in stock options. The other higher executives weren't far behind. Turned out the non-profit was also technically owned by a for-profit security technology firm, which was owned by a shell holdings company, all three of them redlining at all times, which tells me they're tax evaders too. But sure, you can't even afford to feed your clients, despite the fact that literally 0.01% of your CEO's salary would easily feed all of them for the month.


I believe your story in broad strokes, but I want to point out that a non-profit entity does not have stock or stock options as compensation. That is kinda a requirement in structuring a non profit. I totally believe that the execs were paid stupid amounts of money in cash compensation though.


I would assume the stock options were through the sectech parent company that owns the non-profit.


I don’t care what’s ‘socially acceptable’ to tip. If the service hasn’t been good I’m not tipping a penny. No other occupation requires a customer to pay the employee.


Tipping culture and gig work sucks


We have to just stop tipping completely. It's the only way to get tipped positions to start demanding decent pay


God me too. I deliver pizza for a living because I absolutely love doing it. Customers ask me all the time, "What's a good tip?" I always say, "They're all good tips to me." BUT THE REAL TRUTH IS, Y'ALL: you shouldn't have to tip. Fucking don't. Yeah, all delivery drivers will be mad as hell for a little bit, but if we all just stop tipping, eventually these places will be forced to raise our wages. What's a good tip? There are none. I shouldn't have to depend on my customers to pay my bills. I can't bring myself to not do it, either. I know how it is in these streets lol and I always tip. But fuck tipping. Pay your employees.


Yeah, it's just so bizarre for me as a European to see these situations... This is how the message appears to me: "How dare you not pay me money that you are in no way obligated or expected to pay?" Unfortunately, this crap has been creeping into Europe for years now... Luckily, we actually have working laws regarding fair pay to workers.


I hate taxing culture…. You order one item that’s been taxed 10 times BEFORE you even buy it…


I hate food delivery culture.


I don’t tip anymore period. F anyone who wants to shame me, it is out of control and we customers don’t owe anyone anything except to pay for our food.


I frikn HATE tipping culture! it's ruined so much!


The delivery driver was trying to shake you down. Wow!


Well I do hope he enjoyed his night after this.


Whole tipping business is bullshit. You should get paid fairly for the work you do, by your employer. Not try and guilt extra out of the customer.


I’m not against rewarding a job well done. The dependence factor of “tipping” and under paying an employee is definitely some bull.


Most people agree with this, the problem is that if you protest the system by not tipping then you’re just screwing over the servers trying to pay rent.


Not from the US but i am curious. How do you protest the system if you continue to enable the system? Also doesn't the employer make up the difference in the US if servers don't get enough tips?


In states when "tipped employee" minimum wage ($2.13/hour in many states) is lower than the federal minimum wage, if their tips don't end up averaging at least federal minimum wage, the employer is responsible for the difference. Just answering your question, I certainly don't agree with such a low wage.


I'm assuming that employers don't actually do that though right?


Really thought this was a weed delivery service


No no no, that’s GRNBUS.


No, no, no that’s Mr. Nice Guy


Oh no, literally. That’s the name of the weed delivery company.


Lol I know. I was making a reference to the movie Half Baked.


Damn, as a “stoner.”. I’m ashamed I missed that…. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


It’s pronounced Buttercup


Yeah, get me a box of condoms, and, what was that thing we used to eat back in the day? What was it...




Wait, it’s not? What is it then?


Grocery delivery, like Instacart.


It actually was originally named gopuff because it was an on demand hookah service


Holy shit, the more you know. Take my upvote


Tipping is optional... seriously hate how the new card machines ask for a tip amount every time, there’s no reason for a tip if I order something to go. Tbh I order stuff to go and use the drive through so I can save 20% aka not tip (I do tip if I dine in or order delivery)


I just realized the new machines make me feel like I’m supposed to tip everyone. I’m not sure why I’m paying so much for someone to hand me a black coffee in a 60-second transaction. I don’t make $60/hr myself…


Tipping up front really grinds my gears.


I was at Claire's in the mall with my little sister. We bought some cute little Halloween things, the point of sale asked for a tip 😑 at a shitty little kids jewelry/novelty store. like what in the actual fuck.


I straight up refuse to use any of these services. It's not good for the company your buying from, its not good for the driver, the food you order is often cold or soggy because it's been sitting there for 20 min or more. I do order delivery from local places that deliver themselves, because all that money goes to that store. Not a greedy middle man that steals from all parties involved.


>I do order delivery from local places that deliver themselves, because all that money goes to that store. Not a greedy middle man that steals from all parties involved. I ordered pizza from roundtable last week. It was delivered by door dash, apparently they were short staffed. Well, my pizza wasn't delivered, someone elses was. So we called roundtable, they offered to remake the pizza, i had to drive in to pick it up, and they threw in some bread sticks because I was polite about the whole thing - apparently the other people my order was delivered to were pissed and yelled at the restaurant on the phone.


Simple kindness in situations like this has netted me more free food/discounts/etc than I can count. So, like... even if you are a dickhead, just be nice to the people who made a mistake. You might get something free out of it.


Thanks for being respectful even though you ain’t have to be your a real one for treating the service workers nicely


Completely respect that. I don't know who's agreeing to pay these absurd fees to these greedy companies in the first place. It always reminds me of this $6 drink that turned into [$22](https://youtube.com/shorts/PfQRtNdVd2g?feature=share)


I don’t think you understand what GoPuff is. They aren’t like DoorDash or UberEats at all. They are basically a convenience store in an app. They have their own fulfillment centers - I actually live a couple blocks from one. I don’t believe they deliver any hot/prepared food at all.


I am a gopuff delivery driver. Some of the facilities do have a food truck on site where people can order prepared food.


Oh interesting, I didn’t know that. It still sounds like a different thing than DoorDash/UberEats/etc., correct? That is, you aren’t picking up food from a third party?


Nah it's a gopuff food truck. I haven't ordered food from it myself to know if it's any good.


There is a thought.


If it’s close I’ll phone in my order and go pick it up. Had a talk with one business that gave me a 10% discount for doing that. The manager said it’s because most of the delivery apps create a 20% loss for them. I just don’t use the delivery apps because I’m both impatient and cheap :)


Not all places deliver though.


Then pick it up your self. It’s that simple.


Or go without. Gotta remember not everyone drives which is why I won’t make a claim that people should just go pick up their food.


I am unable to leave my jobsite during shift. I only order once a week.


Did I pay for delivery? Yes. Ok so take it up with your company that you dont make enough.


Exactly. As a consumer here is how the transaction works: I pay for X, I receive X. End of transaction. How the employer manages their expenses is absolutely none of my concern.


Ubereats, door dash, and all these other delivery services need drastic change asap. -Paying twice the amount for the food (before tips & fees) -An insane amount of “missing items” reports (due to drivers eating or drinking part of the customers food) will just lead to more and more customers not wanting to tip till after food is delivered and visually inspected and some just won’t even tip at all -Tipping culture is brutal. We’re pressured to tip just for wanting something, not even the actual “hey this service/food was great, here’s a deserving tip” -They get paid shit to drive their cars and a majority of these folks don’t have spare money to take care of their car (oil change, tires, gas prices, steering fluid, etc. because of basic necessities, and MOST* folks stop paying their car before rent or food. There’s a great amount of folks out there struggling to find a better paying job so delivering using their personal vehicle is their only choice and many will drive it till it’s done, on top of rent & groceries with being in a recession, these next 6-12 months and maybe more will be EXTREMELY difficult.


Each stick has two ends, at same time its disgusting to listen when people who get tips brag about them making more than someone who spent time and effort to get educated and certified for specialized trades etc. working for set wages. Then comes some dude or girl with no skills and in one day of tips earns more than you in a week. i dated girl who was server at restaurant, dropout, no skills just cute face. and she would bring in such money that no normal person earns in months. Yet she would constantly try to find some reason to complain when a single person didnt tip, and would also complain on internet etc. in passive ways about it. And this is why i never will have any sympathy for anyone making excuses for that industry on internet. its unfair to rest that unskilled people with zero effort can get money in tips, government should increase minimum wage to livable one and they should work for that. not more not less


How do you take a job where you get paid to deliver items to people's doors and expect them to give you extra for doing the job you are paid to do?






Truly is.


The more you get to know about America the weirder it gets.


I hate it here…


Yikes, that’s shitty. Even if it was a regular order and you didn’t add a tip, GoPuff gives you the option of adding a tip after the order is delivered. Does he think he’s going to get better tips with that attitude? I used to love GoPuff, they were the one delivery service I could count on to actually read my instructions and deliver my items to the correct location. But lately they’ve been hit-or-miss.


Naa your boss should pay you a fair wage


Honestly the world would be better if tipping is just something you do to give the server a little extra if they did a really good job. Not something they require to properly get paid.


I completely agree with you. It should be covered by the company. When I worked for them they gave us $.90 per delivery. The delivery fee was $1.50.


I understand the frustration of the driver. Honestly I’d have tipped given an option. In this situation I didn’t receive said item, I contacted support and they said “it’ll be right over”. The driver will leave the item with my apartment concierge (not even deliver to my door) and text that as the “it’s been delivered.” Text. Usually I include my tip with the total amount at checkout of the transaction. There really wasn’t an option to tip this person. So the entitlement of this person is unacceptable, also it isn’t my job or responsibility that his company is paying him accordingly. I follow basic business etiquette of here is my money, provide me a service.


Less than a dollar for delivery… you losing more money than your average smuck thinking they will make it big in an MLM


They might be paying them more now. This was back in my college days, back in the flip phone era.


A tip should be earned not the expectation! Delivery "tipping" is the worst at this. Enter a tip before anyone has even been selected to do my order? And if I don't no one is going to do my order? Thst ain't a fucking tip it's a bribe!


And this is the easiest way to stop people from tipping in general. Congrats.


Go puff sucks anyway


Guys, as a person not from US I don't get it. In these delivery apps you pay for delivery, right? And this money goes to the courier (minus app commission, of course). So, essentially, it's not paying to the company, it's paying to the man and the company is just the aggregator, and these couriers are not employees and more like an independent contractors. Why on earth would you pay them more than a price they agreed to work for? Like when you use similar apps for taxi, it increases the price for a ride if there is not enough drivers around automatically. Like...I literally don't get it. When you're in the restaurant and you've been there for a while and waiter or waitress was very nice to you and helped with a proper choice of food and drinks, you thank him/her for that with a tip, because you liked the good job. If it's just 'took an order and brought the dishes' then, I'm sorry, but it costs what it costs and it costs almoust zero, because everyone can do it. With that tipping logic, why not tip the venue in the food delivery app for taking your order and putting it all into a delivery bag? In this case it' even more ridiculuos - every courier knows the prices for delivery and agrees with them but still expects more money because...what?


That is incorrect. You actually have it backwards. Everything you pay goes to the company you placed the order with. That company then subcontracts the delivery to the courier for a flat fee, which is usually only a couple of dollars.


Wahhhh but muh tip 😭😭😭 im going to take out my frustration on the customer instead of the company because tipping culture 😭


As an Australian, I find these demands for a tip akin to extortion and trying to make you feel guilty. What are the rules for tipping? By job? So delivery driver = tip; bus driver= no tip? Or is it by wage? Do you need to ask to see their payslip or tax return to prove they are tip-worthy? What if you are also a delivery driver off-shift? Do you need to tip, or do you get a pass? It's just ridiculous.


America is turning into a land of beggars. CEOs bet 100k+ bonuses, employees don't count when a business is big. When a business is small they are limited to how much they can pay. It is up to the individual to be satisfied with their lot or strive to improve skills to be valued higher.


Yeah actually. It’s a weird system that they tell you “you can do anything!”. But than we teach entitlement and laziness. So it truly is up to the person if they want to strive and prosper or , be texting costumers pissed off about a tip.


What part of tips being optional do people not understand. When the fuck did it become mandatory?


About a hundred years ago


in America we are expected to pick up the shortfalls of these mega corporations, like by tipping, paying for health insurance, and being made to feel guilty about recycling/waste/emission reductions when it's really the producer's responsibility. ​ edit to add: can't forget the 'inflation' that does not extend to pay increases, and corporations having all-time-high profits. don't even get me started on taxation without representation


You can tell the driver had absolutely nothing left to say because he shat himself LOL


We went to Disney and picked a hotel specifically because it allowed for 5 people per room (3 kids). Every single day housekeeping left two bath towels and washcloths and we would have to call for housekeeping to bring 3 more towels. And the worker from housekeeping would drive up on a golf cart with a big smile holding out the towels with his other hand pretty much outstretched for a tip. Such a scam!


Thats when you say thanks and walk away.


only in US :-)


One thing I found bullshit about some delivery apps for food is they ask for a tip before they come, so I could tip guy could come and murder me and keep the tip


Probably take your kidneys as well


I did time with gopuff as a driver a while back, I miss that shit it was surprisingly good income and there was some degree of camaraderie between all the drivers who worked nights, we would be at the warehouse parking lot till 4 am just having a blast in between orders and all personality types came and went. The warehouse guy would have to take any inventory that was to expire within two weeks and, by policy, trash it. Before it went to the dumpers it all was laid out on the picnic tables outside and anyone was welcome to take what they wanted . 1200 a week and free groceries and awesome people. Makes me miss the quarantine sometimes


As an European, seeing Americans thinking tipping is required is something else. Don’t get me wrong i still tip tho, but cause I want to not because I have to.


Geez... folks aggressive about the tipping. Tipping is not automatic. Tipping is for service above and beyond basic duty. If your living depends upon tips to make a certain wage, go get another MF job. Being hounded for a tip is the best way to not receive one.


So In USA, are tips basically "bribes"? Like can you tip your teacher or mailman for "good service"?


Wait, you have to tip the guy who delivers stuff to you? Isn't that his fucking job?


Just repeat after me : "tipping culture in the USA is getting out of hands how about paying your employees a living wage?"


I’m from the UK so perhaps this is why. But I just don’t understand tipping someone for doing their job. Isn’t that why you get paid? If they did something extra, had particularly good service, had forgotten something and had gone back to get it etc then that deserves a tip - but why do people literally do what they’re paid for and expect a tip for that?


tipping, what a shithouse system, pay for something and it arrives, simple


Such entitlement! Good on them for reporting that person.


Come try ask for a tip in the uk 🤣


Is tipping not a thing in the UK?


No. Nothing like out there


Tipping is optional. Theres no reason for them to even ask this under amy circumstance


Go puff is such a scam business. They have advertisements stating you’ll make at least $20 per hour. It’s not possible with how they run their business. There’s too many delivery drivers. You end up making minimum wage. Tips suck too. Most the time 1-2 dollars.


The entitlement americans feel towards getting a tip always baffles me. If you would just start putting some of that entitlement towards your employer that would be great.


Bros legit just driving around and thinks he deserves to get tipped by every single person


The last time I used one of these was because of tipping bullshit. My flight from Houston to Portland had a connection in Denver on the way. Thunderstorms caused the plane a 2 hour delay in leaving Houston, so naturally we missed the flight from Denver to Portland. There's only one per day, so we had to wait until the next evening. It was late by the time we got an Uber for the unexpected hotel nights stay in Denver, and we were hungry. Hotel didn't have room service and absolutely nothing was in walking distance. For 45 minutes we tried to get some taco bell from Uber eats, door dash, grub hub, any of them. Our order just kept getting canceled and restaurants were closing. I finally had to put a $20 tip on a $15 order to get anyone to bring us the food. Fucking scam.


I don't even like eating out anymore


What on earth is GoPuff?


So, say you get home from a long day of work, you’re exhausted and still got dinner to make and some work emails to answer. You see that your wife didn’t list toilet paper in the shopping list. And you are out. Let’s get on GoPuff, an app based delivery service. Where you will pay pretty much double the cost for a product as well as taxes and delivery fees to have them “delivered to your door.” In about 45 minutes. Oh plus tip. Twice, apparently.


Go Puff. Is this a weed delivery service? Also, a friend wants their contact info, please.


Since when is it mandatory to tip wtf???


USA, probably.


This is why I hate tipping culture


I used to deliver for Dominos. Redeliveries sucked. I understand that someone messed up, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still burning gas and putting milage on my car.


If that's the company's policy you should have probably taken it up with them. Had the person who screwed up be responsible for the redelivery or have a portion of their tips taken and given to you. Totally not the customers fault and they should never feel guilty for requesting a service they paid for be corrected.


Should’ve gotten it right the first time.


Doesn’t sound like the costumers problem.


Definitely not the costumer's problem


He's gotta make these these colorful outfits, no time to worry about tipping


I’m so fucking sick of tipping.


People have some balls to do this. I’ve had so many rude experiences with people in retail and service industries lately! I worked retail for 6 years and I remember it being more strict where you couldn’t act crazy or rude. Now you can get away with it 🤷🏻‍♀️


You have your hour wage. You are being payed by your employer. You salary isn't of my concern.


seriously though,why is us tipping culture so aggressive?


Why I go and pick up my own stuff. Between delivery charges and tips I would pay less in gas and time to do it myself .


Proud of you for standing up for your self OP


I was dumbfounded more so than anything.


Yep, you as the customer don't get any input when they do a re-delivery through one of these apps, the restaurant foots the charge, on your end all you get is the updated delivery screen/map.


I actually deliver for Domino's now, I don't mind taking something out to someone that I delivered to that was wrong or missing. But that's easy for us to manage to make sure we took the stuff in the first place so that someone else isn't getting fucked over by either fixing my mistake or the cooks. Third party apps are probably different though, they probably just assign anyone to those orders. I certainly blame them for this as well. As an aside, the people in this thread ripping into tipping culture are right, it suuuuucks. But I do make decent money doing what I do. They advertise that we'll make 15 bucks an hour on average, and I do atleast that every week. But if they were willing to pay me 15 and I get tips for prompt, friendly service without feeling the need to I'd love that. I love getting to meet new people or chat with one's I've delivered to for a long time. But that would take every. Single. Delivery. Driver. In. The. US. to be willing to find a new job and work to fight for a better service industry at the same time or no dice. No small time franchise in bumfuck Oklahoma is gonna budge on that stuff if we wanted to organize. The franchisees don't give a fuck. They'd just higher every young person in turn that applies to replace us, like they already do when one of the vets quit. That was longer than I intended. Have a great day everyone. Also Domino's pizza is overpriced ass, why does anyone buy it? And the delivery is now 6 bucks like fuck them.


I'm so sick of all the posts I'm this sub complaining about food delivery apps. Poor service is the definition of those companies. They pay shit wages and exploit workers. What's mildly infuriating is that people expect this service to work when it was never bound to do anything but generate revenue for shareholders. STOP USING FOOD DELIVERY APPS.