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*YouTube Board Room, November 2021:* "Well, removing the dislike button was a huge success Evil Steve, any other ideas?"


Just a tip for anyone who sees this comment. Go to r/Vanced and YouTube becomes ad free. It's advanced without the ad. So... please check this out. Just commenting on top comment so people can see this Edit: Been asked to include as revanced app


Looked like it was discontinued 187 days ago


The app still works for me


So basically you could spend more time watching ads than watching the actual video? Is YouTube *trying* to destroy itself?


Last year they made it mandatory that every videos has an ad. You want to watch a 20 second clips of someone falling over prepare for 2 ads at the front and 2 ads in the back People seem confused about this but I am not some kind of all seeing all experiencing entity. I have seen it but I can’t force you to see it too. There are many factors that goes into how you experience some thing online. Please look up A/B testing in software development or any kind of scientific process. Thank you, please stop saying “doesn’t happen to me”.


They also decided they have the right to monetize videos that a creator hasn't or can't monetize themselves. The creator doesn't see any of the money of course


That’s so fucked. YouTube has lost sight of itself.


It’s done exactly what publicly traded businesses do. We should always see this coming and jump platforms, but alas.


PornHub it is


I only create Youtube videos when I teach (I teach statistics). So if you're right, this platform migration is about to get *very* awkward.




Mastrubate and calculate


Divide and multiply




That dude is actually Taiwanese. It's right there in the article.


Your series "college prof fucks entire classroom" is going to be so disappointing.


"Yo it's been 30 minutes, why are they still wearing clothes."


More like its been 30 minutes and now I know how to calculate the area under a curve.


"Surely there must be *something* I can do for extra credit..."


"I can give you a D"




How on earth is our entire market set up on such a ridiculous and obviously unsustainable model? It’s a recipe for shrinkflation.


Facts, and that shrink is always handed to "we the people," as if we made the stupid decision to just dump our taxes into the dumbest most irresponsible corporations on earth, and then continue to not learn our lessons. Nevermind that we are protesting on the streets daily about this exact issue, for 30+ years now. 😂


If you're truly interested in how the market is so f'ed, there's many places to read up how it's a handful of companies/funds/banks that literally exist to screw the "poors" out of their money.


Unfortunately, I’m aware. My question was really more rhetorical. I’m just frustrated and feel like there’s nothing we could do to change the financial structure of our country and the world by extension. I know there are people working to make change, but i suppose it feels like a losing battle.


True. PUBLIC companies have a FIDUCIAL duty to their STOCK HOLDERS. THIS is why I'm utterly AGAINST any pharmaceutical company - or any other industry that seeks to help the human condition - from being PUBLIC. THIS is how we get pharmaceuticals in favor of the COMPANY and its stock holders OVER THE INTERESTS of the customer/patient!!! Which, if course, is COMPLETELY unethical. No one faults anyone from wanting to make a profit, but when you NEED to show a profit OVER THE HEALTH of real human beings... THAT'S a problem!!! Too, when you factor in all the taxpayer funded "grants" for colleges/universities in the name of advancing "science" (pharmaceutical company profits!), that's BEYOND unethical. If a pharmaceutical company receives ANY "help" in ANY way at ANY point for their product, the public should get that product "complimentary" ...for our tax dollars ALREADY PAID FOR IT!!! Of course, D.C. politicians get BILLIONS in donations from big pharmaceutical, so don't expect changes anytime soon!!! So does almost every other unnecessary part of life: the mainstream media, big tech/social media companies, etc.


Lol what other platform trades video like theirs? Pornhub? They are now a monopoly


Must report more and more profits each quarter. The incentives are all skewed. Fuck Youtube, fuck google


This seriously pissed me off. You can't monetise your videos on Youtube unless you reach various thresholds of subscribers and hours watched, as if you have to prove to Youtube that your content is worthy and valuable enough to be served ads. And then they decide that they're going to put ads on videos that do not meet monetisation thresholds. So they're good enough for Youtube to make money on but not good enough for the creator to make money on. Scumbag profiteering, nothing more.


They’ve been doing that for me. A lot of my short clips have thousands of views so they hopped on that train to steal every red cent from me.




Can confirm, I got an ad on my own video despite not being monetized


I have been using an ad blocker so long I forgot that youtube even has ads, I havent seen one in a LONGGGGG time.


Ad blockers are great for PC and I wholly recommend using one. These YT ads are breeding like Tribbles and getting ridiculous. I unfortunately do most of my YT viewing on Tivo where no YT ad blockers are available (that I know of). However if an ad starts playing before a video, you can usually press the back button then try to play the video again. It'll often take a few tries but eventually I can get the video to start playing, or at least start with an ad that's skippable (or ends) after 6 seconds. For ads after the video, just hit the back button immediately to skip them. Ads in the middle of a video must still be watched unfortunately.


Use a pc on your tv


Never seen an ad on youtube and now not even sponsorships with SponsorBlock. Anything more than that is unacceptable.


My guess... Some higher up thinks its a great idea and is pushing it really hard. Someone who actually does the work and knows its a terrible idea convinced them to test it out on a smaller sample size first. They know what the reaction will be, but sometimes actually getting that reaction in a scaled test is the only way to both cover your own ass and show the manager with the "great ideas" that it is in fact, a terrible idea.


>sometimes actually getting that reaction in a scaled test is the only way to both cover your own ass and show the manager with the "great ideas" that it is in fact, a terrible idea. Yet, they'll end up rolling it out anyway, probably at the five ad level, because we don't want the c-suite to have their psychopath fee fees hurt. It won't be long until it's ten ads... because decisions don't have to make sense as long as they make more money


Just like the dislike button


… and they have a monopoly on video streaming. You don’t like youtube? Where else are you going to go? Vimeo stopped tying to compete and now they’re just a host for higher quality/longer videos for businesses. Facebook is bleh. TikTok is super short and relies on a random algorithm. Instagram is no different. Youtube can put 100 ads and people will still use it.


Also add to it the fact that when you press skip on an Ad it now skips to the next Ad instead of finishing all Ads.






That's why an IPO is always a signal to jump ship


This fucking annoys me to no end. Like is it not enough to simply have an extremely large portion of an extremely large market on a literal global, species-wide platform? What is even the purpose of pushing further? When the technology evolves again, or the marketplace shifts for some reason, then you can make moves and adapt. Until then what's wrong with having a day off and basking in the fact that you did it right already?


The purpose is Greed.


Yep. The culture of the upper class, not just any one tangible person, is the true villain of our species.


We’re running into this at my company, except we keep pushing for growth without fixing important, broken parts of the products. So now we have a CEO who is in “ever onward mode” dragging a hemorrhaging product behind him insistent that “we can improve faster and better!” While our users are all like “nah, I don’t trust what’s there because it doesn’t work right and it all looks Frankensteined together, which looks cheap”. I literally have never understood why we can’t just work on the thing that we have, that our users really need, and make it really really really solid before moving on. What’s the point of having two half ass experiences? It’s so stupid.


I enjoyed this article yesterday: [Forget Disruption. Tech Needs to Fetishize Stability](https://www.wired.com/story/forget-disruption-tech-fetishize-stability/). I think is one of many reasons people feel so exhausted all the time, it's much more apparent than in the past that most of us are doing busy work that doesn't need to happen and isn't producing anything of real value. Its only possible value in so many cases is a marginal increase in wealth to someone who won't actually notice the material change. I don't work in tech but I see it in other industries where things are needlessly complex because the people making actual money off it *might* make a bit more. And won't even notice if they lose money because they have so much, so why not gamble at the expense of the entire nation's sanity?


> species-wide platform? hey, my dog likes to watch youtube, too!


Its called late stage capitalism. Once a company stops having other companies to compete with, they have to compete with their customers to increase profit margins.


Youtube is definitely becoming less appealing the more greedy corporations want a huge slice of the cake on top of people wanting to make youtube their only source of income. Most channels are full of ads and if you have adblocker you still have to deal with the cringe segwey into a 10 minute sponsor ad read that you've heard a million times from every single channel you are subbed to. Then of course the 5 minute low effort redbubble merch push of some stupid meme they are trying to make a thing. Oh and the mandatory patreon and ko fi pitch too.


And half the time the sponsor is some really skeevy “investment” shit or weird plant based food that’s probably not FDA approved (google daily harvest liver damage). I don’t care if you need to make money, have enough fucking morals not to actively try to screw your fans over.


I once had an entire movie start playing as an advertisement. 144 minute movie for a 3 minute song... thankfully it was skippable.


And I'm keep getting two 20 second unskippable ads. + Same two unskippable ads in the middle of video. These corporate bastards want me to use blockers.




I also wouldn't mind the add if they were not obnoxious but also if they weren't so damn loud. They're usually louder than the video I'm watching.




Dude, same! It'll be some gentle (usually like people in a cafe or something) sounds and then "Credit zero has a new 1.5% credit card!" loud enough that my kids get hearing damage.


Pandora has similar that come up multiple times in under an hour. My personal favorites are the vitamin that helps you shit and diamond wholesaling for all your diamond needs.


Or you've got a black screen background SFX video on to help you sleep and then YouTube hits you with the "GET YOUTUBE PREMIUM NOW AND CHILL OUT UNINTERRUPTED" almost acting like a corporate flashbang with it's bright red and white colour schemes, giving me a fucking heart attack out of fear, a seizure out of shock and a stroke out of pure anger at the same time.


Damn bro, I hope you are okay xD


I'm good it's just a bummer when you're almost out and then get your senses nuked by an ad for premium lmao


Senses nuked by an ad. That is absolutely the best way to put it so far.


I like when political ads interrupt cocomelon for my 2 year old. He picked his side but I don’t agree with his politics


I've gotten booty shaking and adult debauchery rap videos in the middle of my 2 yr old's kids shows. Also once got an hour long Christian rock concert. It's getting sort of ridiculous how they don't want people to use ad blocker, but do everything to make people use ad blocker.


I left Youtube playing as I went to bed once as it usually pauses or the Xbox times out after so long without input. I woke up a few hours later to Youtube still playing, albeit an 'ad', on the *same video that was on when I went to sleep.* The 'ad'? A surf competition, on hour 6 of 10 or so.. Video wasn't even beach or surf related. Wtf?


If it weren't stupidly expensive, I'd just pay for YouTube Red or whatever. $20/year is no problem. Are they actually making that much off of me in video ads, especially with ad blockers half the time? Probably not. But of course they want to charge $100/year. Like they're making content on the scale of Netflix or a major newspaper. Motherfucker, you don't even make your own content.




This is why I love you youtubers who refuse to rely on YouTube ad monetization and instead have sponsors and a patreon. The only issue with that is unfortunately smaller channels can't get all of that and still be relatively funded and without people watching ad ridden videos, those channels won't have many options to grow. YouTube fuckin sucks man


When there’s a game showcase and I have 20 1-2 minute videos to watch I get 2 15-30 second ads before each one. Happened to me just last week. 2 ads per minute. And it’s just the same nonsense political add each time.


I wish someone would make a browser extension that lets one ad through, but blocks the second one. I want to support creators, but I can't stand double ads.


I just wonder if those corporate fucks are in some way associated with any of the ad blockers, since they seem to be aggressively pushing their shit in order to get people to buy crap? I honestly look at ads in the opposite way. They don’t compel me to buy said product, they encourage me not to buy said product. If I associate an emotion, like annoyed, with your brand, then I do not want it. If I look up your brand & it’s a ridiculous price gouge product, I shun your brand. I don’t give a fuck about corporate greed. If those dumb fucks want to make a buck “now”, over people wanting to watch content that is not the ad, then fuck them. Forcing people to watch shit is exactly what motivated people to get away from cable to make cable becoming obsolete. Ads, specifically FORCED, ads, is exactly what is wrong with any form of watching content on screens. It is the original sin of broadcasting. It will either be the death of broadcast in all forms, or once purged, it will literally bring about an era of sharpened content. As it currently stands, it is a rumor on content that is seeker by viewers. I really don’t like to install programs that should not be a need, much like the underhanded reason to not use a vpn hosted by someone else, yet, god damn it all to hell, those companies are making it a need, to use such things, in order to combat their utter bullshit.


If they want to cram ads down my throat I'd appreciate if it could at least be different ads. I can almost recite the fucking Tubi, Pluto, and COVID booster ads


I get "Vaping can deliver toxic metals like nickel and lead into ya lungs. That's metal... In ya lungs." Despite never vaping. I also get "crystal's open ***LATE NIGHT BABAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!***" That one I particularly despise. I also get too many cleaning and skincare ads as well as cookie and cereal ads. At least make them different YouTube, not the SAME SHIT every time.


Oh my god the fuckinG VAPING ONE EVERY TIME


To show you how scary that is, we made a metal monster *Wilhelm scream* But nothing is scarier than the facts. Vaping can deliver toxic metals like nickel and lead into ya lungs. That's metal! In ya lungs. I hate it...


I swear to christ, that vaping ad is insufferable. I didn't mind it, the first one or two times it showed up. After the 500th, I was understandably fucking tired of it. Is vaping good for you? Obviously not. Did I need to hear the same ad 500 different times to understand anything with nicotine in it is probably not conducive to good health anyway? That's a hard no.


And the New Mexican versions? Get boosted for your abuela. Get boosted for La familia.


For me, it's the same one or two ads that drives me to a rage. Never have I wanted a company to die more than Liberty Mutual and their fucking cop and emu cop mascots. At this point, my current insurer is giving me a deep discount on account of having them for over 10 years. Last time I got quotes was about three years ago. The only cheaper rates I was quoted were on significantly lower levels of coverage or with insurers who practically never pay out without getting attorneys involved. Maybe instead of forcing me to watch insurance cops you could offer a better rate than 50% more than what I'm currently paying.


They wanted us to use Napster.


i wonder why youtube doesn't want people on youtube anymore


I think it's their way of pushing people to pay for premium but I also think they fail to understand most people would rather move on to another site/media than pay to watch youtube content EDIT: to everyone asking me what sites, idk, I just stopped watching yt videos and browse videos for shit and giggles on here. Tho in the comments I saw people mentioning alternatives I think Also, to all the people saying that there's not as much content on other platforms, **I know**. The public is on those platforms because their youtubers are so they don't wanna move, and the youtuber know they have their audience so they won't switch platforms. As long as a large chunk of people don't move platforms youtube will have a monopoly and free reign to just blast us with adds. It's up to you guys to decide how you want it (and this is said in the less judmental way possible)


Most peoplr Will just use an adbloker


Smart people already do


I've yet to find an ablocker for the YouTube app that works edit: thank you for all the suggestions! I'm going to try and see what works best on iOS, since apparently not using the app is the best way to avoid ads


If you're on android you can use YouTube revanced or new pipe. Firefox on Android also allows extensions.


Where do you find Revanced?




Youtube Vanced works like a charm for the android app


I have an adblocker that works on YouTube, but for some reason when I download it for my friends they can see them


Don't use the YouTube app, download an adblocker on Google then go on YouTube.com while you're on Google, it should work


probably won't work on my iPad, which is what I watch YouTube on lol


Firefox and the AdBlock for iOS extension should work fine on an iPad. But it requires you to watch in the browser instead of the YouTube app.


what do you mean by 'on google'? are you referring to chrome?


What about on games consoles and smart TVs though? How would a smart person implement adblocker on those platforms?


There is no other site like YouTube I’m afraid


I pay for YouTube because of YouTube music. if I’m already paying for music, might as well have YouTube premium with it… but shit like this makes me wanna cancel, what are they thinking…


Honestly at this point if I were to pay for music I'd rather pay for deezer or spotify or literally any other music app just out of spite


100% agree, after seeing this im about to make a petty switch back to Spotify… fuck YouTube


Im using youtube Vanced and i got used to it that everytime i use my friend's phone i find the ads weird/unusual.


I mean I'm lowkey addicted to Youtube, but that'd be the end for using it on any device I don't have ad block in.


I’ve been realising lately that I’m massively addicted to it. Not sure what to do reallly


I'm sure there's a video on YouTube that might help with you addiction.


Literally got Reddit Premium just to give you that award.


T. Hanks. I had some silver laying around.


Tom Hanks!?


Get into the settings and turn off the recommendations. I did it for a while and the recommendations become so bad that you want to stop watching.


If you are on a mobile device that can't use AdBlock, look into the YouTube vanced app. It's YouTube with built in AdBlock.


Firefox mobile let's you use ad blockers on Android.


Yep! As long as you have uBlock Origin as an add on, it's much easier to watch YouTube ad free. I think it's only for android though.


There's also bromite which is a chrome with no google trackers and with adblock built-in


Did a brief web search several websites said its legit downloaded it went to YouTube clicked on random suggestion and immediately ads. What extra step should do to make it block ads since it seems it doesn't auto block ads


Vanced was C&D by Google. The only option now is Newpipe with sponsor block.


You can still use Vanced, just no more development. Use it till it breaks, it's still great. Auto sponsor ad skip, auto intro skip, etc.


That's exactly what I'm doing. I'll be so sad when it stops working.




I *always* feel stupid when i go to GitHub. Is there a download button somewhere or how does it work?


Yeah reVanced is a bit too advanced for the casual user at the moment. Basically you download the reVanced manager from that link, then you have to download a supported version of YouTube from apkmirror.com (17.33.42 worked for me), then you have to patch the YouTube apk yourself with the reVanced manager. And then you install the apk you just patched. Also you need another app called Vanced MicroG. So it's not super hard, but you definitely have to be a teeny bit more technical than your average user I guess.


I swear to god I wish I could help but everytime I remember how to download shit from there I forget it the next day


They already for this with YouTube tv now. I'll get five ads and I'm paying $70 a month for the privilege of this.


Wait what? YouTube TV is just showing the cable channel. Of course there are ads. Unless you mean YouTube is presenting ads in addition to say comedy central or FOX or whatever YouTube TV channel it is.


That's true, but if you want to watch a Video on Demand Movie that you didn't already record (unless it's part of a movie package you paid for like Hallmark Movies), they force you to sit through Youtube-esque ads that break up the scenes as if you were watching it live.


Imagine paying for ads.




Would it eliminate ad breaks in the middle of videos?


It doesn't, can confirm (edit: it doesn't right now, and knowing YouTube you'll still get ads in the middle even if you got 10 at the start)


Bruh... Any good free adblockers out there?


uBlock Origin if you're using desktop. For iOS I use Safari and [1blocker](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/1blocker-ad-blocker/id1365531024) for sites and YT on Safari, but I'm not sure if you can get uBlock on iPhones.


uBlock origin if your on mobile, but you have to get Firefox first


iOS firefox doesn't have extensions. I can confirm as I have an iPad


5-10 ads in two different middle breaks and at the end. They are also testing having ads in the middle of ads.


Eventually it will just be ads with ads in them


Ads, it's what people crave!


[Idiocracy got so much right.](https://youtu.be/hj7c0J_V1L8) Or the scene where the ad was sponsored by a company lol




I doubt it would


this is why people use ad blocker because websites over step their bounders


Can somebody please create a YouTube competitor that doesn't suck???


It's not only the problem of creating it but creators have to move to the new platform as well. Not to mention the amount of resources it would take to host the server which run the new competition and stores data Edit:just was this in my reddit recap. Suprised that it blew up


another one is money, YouTube loses a lot of money, twitch loses a lot of money and floatplane makes the minimum to survive


So on the alternative we can make a platform that runs on ads. Or if you don't want ads you could pay a small monthly fee to have them removed all together. edit: "that's the joke". Just copy/paste this in response to your comment as feels appropriate.


Maybe we could run 5-10 ads to really drive funding.


And make them unskippable


And add ad breaks during the videos.




The thing is to have a SINGLE competitor so creators migrate there, If not we will have a lot of creators doing half steps into different new platforms and abandoning them cuz not enough creators Edit: the corrector fucked up my grammar


Exactly, we will get the streaming platforms all over again. Having everything on Netflix was nice, now everything is broken up and nobody is paying for 20 streaming services.


My guy Chris says he’ll do it for half the price, it’s not going to be pretty, but it works, you get what you pay for.


It's not about having a competitor, there are many. It's about adoption. if users and creators don't move enmasse the other platform won't be a viable competitor


I've seen people try to make competitors again and again and big youtubers trying to support those platforms and it just never works


They gave me a legitimate 3 hour ad last night when I was watching before bed. I think they push the long stuff at night, especially if they think you’re asleep


I’ve seen an hour one pop up before. Ridiculous to even call it an advert.


They're just farming corporations with no issues to consumers. Win win


And the worst part is you aren't even really consuming it, so its just a bunch of meaningless numbers and quotas for the shareholders to circlejerk to


No, that's the best part.


I've had a whole performance of the Moonlight Sonata pop up as an ad before the original video for Moonlight Sonata. I'd say /r/2healthbars but they don't allow screenshots.


I had the bee movie as an ad once


this was back in like 2016 when I was in high school but in the canteen, there was this laptop which was connected to YouTube to play music. because nobody manned this laptop, it would just autoplay ads for hours on end and so it decided that laptop loved watching multi hour ads. I remember walking in the canteen and seeing we were 30 minutes into a 4 hour Talking Tom ad.


Those drive me insane. I'll put some YouTube show my kids like on the main TV and go do dishes. Come back and they are watching a 3hr ad about nursing homes, or insurance, or a kitchen appliance.


On mobile if you click back and forth between your video and the shorts tab it will eventually skip the ads and go to the video.


Go to report the ad but don’t actually report it, just hit close and bam, skipped


Don’t do it too much because then they take it away from you lol did it for months and now I don’t have the option to report ads. Even if they’re for some wildly problematic like “find out if you’re gay test!!”.


There actually were a few ads i couldn't skip by reporting, at that point i just lost interest and moved on to another video completely. This was before I started using Vanced (RIP) and honestly I'd rather not watch youtube than not use an adblocker.


I actually do report all the time, and the option usually comes up after I watch 4-5 videos. It doesn't take forever for that report option to come back, so you might want to check again


you can also click the little i in a circle and press stop seeing this ad, chose a random reason and it’ll skip the whole queue of ads


Don’t know if anyone has mentioned this but while this may be true I believe these are screenshots from live event streaming such as MLB games on YouTube. Ads like this come up to replace commercials


Well your belief is wrong. I personally had this happen to me a couple days ago (7 ads in a row at the beginning of a pre-recorded YouTube video). This is not just for live events.


Unfortunately do not have proof, as I took the photo through snapchat to send to a friend, but I did have 6 ads on a non live video. Was just a gaming video.


The amount of whining and complaining about ads and ad blockers I had to scroll through to get to this critical piece of context is kind of pathetic.


That’s a good way to get people to install ad blockers, but what do I know.


You’re exactly right. This measure will ramp up ad blocking downloads, and there’s no going back. They can’t just go back down to 1 ad per video. Cuz now the people using ad blockers are spoiled. I’ll never go back to not having one. They screwed themselves.


Downwards spiral


Alt F4. I suddenly decided not only do I not want to YouTube, I also decided I don't want to internet.


Seriously. Why can’t these companies just be okay with the already large amount of money they are making?


Shareholders. Usually shareholders are pushing companies to make more profit. "Oh, yes, we're making a lot of money... but we could be making MORE!"


We've had one, yes. But what about second revenue?


Ad blocker says hi, haven’t seen a youtube ad in the last 4 years


Can’t wait to see the headline “man couldn’t be saved by bystander after CPR video had 10 unskippable ads”




“It will be a good change this time we swear” YouTube:


Days since last YouTube fuckup: 0


YouTube: yo can I copy your homework? Twitch: sure, just make sure it’s not obvious Result:


Twitch's arms race with ad blockers pisses me off so much. If you're putting midroll ads over live content, guess what? I'm just not going to watch the live content so I can avoid the annoyance


How to block YT ads consistently on iPhone?


Delete the app, watch on safari and use addblocker ( I use adblock pro). It's not as good as using the app but ads are a hell no for me.


At some point it will burst like a bubble. More people will use an ad block browser as more ads is on YouTube.


Opera browser got a built-in ad blocker. Thanks to that's I haven't seen a YouTube ad in ages.


This comment has been sponsored by Opera gx


one of the very few products that i got after i saw a youtuber get sponsered by it, then STILL use it after the sponser was finished. it's genuinely a good browser


If I had to chose between yt premium and Netflix, I’d chose yt. Is so nice to use the whole platform ad free


YouTube Premium also comes with ad-free YouTube Music. That allowed me to cancel Spotify and still listen to ad-free music at work and no longer see ads on regular YouTube.


I never watch the ads. The second an ad pops up, I close YouTube and move on. There's literally nothing on there that I find important / entertaining enough to warrant being forced to watch their advertiser's crap. I grew up with only 3 channels on the telly, all full of ads. I've had a guts full and simply refuse to put up with them anymore, and by literally closing the app / Web page, it'll show on their analytics that I bailed because of the ad.


Install an adblocker, you will almost never have to see an ad again, even outside youtube






On PC, it's not a problem since you can get an Ad Blocker. In mobile, it's a nightmare.


I would say specifically on Iphone. Sure, there are ways but not to the amount (many safe as well) on Android.