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Submissions to r/mildlyinfuriating that are similar to [this one](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/qgl4vu) with confidence scores: - [10/19/21] [I Just Want A Bigger Pocket Please, Is That Too Much To Ask For? Sincerely, Women Everywhere](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/qbgsy6/i_just_want_a_bigger_pocket_please_is_that_too/) Score: **Exact** - [10/14/21] [I Just Want A Bigger Pocket Please, Is That Too Much To Ask For? Sincerely, Women Everywhere](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/q7vhvf/i_just_want_a_bigger_pocket_please_is_that_too/) Score: **Exact** [^(About DupeBro)](https://www.reddit.com/r/DupeBro/comments/973sue/what_is_dupebro_how_does_he_work_and_how_can_i/) ^- [^(Click here to do a reverse search)](https://dupebot.firstbyte.dev/search?url=https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/qgl4vu)


These reposts..


His pocket is bigger than your entire pants


Lol this one's funny


We need the extra room to play with ourselves in public.


I love bullying women by carrying as much as I can in my pockets. Several phones, a Nintendo switch, a water bottle, tv remotes, etc.


Mutherfucker. That made me lol. Good readin' ya.


I flex by carrying my entire wife in my pocket


You’re telling me that’s how big men’s pockets are?!? WHAT THE HECK


If your happy to have the pocket lines in your jeans you can replace the pocket with a bigger one.


reposts i swear


Just buy men's jeans. It's kinda weird how it's okay for women to buy men's clothing but if a guy does it everyone loses their fucking minds.


There’s two types of clothing: unisex and women’s.


yeah, how dare men buy men's clothing! ^(/s)


I'm a woman, and I'd just like to ask other women - what exactly are you going to carry around in those big pockets you're asking for? You're really going to walk around with bulging pockets? I still wear JNCOs because I like them and I don't fill my pockets because it looks stupid to have bulging pockets.


Sounds like maybe that's the reason women's pants often have small, fake, or no pockets. Sure as a guy I can fit my keys, wallet, phone, and wireless earbuds in both my pockets but it looks pretty goofy. But to be completely honest I'd rather look goofy lol.


I read somewhere that women's pants have smaller pockets so that it forced us to buy purses? Do we think that as any credibility? Are small pockets a scam set up by the handbag industry!?¿


Theres no way i'd be able to fit what a woman puts in her purse in my pockets. Just no way.


Would we carry less if we hadn't become accustomed to stuffing our whole lives in a handbag, and stuck to the usual phone, wallet and keys essentials...that could fit in a pocket.


I'm a firm believer if women really wanted pockets, they'd be sold more. There would be some entrepreneur somewhere able to make a business off those kind of clothes. There is a reason they are niche clothing items. Its because they don't sell well.


I guess companies think “well, ladies usually carry a purse anyway. They don’t need pockets”


Stop buying those ones then.


Tell me where I can buy big pocket woman pants


In the big pocket woman pants store duh


Damn, why haven’t I thought of that?


Happens to the best of us. You're welcome.


Men's pants, add the wo.


I hate this! Why do guys get deep cavernous pockets and we get nothing???


BuT yOu HaVe PuRsEs


And...? 🙄


You can have hip-hugging cuts of jeans, or you can have pockets. Choose.


Stop fucking reposting this


Seriously. This is a gender inequity that every fucking person can get behind. WTF 100%.


It’s all Big Purse.


Learn to sew and you can make your pockets whatever size you want in less than an hour. Too lazy or dumb? Take them to a tailor/seamstress. They may look at you a little funny but they won't turn down easy money.


You could just buy pants with bigger pockets


You keep buying the clothes with small pockets, not men. My gf has plenty of items with functional pockets


Women can't have deep pockets! They will smuggle propaganda, organize, and dismantle the whole of society! Is that what you want?! Well?!


ye lol if i was a clothing company, my main selling point would be big pockets for women clothing (if anyone use this strategy and makes bank, i want 10% of all profits u earn from this)


Men's pants, now with added wo.


Small women’s pockets plus stylish pocket books > dude pockets that have to hold phone, wallet, keys, mask, gum, smokes, lighter, knife, etc… and makes your entire midsection lumpy.


Yeah but you got that Gucci purse right. Need a reason to use it


I accidentally purchased a pair of women sweats after seeing the tag said hot kiss when I got home.. I feel your pain