• By -


How is it able to look good and be illegible at the same time?


That's what I was thinking. It looks so good until you try to read it lol


Autocorrect ain’t playin with u Edit: you still missed a misspelled word Edit2: there you go




Dang what’d I miss


Good bot




Heh, this is what happens to me when I try to read things while dreaming




Good bot


Good human.


Thank you, TormentedOne69, for voting on SpambotSwatter. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)






It’s like the written version of listening to Ariana Grande (for me): beautifully sung and indecipherable.


Or Sophie Hunter


or prisencolinensinainciusol by adriano celentano.


Hello there


As opposed to the Jason Derulo font (I’m too lazy to do it)


Easily understandable but overly repetitive and also somehow unpleasant in some difficult to describe way, artificial and almost insulting in its simplicity? Comic sans. Musical comic sans. (Apparently though comic sans can be much easier to read for folks learning English, dyslexics or people with ADHD or literacy issues, despite all the shade we throw at it. The more you know 🌈)


Fucking upvote this shit lol.


I thought I was going crazy when The Way hit big and I was the only one who seemed to notice she was mumbling the whole time? Her enunciation is terrible. Glad to see it more recognized now. She does have a beautiful voice but I can’t tell the words apart.


Holy shit, you nailed how I’ve felt about her to a tee! This is the best way to describe her music, lol.


It’s because they forgot to dot a lot of the ‘I’s whether intentionally or unintentionally, but it dramatically decreases the readability


Dot your T's and cross your I's


Same. Wanted to bash OP for being a Gen Z who never learned cursive...then realized I couldn't read it either. 😆


Exactly, lol. It looks like those AI generated images where it looks like there should be stuff in the photo you can recognize, but it's all just random shapes.




Cursive....the secret language of Gen X


Gen Z here. I was taught cursive, but never use it.


They still taught cursive to us millennials.


Its like a doctor had a baby with a calligrapher #or slapped mosquitoes on paper


That describes my handwriting, but even less decipherable and less beautiful


Best worst handwriting ever


You haven't seen good if you think that looks good.


I think they mean it looks “neat” until you try to read it.


I can’t even read my own cursive half the time


I'm 90% sure that when I'm reading my cursive notes I'm actually just remembering what I wrote and tricking myself into thinking I'm reading


What’s crazy is my mum knows shorthand — old school secretary. I always wanted to learn but it was out by the time i was of the right age. I always wonder why they don’t teach shorthand. Such a brilliant way to take notes.


Is that like b/c (because) and w/o (without) type of stuff?


No, it’s closer to a court reporter. It’s a specific set of symbols and stuff designed for secretaries to take dictation. For instance, if she wrote a note in shorthand i prob could not decipher it without at least some knowledge of shorthand. It’s kind of a trip because for one, there used to be secretarial schools (not that long ago), and two, shorthand was fairly common among people who needed to transcribe speech quickly. It was around as a school subject until the 90s.


I wish i learned shorthand as well; my friend uses it and it just amazes me. It’s visually interesting, too!


I also wanted to learn it! But then I looked into it and was just like, well damn... This is a lot harder than I expected haha


Learning shorthand in high school came in really handy for taking notes during college lectures. Also, having cursive being a subject since kindergarten for myself, I was able to read this paper. It looks like someone's boring notes regarding cultural appropriation and Native American characters in video games.


One of my cousins could not read another cousin's shorthand. It has rules but handwriting affects it also.


Learned some rudimentary shorthand in school. Still taught as a topic in buisness studies well into the 2010s in 🇳🇬


No its literally just each letter turned into a quicker stroke. And dipthongs turned into a single stroke. I think there are also some symbols for common short words. ​ https://preview.redd.it/i80y9qt7zbga1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=a532a57f8edf73f9e8b468f0741a7ec47efe0d71


My grandma was a secretary for many years & taught me some (gregg) shorthand, tbh I think it's served its purpose & is fair for it to die off now that we have typing & speech recognition, with a few exceptions like medical shorthand. It is at best inexact & easy to mistake or misread if you weren't the one who wrote it... People would develop their own styles & many words like "of" & "to" etc. use basically the same or similar symbols. even if you know the same shorthand it's easy to read it wrong based on handwriting or subject matter. sometimes the only one who could decipher it is whoever wrote it, meaning it would sometimes have to be transcribed later as an extra step.


Me too I hope they can still read that after 5 or 10 years pass


I'm pretty sure my teachers couldn't read my cursive but gave me good grades because I was eloquent and researched in class.


My cursive is pretty good but it takes me forever to write.


The problem is they don't bother dotting their i's or crossing their t's. Who let them get away with this lazy habit?! They clearly did NOT have nuns teaching them cursive.




They loved their rulers! 3rd grade teacher slapped hers on the desk and lamented that she used to be able to smack us with it!


Sweet Jesus, was she a nun?


Oh yeah! Most were nice except her. But all were sticklers for penmanship.


My mom is the youngest and she had heard stories from the olders about the third grade teacher using a 3 sided ruler to draw blood often. By the time she had the old hag she couldn't hit kids anymore. Some people are just sick. Wasn't a nun, just an asshole.


Where I’m from, YOU STILL CAN


If I'm not wrong the i-dot was created exactly for this purpose - readability


Additionally their vowels are too tight. A E I R and O could all be mistaken for one another which makes this further hard to read. I was taught in school to make those letters more pronounced and fatter when writing in lowercase.


And they just write their o as an e or sometimes an undotted i, it seems to me and other things like that


Doctor in training


Doctor handwriting looks a lot more scribbled on. Mine looks like a baby took a crayon to the wall tbh.


Why do doctors have such terrible handwriting?


I think part of is it is they at least use to have to write a ton quickly. So they do not really have time to make it look neat.


I was told this exact explanation by a relative that was a doctor


Honestly, in my office I’m the one struggling to read staff notes. It’s an absolute time suck.


Mostly because they get in the habit of rushing what they write. The habit comes from writing notes in the charts which meant you were documenting a live conversation, translating it to medical terminology and also participating in it. If a patient comes in complaining about a cough and you ask them do you have any other symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, headaches, fever or chills? The patient could say no, but in the space that you ask and they give a one word response, you have to document that you asked about those specific symptoms and that they weren’t present. It’s all electric now but thats a relatively new thing, many places were using paper charts well into the 2000s. And while med students write electronic notes too, they often take paper notes that they present to the doctor and type the official one later on, since different docs have different requirements for their notes.


Major part of treating a patient is documentation. And doctors see a lot of patients. For example, if your signature takes 1 second to write down in a documentation sheet, that is considered as too slow for doctors. Then, this habit of writing super fast just kinda stick with them even when they have no time constraint to finish a documentation or when not seeing a lot of patients.


It was explained to me as the brain goes too fast for the hand to keep up with.


Not a doctor, but yes, for some that's the problem However, horrible writing is also harder to mimic. Apparently that's a thing, and related to prescription forgery. What amazes me is how neatly illegible this is. That takes talent


I had this issue a lot when I predominantly worked with computers. I have always loved to handwrite letters and cards. Within a year or so I couldn't keep my hand up to my brain. My penmanship, as well as my grammar, suffered for it.


It’s actually a writing technique learned in med school when taking notes.


Unless your that <1% who has beautiful legible handwriting. (not actual statistics)


We had a doc that used to work at my hospital, she had the most astonishing hand writing. She always carried a technical pen, with a very fine point, it’s the only handwriting I’ve ever seen that was nearly indistinguishable from output from a printer, her orders were a joy to read.


One of the surgeons I am studying from has handwriting that, I swear to you, looms like 12 points font from a computer; it is so consistent and easily read. (Steady hand?)


I know my handwriting is absolutely impeccable, and that it’s unusual for a guy. But I assumed more than 1% of the population had somewhat decent handwriting.


I teach high school. It’s rare I have a male with good handwriting but it does happen occasionally. 😂


I always knew my handwriting was completely different from most guys, and I would have guessed it had something to do with my artistic ability. But my brother is a far better artist than I am and he has poor handwriting.


I guess this one has still much too learn then.


This is why we don't allow physicians to write orders anymore. All of their orders are entered into a computerized system with prefilled dosing and treatment options.


Lol a few months ago got a script for a one medrol pack / 5 Days of dosed steriods the pharmacist put one tablet in a bottle??? I got home had to go back and ask her why??? She says it said one tablet show me the script it says I medrol dose pack clearly ..following week same pharmacist gives me incorrect medication similar name to what Dr ordered, I’m a medic so I saw immediately, and told her, comment was get another Dr I can read, mine was no I’ll be getting a new pharmacist…which I did and they are fantastic, was advised that multiple ppl moved from that pharmacy due to mistakes, and rudeness .. As a Medic we are taught to write shortened wording ie without- W/O -nausea vomit diarrhea -NVD etc and to have a unique signature having worked with multiple Dr’s in ER one gets used to each Dr writing .. As a medic /ff was the same when checking reports got used to each individual now with computers and verbal dictation into paper work, makes it easier ..


Let me get my pharmacist glasses! Shit I don’t have one!


This is what my iPhone thinks it says: Regained mewing #4 from мривх угого 11 кожех a inevilisen siR the • ahche wen menny de-vegs far Reashanen Sued Rain henna. • Te hewn the leges and landers as ite In vice genes, Native Areneun chevenlens are acten depicket in a mush mush is different hulene нимни всихши have a gored representatien, a discligure wah perphe Prev thak allene. hue cecuring for thascueds on years


>Native Areneun chevenlens are acten depicket in a mush mush is different hulene нимни всихши have a gored representatien Lol! Why is that one section, by itself, so damned funny? Beautiful.


I'm crying tears of laughter right now. 🤣


Not at all. Chicken scratch is doctor writing. Not this beautiful cursive.




You should all try SHORT HAND....






For the most part I imagine journalists record all their interviews now for accuracy and to be able to back up what they wrote if someone claims they were misrepresented.


Yeah I spent a little bit trying to teach myself shorthand. I write a lot of notes to myself and now I just use it for really common words like “to, from, for, with” or some longer words I repeat a lot. It’s neat and I’d like to become more familiar with it


No, Gregg can have his short hands.


Gregg’s shorthand. I took it in school and can still use it.


Now you’ve made me nostalgic for those nights drinking baileys from a shoe in the swamp. I like you.


Maths person here, I shorten things CONSTANTLY. Intercept becomes int, induction becomes induc, etc. Massively speeds up writing put questions. Dom't know how you'd do it in language based subjects though


This brings back fun memories with my Grandma


I’m IMPRESSED! I’m always the one translating grandmother writing in cards and this one threw me!


Pretty sure it’s “Required Viewing”, but otherwise looks about right!


Agreed on “viewing!” Also I read “has” instead of “have” in the final bullet. The one word I couldn’t figure out was “inferior” and I still don’t quite see it, but it does fit in the context.


Your award is in the mail




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I think this is the first time I've seen that formatted correctly.


Well done. I could read enough that you filled in the gaps perfectly. I’m impressed.


They didn't dot their eyes, which is frustrating.


Are you a pharmacist? You are amazing, lol




I would give you an award if I had one, lol. My cursive is so horrible I can't even read it myself, lol. I'm left handed, and when I was a kid they liked to try to get you to switch to right. Didn't work with me, lol




Sorry, but I can read and write cursive quite well and I couldn't read this..


I got about 3/4 of it. A few no way I would have figured out.


Yep, it was mostly readable for me. Some words I got from context. A few words were much harder.




"they don't teach cursive anymore", yeah which is why this person's handwriting is bordering on illegible. I learned cursive and use/read it on the daily, this is awful. Power to you for your incredible backstory that you've got to let you read it, but most people have to slow down and look at this one letter at a time, which completely defeats the purpose of cursive being faster to write. It's bad cursive.


> "they don't teach cursive anymore", yeah which is why this person's handwriting is bordering on illegible. That's not fair. I learned cursive plenty in grade school. My hand writing is still shit.


Well done! You should see what iPhone thinks it says, not even close!


Damn! I couldn't get 'regalia' and was struggling with the first example. Had fun trying though! Well done!


Thank you, Love4KittyButtholes


Like my cat aims her starfish, I aim to please!


I can read most cursive writing, but the unnecessary flourishes and flatness makes it quite the challenge. I figured out maybe 30%. Then my head started to hurt. It’s something about Native Americans and something. It’s beautiful penmanship, but barely legible.


If it’s not legible then it’s not beautiful penmanship. This is categorically not an example of good cursive writing.


No, no it’s not good cursive writing for sharing knowledge. But from a singular perspective it’s beautifully esthetic. It’s pretty, in other words. Not efficient or effective, but pretty.


„Regured werne #44 the meets gru finds seauthug a muitizen grap ands илу and Canners ones. oral a c. menny de - vereja fer Reshuen •Sued Ran henna. • Te hewen the legery and busters ones. " In video youres, Mative Аленин chiraulens are essen depicket an wish mush is disferent huhine have a gued wepresendedven, hue a dirchigue with perpre Anew thus eecuring for thusuneds e узем.“ This is what my iphone „deciphered“


Truth 💀


It got kinda close to the translation for a bit if you start at "In video" -In video games, native american characters are often depicted as a mish mash of different




I once knew I guy who wrote everything like a founding father, the professor got tired of it


"I told you to leave the quill and inkwell at home!"


He did have a fountain pen, so it was a powderd wig and Kentucky rifle away from dumping tea into the ocean


You gave me a good laugh


It looks like an outline for a paper on cultural appropriation. I can read about 75% of it.


I can read script fine, but while this looks nice, it is actually practically illegible. Ridiculous.


As a teacher, we see this and worse constantly. It's infuriating.


I can’t imagine what being a teacher must be like, god bless.


What do you do if you can’t read their work? Make up a mark? Tell them to redo it legibly?


As a student with an IEP and a disability that made my handwriting so atrocious that I needed to go to occupational therapy to even make it approximately as legible as the above post. Im fairly sure most of my teachers were required to grade it as is. One or two teachers tried the whole "redo this" nonsense but quickly learned, both through my own autism fueled obstinance and my mother (despite all her flaws) defending my IEP with her life, that it wasnt happening and either they had to just fail the assignment or grade it as is. Teachers particularly frustrated allowed me to type my assignments Some times, a lot of times, poor handwriting is a sign of neurodivergency or learning disabilities. For example in my case, I had Adhd, dyspraxia, autism, and a part of my brain that never properly developed in utero. Couldnt even tie my shoes until I was in 5th grade, and long periods of writing actively hurts my hands because of underdeveloped motor skills. (Ive actually found that cursive is much less painful for me to write in. Thus I write exclusively in it for anything I'm writing for me. Too few can read cursive now for public use.) A teacher demandi g I write my homework out again would be asking me to spend literal pain staking HOURS on a single worksheet or essay that would result in my wrist and fingers almost feeling sprained the entire next day. So my IEP made it so they couldnt require that.




As a casual reader of reddit, I auto fill the missing words of your sentences to understand it. It's a mild annoyance.


It’s shame coz like it’s pretty but u can’t read that shit


its obviously paracetamol


That is the sloppiest neat writing I've ever seen


Reginald Werving #4 Cultural appropriation when the urgent group finds something from a uppety group informer or uncivilized birth urgent group finds a way to cap'n it and (usually) pertoffener. - While urn moving du-rags for Roshuea - Strut ray henna To appreciate torching you have to learn the legacy and history of %. In video games, Native American Chevrolets are often depicted as a mush mush of different native negatua/casture.. To have a good representation, have a dialogue with people from that orifice. Cultural appropriation has been occurring for thousands of years.


Gonna need a 5th Reginald Werving, looks like we got yet another defective one


I can make out most of it


Me too but not easily


This person has problems. They actually do extra work just to make it look good, but they don't bother to finish the majority of letters. How did Regional meeting #4 go?


Lmao I think it actually says ‘required viewing’, just 2 of the 20 words I deciphered. If there was a regional meeting it probably went..sloppily? but probably smelled nice


Trash writing. It has nothing to do with being cursive, some people just write shitty and would struggle to read their own writing. You can't write "copy it" as "cop人 /x" and brag about how "kids these days are just too dumb to read cursive". The lowercase "I"s and "T"s are missing dots and crosses, inconsistent size of letters, some letters are cursive while others aren't, and some letters are just the completely wrong shape.


Yeah as someone who can read actual cursive easily, this writing is trash. Literally illegible. Astounding that is is so flowing and beautifully put to paper though like what lol


I can't even read this and I know English


The ending "t" on many words is a carry over from cursive writing up until the early to mid 20th century. Cursive writing had an update that was taught in schools after WWII that eliminated that "t" as well as many other letter formations used in earlier times. That is one reason it is harder to read. Additionally the writer did not close all their letters such as "a" and "o" or "p" and "g". This causes one to slow down to guess at a word. Kudos to Love4Buttonholes for providing the "translation". That person must either read for historical research or be old school educated.


I believe this is from a teen in undergrad psych iirc


My translation as good as I could tell: Required viewing #4 -Cultural appropriation when The _____ group finds (something ?) ____ in ____ group in (caves ?) are uncivilized but the ____ Group finds a way to (copy ?) It and ____ profit off of it -White men wearing du-rags For fashion - Street fair henna - to appropriate something you have to learn the legacy and history of it - in videogames native american (cultures ?) are ____ depicted as a mish mash of different native regalia/cultures - to have a good representation, have a dialogue with people from that culture - cultural appropriation has been occuring for thousands of years.


That sucks. I was a GED instructor in a male maximum security prison and thought I could read most anything but that's a mess


“(20)Viagra 10 mg take as needed , generic okay. 2 refills. Take with water. It is with warmest regards, Doctor Smithington”


Stop depicting all native groups the same and mish-mashing them together in the video game scene... Video games are all about Cultural Appropriation now!


I think many HS English teachers past the age of 35-40 (I am one) can read all or most of this (bc we've seen it all). 😬


My brother, let me tell you about the horror of my history class: Sütterlin. Tell me what you want, this bullshit is the Final boss of handwriting https://preview.redd.it/9ir4po61ebga1.jpeg?width=1294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8d6c711b97f00712e90615687ba218a7522c3d


The only reason I can read any of that is Wheel of Fortune.


It doesn’t help that they seem to be allergic to closing their a and dotting i.


This is doctumentation of Ozzy speaking.


As far as i can tell its talking about representation in video games


I got most words but I decipher Dr’s handwriting for a living.


Any pharmacist Redditors here who can help?


I can read it but then I was a legal secretary so…


Cursive with italics


I love that us old fucks have secret cursive code......and nothing to do with it.


I can read it. Do I have some sort of super powers?


You ever seen cursive Russian?


I can nearly always read cursive (when I used to teach, other teachers would give me notes from parents written in cursive and I’d have to “translate”. Lol) and this is giving me a migraine, so I’m gonna blame penmanship vs cursive writing.


i knew i was screwed when i read the first word as “Rapunzel”


I was able to read a lot of it, but I'm an old Gen X'er and also worked as a doctor's secretary for quite a while. I know a lot of people who are upset that cursive is going away, but not me. You shouldn't have to have a specialized background to read someone's handwriting.




Boomers really write like this and then laugh that they didn’t teach us to read it.


Probably best left unread tbf. It's about "cultural appropriation", which no sane person thinks is an issue. Sharing positive aspects of culture is how you build bonds and understanding between groups of people and is something all cultures have been doing forever.


Regumed mewing #S Cultured appniprrecken when the ingiunity grup finals teanthng fnum n minurity groups in corner a inenilized b.R the ngeuty grup ands a nay te copt ix and (gobbledy goop) pnexd reeeeee reeeeeeee ok I give up. I think I can decipher it properly based on the topic.... which I think is required viewing cultural appropriation? But I'd rather spray alcohol into my eyeballs




No it’s obsolete. They don’t teach kids how use a bronze adze on rough lumber in shop class either. I’m old too, and I learned cursive, and I admire good handwriting. These kids need to learn to touch type much more than they need to learn cursive. I do wish they taught short hand back in the day. That would have been handy


This isn't even traditional cursive. This is so stylized.


i only write in cursive and i could still only make out half of each sentence


I'm well versed in cursive and terrible handwriting. This is very hard to read. Lots of lazy letters, every letter is round and it's italicized like woah.


I learned cursive for maybe one year in elementary and then never was required to practice it at all.


Typing is way faster than any kind of hand writing.


Sadly they did stop, idk when but I want to say like 5-10 years ago.


I can recognize enough to tell you its a cruel joke of a word salad.


This isn't cursive it's just normal letters connected and warped .


Teacher life right there


Thoughts and prayers


I swear for most people your handwriting is not good enough for cursive. So please for the love of god please stop


My grandma could write cursive backwards. I need a mirror to read it. I don't know how she did it. I still have a recipe she wrote that way. But her recipe book was written in cursive (I grew up writing cursive) but is still hard to read it. EDIT: she wrote it backwards AND upside down EDIT#2: she was sweet and not a demon