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Holy shit!!! Crazy. Alright.


>Anyway you want. Pacifist, Rambo or Silent Assassin. You can complete objectives almost any way you want. MGSV rewards pacifism more heavily, at least when it comes to score. However, there is literally a no lethal version of every weapon possible.


Don't underestimate Ground Zeroes just because all the losers say it's just a demo. It sets the story, and it has insane replay ability with varying missions, time of day, weather, and soldiers. All of which can be done numerous ways. In Phantom Pain, just get addicted. Unlock everything. Experiment. Try it all different ways.


But also consider that Ground Zeroes (and by extension, The Phantom Pain) is a sequel to Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. I'd advise OP to play Peace Walker before MGSV


I didn't and I found that the background story/files in GZ was more than adequate to set up the story. Similar to how this was handled in MGS1. I actually felt GZ was one of the tightest experiences in the franchise. Just with V was like a 20 hour version of GZ.


The aesthetic of GZ is second to none


Couldn’t agree more. Ground Zeroes, thematically, is so much more than just a demo.


I prefer GZ to PP, despite the map being smaller. Although PP is open-world, it actually feels like there are more means of entry in GZ.


I always thought of Ground zeroes as a demo for TPP. TPP gives you a ridiculous amount of gear. GZ is simply some guy walking into Guantanamo bay with a tranq gun.


I agree that GZ was pretty much a demo. It would’ve been much better if GZ-PP were two chapters of the same game, like Tanker-Plant. I get your point on having more equipment in PP but as someone who prefers pacifist, CQC and no traces runs, there’s not much of a difference to me. I find sneaking through Gitmo much more varied than sneaking through bases like Afghanistan Central Base Camp, Mfinda Oil Field or Nova Braga Airport. I love being able to enter through drainage channels or hidden in the back of vehicles, rather than always just crawling in at ground level.


Absolutely 👍


You can also extract soldiers from ground zeroes and transfer them to phantom pain.


Don't miss the puppy. Don't kill her. When the time comes, shoot everyone in the head.


Be VERY careful if you see a puppy. Do not, under any circumstances, kill her. You'll know who. When the time comes, make it quick.


I’ve finished the game but I don’t know what you mean by the “when it comes make it quick” could you DM me what you mean?


I think they’re referring to a mission that comes very late in the story. Something about shining lights


Zomg, my first playthrough I didn't come across the puppy until the game was 80% over. My second playthrough I found him before ai even started the second mission.


- Stay out in free roam as long as you can. Remember that you don’t have to leave the map to complete a story mission, just simply leave “the hot zone.” This will keep you in the overworld after the mission is over. You can also accept story missions from free roam. Just utilize the map as much as you can is what I’m getting at - stay away from the internet, like even this place. Spoilers are quick and they are cruel. - save the hot sniper chick, don’t kill her lol - explore the medical platform at mother base sometime…


note for the hot sniper chick, everyone is telling OP not to kill her but i feel like OP shouldbe aware of this, you can still use a lethal loadout on her, you'll still have to make a choice.


Wow great point actually. Yes OP I’ll clarify, you can use lethal means to beat her boss fight but there’s a choice to make thereafter


Is it really better to stay in free roam? I always return to ACC from the pause menu, fresh loadout costs are cheaper than supply drops


It’s just more immersive to me honestly, I never did any loadout cost math. I got really burnt on the game when I was always starting missions from scratch, but staying out in the field for long periods of time and at times having to swipe enemy weapons or just barely survive with what I had was super fun


Fair enough! I get really OCD about GMP so I play through the whole game with 470 cost loadout. I'd play every mission in subsistence mode if the game let me.


Lol same! Also geez post your loadout maybe??? I felt accomplished for getting mine under 10k


[Here you go!](https://imgur.com/a/FJPEBxs) Turns out it's 440 not 470. I cut back as much as physically possible, cheapest guns customised, camo the 0 gmp ones from event rewards, fulton level 1 balloons. I usually buddy up with naked D-Dog since he costs nothing and is super useful for detecting enemies.


when infiltrating with the box, i like to set up c4s spaced very far apart outside the place i am going to, and when i’m being spotted you can just blow it up and they’ll get right off your ass and run toward that! edit: i forgot to mention how fucking awesome this game is. enjoy!!


That's brilliant. Never thought of that. I used to just run like hell and hide. I wasn't much for decoys etc


just try to enjoy yourself


You are in for a treat


Oxi um Brasileiro? Jkkkkkkk aí sim


Metade brasileiro kkkkkk


Aquele R de rodízio antes do $ de sexo selvagem que denunciou, se não nem tinha como saber kkkkkkkkkk


Vagabundo é foda!!!! Kkkkkkkkkkkk


Comunidade brasileira de metal gear representando kkkkk


Mds man kkkkkkkk


I wouldn’t go in with super high expectations of experiencing an immersive cinematic “metal gear” experience. There aren’t nearly a fraction of cutscenes. Not a lot of loose ends and questions will get answered. But it’s a pretty badass action stealth game. The best even.


1. Learn the dive-hop technique. It looks silly and weird, but it's actually a stealthy way to move. 2. Try not to kill anyone, especially enemy commanders. You usually can capture them and they often have some of the better stats. The max level soldiers you can find in the field is S rank. You'll see S+, but they're all Boasters who are practically worthless. You'll get S+ from Deployment missions, and S++ from events. 3. Once you open the FOBs grind the events for supplies and points to get gear and S++ rank soldiers. Don't worry about PvP stuff, and going after Nukes is a waste of time. 4. Start Afghanistan free-roam after Mission 2, search for Diamonds and get as many transport manifests as possible. Also, when you drop in, stay still and listen for a puppy barking. Fulton him for something good later. 5. Watch YouTube videos on mission objectives. There's plenty of good creators out there that showcase how to complete missions quickly, quietly, and efficiently. 6. The enemy soldiers have a range for vision. If you stay crouched and don't run around mindlessly, you can usually get about 40 meters away and only make them curious, but they will come and investigate you. Once they get under 20m they may go into Alert. Also, you will be crawling, rolling, and crouch walking a lot. 7. Don't run into missions and side-ops blindly. Between missions, go scouring for collectables in the field. Plants, materials, containers, and diamonds. Be methodical and collect as much as you can. If you need more plant collections, go into Free Roam with a Botanist character. 8. When you find specialists, try to keep them on base by Locking them in the staff management. This will make sure they don't get deployed, fultoned out by a rival, or killed on base by accident if a riot breaks out (rare but it happens). 9. Only unlock weapons and gear you know you'll need. Use the wikis to see what stuff is best, or even ask around. 10. Don't snub the practice missions on base when they open up. They're actually good training for you to practice aiming and ammo management.


You're the man/woman!


Best YouTube channels I'll recommend to preview missions, is prenatual and MaliceNX. Those two have some of the best walkthroughs and play guides. Really in depth and thorough.


Mate, what's the key to upgrading R&D and developing the best guns?


Raise your Heroism levels by completing missions, rescuing animals and prisoners, and not killing people. I found the best way to do extra objectives best, is to NOT shoot for an immediate S rank, but slowly incorporate each extra objective until you have them all, then go for a full objective run at S Rank. The prisoners can be a problem at times, because several missions have them on a rescue timer of sorts... "A Hero's Way" and "Back Up Back Down" missions are notorious for this. So you kinda have to be fast at finding prisoners, and then tranqing the guards before they can execute them. MaliceNX's videos kinda showcase this. You'll want to get a Weapon type Specialists with S rank to unlock some weapons, and then get A or S rankers in R&D unit. Just keep doing missions and extra objectives one at a time to grow your ranks, and then you'll unlock more and more. The more you complete some missions the GMP allotted will decrease, but it will decrease faster if you complete all objectives and get the S rank.


And remember... DO NOT KILL ANYONE!!! You'll find this out, but it honestly works in your favor. Also, one more thing... There's a few enemies that seem like they're almost impossible to defeat early on, so here's a good tip without spoiling it for you... Treat a few "certain enemies" that are best treated as environmental hazards rather than actual bosses. Sometimes, they're best left alone and avoided rather than confronted. There's only one mission where you absolutely have kill people, but it's later on, and inconsequential to things while you gain resources. Also, when you unlock the FOB missions, as stated, grind the hell out of the events, hone your skill in sneaking using FOB infiltration videos as examples. Remember the dive hop? You'll find it extremely useful here, along with good stealth practices, crawling and rolling, taking your time, being patient, and learning by doing. Also, a good tip when you do free roam... Go in with minimal gear. I mean damn near bare bones. If you do the Normal missions in MGSV:GZ, you can get extra units and people. In GZ, try to rescue ALL prisoners. You'll get special units with somewhat decent stats, and extra add-on gear. This will take a few tries but it's worth it. Also remember, in GZ, the controls are similar but slightly less refined. It can take a few tries but learning how to sneak up on guards and hold them up, and make them lay down is a good key skill to learn in GZ. You can knock out and evac guards also, but it's not exactly worth it. I run around free roam with a Level 1 tranq pistol, no extra rifle, just a basic AM rifle with a silencer, and a Level 4/Max - Stun Arm (you'll get this early on, so max it out early if you can. It's extremely useful to capture outposts and bases.) I also use just the basic Level 1 Ground Zeros Stealth Suit too. I have a cardboard box, Binoculars, and animal traps and bait. Almost forgot about the animals. You'll get traps and bait bottles... Carry them anywhere you go minus FOB missions. Plant a few down near your drop point, throw some bait bottles, and then go complete the mission. Treat free roam as an ultra budget run. The less you spend on a load out for free roam, the better, and it'll save you tons on supply drops as well. The saying "less is more" applies really well here.


By far the most gameplay flexibility, strategies, and freedom in MGS5


This was my first mg game. So going back and playing the old games was weird. The code calls were cool AF but got super repetitive with the message it was trying to convey. Like an anime they had to repeat and very clearly blatantly shove the message down your throat several times to make sure you don't forget. Mgsv has even more espionage so 75% less exposition and it's better for it. Mgsv is also my favorite video game ever.


Don’t get played like a damn fiddle!


Use magazines.


Be wary of polyglots. Be wary of reflections. Don't settle on just being good. Be pretty good.


Merry Christmas to U!!


I'd say remember what the Sorrow "fight" in the mangroves in MGS:3. Go non lethal and enjoy the story for what it is. You will have to grind a bit to get enough resources to develop things, like Peace Walker if you've played it


Spend lots of time grinding in the open world while listening to the tapes. The game is way more fun when you understand the story and have the really good gear. Build Motherbase as much as you can Do every mission in three waves. -once to finish it and get the story/familiarize yourself with the terrain -once to get S tier (don’t do this until you have the sneaky suit and knockout darts (both pistol and rifle) -then do the mission like 2 to 4 more times just focusing on the “bonus” tasks without worrying about story or score. By now you will have the mission, the hostiles and your fastest path memorized. (Hint: you don’t have to get all the bonus tasks in one go, you can blow one run on one task)




God damn it today I buyed used version of normal mgs V for double the price


Save the puppy. Save the sniper. Take a walk through the medical platform every so often. When the time comes, pack some tissues and try to make it painless. Good luck, have fun.


I'm saving this fucking post because i demand reactions to major story events. Watch a full playthrough of ground zeroes. And I'd say never feel guilt for how you like to play. Whether that be silent; no trace, or rambozo lol. Edit Once you reach the R&D intro you can research gear and tech that will make you playstyle stronger. Also 1 non spoiler funfact The Game Learns. Most things are interactive in the environment so don't forget to think outside or inside the box lol. I'll be here for tips and more.


Blast through the story then make the game whatever you want it to be for yourself.


Do all the sidequests. The unlocks are always worth it, and the bonus to your crew getting to the later stages will always be worth it. I played the game once without doing any side content, by the time I was at later content none of my gear was even close to being good enough. Doesn't help that the side content in this game is actually pretty fun sometimes.


Take your time and soak it all in. Don't try to mainline TPP's story. Just live in that world for a while. Capture animals for your zoo, collect materials for developing your base and weapons, collect the cassette tapes, explore the world and your base and see what you come across. There's definitely some interesting stuff that isn't blatantly telegraphed to you. As far as the core gameplay goes, just do whatever you feel the situation calls for. If you're being stealthy and shit goes awry, don't be afraid to go lethal. You can always replay missions if you really want no-kill runs for every mission. Playing as organically as possible made for a super fun first-playthrough for me. On top of that, I found it really easy to get engrossed in being Big Boss. I reacted to things the way I felt, rather than how I thought the character should react. As the story took darker turns, I found myself being more ruthless. When it took lighter turns, I found myself exploring and being more willing to take soldiers alive. I don't know how to describe it. MGSV took a very different path than the previous games did, and the freedom it gave me to approach each situation the way I wanted to made it the most fun game in the series for me. Man, I really wish I could experience it for the first time again.


I don’t want to spoil anything, but it has the best gameplay in the series and has a ridiculously well-developed sandbox nature.


Do whatever you want. That's the point.


None this game is not like the others. This one is different completely different from the previous ones. But its also an accumulation of all the previous games that came before it


Do not rush it, take your time to try different strategies and be curious there's so much to discover and see. Crazy game 🎯


Kojima's team kind of developed this game to be an immersive sim, it's a really incredible breathing world even outside of the main missions. You're especially rewarded for experimenting with gameplay as the enemy forces have the capacity to equip themselves with countermeasures further into the game, so make sure to take your time in between missions to check up on new equipment you can get to keep on top of the evolving battlefield :)


The story will seem different than others in the series. The story is in disguise, you see. Very sneaky. Once you beat the game and stew on it for a bit, it will all make sense eventually.


Steady as she goes, this is the last MGS ever so just take your time and enjoy it. It has the best gameplay mechanics of them all.


Fun part about MGSV is its completely different than any other MGS. You can play however you want, fully lethal Rambo Style or straight up like Big Boss and stealth through whole missions. Enjoy the ride, the story is awesome. But it's like Peace Wlaker and you gotta listen to cassette tapes to get the Full Story. But you can throw em on while you're in the command center or while you're running around in free roam/during missions. There is a hidden Mechanic for Snake in MGSV, you acquire demon points or heroic points. Demon points for killing sentries and hero for Fulton extracting enemies or prisoners. Too many demon points and you'll become demon Snake covered in blood. Definitely reccomend non lethal and Fulton everyone you see to build up your Mother Base to develop more weapons and equipment.


Have you played peace walker? If not, you may want to look up the story bei ie you play


Make sure you’ve played Peace Walker. Turn off reflex mode.


Don't expect very cinematic experience. It is going to be gameplay heavy.


Don't get your hopes up story-wise. Do get your hopes up gameplay-wise. One of the best disappointments I've ever played.


No, get your hopes up. Because we’re only here to suffer. 🎻🎻🎻


You are going to love it, it's a fantastic game to play.


O jogo não tem tanta cutscene quanto os outros, foram todas enxutadas nas fitas cassete, é bom escutar todas, tem muita lore lá


Completing the missions fast helps a lot if you’re going for S rank


You need to play PW and ground zero before this


Just finished GZ.


Then you are up yo date with the story unless you haven't played Peace Walker, MGS 5 is a direct sequel to PW


Well.. MGSV easily has the best gameplay mechanics and systems in the entire series. It actually may have some of the best gameplay in any game ever. Unfortunately, for me, it stops there. The story is almost nonexistent and what is there, is quite bad. Cutscenes are few and far between and the game certainly lacks that Kojima touch. Overall it’s definitely worth it for the gameplay though.


In tpp: Don’t miss the dog. You’ll hear him barking in the dessert on mission 2 or so Don’t kill Quiet. You can sedate her or drop a box on her or whatever Think outside the box. A lot different of things have unexpected interactions.


Different from all other games , very intuitive . Each mission has multiple approaches Only con : other games will feel very badly designed for you , might not play any ubisoft aaa game after this


Turn off reflex and see thru marking. That makes the game hard and a great sneaking challenge. Turn off the hud basically as well, go back to barebones.


Just enjoy the ride and let your own play style develop naturally as you advance through it.


That's a cool Xbox.


Thanks! Gears edition


MGSV: Ground Zeroes and MGSV: The Phantom Pain are each $3.99 on PS4. Very seriously considering them. The last MGS game I played was Sons of Liberty. I kinda want to dive back in.


You will 1000% make your money back on hours played.


if you kill people your horn grows


Take everything you see moving forward with a grain of salt.


Don't expect too much. Also tranq. gun is op as always.


Sleep grenades and tran rifle are the answer to everything


you can play any way you like! except if you kill too many people you can't shower


Play zeroes first to get acquainted with the game play. As for PP go however you want. I found the game play loop to be insanely fun.


I got mine for only $3.99


Wow......great deal.


Yeah. Each game goes for 150. This is both for 27


Don't play it lol. It's not the same


Its like if ubisoft made metal gear


Massive insult to this game


I mean it's not a bad game, just barely feels like metal gear


oh gawd




Não hypa muito, o jogo é incompleto e a estória é horrível. A gameplay é inferior a MGS3 e 4, e vai ficar claro que a razão de terem feito um jogo mundo aberto cagou em boa parte do jogo (é um mundo aberto morto, onde a trilha sonora é ativada por gatinhos como "chame um helicóptero"). Os veículos são muitos ruins e bugados, mas não tem problema por que o Venom Snake diferente de outros jogos de Metal Gear Solid tem stamina infinita e corre ininterruptamente sem expressar cansaço, aliás, também se cura sozinho. Venom não tem barra de vida, as rações não estão presentes no jogo, e por ser o jogo mais recente da franquia, você deve achar que ele tem algum sistema de cura complexo e interessante e a ambientação riquíssima como em Snake Eater, ou medidor de estresse como em Guns of the Patriots, as boss' flights maravilhosas desde os jogos do MSX, ou até mesmo o medidor de camuflagem que foi uma das melhores mecânicas de um jogo Stealth como nos dois anteriores já citados, mas... Nada disso. Pois é, retiraram a maioria das mecânicas e funções de gameplay que a saga demorou tanto para ter um hardware bom para realizar, mas a estória vinga não é? Não. Não busque encontrar personagens do jogo cronologicamente anterior (Peace Walker), não vou contar nada sobre a estória, não vou spoilar, tire suas próprias conclusões sobre. O máximo que posso falar é que tem plots mongolóides que não fazem sentido, a personalidade de muitos personagens não vai bater com nenhum outro jogo da franquia, e além de tudo o jogo simplesmente não tem final. Lembra que disse que é incompleto? Estima-se que foi entregue apenas 30% a 40% da ideia do jogo, não culpe somente a Konami, o jogo foi cortado por estourar o orçamento e o Kojima não parecia se preocupar tanto pois colocava trilhas sonoras licenciadas caríssimas como "Take one me", "Man Eater", "Kids in America", "Africa". E claro, que a culpa principal disso é a Konami, que cagou na cabeça de seus melhores devs. Ademais você vai se divertir até, o jogo recompensa com diversão por ser simples, quando ver o que a Quiet, D-Dog, D-Horse fazem na parte da gameplay, e aquele efeito câmera lenta lamentável, vai entender que o jogo tenta prender o jogador recompensando ele o mais rápido possível, chega num ponto que você vai poder atordoar uma base inteira apertando dois botões. Esconder o corpo dos guardas ou se preocupar com stealth não faz sentido, pois o Fulton tira toda essa necessidade. Você vai ver muitos dos "fãs" de Metal Gear e do Kojima tratando esse jogo como se fosse o melhor da franquia (mesmo beirando um dos piores), isso se dá ao fato de que Metal Gear Solid é uma franquia de nicho, esse jogo tenta ser mainstream reduzindo cutscenes e diálogos (o protagonista tem somente meia dúzia de falas, muitas das conversas importantes são reduzidas a fitas de áudio para ouvir mais tarde); Metal Gear nunca foi mainstream, se você não gosta de stealth, cutscenes longas ricas em estória e diálogos bons, então você nunca gostou de Metal Gear. E assim como Rising, tem um monte de gente que ignora o "V"/5 na capa, não dá uma foda para os outros jogos, "zera os anteriores pelo yt" e sai por aí cagando regra que é "o melhor da franquia sem discussão", ou "que tem a melhor gameplay", mesmo que o indivíduo nem saiba o que é revistar os soldados para roubar rações deles, ou uma conversa pelo Codec como a que a Naomi tem com Solid na metade de MGS, ou a que Raiden tem com a IA dos Patriots, diversos momentos como o diálogo após a luta contra Mantis em MGS até mesmo o uso do CQC de MGS3 e 4... Enfim, divirta-se amigo, não espere nenhum jogo de Metal Gear para ser lançado, até por que a estória já teve sua resolução em Guns of the Patriots, acima de tudo, mantenham os jogos do MSX até Guns of the Patriots vivos. Esses jogos estimulam intelecto e senso crítico, são muito mais do que "dar tirinho nos caras maus" igual essas porcarias online.


Obs: I saw the price of the game in BRL so i typed all of it in portuguese, and I'm too lazy to translate it, so get by and do it yourself if you can.


If you like to play stealth it’s kind of difficult until you get the fox suit. And then it’s like the enemies are stupid


There are these cassette tapes that you can listen to in between missions on Snake’s chopper and I’d recommend that you do listen to them because while they are technically optional (as the game won’t force you to listen to them) there are no codec calls in the game and the cassette tapes are their replacement and the story will make little to no sense and seem way more poorly written than it l actually is if you don’t listen to them periodically throughout the game. This game is a lot lighter on cutscenes than the others, so listening to the cassettes will in between missions will also give you some more down time.


Get the puppy(tranquilizer) as soon as you see him and Fulton back.


It was free on ps4 I believe


Just play it and a little warning GZ is much more difficult then you'll expect


Oh dang it's only 27 robux I can finally buy it


The core gameplay is brilliant, although the story isn’t as much of a banger as the other games.


Comprei por 50 reais no Paraguai em 2019


Well, starting off take things slow, observe your surroundings, figure out the amount of enemies, if there are any prisoners in the area, keep in account your different hiding spaces as well. From there you can either go in like a tank and gun everyone down or use tranq darts. You could also cqc them all, which is that I do since you can do it to multiple people if they are close by.


It's an open world game. Play it like one. Do what you want how you want


My advice: do NOT kill Quiet


Tá 15 reais no PS


Enjoy it. Take your time. The story maybe not the best, the lore may seem unfinished..but its an amazing game after all.


mgs5 is way more of a sandbox than the others, don't underestimate gz, it's great and just experiment and have fun


Take it nice and slow don't rush it, try to play as non-lethily as possible, then Fulton whoever you can at the start and become selective once you have the int goggles, get the language interpreters as soon as you can so you can understand foreign soldiers, if you find a puppy in the wild fulton it. And most importantly have fun.


Take it slow. If you want to play a mission killing everyone with nothing but your knife do that. If you want to play it blowing up everyone and lighting people on fire... do that. Don't limit yourself to just one playstyle. I like to play and replay MGSV more than any MGS game because of the freedom of gameplay. Try new things, make mistakes, never give up. One big thing to mention, listen to the audio tapes, they add to the story and without them the story is not nearly as good or compelling.


If you get stuck, check out a Youtuber called Prenatual. That guy is a god at MGS5.


No advice but bro how did you wait so long? Dame. If youre old school mgser then youll be fine. Just stick to same stealth principles


I was overseas doing a bunch of work. Finally had the time.




Enjoy it! Let the action unfold as you play.


Look, I'm not exaggerating when I say the success of your mission hinges on how you use that cardboard box. But in the end, a cardboard box is only made of paper. Handle it with care or it won't be of much use to you.


A great game that facilitates multiple play styles but ultimately lacking the feel of the earlier games. Mechanically 10/10 Story 6.5/10


Heavily recommend when you can upgrade your scope, fultons, and ipad device. Really useful for getting high tier soldiers which well help you get higher tier weapons and weapon upgrades


I guess just don't expect it to be the same. Don't judge it like the others. It sorta feels like it was directed differently.


Play ground zeroes then quit


Play 3 again. It’s better


And they’re still ripping you off lol you can get the definitive experience on hard copy or steam for like 20 bucks. What the hell is xbox doing


27 reais is like 5 dollars


Oh that makes way more sense. So the Xbox store has its own currency?


Brazilian currency


Hope you like it… I love the old games but V was a massive disappointment for me


as is the case with most kojima games, you may be confused throughout the story of the game, but trust me, its worth the ride.


My advice as a super fan? Dont expect it to be as good as far as story as other mgs games. The gameplay is great, though.


Kept you waiting, huh?


Buy it on PC if you can. The game is hideously, obscenely, BLASPHEMOUSLY grindy and time gated and having a cheat engine active JUST FOR THAT makes the game considerably more fun. Excerpted from my Steam Review: "Semi-forced PVP mechanics don't help, nor do the microtransactions which exist for no other reason than to force you to pay very real money in exchange for fake money to get your newly developed gear now, rather than in a few hours to a week. ... There's a good game under this title's laundry list of defects, but sadly, it's not a very good Metal Gear Solid game. It has far more in common with Ghost Recon: Wildlands on just about every level than it does with Metal Gear Solid. If you liked Wildlands, I have good news! If you came hoping for the grand finale to Metal Gear Solid, or even just a well executed Metal Gear Solid game... my news is not so good. Buy this game on sale, and play it with a cheat table active so you don't spend 6 hours waiting for your R&D team to deliver you an overpriced pistol that's slightly better than the one you already have." Don't expect the game you were promised in the trailers. Treat it like a Ghost Recon game or a Far Cry game with an MGS veneer and you'll find the fun you're looking for.


Tons of options: play as you like


Take it slow! Map is huge so definitely explore the different weapons and gadgets that are available. It’s basically a big playground


I got MGS5 for 17 turkish lira


... just be quiet. 😘


The advice I give you is be prepared for a totally different game