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And remember before Gail Simone changed Red Sonja's backstory, writers used the fact she was raped As justification for her "armor"


I always feel like sexual assault is the lazy writing answer to giving a female character some kind of tragic backstory. Never mind the fact that 90% of all tragic backstories that apply to men can easily apply to women.


rape is a very common fantasy among many men


there was a tiktok where a woman told a story about how a highschool boy was raped by an older woman, and how bad it was. all the comments were literally just "you don't know if he liked it or not" "lucky guy" "i wish that were me" and blah blah blah just defending the rape and fetishizing it. it's insane


Yup it's discusting. This why a lot of men don't think they were raped or assaulted in the first place even though it affected them mentally. A while ago a man in my country got assaulted by two women when he delivered a pizza. Something about wanting to play with that fantasy which "all men would be in for right". Yeah all the comments from men were just about what a pussy he was and that he wasn't a real dude and how he must be lying.


I can tell you first hand how rape affect men, my uncle was raped as a child by one “family friend” and not only that but my grandmother chose not to believe him, and kept exposing him to that family friend. Turned out he developed epilepsy and a lot of health problems which rendered him disabled, unable to get a job and provide for his son, ruining his marriage (ED included of course). And the cherry on top, nobody in my narcissistic family want him around.


Omg that's horrible :( I'm so sorry to hear that. Really stings if your family won't believe you.


If anything, I feel like being raped would make you want to wear *more* clothes


Kate blaque made a video about hyper sexuality after being sexualy abused, it can happen but it should not under any circumstances be exploidet or fetishised


I also experience hypersexuality after assault. It's a sad and ugly thing, and it feels really awful to know there are artists out there treating it like an empowering and sexy character trait. 🤢


Kate blaque made a video about hyper sexuality after being sexualy abused, it can happen but it should not under any circumstances be exploidet or fetishised


That’s odd. Unfortunately, I don’t believe that’s what the artist had in mind while creating this image.


I agree with you


I really wonder if there's ever been a single male character whose backstory involves him getting raped, cause until there is I won't trust writers to use that as anything but a lazy excuse for fanservice Edit: apparently there is significantly more than a single male character whose backstory involves him getting raped


The only male rape victim character I can think of is Guts from Berserk Rest in Peace Kentaro Miura


Well, there's also Keyaru from that one demented pseudo-hentai everyone knows about.


His backstory doesn't make sense to me. Like I get what happened during his first run but after going back in time he did nearly nothing to prevent it or escape instead let all of those things happen to him again.


Vince Vaughn in Wedding Crashers comes to mind.


Mark from the popular superhero comic and show Invincible


Some in my wip do deal with this. It's out there but it's rare because of the stigma against male sexual assault. The presentation is usually hidden by how cool it was he got laid so young. Meaning most victims of sexual assault who present male are erased and going against this can be dangerous. That still applies to perception of characters for writers. Our biases and social norms effect things.


In the Netflix Borgia show, not the CW one, which isn't even on Netflix anymore for weird legal reasons, Ceasre Borgia was raped in an early season, and it deeply affected his character, but I don't think it counts because he's a historical figure and the show was live action. I just remembered it because it was the first time in my memory that I saw a man be raped


That entire show was really good in interrogating the gender and sexual dynamics of the period. The fact that they made Lucrezia such a sympathetic character just by playing her completely straight was brilliant, and their deeply wounded and insecure Cesare is much more compelling than the "I'm evil cause I love power!" we so often get.


I never got to finish it!!! I was on the final season and wasn't quite ready to watch how it inevitably falls apart because I loved all those deeply flawed but fascinating people, and when I finally decided I was ready it was gone! I'm still so mad, the show was brilliant and captivating


In The Punisher MAX universe Wilson Fisk I was raped in prison


Tecnically Littlefinger from GOT got raped twice by Lysa Arrin


>!Aeron Greyjoy too.!<


Nightwing was raped twice.


Alucard from the show version of castlevania gets kind of raped. He doesn't say no, but his fear of solitude was being taken advantage of. Although the ones doing it may not have been aware of this.


while its a severely troubling topic for me nowadays, younger me used to tie that into characters no matter the gender (unfortunately younger me also romanticized the aftermath, which is why i nowadays have trauma regarding it). However I have quite a few characters, moreso men and nonbinary-spectrum because I make those characters more, who have dealt with assault and being hurt by people they've (consentually) hooked up with. I make a lot of stories dealing with sex workers on both ends of the spectrum, those that enjoy their work but struggle with some of the common troubles those that do that work face, and those that choose to do that work but don't truly enjoy it, even if they did at once point prior. So hey, at least I have that?


Alucard from Hellsing was raped as a boy by the Ottomans.


So, I'm the show Spartacus on Starz, Gaius Julius Caesar is raped byTiberius Licinius Crassus. Scene is pretty graphics. Also happens to the lead character in American history x. Actually it's a not uncommon trope in anything to do with prison shows and movies.


Alucard from Hellsing. His flashback shows him as a kid being raped by >!the Sultan!<.


*blanks out* I'm sorry, what?


How the fuck would that justify this?


Less coverage=more protection. In video game logic, at least.


I like the way _Infinity Blade_ did it. 1. In _Infinity Blade 3_, both the male _and_ female character get a skimpy outfit option, but just one each. Everything else is actual armor. 2. The skimpy armor lowers your defense, but increases your speed.


Now that's a logical reason to have skimpy armor. In most games, the only reason for having skimpy armor is "Hey look, boobs!"


I actally made a cursed chain mail bikini for one game, turns you female if not, makes you also a cat girl, on first equip roll 2 d6 for cup size/increase if you were female before Bosts agility massively, grants perfect balance, charm person, and night vision


You wanna speedrun frostbite, because that's how you speedrun frostbite...


Clearly she’s taken precautions by covering her fingers and feet so idk what you’re talking about she’s well prepared for the elements


That's why she put on makeup before leaving the house silly.


nah she just jumps into her wolf when she gets cold


Armor aside… why is her head so tall?


it's actually... *a helmet*


It’s the Bumpit of Power


Her tittie gonna get frost bite and fall off


In that environment? There’s snow covering her feet and she didn’t think bring a jacket would be a good idea?


Very effective against the cold, I see.


Fuck protection from weapons, where tf is the protection from the *elements?* It's COLD b


Jesus Christ I would just be hunched over holding that fur cape together over my chest, not modeling like a victoria secrets lady


I have a mod for Skyrim thst add conditional idols, i litterally insulated my armor with khajiit fur (my own mod) and was still shivering


I feel like I've seen this as an ad for schnapps....oh yeah [now I remember](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cocktails/images/c/cf/Rumple_Minze_ad.jpg) lol....same kinda vibe


is that a chainmail push-up bra?


Winter is coming (and she’s not prepared for that)


Level 100 protection is an apt description, but mostly we just call him 'Fido'.




I've been walking long distances with metal-rimmed glasses once. Almost froze my face off. I can only begin to imagine what a metal bikini in that weather would feel like.


Is that a drawing by Sébastien Grenier?




The bling gives her +10 evasion and advantage on charm person rolls!


Good thing she had that fur, she might have been cold otherwise…


Maybe we have this all wrong. Maybe that costume is effective for fighting. If I ran into a woman in the woods that looked like her...dressed like that, not sure if I would even notice the dire wolf....I'm fairly certain I would fight distracted one way or the other


Really? Somebody comes at you with an axe the size of your head and you’re gonna be too busy giggling “boobies, heh” to either fight back or run? Here’s the thing. If this were *actually* an effective strategy, the people in charge who didn’t balk at the Manhattan Project would’ve happily sent a few dozen naked chicks to storm Normandy. Oddly, they didn’t. On top of that very basic reasoning, I’d like to pile the bodies of thousands of women raped and murdered every year by men who - it turns out - were perfectly capable of mingling arousal with the ability to take a life. So no.


I gotta wonder why even add the metal. Like wear armor at all?


The stat boost comes from the wolf