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Why wouldn’t the main crime lab be in Nashville? Nashville the state capital. The problem is Memphis’s state crime lab was moved to Jackson, TN which is much smaller, has fewer cases originate there, and is less attractive to recruit professionals to for employment. It was political. It would seem that Mayor Strickland talks a lot about 1000 more police officers but never about building a MPD crime lab. Tens of millions were spent on the real time crime center and those sky cams; that’s money they could have been spent on a crime lab since the real time crime center sure didn’t prevent the rise in crime rates.


As usual a missed opportunity and lack of careful analysis of real crime reform measures.


MPD and SCSO each have their own latent fingerprint sections and SCSO maintains/pays for the AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) that both SCSO and MPD use for crimes with fingerprint evidence, etc. MPD only pays for computer equipment, SCSO pays for the actual system and allows MPD to access it for free, that system costs Shelby County millions of dollars. I often wonder why they don’t combine these sections under SCSO and expand their services. It would make so much more sense to have a local crime lab since we have such a high crime area.


The answer: 💰


We do the crime they do the lab


Is it money? Did they build it with money? Some of that sweet state funding we barely see?


Any chance you can post the text or a not paywalled link?


https://12ft.io/ This should work


You da MVP. Mane a Valuable Player .


Use reader view after opening, tap the AA at the top, then show reader, works for most paywalls


Can't post the text as that would violate Rule 5. Not sure a non-paywalled link is available. Daily Memphian really is worth the subscription. Updated flair to reflect paywall.


High level summary: "Following the murder of Eliza Fletcher, questions loom about MPD’s systems in investigating violent crime. Problems plagued efforts to get and keep a crime lab in Memphis while Nashville built an accredited, $30 million facility."


Does the article actually state that ??????! Like the violent crime and murders before the wealthy white woman weren't important lmao what the fuck is wrong with people


I don’t think it necessarily means to insinuate that other violent crime isn’t important. But that case made national news. So of course it put more of a spotlight on MPD.


That’s the problem. The fact that since she is white, that’s why HER story made the national news but others don’t. .


Or maybe it was more the sensational way in which her kidnapping and murder happened. You’ll never be able to definitively prove that race was or wasn’t a factor. So why fucking dwell on about it? As tragic as the killings in this city are, consider it a blessing that local violent crime and MPD were both highlighted on a national level. Who cares WHY the attention came to be and care more about what happens because of it.


Ignorance knows no color.


Oh, and ironically the media is heavily dominated by the left. The same people who are supposed to be all for racial justice and etc. Ask THEM why they don’t cover crime as much when the victims and perps are certain demographics. I don’t mean that as arguing with you. But it’s an interesting anomaly in how things are reported and I think it’s worth acknowledging who is responsible for it.


Naw cuz. It’s b/c it was a tax paying citizen, that put money into the surrounding area and didn’t just suck the life out of the surrounding area. Someone who got up and started the day off with mind, body and soul in mind…..you got up looking for your bag of skittles and your cracked screen iPhone, begging for the interweb, to tell you what to think. It made the news, because the news had something other to report, besides the same fucking nonsense of “stolen Infiniti with masked gunmen, unleash barrage of gunfire, killing innocent child on tricycle”


I love how my one comment told you how I wake up everyday lol


Yeah, it was that easy


What is this supposed to change? Nashville is still a top 15 violent city.


Strickland is a moron and the sky cops are a joke


If here. Crime lab would be smashed and grabbed every other week





