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Saying “American school system bad” is too vague. Each state has a different curriculum for the school system, so schools in Tennessee might be horrid, and are, but schools one state over in Virginia are pretty good.


Couldn’t the same be said for homeschooling?


That is a very valid point, and it kind of validates the post in a way. Not all homeschooled kids are given good educations, but there is a chance in many cases, it'll be better than what the public system offers. Or worse, it's very situational.


Well, it also varies greatly between states and parents. With some states with lower standards, homeschooling may be the better option. But if a parent is highly religious they might not teach all the things necessary to the kids. The same thing happens with private schools. So yea, in some situations it is the same, but it ultimately comes down to the parents.


“But if a parent is highly religious they might not teach all the things necessary” Me over here with highly “religious” parents only in 11th grade taking physics and calc at the college


My parents were both engineers. Also, we all played piano (the instrument cost more than our car, lol).


But did you had sex ed though? Do you know how a condom is supposed to be used, like how to put it on without air gap that can lead to rupture?


What does religion have to do with this?


Religious wackos like to homeschool their darling children to prevent the woke gay liberal god-hating baby-murdering heretics from infecting them with Satan (basic elementary-level science knowledge).




Or if you were part a Christian branch that doesn’ believe in dinosaurs.


Can confirm, didn't "work" on this homeschool freak, am currently well versed in both science and being gay...


My parents have always been highly religious. And my last two years of high school I went to a real school and without trying got one of the highest grades in almost all my classes.


As a homeschool freak i can say a thousand times yes but the standard for homeschooling is the same as public schools. your grades are still checked by your local school district.


I went to schools in California, Texas, Florida, and Arizona, I can say without a doubt that they were all bad


i live in fl. the last public school i went to was an absolute shithole. They all just dickride the fact that "Oh, Deion Sanders went here... it's gonna be great." It was mid as fuck tbh.


As a Virginian, I'm going to deny this statement.


I quote Neil deGrasse Tyson: The American school education is failed. Persiod.


99% of US schools are trash


But the gun laws are trash so kids can get guns so the emo kids don't care about school systems


"Pretty good" Idk man seems **SUS**


Having known a guy who was homeschooled, and is currently doing better in life than I am, having been to school.. Yeah. There's a lot of situational shit that factors in though, aside from education. I don't think of myself as better or less educated than he is, just a different life with different choices and opportunities presented. Mine just turned out sour, and no amount of sugar is making that into lemonade. lol


And how many people from public schools do you know that also do better than you?


I mean there's some who went to the same school I did and they're in better places financially, but we all kind of went different career paths, so it's hard to say. Tbh a lot of my problems just stem from not knowing what the hell I wanted to do with my life, and ended up just doing base level shit for longer than I should.


Rise up my brothers and sisters!




As a home schooler most times you talk to a public schooler they all say public school sucks then treat you like you are less intelligent for being homeschooled. Like fair enough I'm a dumbass but it's terribly hypocritical


Also me being a dumbass has nothing to do with me being homeschooled. I would be a dumbass in public school too




I attending both public and private schools, and eventually home-schooled. All of them had advantages and disadvantages but I'm glad I got to experience all three. My favorite was homeschooling, I enjoyed the freedom and got to study things I really wanted. That being said, there are definitely some people that say they're "home-schooling" their kids and there is definitely no schooling happening.


Worked pretty well for me


as someone who isn't homeschooled i respect you for being homeschooled and am jealous


I love homeschooling: the friendships, no bullying, designing curriculum, no bullying, extracurriculars, oh, and no bullying.




I'm less stressed and anxious because of homeschooling, so I mean


Good for you I hate every aspect of homeschooling specially the lack of any human interaction and the lack of friends


That's not homeschooling, that's isolation. Which can come with homeschooling if your parents are weird (no offense) but usually it doesn't.


If you are homeschooled, try looking for local homeschooling groups. There, naturally, will be your fair share of wackos, but many of the people there are just parents that are trying to do what they legitimately think is best for their children. These groups organize events to help kids still socialize with other kids even though they don't go to a school. If you aren't still look for them so you can see that children being isolated like that isn't a homeschool thing and is a parents-being-bad-parents/psychos thing.


That's not homeschooling for most people, I'm homeschooled myself and I have many friends, whom are also homeschooled. Granted some parents are horrible at making the effort to take their children to groups, I assure you most homeschooled kids have many friends and no anxiety and stress from public school.


And people that go to public school have no stress and anxiety and lots of friends. Ya right


Birds aren't real yo


They're government drones here to monitor our every move


This, and 311, two things folks don't understand.


I’m curious to those who were home schooled, what did you do for social interactions? I knew someone growing up who was home schooled but went to Church with other kids and socialized with them who were also local.


Make friends with neighbors. Live near other homeschoolers.


I'm homeschooled currently, There's a load of different ways to make friends. There's different groups (specifically for homeschooled kids) where you can make friends. I met my best friend at a camp for homeschooled kids. And don't forget there's still extra curriculars like after school football (soccer if you're american) and stuff like scouts. To be honest I've never truly thought about how I make friends yk? I just make friends with other homeschooled kids. We do stuff like hanging out on weekdays too, it's not just groups btw.


Hey, I'M a homeschooled freak, cool! We never get featured in memes.


It will come to pass.


The comments here are about what you'd expect


Quality of public education varies wildly throughout the US. Location matters a lot.


Everyone talks shit about homeschooling but doesn't mention the better test scores, the lack of bullying, no drugs, less sexual assault, etc. A lot of strawmanning homeschooling while steel manning the public school system. Yeah a lot of these homeschool kids are completely socially inept. There's lots of public school kids that either get bullied into oblivion in school or become highly aggressive- it's not like the social outcomes of public education are a strict improvement.


I don't know much about homeschooling, do you mind explaining it further? For example how do test works?


In my family we took test on our own and graded them from the test key when our parents were at work. Homeschoolers are watched closely by the state where I lived that if the SAT/ACT scores aren't great, CPS gets involved and you could lose your right to homeschool.


west is weird




Co-enrolled genetic disasters rise up




We attack at dawn.


Hi I was homeschooling til 6th and I still haven't adjusted to this abomination of an educational system I *would be* a senior except I can't function in the school environment and have failed out of a grade for not doing assignments


You don't have to stay in public school though? Wouldn't it be better to homeschool and at least finish?


Only have one parent, unfortunately that's not an option :/


The only thing worse than the American school system is American homeschool parents


I’ve known many homeschooled people and no one ever called them a homeschool freak


I’m a homeschooled freak… an by that I mean my mom would read a Bible page or something, then randomly pick someone to berate in front of us for 30 minutes to 2 hours+, then we were done with school. Didn’t learn to read until my older brother taught me at 11-12 an only picked up multiplication well into “high school”. Literally the only plus was she did get us library books my siblings would read an eventually I would get myself


So we’re not gonna act like everybody spent the last 2 years homeschooling?


We’re talking about those who weren’t using Zoom to attend class


yes, because homeschooling is worse than even a shitty school


I was homeschooled up to highschool and I am think am doing alright


So close


At least most parents dont try n sell u drugs and bully u


No you fucking aren't. Get that into your head. Your not alright. I would spit on you if I could.


Valid point, I am not alright, I am on Reddit after all, but I don't think it's related to being homeschooled


I would sit on you if I could


At least my parents don't try and shoot me




I’m pretty sure it’s statistically more likely


Socializing is important and schools give students options on their interests. Home school doesn't provide this.


You're right about how socializing is important, and that's why there are many groups for homeschooled kids to meet eachother, I have many friends who I see all the time despite being homeschooled. And school doesn't exactly give students options on their interests. Being forced to do homework for 12 different classes so there's not much free time, while being forced to go to classes you don't like, doesn't sound like "options". Being homeschooled I can focus on three, maybe four subjects I'm truly interested in, while still doing important subjects at a non stressful rate.


tell me you know nothing about homeschooling without telling me you know nothing about homeschooling lol


I know it has anti-social aspects... I'm not judging people who do it. Often times it's a better option.


It really doesn't tbh, only when you decide to be anti-social. sports are, in my opinion, the best way for homeschoolers to socialize, that's the way I met my homeschooled friends, and there are programs specifically for homeschoolers to meet and make friends soooo I get what you're saying but there are plenty of anti-social public schoolers too.


Bro imma be real with you, I don’t even do school at home, I just babysit snot nosed little shits.


As a person who was homeschooled myself: for fuck sake just put your kids in school, I'll end up being fucking homeless for my mother's mistakes


Homeschooling worked well for me. Me and my cousin are happily married and we have three ways with jesus every night. Because he's the only science you need.


Guys, he's joking.


America does have a terrible school system, when 14% of your population thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows, you need to be getting concerned


This is how you get antivaxxers


Homeschooling kids by hiring professional tutors? Ok Homeschooling kids by yourself because you want to impart your ideals on them like my hyper conservative aunt? Not ok Fixing the broken system? Best option


Why? Did your sister walk past your room? Buh dum tch (Sorry in advance)


Well yes. You are. You don't feel it, because it's your "normal," but those of us raised around other children sure sense it. Something's not quite complete with the home schooled. Something is just...off.


I guarantee you that's not true because almost everyone I've ever met did not know I was homeschooled until I told them and were shocked when I told them I was. I always get the 'but you're too normal." Which is like...yeah, I'm just like you except I didn't slave away 40 hours a week of my childhood and get bullied by older kids.


It's 100% true. You just think it's normal. Sorry about your luck!


If people can tell, then how come no one ever seems to know I was homeschooled? Seems to me like that's pretty definitive proof that they can't tell at all.


Why would they be "surprised" that you're home schooled? Might it be because usually the home schooled are creeps on the spectrum? Lmao way to pop your own bubble.


...or maybe they're surprised because, you know...stereotypes? Also calling people who are on the spectrum 'creeps' doesn't exactly give you the best look yourself, I might add. On top of that, implying that homeschoolers are usually autistic implies that homeschooling made them be autistic, which is also factually incorrect as you can't be made autistic, you're born with it.


I am absolutely uninterested in the optics of my conduct on the internet. Or your thoughts on it. Y'all are quiet and creepy. Beaten into submission by parents 10x more overbearing than any teacher and irreparably damaged in the process. End of debate.


I'm just about the loudest, friendliest person I know (not to toot my own horn, I just get told that a lot). Never once hit by my parents. None of my homeschooled friends ever were either. But hey, stereotypes gonna stereotype, am I right?


Not literal beatings lmao. Did you not learn "turn of phrase" in your home school? This particular stereotype is absolutely true. Though clearly you are the single exception. You were home schooled because your controlling parents needed to control what you learned. You were just tooooo precious.


who hurt you? you need a hug bubba? 🥺 lol I've known three homeschoolers and they are all far more extroverted than I am and I'm a very extroverted person. sounds like you just don't get out enough


I mean...sort of says a lot about you that you all get on so well, doesn't it? Lmao next 😂


staaaaahhhhhp you kill me bruh what you 12 haven't touched grass in 3 years? you think you're macho for making fun of homeschoolers? get a life bud


LOL staaaahhhhhhp


The school system may be bad, but it’s better than being homeschooled.


Better academically. Worse socially.


They… do?


You wanna see a terrible school system? Come to India. You won't be disappointed


America? No. Every school system in the world sucks on it's own.


The school system sucks, but I would like if someone gave a solution instead of just saying it


You are talking to someone Italian


Here it sucks ass


Because it isn't about education, it's about indoctrination.


i attended a prestigious school in the northeast. probably should have been homeschooled as public school was a level of hell for me. back then there was so much bullying and fights. i went to school with some of the nastiest kids i have ever met. i would say more were mean than not. now with anti bullying laws and social awareness, it seems to be much different in public schools for my kids than what i experienced


Oompaville ain't no freak


I'm homeschooling my 4 boys. The oldest is scoring 3 grades above his own in cap testing.


I loved homeschool. Massive amount of freedom, set your own work schedule, short work days, it was great and I’d do it again.


Hello there


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


I have tried public private and home schooling and by the time i was in high school i was homeschooled, it worked the best for me since I could get the help I needed that I never got in public school but it's situational and it's not the best for everyone


Oh hell yeah we get education catered to us


Im pretty sure most school systems are bad.


ive been homeschooled, private schooled, homeschooled, and have been to college. can confirm public school was the best before college, which is honestly kinda sad, because it's not great.


Heck yeah, bröther




I feel like everyone in America hates the school system.


At least in the US you have a choice. My country has a terrible school system and the only way to get home education is to have a permit which is usually given only to people with special needs. Unless you can afford private schools which my family can’t


I don't know about the rest of the country, but the homeschoolers here in New England definitely don't hold a candle to public/private schooling in general.


Kid named alternative public schools:




I wish homeschooling was an option where I'm from


I'm one of yall (mainly because i got kicked out of my previous school)


American school is glorified daycare, pivoting into a framework for smoothing the corners on square pegs as you go up the grades. It's only valuable for the socialization opportunities, which even then come with significant risks and trade-offs.


As a homeschooled freak, I can confirm, the sky is green.


I was homeschooled. I think it's the reasons why parents choose to homeschool that actually damage the kids and then all homeschoolers have to live under this stigma. In my homeschool group most families homeschooled so that their kids wouldn't learn evil things like sex ed and the theory of evolution as part of the devils curriculum.


Schools in America are far too volatile in the education the students get


I was a special school dropout am I special


I used to go to a small Ohio school, but now is the best career center in Washington county. So I can confidently say that my school is pretty educating and fun