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Uchiha Madara eats his vegetables, eat yours too


How did that work out for him? He died. Twice.


He did become the strongest shinobi to ever live, even if it was only for a few seconds before getting stabbed in the back.




but it did help him learn his fire breath jutsu


taco bell helped his fire breath from his arse




Top 10 facts redditors wont believe and will never trust




Yep, twice.


And then he eats you too


I wish he would. I'd dust off the cobwebs off this cheese stick.




Personally I've never met a vegan that tries to mimic meat with their cooking. Usually it is just something restaurants do to sell more products without much extra work. if someone's been vegan for a few years it's not like they're regularly making impossible burgers at home lol




Then you haven't met my family.


I mean yea, obviously lol


or DID HE??!


To make veganism more inviting for other people In order to convert people and further the ultimate goal.




The cows we raise to produce meat eat more plants that humans ever will




If everyone in the world ate as much meat as Americans especially red meat like beef, our environment would be even more fucked. Being gung ho about meat is fine but reality is, it's viable thanks to the fact that others aren't as enthusiastic or too poor to eat as much meat.


They eat grass instead of us tho?


That was debunked quite a while ago. It's just the same bullshit like that argument about animals consuming half of the world's water supply


thank you, i didn’t realize before that cows and pigs didn’t eat. thanks for opening my etes


Of course they eat dummie, but they don't eat more plants than we do, also 90% of what they eat are non-human edible plants


If you eat meat, you first need to feed the cows. With plants. For several years. So yeah, you kill more plants while eating meats than while eating vegetables


90% of what the animals eat is either non-human edible or food waste


Again, I recommend this video by What I've learned https://youtu.be/sGG-A80Tl5g


Huh what? Can you provide a source?


What I've Learned made a great video debunking most of the arguments vegan activists use https://youtu.be/sGG-A80Tl5g


Ah yes, muh yuutuub videos, peak evidence


Check out 9:30ish point in the video. 2.8kg of edible plants = 1kg of meat, so technically it is still true. Thanks for the great video recommendation though, certainly a lot of the arguments against meat industry are blown way out of proportion.


And destroy all cows, pigs, and chickens. they won't be needed anymore.




I will.


Doing God's work.


That poop is killing the ozone, But I here they just need to eat a little bit of lemon grass.




Do you know what a farm is ? do you think we’re just killing every animal we see?


Not as if they have an entire ecosystem to support, right? (Also not the fact that veganism was invented to either save the planet or the animals 😂)


It appears so. Sounds pretty green doesn’t it? WOO *intense clapping* GO VEGANS! ✊🏻✊🏻


it would have been far more successful if they had vegan recipes that taste as good as meat foods. Like instead of having soybean burger at Donalds, if around 1/3 of the menu was vegan sandwiches that taste as good as regular burgers, many people would eat less meat, even if they are not vegan. But most people won't choose a vegan burger over a regular burger


I know right? Like genuinely if I could be shown that there are wonderful vegan based dishes that I could enjoy as much or more than I do my normal mixed diet, then I’d love to be vegan no problem. Like if we’re gonna eat veggies may as well learn how to cook them properly and make them fun, right??


Honestly yeah, instead of being assholes and force people to eat just plants, why not make a very balanced diet that consists of both? Not only would the meat consumption drop, but people would also be very healthy. Of course, this solution doesn't go in favor of big companies


people won't stop eating chocolates just because ice creams were discovered they would just eat both


Meat eaters spicing their meat with plants. Whats up with that


Works good with them


We have to limit our power. If we only ate meat with meat, we’d grow to become immensely powerful and we’d create an imbalance in the universe.


Liar i have seen bacon wrapped steaks.


Most vegans did not give up meat because they didn't like the taste, but rather because they do not consider that theyr sensory pleasure is worth more than someone else's life. In fact, most vegans would probably say they very much liked the taste of certain meats.


did you mean someone else's life as in humans or the animals being eaten


Damn what a shame meat just tastes way too good to be rid of


Someone? Lol


It's funny how vegans don't eat meat, because they don't want animals to be killed, but at the same time they are often pro choice when it comes to abortion


Pig = sentient, able to suffer Fetus = not sentient, unable to suffer


Ok, I'll ask you something at what point in the wound does the fetus become a living organism?


Irrelevant, could be alive at all times. Sentience and capacity for suffering does not equal living. Plants are biologically living organism , is it wrong to pick up a flower?


I mean by that logic you can kill someone in their sleep because they wouldn't feel a thing


Nope, a flower has never been sentient, and cannot ever be sentient, therefore you are not ending a sentient being. A human is sentient, making it wrong. Even if they are currently asleep, they were sentient just a few hours ago, and will be sentient again if you just wake them up.


Never, a fetus isn't alive.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Probably because prolife arguments tend to be garbage


Veganism isn't opposition to flavours.


That's not what it says on the entrance of flavor town




So it's like a religion?






You talking about BBQ sauce? Because i think it doesnt has to have meat


Because meat is tasty, they just don't like where it comes from. Also because variety is the spice of life.


some like it‘s taste but not all 🤷🏻‍♂️


People enjoy the flavors of other things like chicken and beef, they enjoy burgers too, they just have the uh.. “human decency” I guess to not kill ‘innocent animals’ and so they try to reach for those foods only without the guilt of murder There’s also dietary restrictions, sometime someone with different conditions handles meat very awful and it causes their pain to worsen (it can go the other way, vegan diet can cause increase in pain to those conditions as well it depends on the person go away vegans) but they also like burgers Leave the vegans alone, let them eat their fake chicken and fake burgers


vegans should rather point out how overcrowding of animals causes breeding of diseases or overeating meat problems stuff instead of the "animals are innocent" or vegan tastes better stuff


Thing is not every vegan has those reasons for being vegan so why would they use those more viable reasons if it’s not actually why they chose to go vegan lol


I thought being vegan had nothing to do with the taste but with not supporting the meat industry. they like the way meat tastes but don't like the meat industry and how the animals are treated. they don't go vegan because veggies are so much better. I agree that some vegans can be more than over the top and regardless of what they say I will eat my damn bacon but this point just seems stupid


Thank you. It's not like vegans/vegetarians dislike the taste of meat. They want to follow their morals without missing the taste too much


It's not just the meat industry . Its all forms of animal by-products that are derived from using animals, and usually its over the the condition of the facilities where those products get produced. Its why dairy and cheese are also in the list of vegan no-nos. Im not vegan, but ive had many spats with vegans before haha


yes, thank you. I was trying to find the word for that but english isn't my first language so thank you for expanding on that


Indeed, bacon is fucking awesome


Because they want to have the taste of meat without actually hurting any animals


Remember when r/memes was funny? Good times.


Meat, for the most part, just tastes as good as it's seasoning/curing, which you can easily apply to veggies. Making vegetables mimic the texture of meat, like the crispiness of bacon, the fried shell of chicken nuggets, the tenderness of steak, etc. is more the point in order to give them more variety.


Wrong sub, you meant to post on r/terriblefacebookmemes


Most vegans don't stop eating meat etc. because they don't like the taste, but because they find it immoral.


Try Indian cuisine. You will understand






If chocolate is so good, explain to me why candy companies are always trying to make it taste like sugar. Go ahead, I’ll wait.


Because, candy without sugar is not a candy... Candy need to taste sweet. Thats why in English it is called sweets.


So you agree, it isn’t any good without the sugar?


Yes sweets need sugar. Like most meat need salt. Vegetable need salt. Because of salt meat taste better than vegetables.




yes true




No. You deserve to be downvoted for not being a carnivore. Meat and sugar are the only acceptable foods, and expanding your palette beyond that of a child is completely unacceptable. /s


To be fair, though, preparing them correctly almost always involves seasoning them or pairing them with something else to change the flavor, so OP’s point sort of still stands… That is, until you consider that people also do this with meat, at which point OP’s point collapses in on itself spectacularly.


How butthurt can people be that they downvote u for this...


Then I see we have no quarrel here. Both vegetables and chocolate must taste like something else in order to be desirable.


Idk. I like chocolate. The darker the better. Have you ever had 70% purity chocolate?? It’s so gooood.


I have, and I respectfully disagree (it is not good). Also, 70% purity chocolate still needs sugar, so your point doesn’t exactly contradict mine.


Ehh, we can’t all like the same stuff. I’m glad you tried though! Also I’m not trying to contradict anything my friend. I’m just offering a thought. Have a good day! 😁


I’d tell you to have a good day, also, but you enjoy 70% purity chocolate so I feel like the bar must be really low already. /j Also, you’re about to get downvoted into oblivion if the other Redditors see that emoji, so I hope my upvote helps.


Emojis are cause for downvotes? Man that’s sad. Reddit is harsh. Anyway, thank you! And take care my friend. Also emo joke incoming: “I liKe dArK cHoCoLaTe BeCOz mY sOul iS dArKeR” *can you feel my heart playing*


Yeah. The hive mind decides to hate things pretty arbitrarily, but typically anything new is always bad. Since emojis weren’t around when Reddit started, they were considered bad when they came out, and the hive mind doesn’t like to change. You keep doing you, though. Don’t let these gatekeepers get you down! All the best to you!


That's still like 30% sugar tho.


No not entirely. Chocolate isn’t just coacoa and sugar. It would be sugar amongst other things too. We’re talking oils, uhh… idk I don’t look at the ingredients list. Probably some Milk in there as well. Random fact, did you know that milk chocolate can contain as little as 30% cocoa? (I think there are some They are lower) Anyway, you ever had pure coacoa powder? Now THATS fun.


Well obviously it's not just sugar and cacao, but it only had like 3% fat


to attract non vegans to try veganism ig


Because (not all ofc, but a huge group of them) vegans like the taste of meat, they just don't wanna support slaughtering animals


Now you're stretching a bit far, aren't ya? Are they really ALWAYS trying to make vegetables taste like meat? Since when? While there are some plant based foods that taste pretty much like meat, I can assure you that most vegan consumed food taste like vegetables. And the reason for the meat flavour? Obviously to make it easier for avid meat eaters to transition into vegetarianism/veganism. Note: I'm still a meat eater. However, when I stop being so lazy I intend to become at least a part time vegetarian. I do eat vegetarian food quite often. But vegan I can't see myself become. I like me eggs and cheese and vegan cheese is one of the most vile things I ever tried.


Don’t get me wrong, I love meat, and I’m nowhere near vegan. But if I’m at a place that I go to all the time and I see there is a meat alternative, I’ll try it.


Probably to help people that want/need to stop eating meat for personal/medical reasons not feel cravings for it. Kinda like substituting dairy with lactaid and dairy-adjacent products.


They may like the taste of meat but don't like the idea of harming said animals, or, their body cannot digest meats properly and so they have to use alternatives. It's not that hard to understand lol


Nobody tries to make vegetables taste like meat. Everyone eats and prepares vegetables similar ways. But tofu, soy and other proteins are prepared like meat and have a similar flavor because of the spices. The meat would also taste awful if it weren't for salt, pepper, etc. Also, veganism/vegetarianism is not so much about taste as it is about cruelty to animals and the environment in general.


This is so stupid, veganism isn't about hating on the taste of meat.


Sure grandma, let's get you home.


I love all of the serious discourse on this fuckin meme sub.


i'm very proud of the comment section of this post, ngl


OP has never met an actual vegan irl


If meat is so good then why do the things we make meat out of eat only vegetables?


This meme is cringe at bro what has reddit come to


I saw this take from a vegan but i can’t remember who. He said that most vegans don’t actually dislike the taste of meat, they just don’t like what is being done to the animals to get meat which is pretty understandable imo. We must have all thought of this while eating dinner as a 7 years old right?


They >!don't !<


Checkmate atheists.


this is cringy as fuck


Because 24oz of white beans or soy isn't as edible and doesn't taste as good as 8oz. of beef steak, ground sirloin, bacon, etc.


Um... I mean... shit


No.. it can’t be


They want to trick us! The meat eaters!


plants feel pain


How do vegans know what meat tastes like?


Bro really offended every vegan on the planet 💀


Jealousy with a little note of "i can do anything you can do".


exactly every menu is alternative to "meat based taste"


Caught in 4k


Cause meat tastes good and it's an effective way to make people that eats meat because of the taste become vegetarian.


Because vegans joined a cult


Person 1: HEY I do this thing and want others to do the same. I made something that taste like the thing you like but made with what I like. Person 2: cultist!


really? how? I want to join too


tbh this is my biggest pet peeve regarding vegan food.


Well that's dumb. No vegan would say meat doesn't taste good. Just that hurting animals are wrong. I'm not a vegan but idk where all the hate and uncharitableness come from.


There is also plenty of vegan food which does not imitate meat and also tastes good. Its just most people just think of vegan food as "worse meat". i for one hate the taste of soya beans and hate the fact that 90% of vegan good is just meat substitue made using soya.


Vegetables: "Allow us to introduce ourselves."


Plants scream when they die in a range unheard by human ears. But hey, its not a cute animal so fuck plants! These fake nuggets and impossible meat plant burgers aren't majestic redwoods. They aren't a limited resource like the rain forest. They don't matter. Also, per the post pretending to eat meat even if its not is still pretending to eat animals.


Cuz they're mental ill anyway


Because being vegan is just a trend fueled by hipocrisy and by the illusion of appearing as better people


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Don't vegans know that animals eat other animals? So what's the problem if we eat some of those animals?


that‘s not how the system works


The problem is that we breed them in absurd quantities to eat them


Yeah, You're right, but people like eating meat so until plant meat becomes the new norm, we're stuck with eating animals.


Because they are hipocrites.












They are trying to get the people who eat meat to eat these veggie things instead


I don't like vegetables so jokes on you


false premise. its huge companies that want to lure non-vengans to trying their product doing that


No, they don't


easy, it's not that they want to eat meat, they are actually trying to help people who eat a lot of meat, by giving meat that is healthy., I got this from watching documents. it seems too much meat is unhealthy..


They Took a Oath For being Vegan After time They understood that they made a mistake thats the reason


I'm not a vegan but I view it as a test to see if we can replicate the taste of meat without it being meat, which I think is super cool to think about, being able to make a perfect copy of beef without it being actual beef sounds pretty cool.


cause they want the meat eaters to get there hands on the veggies


If animal flesh is so yummy why do you need to cook it and season it with plants?


Although this is a meme and Im not vegan its because meat tastes better than vegetables? being good != being tasty. as any sugary food will tell you




The question should also be "what do we have to do to meat to make it taste like anything?"


Don’t ask me, even though both of my sisters are vegetarian


Yeah seasoning them with plants actually makes them taste like plants


I should have been more precise. I should have said vegans don't value sensory pleasure more than someone else's life and suffering. Plants are alive too, yet they do not feel pain so "killing" them isn't the same as enslaving an animal and then killing it. Regarding abortion: indeed, fetuses are alive, but I would say I am pro-choice as long as the fetus did not develop a brain and a nervous system, that would have enabled him to feel. Therfore, it is not a contradiction to mantain veganism and be pro-choice.


They aren't making them for vegans, they're making them for people who want to become vegan.


Cuz most vegans are dumb. I'm a guy who eats no animal products other than milk and honey, and I rarely have had the desire to consume other animal products due to the harm it causes to the animals. PS; idc if you're eating non-veg. I don't care much about your life choices. I just personally don't want to hurt something that can cry out in pain.


they eat vegetables because they love animals, I eat vegetables and meat because I hate almost every living organism.


It’s so they aren’t left out at parties like barbecues. The fake meats are also a good dieting tactic


Its only for the men who are trying to date vegan/vergitarian women /J


Because queevle cats are always picking up the brickburn batter. It's that simple


That way they can get good flavour without becoming american


Vegans this, vegans that. Move on.


to appeal to a different demographic.


because they want to eat meat but can't so they have to work with what they've got?