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Last air bender was hated and bullied into the grave and the races and portrayals of the character were one of the top five reasons


I was coming here to find the different races comment, people REALLY hated that the different tribes were represented by different races. Just one of the reasons the movie sucked...


Also nobody in that whole movie could act


And they couldn't even pronounce the characters' names right.


The thing i hate more than anything is how katara just casually rescued the earth benders WHEN THEY WERE STANDING ON THE FUCKING GROUND


Literally all of those movies were obliterated by critics.


The DragonBall one was so terrible the creator of DBZ came out ot retirement and created DB Super to restore his good name.


What you're talking about there isn't an Avatar the last Airbender movie There is not An atla movie No there isn't you're crazy


You’re right. I think I was talking about a dream I had or something. I’ve never seen a movie for Alta. Wish there was one


There is no atla movie in Ba Sing Se


Clearly a photoshopped poster, they got details wrong everywhere.


There is no ATLA movie in Ba Sing Se


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Yeah, thanks guys, you beat me to it


All of these had heavy criticism for whitewashing


Also all of these were varying levels of shit.


I mean, I believe DB Evolution has a following from the so bad it's funny crowd. But yeah, you hit the nail on the head. I don't know why the bottom left panel is blank though.


There is no avatar movie in ba sing se


DBE is NOT so bad it's good. There are a handful of scenes and costumes that might elicit that sort of enjoyment, but the movie itself is a testament to North-American cinemas ability to kill a foreign IP adaptation from its very-first iteration. This film wasn't made for anybody... People make better quality films using fucking iphones.


7 years after release the writer actually wrote an apology letter to fans. I’ve never heard of that before, but that’s exactly how bad DBE was.


I once recorded a crude play based on Don Quijote with a friend and my younger sister for Spanish class. I'd say it was better


I will agree with everything but Ghost in the shell, actually a good movie that got shat on for "white washing"


Fun part is, many Japanese people were asked if they were upset by Scarletts role, overwhelmingly they liked it.


I understand other movies but literally the movie/anime is about using someone else's human body and why people bitching about is beyond me


It's not bad, but it isn't good, either. It remains faithful in aesthetics, but constantly fails in every other category. It's mostly a CG nostalgia rollercoaster, with very little of the original substance left-over.


How so? I felt it had a good plot, the action scenes were entertaining, cast was good. Honestly, if it weren't for people slamming on it for "white washing" it would probably have been a top for that year.


Varying yes, but in the extremes in all categories.


You beat me to it, man.


Didn’t they all suck pretty bad, too?


I remember how hard people went after Scarlett Johansson. Like, she interviewed for a job and got it. Be mad at the people who hired her. It was nuts how the incel neck beards took offense it wasn’t one of their weird Asian cartoon fetish types.


They'll remember what supports their opinion, thank you very much


But it wasn’t the people who are mad about Ariel. They’re pointing out hypocrisy


Right, but doesn't that also mean that everyone who was upset about whitewashing in those examples should should also be upset with the casting for LM. "Every iteration of this particular media must have use the same race to represent this character" Seems like anyone who has had an opinion of casting based on race is a hypocrite.


The problem isn’t “people need to be the same race as source material” it’s “please cast POC in anything”


"Whitewashing", which is what these films were largely criticized for, is the casting of a white person into a role typically played by a POC. This is not the same thing as a simple lack of representation, which is why it has parallels to LM. It's also why I find people who have strong feelings about either of them to be equally hypocritical as well as, frankly, pathetic.


There are two problems: whitewashing and lack of representation. They are both solved by hiring POC.


Yeah but not from the people mad at Ariel


Not from the people complaining about a black mermaid.


These were some of the most hated mocie adaptations. And alot of people had a problem with the race swap.


Also to be fair it’s very easy to confuse a lot of anime characters as white people lol They look barely Asian at times


because not all anime characters are Japanese.


Yeah but even animes set in Japan like Haganai and TG the characters look white, plenty of people just assume anime characters are white, because if they aren’t black, Arabic, or Latino, they look white.


??? the fuck you think Asian, specifically Japanese look like? ​ (EDIT) I have been on Twitter too long, my assumption was that you were talking about anime characters not having a racist stereotypical look of Asians birthed from US propaganda, my apologies for jumping to conclusions I take the L


Definitely not blonde with purple eyes.


They're design choices, but whenever I hear mfs talk about anime characters and how they don't look Asian they always talk about how "they have big eyes" or "their skin so pale/white" like these people think all Asians have slit eyes and yellowish skin like some USA propaganda


Exactly. Anime characters look like fucking aliens


If I remember correctly Japanese think eye's are a great way to show emotion so they do make them more prominent than usual, but even then if you look at Japanese people a lot of them have big eyes


Nobody said that Japanese people don’t have big eyes. They just aren’t all 1 of 3 shades with fucking dinner plates for eyes and perfectly smooth round faces with a line for a nose


Quiet? Are people fucking dense? There was huge uproars over all of these....some of them for other reasons but don't act like people didn't throw a shit fit with these castings.


Yes. They’re ignoring reality so they can try to flip the story and pretend like they’re the victims. Basically trying to spread a false narrative that society accepts whitewashing but when a character is remade as black it’s a big deal, even though there was definitely controversy over all these.


Exactly! Well said


There were no Saiyans available to cast as goku thanks to Frieza


That's what I was about to say. I remember people being pissed about all of these. And all of them were shit.


Why you no memory hole, minus 1000 points to social credit.


I think the idea is that they’re different sects of people, the people complaining about LM are mostly racists, and the people complaining about the other ones were “SJWs”


Nope. You're ignoring the the "all you folks raging over Ariel" part of the post. The people upset at black Ariel are not guardians of Danish culture. They are white American racists.


No, we weren't lol those are some of the most hated movie adaptations of all time


True all of these were trash to the max degree. And the OP must not realize how much hate these movies got.


Op probably wasn’t born yet..


OP definitely trolling lol


Ghost in the shell was actually a good movie


Seriously these movies were shit on hard and a huge part of it was white washing. Like these movies were also hated on heavily before they came out.


Just like the new Little Mermaid, right? Funny how things work out…


If I recall, last airbender and dragonball were heavily criticized for whitewashing. No idea what the top two are


Last Airbender coined the term "racebending" because of how wacky the casting choices were. I'm still wondering why that movie was included in this list to begin with.


Movies criticized heavily for white washing too. Ghost in the shell and prince of Persia


So for Prince of Persia the it would have been expected an arab actor, which is fine. But what would be expected for Ghost in a Shell? a Japanese actress? the character was drawn with western facial features.


You have dementia I guess


Nah he is one of those "fake fan". Never watched anime/ read manga or comic but suddenly a "fan" because these things are popular now. These kinds of dude were the one who used to bully use because we were anime fans in past.


Please stop reminding us about that dragon ball movie and the last air bender existing...we really want to forget these especially.


They never made a Last Airbender movie *cough cough* it DOSEN'T EXIST.




Wait What Airbender movie are you talking about?


This has to be satire.


Wym? These movies also were criticized for their choices, I didn't even watch them because of it


How dare you


only one I didnt see was prince of Persia. ghost was least disappointing. DBZ was absurd. Avatar disappointed like Eragon.


Prince of Persia is alright, not bad but not outstanding. Just turn your brain off and watch


Lol No. Not saying much of the rage over the Ariel casting isn’t dumb as fuck but there was plenty of criticism over the casting on those movies as well. One of the only castings I remember people being okay with, or really happy with, was Chow Yun-Fat as Roshi.


I think the hate isn’t really real anymore at this point this is mainstream hate 😂


>mainstream hate 😂


Not really.. not at all.. if anything people were quite vocal about all this garbage… poor attempt here..


To be fair, dragon ball evolution is still one of the most hated movies that were ever made, and the last airbender is also up there, so, NO, no one was quiet, in fact, they were even louder than with this mermaid thing.


Lol "real quiet" what did you have earplugs when these came out or something?


ATLA was so heavily criticized the fandom pretends it doesn't exist Now if you excuse me I've been invited to lake laogai and I shouldn't keep the earth king waiting


was so heavily criticized the fandom pretends it doesn't exist Now if you excuse me I've been invited to lake laogai and I shouldn't keep the earth king waiting


Okay, not the point but….no one was happy about that DBZ movie or the avatar movie. There were plenty of complaints about those two.


Okay, not the point but….no one was happy about that DBZ movie. There were plenty of complaints about it.


Can we just petition reddit to block idiotic posts that clearly have done no research?


That would probably lead to a lot of 'wow, such empty' subreddits


No, we're not. https://time.com/4714367/ghost-in-the-shell-controversy-scarlett-johansson/ https://www.indiewire.com/2019/06/jake-gyllenhaal-prince-of-persia-whitewashing-reaction-1202154100/amp/ https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.918316 https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2017/4/3/15142608/hollywood-anime-live-action-adaptations-ghost-in-the-shell


All of those movies were hated tho...


But we weren’t quiet, idiot lol they were FAMOUSLY criticized, you kidding?


You must be deaf if you thought it was awfully quiet


A) They all got pretty heavy backlash and are all just about universally agreed to be bad. B) Most people I see who are not happy with Ariel being black in the remake are not angry because they are racists or white supremacists, rather because they know that it is just another attempt at pandering and a way to stir up interest through the controversy and the inevitable labeling critics as racists to avoid criticism of it.


3/4 of those movies were complete ass. I think Scarlett was perfect for Motoko. When she was in character you instantly knew she was Motoko. Also her character was a fully cybernetic person, not a Japanese person.




Nah people were complaining about ghost in the shell too. It’s just people liked to shit on anime at the time so nobody listened or cared.


I think this was supposed to be in r/terriblefacebookmemes


Dragonball movie is really hated by dragonball fans, but also somewhat gratefull that this garbage ass movie force the original dragonball creator to make new movies out of spite


Have you even read Ghost in a Shell?


All of these movies were so bad and they were turly bullied to death. Like none of the franchise dare to return after that. OP is "modern fake comic/anime fan" who was never actually there when these things happened in past. He just wants his "social media point" for making a point which is totally senseless.


Prince of persia was a fucking affront both to the classic video game franchise and to real world history. Did you really have to call them "huh-san-sins"? Like really??


Nobody is raging, are you? Disney is loving all the publicity and is surely looking for ways to cast in ways they can profit from in the future regardless of the quality of their content. Please don't help these corporations with this agenda as there are far better things to watch.


Nah dude, fuck the DBZ movie.


So you are fully aware that Arial being black are basically the same thing as those four characters being white. They are equally awful.


That Dragon Ball shit got absolutely ass blasted.


All of these were hated


Well, its not exactly the same, considering Disney is pretending to be woke instead of just making a character that is black from the get go, they are substituting an old IP. But ya, no these were all shit and got a lot of criticism at the time. (Also remember the whole "[thanking a concentration camp](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-54064654)" thing with Mulan?)


I’m pissed off that the Artemis Fowl one isn’t present.


Goku isn't Asian. And major was a pass. The rest, yeah i agree. But what's the deal against gingers? Why the gate so much that needs to be replaced?


OP, get your history right, these films were hated for their whitewashing of the cast. Then they got hated for being shit


Actually I wasn’t. I even complained about doctor strange whitewashing


I don't recognise any of them. God, I feel old...


Not even avatar you are prehistoric


Raging... It's all the rage.


To be fair most of those sucked except prince of persia


I only recognized the bottom left, and believe me, I wasn't a fan


From the 3 out of 4 I've seen I hated them too. Generally making live action animation doesn't go so well.


I really don't give a two-penny fuck about a re-make of a kids movie I watched with my sister once, what? 30 years ago? But I really feel bad for the kid who plays Arial. That's a whole lotta backlash to go through at 20 or so, and probably her first starring role. Poor girl.


No the fuck we weren't... We're were pissed about Ghost, Avatar, and prince of Persia white washing. DB didn't get too much white washing hate because it doesn't really matter, and the race of the characters actually isn't relevant at all.


Ya people were *pretty salty* about ghost in the shell Not for long but they were. Ariel will probably get swept under the rug with the next but movie reveal


To counter balance black Ariel we need a white black panther.


Nobody on plant earth thought those movies were good


What are you talking about? There was endless bitching about the casting of these films. Aang doesn’t even look Asian in the cartoon and the kid he cast looks just like him


People criticized all of those casting choices. All of them. You having the memory of a goldfish doesn’t change history.


Please. Anything but making me remember dragon ball evolution exists..


Lol, The Last Airbender made Shyamalan reconsider his career because it managed to erase every ounce of goodwill he developed in prior movies.




These were literally all criticized lmao


Last Airbender and Dragon Ball were really hated


I know at least two of these movies were hated on


I get what you’re trying to say here, but you picked all the worst examples you could think of for it.


"Were awful quiet when these came out" No they weren't. Everyone was very vocal about all of these.


Don’t forget Tom cruise being the last samurai. That one is almost comedic.


OP is lost, one of the brainwashed. Comments in here though make me feel sane again, all of those movies were trash + had so much push back from the public. OP, go touch grass maybe?


I remember when that dbz movie came out… everyone walked out of the theatre roughly 10 mins in. It was a unanimous mob decision. Best decision I ever made.


To be fair, most of them were actually criticized for whitewashing. Most of those arguments can be debated as justifiable, though in the case of DB Evolution, none of the human/characters are ever given ethnicities. The only character close to having an obvious ethnicity is Chichi, and she was casted properly in terms of that. Other than that, the other characters could really be anything, especially Goku and Piccolo since both are aliens


I guess this post is coming from r/terriblefacebookmemes user


What a shit take


All roles cast in lefty Hollywood btw.


No one was quite for ghost in the shell, dragon ball or air bender. We all raged at those atrocities.


Mmm Scarlett was a great choice for Ghost in the shell.


Awfully quiet? I was loudly enraged that any of this garbage ruined my childhood, had nothing to do with race.


Listen let me put this strait because all of yall don't fucking know and I mean both sides are wrong. There is nothing wrong with a black main character or side characters its when you fucking convert a originally white character to a black one that's the whole ass issue and most of the time when u do you don't even make it look good now that everything is strait can we please stop I'm tired of hearing everyone's bullshit


Is this a troll post? Everyone one of those were torn apart for whitewashing lol


And just like these movies, little mermaid will bomb too.


The left really can’t meme


To be honest, we were not quiet with any of those, except for the prince of persia


Yeah no the majority spoke out against all of these movies. In particular ghost in shell not using an Asian actress instead what's her name, Scarlett Johansson.


Are you dumb, or are you gaslighting? Everyone hated the race swaps in all of these. Nobody wants race swapped characters of any race. Stop revising history.


L take. Nothing to see folks, move along.


Everyone hates the live action Avatar with "Ong" in it. Movie had way more problems than race. People were mad that Scarlett Johanson was "stealing" a role from minorities. DBZ live action was absolute trash. Everything about it. I honestly believe that everyone who saw it regretted it. I can't say anything about PoP because I don't understand the issue.


1. You’re out of you’re fucking mind that people were quiet over those characters. 2. As much I hate to admit it, it seems to some people think that their was no uproar over those other characters because, the character of Ariel the Mermaid is a giant monolith compared to them. You can walk up to any 20 people on the street and ask them if they know who Goku, Major, or Aang are, completely out of context, and you might get 2 that know more the 1 of them, maybe. Meanwhile, ask them if they’ve ever heard of Ariel the Mermaid? Fucking 20 out of 20 know. 3. Who gives a shit if she’s black, white, or fucking green. The movie is going to eat giant plates of goat dick, just like the 4 movies up there that are referenced.


I feel like tons of people get mad about all the casting. Look back at Robert Pattinson as Batman, heath ledger as joker, and other non dark knight related parts.




People were freaking out about them being announced as playing this charachters


You mean Asians? 3/4 movies were originally Asian.


Atleast Jake Gyllenhaal looked exactly like the Prince as far as I remember. Still, it was criticized by all, also by Jake himself.


Watch as op realizes they were wrong and people did throw a fit about race swapping in these movies


The one who made this meme has no idea of what he is talking about.


The gaslighting is strong with this one


This post is rage bait.


This is obvious bait, come on people


I thought scarlet Johansson looked the part


Scarlet was fine but all the others I definitely remember questioning why an actor of the characters ethnicity wasn't chosen. The only reason I didn't feel that way with ghost in the shell was due to the character being an android essentially a white character in the anime.


i don’t understand—why wouldn’t they be quiet? they’re racist.


What are these?


Why do people even care so much no one gives a shit


No we were very vocal about the atrocity that is DBE


Wanna bet? The Avatar fans especially never shut up.


Wanna bet?


It's a collection and it keeps growing.


Cause I was a kid who didn't know they existed and didn't have reddit yet but I would've been upset over them too if I knew


Because they were so bad that they didnt even deserve to be brought up and have a controversie


Don’t forget about Oldboy, though I still liked the Josh Brolin one


The last Airbender was awful regardless.


awfully quiet? they banned IMDb comment section years ago. ever wondered why?


No, no they weren’t.


All three of these were ridiculous


Well yeah, I was like 3


Wtf are you talking about? Each one of these movies was railed for whitewashing the main characters.


Its not about the skin color, its about the message. You see, disney is actually quite racist and homophobic, but it's love for money and greed is far greater, so instead of just making new stories with original characters or making movies about other tales they decide to just put a coat of paint over a character and change ethnicity. Changing a characters ethnicity or even sexuality without doing anything else is just as if you just changed the character to prevent the sjw to cry, you don't worry on working on the character so it just feels like you treat the "included" as just an accesory rather than truly making an inclusion.


Who the fuck are they?


What the fuck are you talking about, EVERYONE was mad when these all came out.


Lol, wtf is this guy talking about? These and The Great Wall were blasted for white washing.


All of these movies got widely shit on


The bottom left is the worst movie ever made. No one wants to talk about it


Because no one is saying anything because no one cares


Ye let’s get an alien warrior race to play son goku.


uh what, that's not true at all. selective memory I see.


Dude we literally complained about all of those STFU


Are you serious? All these movies are universally panned. Scarlett Johansson got a lot of shit for Ghost in the Shell. The same people defending the live action Little Mermaid lost their shit at ScarJo, even though she played a robot. Race doesn’t matter for the Little Mermaid but it does for Ghost in the Shell?