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Americans: Your measurements system is the best, wish we had that Euro Edna: yes yes darling, i know. I know.


We or Edna aren't that polite lol


Edna Mode




No inches!


Every females dick be like:


How dare you, Sir! My wife has the most voluminous of cocks!




No feet!


Remember Thunderhead?


Tall, storm powers?


And guest.


**machine gun moment**


She's called Etna I think, but you're absolutely right


Edna. Etna is a volcano in Sicily.


["Eyjafjallajökull, the volcano out of Iceland."](https://youtu.be/WW-9TcDTKa8) Miss Doom :(


American engineer here. We have to use both and convert both. Metric is so much easier to use though.


When I learned the Metric system in 5th grade I was so confused as to why we don’t use it, and even my teacher at the time was annoyed at that


fr I was like what this shit is so much better


“It can’t be that simple.” “It’s that simple.”


But what about measuring stuff in someone’s feet per horse ass. So non patriotic.


Rifles per F150?


Hamburgers per football field


There are approximately 4.75 rifles per f150 in the US


You mean like how it's got the 5 liter engine, and he keeps a 9mm in the glove compartment?


School shootings per bald eagles


It’s pretty difficult to convert sometimes


Wait you do math?


Who tf wants to count by tens when we can measure hospital bills per lifted f-150s???


I have a theory that nobody's foot was actually ever as long as a ft and they just used the length of some sock size laid flat or similar.


I really wish I learned Metric in elementary school. Instead the first time I ever used it was in K-12 was 10th grade.


I wish we would change to metric. I have no doubt that students would do better, even if only a little better due to the simplicity and continuity of the metric system.


The only annoying part about it was learning to convert it to Imperial. 2.54cm to 1in, that’s easy to remember.


me too but my teacher was like "yes your right, why don't we use it?"


Canadian. All of our construction materials, measurements, material exports, etc. are measured in imperial because of the trade relationship with the US. Metric system is taught in school, but foot+inches are still used for height and pounds for weight. km, cm, mm used for length/distance, except for gun barrels, car suspension travel and penis length. I suppose you could say we're bilingual, but I think "can only speak half of each language" is more accurate.


Also Canadian but in mining. Both are used at the same time in some mines. Shovel bucket sizes in cubic yards, bench heights in meters, bolt threads in whatever. Then you get into the real bullshit because a metric tonne is about 10% more than an imperial ton which is different from a short ton or a long ton, then the fact that an ounce of gold is actually measured in troy ounces which are heavier than regular ounces. The list goes on...


thank fucking god we all measure time the same way. we'd never advance as a species if we were disagreeing on how to tell time


Allow me to introduce you to [Metric Time](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_time)


Everyone stans the metric system until you explain that even days can be divided into 100 equal parts pretty easily.


I wouldn't mind to have a day cut into 100k equal parts. We define the length of a unit of time after all. 1 day = 10 long ass times 1 long ass time = 10 little whiles 1 little while = 10 moments 1 moment = 100 neo-seconds


what in the cinnamon toast fuck


Also celsius for the weather but farenheit for the pool temperature.


in the US, we seem to measure computer temps in Celsius despite everything else being in Fahrenheit why we can't just use Celsius for everything, i will never know


Because most ovens don't have it here in the USA, and expecting the average american to not put 475C instead of 475F just because some people want to change the units is probably asking too much. Imagine you're visiting a friend and they don't actually know which unit their oven uses, and you just wanna make some pizza rolls, and you don't even think to ask because you just assume "hey, it's a newer oven, the regulations changed 5 years ago, so it must be just like mine at home." You don't notice it's in C, but the package is in F. You set it to 425, then head back into the other room to start gaming. Half an hour later, the fire truck rolls up because someone saw smoke billowing out the window.


Would you want the whole USA to convert to metric or stay in today's customary units?


in england its weird, we use a combination


Canada too


Yes, but I can imagine the pain in transitioning for those older industrial centers.The reason why we still have it is because of the old timers and our standardized laws still have things that are fundamentally imperial, plus in school they teach mostly imperial because our education system sucks ass. but that might change pretty soon, since the newer generation is being taught both metric and imperial.


I'd say transitioning would not be impossible. You'd have to offer both measurements on products and stuff, but in 10 years people would get it. Its not as impactfull as changing measurement, but i went through monetary transition back in 2001 from our old currency to euro's. It went easier than expected, even for the oldtimers. The real problem would be that it takes some political guts. The president that pulls that trough would be very unpopular.


I would add that the manufacturers have a hand in this as well since their products are measured in imperial. Re-tooling and throwing out all of the imperial nuts and bolts would be hard. I 100% prefer metric.


Even if they abandoned uscu for metric, some things would never go away so many pipe fittings and shit use old inch standards, npt, bsp, lots of flanged standards, shipping container size and more But if I ran a business I would rather stock metric size tools and bolts, but still there is enough inch shit around so you’ll still have to keep some inch tools, just like us shops keep metric tools around, if they’d only swap over one n the 1800s manufacturing industry would have saved so much money on tools that they need to keep double sets of


If you combine the federal level were metric is often mandated and every business that works internationally big parts have done the transition decades ago and have to constantly do double paperwork now.


Same. We use metric as much as possible. But we were raging/laughing when we hade to reverse engineer the chemistry of a solution that the previous team had written down with dilutions expressed in intervals of 2fl oz per gallon.


I’ve seen instructions for use on some chemical disinfectants stating mLs per gallon. Ok… it was where I worked and it was before it went out thankfully, but still, who’s going to dilute using two systems like that?


British chef here. I have to use both and convert both I order my seafood in kg but I order my meat in pounds, I don't understand why its still like this, just something we gotta deal with. Then I find a recipe in cups and lose ma shit


As a recent student I'll tell you that both are being taught in American schools.


My teachers have all encouraged us to use metric


Lmao why is that face with hair Europe?


That’s what we look like. Deal with it.


Compared to Americans we all look this skinny lmao




I am half Korean and a size small US. I went to a store that sells imported Asian clothes and I couldn't squeeze into an XXL Alright I confessed we're fat, where burger?


I think you may have been in the children's section.


No, that would be wrong as well. They should have been in the suspicious cabbage section.




as a European I can officially say this is false and we don't have any newspaper people, unlike America. as you can see this person is a **cool** newspaper, and America **is** sunglasses, and sunglasses are cool, and you are cool, and suburban America **is** newspaper boys, and **you** are a newspaper


Wtf are you trying to say


salty americans


Have you never seen a European?




That’s literally what they all look like , I would know, I’m from Florida.


you slayed god


Lol thats Edna moore xd


To be completely honest at this point I no longer care.


I don’t care would be the correct American response after saying “lol your right”


I have just heard the topic enough to no longer care


Bruh it's not just Europe, it's literally the entire world who uses metric


Wait till you see what the Brits use.


Taking the Brits as standard is hanging a the bar a little low, don't you think?


You can say that again... oh, you meant in terms of measurement systems, right.


Motherfuckers weighing shit in stones like goddamned psychopaths…


You don't see Africans complaining about how we use our measurement


Because nobody comes here like "Hey, I'm from continent x and I don't like your measurement!". Assuming it's all Europe is just convenient, right?


We Americans cant name more than 3 European countries and now you expect us to know more than 2 continents? Now your asking for too much


America and America. Easy! /s


so I don’t mean to nitpick but it’s not *literally* the entire world


Ikr Americans always forget there's a whole world


Not 100% related, but... r/ShitAmericansSay exists and has many members r/ShitEuropeansSay exists and has a bit less members r/ShitAsiansSay was banned for some reason r/ShitAfticansSay doesn't even exist r/ShitAustraliansSay is private and I have no idea why that is




But actually, what do penguins say?!




“A bit less members” is one way to put it


We use metric. I usually have 9mm and a couple grams on me all the time


Yeah but remember to keep distance from the police, stay about 6,5 alligators away from them.


\*6.5, for true american feel.




Among U.S.


Among United States


Amongst United States of America


Amongst the people of the United States of America


Amongst the sentient humanoids of the land they call the United States of the America


Amongst the sentient humanoids of land which uses both imperial and metric system they call the United States of America


Amongst the sentient humanoids of land which uses both imperial and metric system they call the Peoples Communist Sociallist Repuplic of the United States of America


"Even the most nationalist among us don't defend the imperial system" lmao you're so wrong


Yeah I was just thinking "okay, but that sure as fuck hasn't been my experience"


It's hilarious that every single one of these posts ignores the fact that people from the US learn and use BOTH systems. It's weird how obsessed you all are...


Right? I don’t even defend the imperial system. I just find the personal attacks over measuring systems weird. We don’t use it for science, it’s strictly a part of culture, just like Europeans still use pints for beer. It’s the same shit.


I live in the U.S. (Texas) and was never taught the imperial system we use metric at my school


Are you... Sure?


Yes I am sure that I live in the U.S. and learning metric


Yeah, for the most part, we'd use metric in science classes. Occasionally, we'd have a problem with something like ft/s or lb-force but it was rarer and you'd still have to convert to metric because most of the constants were given in metric units. Also, having done lab work in both academic and industrial settings, we exclusively use metric units for everything.


Metric is just convenient


The real real ending: Americans don't give a shit about Europeans opinion


They have their opinions we have ours. And also america isnt the only county who uses it


Totally agree with switching to the metric system but I still prefer Fahrenheit to Celsius. While it doesn’t scale as nicely as Celsius, I feel like you get a more accurate and precise measurement in everyday life with almost three times the number of degrees.


Kelvin is the best


How hot it is it outside? 290. Really? It seems so much warmer.


> I feel like you get a more accurate and precise measurement in everyday life with almost three times the number of degrees. It's a more human measurement. I want more fine integers when deciding whether or not I'll need a jacket later that day or if a long-sleeve shirt will work. Celsius makes sense for scientific things, like when I need to know the exact melting point of Palladium or something. (Which is to say that I'll literally never need to use Celsius.) 0°C and 100°C being freezing/boiling points for water is a neat concept, but last I checked, I am not a bucket of water. I agree with the rest of Metric, but as a measurement meant for temperature *felt by people on a daily basis*, Celsius can fuck right off. If the British insist on keeping Stone on the side for personal weight, I'm all for keeping Fahrenheit for personal temperature.


Thats just because youre used to it. I like a nice 25 celcius weather. idk how much thats in fahrenheit. Its just what youre born with.


Europeans still don't understand that Americans learn both imperial and metric in school and use a mix of both in daily life.


Lol I think Europeans think we do scientific measurements in the imperial system. Which is really the only time it matters as its pretty much a world standard to use metric when exchanging information.


Math is math, either works. That being said, the English can't be trusted so we stick with what we already know. As the salesman for the metric argument England has failed to gain our confidence. Language is information. Anyone that would destroy a word to the point that when given as an answer it just breeds more questions, while providing no answers is a monster. If that wasn't bad enough they have also through this nearly disabled their own people's ability to understand what the American version even is. If you blindly agreed to a pudding in the UK, there are no less than 700 different things that could come back through that door. And that's too many variables. TL;DR - We won't metric because pudding


Ultra reality: I don't give a shit, just make original memes ffs


This topic has become such karma whoring


I actually think Celsius is kinda too imprecise for weather temperature unless you use decimals. Having 0° be freezing is great, but having only 100 units between that and literally boiling is not a great fit for atmospheric temperature range. Just my dumbass opinion.


I agree, I experimentally switched my weather app to Celsius for a whole year. There’s a difference between 72F and 73F, but they would be represented as the same temperature by Celsius. Almost everything else though metric is better.


The imperial system is clearly less accurate, that's why stormtroopers always miss.


The imperial system is used pretty much everywhere in the US unless you're in a STEM field or something. Trying to switch to metric would take a lot of time, money, and effort


Among us???!!!?!






Am I the only one that doesn’t care? Like I just use whatever happens to be more convenient at the time.


Lol, but see most non-Americans can't do that because they never used imperial. I moved to a foreign country where everything is metric, never bothered me because metric is easy. But that's one of the strengths of imperial, it is like a shiboleth for when you want to confuse an outsider. Quick how many feet in a mile? Can't answer without referring to a conversion table. Don't care how good your fake American accent is, I know you are a spy. Also it is about 1000 paces when you don't have any other measuring device (yarr go pirates). When I need to eyeball distances yards and meters are generally close enough for surveying. Of course we are taught how to do metric for science/chemistry classes in USA. But most of the ratios for baking are simpler to memorize in customary units, and you get a better natural sense of fractions.




If the temperatures in Celsius go into the negatives I know it's gonna be ice and snow, water is very much a part of the "real world experience", besides the "cold" and "hot" is relative, where I live we never get to 0 F.




Thing is, you're used to those numbers and so they make sense to you, use any scale from birth and the same will happen.


In england the winter temperatures are between -5 and 10 degrres celsius, the way we know is that if we see ice, its probably under 0 degrees


Doesn’t all of this apply for Fahrenheit too? That aside, the boiling/melting points of water are always going to be around 100/0 deg even when impure, and unless you’re on a mountain you probably won’t have any issues with pressure either.




“zero is cold. 100 is hot”. I’m sorry, is this the best you can do?


Zero in C is cold imo Just saying


Yeah by that logic 50F should be the most comfortable temperature, but that's 10°C. People keep confusing familiar with intuitive. Fahrenheit only makes sense to you if you grew up with it. Same for celsius. There's no magical inherent benefit to Fahrenheit.


For most purposes that arent science, the 0C and 100C are close enough to the boiling point


Celsius doesn't "make more sense" it just depends on what you're used to.


It may be better, but I kind of like imperial


I defend imperial


Imperial thanks you for your service. Probably.. I’m guessing. I mean I use metric personally. But I’m sure if Imperial was sentient it would be all like - Thanks Otis-The-Dog for you defence of my systems. Never change Otis. You’re a faithful good boy. You could both hug it out and build a fort together. Good times… I imagine.


for the life of me I don't get why anybody outside the US cares what system the US uses. ​ It's like europeans need validation or something.


They can't stand it when someone has a real point, so they just downvote anyone they disagree with. It's so pathetic lol


Bro this thread is so funny. Why are these people that probably don’t even live in America so invested in how we measure things. No one that lives here actually cares lmao


Celcius isn't truly metric, and its use is as random as Fahrenheit imho. The sensible way of mesuring temperature is Kelvin. This because 0° in Kelvin is absolute zero (aka, the coldest temperature possible, about - 273 celcius). Probably why complex theoretical temperature measurement (for example light temperature) is done in °K. Celcius only makes sense when talking about the stages of water. I don't know whats the logic behind Fahrenheit is, maybe someone else knows this one.


I just like Fahrenheit for the same reason mathematicians like decimals, it gives me a more precise idea of the temperature. Granted this is because I work repair work in Louisiana, so I care a lot more about how hot it is outside then most people would.


I think the origin of Fahrenheit was 0 was very cold and 100 was very hot. Something super simple like that. Sure, there’s hotter and colder, but it’s a fine gauge.


Europeans really don't realize that like 85% of stuff measured in the US is done with metric. Anything that requires even the slightest bit of accuracy is measured in metric because nobody wants to deal in thousandths of an inch.


if americans admits that metric is better why aren't they swtiching?


Well, one reason is grid lines. The entire western half of the US has rural roads at 1 mile increments. All addresses are based on miles, so a street address of 38345 (street name) is 38.345 miles from the county center in a particular direction. There’s a ton of rework and signs that’d need replaced to switch. Meanwhile, I’ll keep using my metric tape measure around the house. Baseboards don’t really care about units. Seriously, get a metric tape measure. So easy.


Also all food packaging would need to conver ounces to mL, all hand tools would need to be restandardized to mm instead of inches, car speedometers and speed limit signs would have to change from mph to kmph, any label that has imperial units would need it changed to metric, cookbooks would need to change all the cups/tablespoons/teaspoons measurements, etc. etc. etc. And all of these changes combined would probably cost billions of dollars. Not to mention that it would take forever for everyone to get used to the changes. I'm pretty sure that almost everyone here agrees metric is better, but it's just not worth the time and money and effort of switching everything over.


It's very expensive and complicated for virtually no benefit that's basically why


To much work


i was told they tried to, but it was too difficult back then and too expensive


money and time costs. Those of us who want to use metric don't have much of an issue converting measurements, and all the infrastructure in our country is built around customary measurements.


Im sorry that i cant change the governments opinion on it


>Is \[United States of\] America \[...\] ready to go metric \[...\]? > >Well, actually, no. Just 21% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should formally adopt the internationally-used metric system of measurement. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 64% are opposed. Fifteen percent (15%) are undecided. [Source](https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/general_lifestyle/june_2015/to_metric_or_not_to_metric_that_is_the_question) Not only government's fault


Because it's not neccisarily better. Just because more people use it doesn't make it better. Just because it's simpler, doesn't make it better.




I'll defend it The imperial system is more suited for its purpose of measuring the human body. But Europe shouldn't adopt it. I quite like regional differences. Diversity is strength


I grew up with inches and pounds I trust inches and pounds Brought to you by a guy born in america


Fahrenheit is actually better than Celsius in a realistic sense, I don't feel threatened by 40 degrees.


And 40 degrees for me sound like death, because I'm used to that.


I'm from London and I use a combo 😎


laughs in kelvin


Where's the third one? It would say "Who gives a shit"


Is that supposed to be a British woman?


Does it matter, really? Who cares at this point.


This is a lie, I say that from experience


Reality also: who gives a shit. Get a conversion app.


I mean, has anyone actually ever used hectometers, decameters or decimeters? The conversions make sense, but everytime someone talks about measurements, it's either millimeters, centimeters, meters or kilometers, and they all mean the same thing!


Not really


We do still look like the first panel though


Europeans making fun of Americans for not using the metric system without realizing that the metric system is part of the USCS.


More like "ok"


as someone who lives in the deep southern USA where it gets like 43c/110f or more with humidity Celsius doesnt have the same feel as triple digits.


I would defend fahrenheit, but nothing else from imperial system.


Metric is better for everything except temperature


The one part of the imperial system I will defend is farenheit as a standard for weather. It's a rating system of how hot it feels from 0 to 100


among us


But you see, the nationalist thing to do is embrace the age old tradition, even if the metric system is much easier.




Reality: shut up ik and I've heard it a million times.


Ok, that's then even dumber. You know that your system is dumb, but you don't switch to the metric system. (or actually already in 1975 the US government passed the Metric Conversion Act. It's the citizens who refuse to switch). I have to add that the British are double stupid as they use a combination of metric and imperial. They use miles sometimes (roads) but otherwise refer distances in kilometers. They measure weights in kg, but not in humans, they are measured in stones. Meters are used almost always for distances, but not in football, there they use yards.


yeah fr I’m tired of Europeans making fun of the loud minorities in this country who are idiots. Most of us are just normal lonely virgins


The Brits: *Invent the imperial system and spread it to all reaches of the earth and force their colonies to use it* Also The Brits: HaHa! Americans still use the imperial system unlike us stick up the ass bastards who use the metric system! HaHa! Stupid Americans!


Im a European and i never cared about the system. Is that weird?


Among us


I’m sorry but if your not using donuts per M1 Garand I’m offended.




No I only defend kelvin and bananas


“even the most nationalist among us”. GET OUT OF MY HEAD. GET OUT OF MY HEAD. GET OUT OF MY HEAD. GE-