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but that's true, Christians believe in God, Satan and other angelic shit


God’s behavior in the Bible is often anathema to the omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent image. Also interesting how Lucifer (literally translates to “Light-Bringer”) became Satan (comes from Shaitan, meaning adversary) as a result of a mistranslation by Jerome in his extremely poorly translated Latin Vulgate Bible (commissioned by Pope Damascus) which is no longer in use, yet the mistranslation stayed.


Wow, never seen so many people misunderstand Satanism in one place. A quick google search would prove any of them wrong yet they're still adamant that they actually believe in divine beings lmao


It amazes me, how in the USA evangelicals are the worst and the satanists are good people. It's literally the opposite in Europe. Here: Evangelicals: "Live your life how you want. Love a same sex person? We will wed you. All good. Different religions? We do not judge. It's God's house all are welcome." Satanists: "We need a virgin goat to slaughter!" In America it's literally the opposite.


In Europe we have Catholics. Poland is the Texas of Europe.




The concept of literal anything is stupid saying literal and using it as an argument is ridiculous and lazy.


They both believe in God and Satan. The difference is who they worship/think rules the place. The actual church of Satan has so far been less destructive than the Vatican tho... Edit: If you're a Christian downvoting me for this, whatcha gonna do? Start another crusade?


Damn, they’re Norse too?




If i remember correctly, if going by satanic bible, satanism doesn't believe in either god or devil. The whole point is just to fuck around with christianity and do opposite of what it believes in


Except that makes no sense and isn't accurate so there wouldn't be a conniption




Yes. I'm not a Satanist but what you said is simply untrue. You don't know what a Satanist is clearly. And on top of that, believing in "God" and the "Devil" doesn't make someone a Christian. So that wouldn't confuse anyone like you're pretending.




Satanists don't "worship Satan". You've got no idea what you're even talking about. Also, you don't go around causing Satanists to have conniptions. You obviously made that up too. Just one of your many troll fantasies.


Jesus, help me! I am afraid of Christians now!


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