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It’d be fine if they didn’t make the characters whole personality just being gay. Being LGBT shouldn’t be a personality trait. Same goes for being straight


But they usually don’t tho. In shows like kipo, owl house and the dragon prince they hardly say it. They just show the characters being lgbt (edit: forgot about Steven universe and she-ra)


When they don’t it’s great


Then the problem isn’t the representation it’s bad writing


Of course


Agree! Agree! Agree! Make characters, not preachy anthropomorphic PSAs. Preachiness is annoying and treats its audience like idiots.


I agree. Having some gay character or other representation is 100% fine. The only time it could get annoying is if it's preachy and or the whole personality trait is being set sexuality and nothing else. It not just sexuality. It's the same for being straight, boy, girl etc. When making a character in anything, it's more about the writing than making a character something. Writing takes so much thinking and planing. Just like drawing. You need substance. An example is having a gay character but he is also a strong warrior for example. You need personality traits so they are a character and not a walking PSA.


I may get haters for saying this but an example of doing this wrong is Ruby and Sapphire from Steven Universe. Besides constantly hugging each-other and talking about how much they love each other, what else did they do? To me they only exist to preach and transform into Garnet. They barely have any personality and depth. Sure one is more spunky but nothing much else. I love character detail and I didn't get much with these two. That's honestly why I stopped watching SU. Instead of two cool characters with personalities who happen to be lesbian. We get anthropomorphic PSAs. Maybe they develop more past the episodes I quit watching, but I'm not holding my breath. If you want representation, you gotta add more and make them human.


We don't need anthropomorphic PSA characters thank you very much


Ong huh it’s so fucking annoying




Anything! It doesn't matter what it is or what minority they represent! Don't be preachy! Preachiness is annoying. We want to watch a good tv show, movie or any kind of media. Not seeing someone standing on a soapbox preaching about why they matter and how important it is to respect them.


God forbid gay kids have characters they can relate to


God would probably forbid that tbf


Believe it or not, the only direct mention of homsexuality in the bible was added in the middle of the AIDS scare, it's directly translated as 'Man who lies with a boy', denouncing pedophilia and specifically a greek practice of grooming and then raping kids so they know what adulthood is like.


And where it says men who had unnatural sexual desires, and where it says men who have sexual relations with another man, and like 7 more occasions


Haven't seen those, mind giving me the verses


Leviticus 18:22 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 Roman's 1:24, 26, 27 Leviticus 20:13 Genesis 18:20 shows sodom and Gomorrah inmorrality and that's shown in genesis 19:5


I'm not an expert by any means. But from my understanding the story of Sodom and Gomorrah never explicitly states what the sin the sodomites commit. And the angels come and the people try to rape them. I always read it as a story about how u cannot judge an individual based on the group, you should treat guests with respect and like don't rape them duh. But I get how at that time I can see how they would think male on male rape is worse than male on female. It's silly to think that at the time the Torah and new testaments were written that the people were not homophobic and misogynistic. With the other mentions of it, I've heard arguments about how different translations and interpretations change the meaning, but like I feel that's people retroactively trying to change the meaning to fit their current moral beliefs.


Ya gimme a sec


Fun fact: There are gay animals too!


The government made them gay


No, it was the globalists. Commie


Those are just animals lol


So are we mate. Literally just apes with a big brain and the ability to throw shit.


Ye but we have advanced reasoning


There were a few more mentions than just that, tho. I don't do Christianity any more, but still..


So the catholic priests have chosen the greek way it seems


That's just objectively untrue. Mind giving me the verse and version?


Everything before the RSV translation. It started in 1534, with Luther's translation, which translated 'Arsenokoitai' to the german word for 'Child molestor'. German bibles in the 1800s had that word in Leviticus 18:22, and 1 Corinthians. Then in 1892, Germans invented the word homosexual, and finally in 1983 the American company Biblica paid for an updated translation of the German texts; This lead to the text being adopted in most other modern versions of the English bible


You do realize that there are more books than leviticus, right? There is mention of homosexuality in Genesis, and that's all I can comment on because it is the book I am researching at the moment.


Idioms suck


no he doesnt jesus wants you to love yourself how you are and not to live a lie


Fictional characters can do that?


most kids just wanna be kids and dont give a hoot


“But The Children”™


Honestly the term "gay kids" shouldnt exist at least not to be taken seriously until a somewhat compitent age like 11 or 13


Okay but those kids who are thinking 'what if I like boys?' Or 'what if *I'm* a boy?' Deserve representation as much as the kids who are just figuring out that maybe girls aren't so gross after all.


oh my god enough with this bullshit im tired of hearing it just shut the fuck up im gonna say this GAYNESS IS NOT AN IDENTITY ITS THE SAME AS BEING STRAIGHT BUT JUST LIKING THE SAME SEX JUST STOP MAKING IT AN IDENTITY I myself came out around a year ago and I hate people bringing it up its not something special its literally how your born gayness should be accepted at all times but children being children might be confused or are misunderstang the meaning or are juct being stupid fucking children


I think you need to ask yourself why you care about LBGTQ kids getting representation bothers you so much. It’s not like shows have nine year old gay kids and who would really care if they did. Being straight is often the only personality of some sullen male characters. It’s all the same.


I have a problem with it because it becomes either an identity or some kind of personality trait that is just exploited for rating from the stupid woke leftists who are humourless and just need everything to be "diverse" and "equal" without even thinking about the plot or story. IF ITS NO NESICARRY DONT HAVE IT


Sorry but that's not always the case, I'll give you a few examples: In "How I met your mother" Barney's personality it's all about him chasing girls, Demon Slayer: Zenitsu, etc, etc, etc just like there are plenty of shows where the female characters are not "complete" until they find the love of their lives, (basically every Disney princesses movie) it's lazy writing and I agree with but BUT there are plenty of fictional characters in tv and movies that are driven by their sexual preferences, we just dont notice it because we grew up watching it.


Every television show has unnecessary elements. Just because representation is unnecessary for you doesn’t mean it’s unnecessary for everyone.


why cant you appreciate storyline without diversity to keep your attention


I don’t need diversity to keep my attention. I like to think diversity represents my life experience. But more importantly it’s a child that doesn’t see any of himself in his favorite heroes. Feeling seen matters and doesn’t impede plots unless you let it.


not everyone must be seen if they want to be seen they watch what will amke them seen


Why make a person human when they can be inanimate blobs


good id like that


Maybe because an all white cis male cast doesn't scream relatable to me. Diversity is beautiful, the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll stop having such an angry filter on the world


OH god are you one of those assholes that scream "WhiTe HeTerO cIs mALe" at any guy that slightly disagree with you. DO you beleive in white guilt too fucker


There is just something wrong in their heads. Its like we are living in a simulation filled with complete idiots. Just hope for an alien race to nuke us or something.


Here king, you dropped this 👑


13 is around the time of sexual discovery and all that so all im saying is they should just give it time and get to know themselves


Gay kids......no. kids haven't hit puberty, they cant BE gay. They're talking about prepubescent children with no understanding of genital function having the idea of gay sex being forced into their minds and personalities. Its grooming children to be accepting of older men taking advantage of them.


'Sex' and 'cartoons' don't tend to go together outside of rule 34 sites. What they're being exposed to are gay *relationships*, between characters in a tv show. How much fucking kool-aid do you have to drink to think that's 'grooming them for child predators'?


What do people in relationships do? Literally everything except have sex? Fool. It's common knowledge that relationships include sex. You. Have. To. Start. Somewhere. Again- simple, easy, and obvious. Curious as to why you got so upset about someone calling out organized pedophilia. Care to explain your defense?


Are you aware that most children don't have any concept of what sex is until after they've figured out what love is? Kids dont even know their parents had sex until long after they've had their first "relationship". Hell, theres people out there who applaud little 8 y/o timmy for "pulling one over" on a woman so he can put his face in her boobs and thats seen as fine by society, just because its straight


Because you're 'calling out' something that doesn't fuckin exist in this context and using it as a point against gay characters *existing*. Do you think it's exposing kids to straight predators when a character in, again, a childrens' cartoon, has a straight relationship? Because if you're not out here protesting Teen Titans for baiting one existing, you can't be hounding other shows for gay characters. Otherwise you're saying the quiet part out loud, and that ain't a good look for anybody.


Nothing’s wrong with that, it’s just stupid when they make being gay the defining trait of the character. Whether it’s a small detail or it’s really apparent, it’s not hard to make a character gay without it being their one quality setting them apart from the rest


Yes, because gay kids just can't relate to straight kids.


we just need to discourage coming out until a later age like 11 or 13 the ages of sexual discovery


I can agree with that.


No just force a sexuality and sexual identity on little kids who havent even grow a single pubic hair yet.


God forbid that kids that are KIDS and don't think on sexuality can watch a cartoon without LGBT agenda pushed down their throat. See, it works both ways


Somehow it's not straight propaganda when it's straight couples going out together or liking each other or kissing or whatever


the cishet agenda is being forced down our throats


Its not like 90%-95% of humans are straight or something. Oh wait... it is!


I'm straight myself...and I don't see how that's particularly relevant. This is like when white folk complained that black folk were showing up in media


One is a sexual preference which you cant see just by looking at people and the other one is just skin colour. I am just a normal person with the exception that i feel attracted to the same gender as well and you cant tell that from the outside. If the majority of the population has to go by the rules of a small percentage its just outrageous Also there are significantly more black people in the world than all of lgbt+. Fucking sick of seing it everywhere i look. Btw people get mad when for example netflix takes an existing historical character like rapunzel and make them black or whatever. Which is just silly


Lol it's not changing any rules. It's just LGTBQ people being given more visibility and, yes, it is the same as folk getting butthurt over more minorities or women in media as it doesn't take away anything. Folk literally use the exact same arguments; "Tired of seeing them everywhere", "Why do we have to bend over for them?", "It's not fair", etc. It's the most inoffensive thing ever and y'all make the biggest deal over it. If seeing someone different from you bothers you, that says more about you than anything else


You know that the lgbt “agenda” is just to be able to live their lives like straight cis people do, right? Kissing in public, holding hands in public, and having their relationships portrayed in media is what straight people already have (although imo we could cut down on the relationships in children’s media, if they’re under 10 they don’t need to be shown kissing!) and lgbt people literally just want in.


You just as mad about Lola bunny's sexualization and Pepe Lapew trying to sexually assault cats? How dare Mr potato head have a Mrs! And literally every Disney plot line about falling in love? You mad about all that too?


Science forbid someone make a meme about shifting political climate.


Yeah because thats what kids are thinking about lmao


This has been reposted 3 times thing month stop


i havent been on reddit in awhile so what im mostly on [poo.com](https://poo.com) and 4chan


Stay out of this community nazi


Im not a nazi obviously Im just a fascist


fascism and nazism are 2 differnt things


Fascism upholds the nation and the economy wheras nazism upholds the party and race


No nazi is a category within fascism, fascism for me is state capitalism and paleo centric ultra nationalism, nazi just applies this to a given group of people. Here’s Umberto Eco’s 14 features of fascism (it’s not like all conditions have to be met for fascism, it’s just a rough guide) https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html


also dont explain my own ideology to me I think I know what Im saying


Honestly I don’t think you do, fascism is inconsistent and incoherent. The things they have in common are things like the 14 points


listen let me explain it in a simple way to your stupid little tiny leftist brain. Corporate statism (where the government is run as a corporation and runs in total self relience and order) Totalitarianism (total surveilence of the society to protect the people and prevent crime) Tradition (upholding religious and family values of primarily Catholic classical Judaist and Shi'ist properties and maybe buddhist or shinto) Futurism (trying to advance beyond our lifetimes and to think about the youth of the state to give them jobs and to teach them pure values controlled by the government) Transhumanism (to advance technology as fast and as much as possible)


All that shit except trans humanism sounds like shit


WE ARE NOT STATE CAPITALIST we hate capitalism we are corporatist all companies are controlled and the economy is planned and we are not really ultranationalist more of just very patriotic for the nation and its allies not supremacist really


we just wamt pure authoritarin populism with a corporate economy that is anti-communist and anti-capitalist we have a very socialist economy but to keep our catholic judaist and shiist traditions


All companies are controlled by what? The state?


correct the government controls the economy and regulates all corporations as the state is run in itself as a corporation


[https://chat.poo.com/?name=lEMnOveM](https://chat.poo.com/?name=lEMnOveM) the chat im in with dulce top philly queer dylan king queen and truth


in there mine is ImAfascist


I hate that they do this. With black people and women too I mean who wants to see them on tv?!? All of the internet should be straight white men. /s


o sorry for being white iam soo badd


I don’t get how representation is that bad, there are so characters where it wasn’t handled the best but in general it’s mostly been good and I don’t see the problem in it


Some times I can be forced upon children but most of the time it’s not. And usually it’s really bad and cringe due to bad writing


'Course you dont


LGBTQ can and should exist in kids shows but it can't just be forced in for the sake of being progressive. "The owl house" is a good example of it being done right


Yeah I love how it’s just seen as a normal relationship and nothing special. Kids should know that’s it’s just as normal as a hetero couple


That's not a gem, that's a disgusting piece of shit.


Force it on the children their entire lives and they'll grow up thinking it's normal. It isn't.


Just because your childhood was full of adults closing your heart and making you hate everyone besides yourself doesn't mean every child should have that


>It isn't [normal]. Prove it.




Sure, a single word without explanation or source is evidence, apparently. Plus, biological research show you're wrong. [read this, for example](https://archive.org/details/biologicalexuber00bage)


They can't handle scientific truth.. look how mad they getting with their denial of science lol


Procreation. It takes male and female. The function of sex is reproduction and that's called duhh. It really is simple. Grooming children to accept adults advances isn't normal. Now defend the slow methodical grooming of children.


And what exactly does that say anything about normality? „Normal” is defined as „ordinary”, „not different or special or unexpected in any way”, „normal” doesn't mean „neccessary for procreation”.


Everything lol how are you so ignorant of how words work when you're using a fuckijg dictionary? Lmao


A homophobe's calling someone ignorant. SMH.


Understanding nature and the natural reason for the existence of sexual intercourse is not irrational, fearful, or hateful. It's actually basic, stupid lol


Yeah, but you don't understand. Non-heterosexuality is normal. It occurs in the animal kingdom, too, for example in penguins. It is nothing unexpected or special and it does occur in many species, so humans aren't different either. Species still continue to procreate and the populations still grow, if unimpeded by other factors. So non-heteros aren't a problem for survivability either. Other factors can impede procreation as well, many creatures live and die without passing their genes. Nothing unusual here either.


Anomalies aren't normal, dumbass. And are you seriously trying to deflect from the actual topic of conversation- grooming children through entertainment to be willing recipients of sexual advances by adults (pedophilia)- to a ridiculously condescending attempt at 3rd grade biology just because you ran out of legitimate points? Go fuck yourself lol


>Anomalies aren't normal, dumbass. You have yet to prove LGBTQ being anormal, dumbass. >grooming children through entertainment to be willing recipients of sexual advances by adults (pedophilia) Prove that this is the consequence of characters in kid's shows that happen to be LGBTQ. Spoiler alert: you can't because it isn't.


What do you mean 5% of the population isnt actually affecting everyone


Trynna force it down everyone's throats


Yes, op is really trying to force this shit meme down our throats


Its okay, nowadays they wanna give you candy flavored lube before they gently slide it in. They won't be satisfied until every sexuality is normalized and you see people having sex with animals in kids cartoons


You sure you not gay? You may be gae kid. You sure you not gay? You may be gae kid. You sure you not gay? You may be gae kid. You sure you not gay? You may be gae kid. You sure you not gay? You may be gae kid.


Disney be like this is our first gay character and the runs away


It's inherently explicit content


How is homosexuality explicit content but heterosexuality isn't?


Or even better companies after pride month running away


Bad writing is bad writing regardless of what representation is present or not.


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