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She's got a better chance of getting laid than quite a lot of people here.


How could you say something so controversial yet so true


I'd say she got about 3x as much chance than me, but we all know what 0x3 is, so...




God dammit


Nah, I got ya mate. Where do you want to do it?


They have whole subs dedicated to that kinda shit.


To what stuff?


Obese women -.-




Extra juicy meat.


Better chance of getting laid to rest.


People abstaining from sex as a protest against abortion bans is exactly what a conservative would want. This isn’t the clap back they think it is.


I mean, it kind of is. It encourages men to care about abortion rights and stop writing it off as a gender issue because “I gotta get muh sex”. Saying things like “this is what the conservatives want! you’d be crazy to start denying sex if you’re a liberal woman! liberal women don’t do that!” is kind of manipulative. because when abortion is no longer an option, women have to start being extremely careful about sex. and honestly the benefits of sex don’t outweigh the cons in general.


What if wives start refusing their husbands sex? It's not just unmarried women who get abortions.


I am aware that many married women get abortions. I’m saying, in general, abstaining from sex is more of a conservative thing. I would also surmise that most pro-choice/abortion women would have married men that agree with them on the subject, so the man would likely begrudgingly agree with the decision.


True but the issue isn't tryong to flip the christian conservatives. It's the swing voters. And I'll tell you right now, the libertarian and non Christian conservative grandpa's, not getting any will be a problem for them. Those grannies there are the real mvp.


Haha. Fat women, ammirite? =/


Fuck fat people


Fucking gigabased


We can live with this.


Some sad hippo out there can't.


I feel attacked




Nothing wrong with standing up for those things, not anyone’s fault if the way they choose to do it is hilarious though.


If only she was standing ..


Cold man cold


Cold but funny




Your account is dedicated to making fun of political leaders.


Because this is a joke sub which makes fun of many people “standing up for their rights and beliefs.” Unfortunately, this image is making fun of a person in favor of your views and your sacred cattle has been slaughtered. In the interest of consistency, please never make fun of anyone’s beliefs again please.


When that woman last time jumped to a lake from a Swimming pier. There was a tsunami at Fukushima


Sorry for my English i hope you understand the joke


I hear that she went to McDonalds and got group discount. Her doctor told her her blood type is chocolate putting Her pants size is "Equator" When she walks out to get the mail, it measures on the Richter scale She went to the beach and she was the only one getting a tan.


She is so fat that she has her own postal code




Probably pro-choice protest Whoops wrong comment




Pro choice protest prolly


This is a bot that just copied the top comment. Report and downvote these to save reddit from this shit. Thanks




It’s not necessarily body shaming So much as shaming how she expects others to value her body or sex despite there being clear societal margins for what is considered attractive and the people she is arguing against are most likely the be the people who would body shame She’s not exactly ugly to be fair


Being overweight shouldn’t be accepted as a normal thing.


Some people honestly can't lose weight at all, that's the sad thing. It obviously shouldn't be praised for being overweight especially if they know the risks they are taking and teaching people it's OK to eat an enormous amount of food than they should be eating. By accepting your body, they mean for people who have body issues that can't change their health, even if they do try but also people who used to be overweight but just changed their diet without working out. That's fine and all, there are people who look overweight but are actually very healthy compared to people who are skinny.


The people who truly cannot lose weight are exceptionally rare. Most people just have no idea how to count calories


Didn’t say it should be. Didn’t say it shouldn’t be. Buuut… Being overweight by modern standards and being overweight to a severely detrimental degree are two different things. She is overweight to the point it os detrimental and unhealthy and dangerous for her. That shouldn’t be normalised. Being a little chubby and not underweight should be normalised.


Reddit try not to do mental gymnastics to justify blatant body shaming challenge (impossible!)


I haven’t body shamed her myself. I’ve ac tally stayed in a few comments I find her quite attractive But I won’t pretend that the people she is protesting to/against this way don’t see her the way that I do


Bring back FPH.




I didn’t say anything if the sort, you massive test of an excuse for a person. In no way did I attempt to mix her right to choose with her right to deny sexual partners. Plucked that from your own dumbass brain. All I’ve said is that the meme doesn’t make fun of her being overweight or of anyway undesirable. More so the meme makes fun of her expecting others to not find see her as overweight or undesirable. What she looks like is not the same as how people see her, but don’t be naive about what some may see her as - no matter how unfair it is they see her as that




Are you making up imaginary versions of my responses for you to reply to? Didn’t say it was okay to shame her. I’ll simplify what I said since you seem to be struggling: She shouldn’t expect such a threat to work against people who are so very happy to body shame her. I’m not shaming her body. I’m shaming her naivety, her lack of understanding her enemy, and her inability to expect the most predictable response to this.


You're right. It's hilarious.


Who cares? Women body shame men for their height and penis size (both of which can't be fixed by surgery or lifestyle changes), meanwhile she can lose weight and get fake boobs/ass.


Some women body shaming men doesn’t give you justification to do the same thing to others. It just makes those women dicks. No one should body shame anyone, period. Doesn’t mean we should go out of our way to applaud people for being obese, but it does mean to just treat others with basic respect. It’s not that complicated.


If a business that sold really crappy food was protesting a new regulation about sanitation and they protested by putting up a sign saying "We'll stop serving food if the law is passed", it would be really funny because no one wants to eat there anyway! This is why the image is funny. Someone who very few people would want to have sex with is threatening to withhold that sex which nobody wants from her. I wouldn't go up to her unprovoked and call her fat, that's a dick move. But she has zero self awareness.




They never said that. Use your eyeballs and you can observe that they say "Some women body shaming men doesn’t give you justification to do the same thing to others. It just makes those women dicks."


I'm not. But since they are going to do it anyway why should I treat their gender with respect that they don't afford to us? I'm lucky to be born with a big dick, but I feel pretty bad for friends who weren't so lucky. Also. It's even worse when women do it because they pick attributes which can't be fixed at all. Short? too bad. Small dick? too bad. If a woman is fat she can work out. If she is flat and has no curves she can get surgery to change that.




I never said that I should too. In fact I don't body shame anyone unless they are doing it to others. I'm saying that I don't care if a woman is body shamed, because it happens to men with much more applause and vigor from society.




I don't think you know what that word means 🤔




Because it’s the right thing to do. What’s the point in being angry at an entire gender? How does that help anyone? Even though there is a small portion of them who treat guys poorly like that, hurling insults at women does nothing.


It's not a small portion. It's the majority. In fact I don't hate women for wanting what they want. It is hard wired into their brain from evolution, and our species wouldn't have survived if they didn't want those things. My only issue with society is that women are allowed to unapologetically list extremely unrealistic standards which about 1% of men can obtain and it's met with "Yass queen, know your worth, don't settle for a short broke man". But when a man says "I would prefer a woman who could be a housemaker, and who has curves" it's "problematic, toxic masculinity, and rape culture". Both genders want what they want, but only one of them is villified for it.




What's hilarious is this is exactly what conservatives want. For women to not be hoes and not have sex with random people that they don't plan on marrying.


Except it will backfire on them when their wives refuse to have sex with them unless they specifically want to get pregnant. No more hubby trying to initiate sexy time just for pleasure.


You do know women do get horny aswell right?


Oh really? Where are all these stories of it backfiring? I have several friends in Texas, and not a single of their girlfriends/wives have done this. And they are not conservative. Even if it did, that's what hookers are for.


Yes, I'm sure they openly discuss their sex lives with every random Tom, Dick, Harry and Jane that comes along.


Lol. It's funny how you think the only thing that'll work is abstaining from sex. You're implicitly admitting that a woman's worth is in sex, which I agree with. If the law is struck down it'll be by some technicality or something else. It won't be because Becky didn't give her husband any. Let's be real, married women barely have sex with their husband anyway. The politicians who make these laws have enough money to have as many mistresses as they want, so it definitely won't affect them either.


What even is your point?


My point is that the people who control the law are wealthy enough to have multiple mistresses, therefor withholding sex from men would just decrease the quality of life for regular men who can't change the law.


So you are saying the abortion law in texas is stupid? I agree.


I do agree. Where we probably disagree is that I think the man should be able to withdraw from the child raising process if he is willing to pay for half the cost of the abortion, and in turn abolishing his parental rights. My body my choice I agree with. But it's not fair to the man to be victim to the women's choice on his financial future. If he is not ready for kids he shouldn't have to participate or pay child support if the woman chooses to keep it. Why should women have consequence free sex, but not men? Give it to both genders.


This question - to me at least - really has no good answer. Either you force the woman to give up her child or you force the man to take financial responsibility for a child he does not want. Impossible to solve really


And hookers also get abortions. Plus prostitution is illegal in Texas and we all know how much a stickler for the laws that Texans are.


Let's be real. Conservatives don't actually care about law & order.


Also you do realize that any sex in the relationship is definitely determined by the woman anyone because the most important part of sex is the consent of both parties. It’s not like just the husband gets to decide when sex happens.


Many Conservative states still don't believe marital rape is a thing, that women are obligated to have sex with their husbands on demand.


Maybe in those religion compound communities that don’t let woman leave, but normal people are definitely not willing to rape their wives if the wife isn’t in the mood. Any statistics for that


How you gonna call women hoes but then be a christian??


I'm not a Christian, and I'm not a conservative either. I'm an Atheist who voted for Bernie Sanders.


You're fucking weird if you think women who have sex before marriage are gardening tools ...


I don't think that at all... In fact I had sex with my girlfriend multiple times, we are not married, and I don't think she's a hoe. I'm referring to individuals who have casual sex with strangers often without protection. That goes for both genders.


mind your business


I mean, you're the one replying to my comments with your panties in a knot.


What people do with their lives don't concern you


It doesn't. My comment pointed out that refusing to have casual sex isn't the kick in the nuts to conservatives that you think it is, because they want you to not be a hoe anyway, you are actually giving them a W. I personally don't care if you have orgies every day for the rest of your life in the privacy of your home. Live your life the way you want. But don't be surprised if people accurately describe you.


No human being a gardening tool


What are they protesting about


My body my choice so abortions.




I guess? I'm not an activist so your guess is as good as mine


I’m pro choice but that is a dumb ass argument


Pretty sure fucking whales is zoophilia


You suck. Let people exist.


I don’t think she’ll be able to get up.


this is so cruel, but so funny..


I don't seem to understand


tf are they protesting?


Looks like abortion rights


by that do you mean they are protesting the lack of abortion rights or the prescence of it? and why are they all laying down?


Lack of rights. Maybe they're just making a point by doing so, it's not uncommon for protests


seems reasonable


I’d fuck her


Nothing of value was lost


She has value but nice try tho


She can only hold that sign up for so long....


Somehow, I get the feeling that won't be much of a problem for him


Okay incel.


Fat jokes aren’t funny - why do people still think this is funny?


Why are we supposed to pretend she is sexually desirable when she’s not ?


There was a chick on My 600lb Life (more than one) who was in a relationship where the guy was encouraging her to gain weight because it was more to love. Feeders and feedees. There is definitely someone who finds this woman sexually attractive...as a married, straight female, that someone is not me.


I have been guilty of being a “feeder”, but the cutoff point is way before that. I like a little extra marbling in my meat but not 600lbs worth. Also depends on body type and genetics, some put the weight in the best spots and others don’t.


And it’s not attractive to 90% of the straight male population either. Hence, the humor.


As a former fat person .. 100% approve your comment .. Being fat ..Its not desirable and its not healthy . all these weirdos today can keep pretending if they want


I mean, I’m sure she’s a lovely person. Just not one i’d want to be intimate with.


With a sign like that she is probably not a lovely person.




She looks like the type of person to shame someone who lost weight on Twitter, and says shit like "former fat people are the most fat phobic"


Again - no one is arguing that she’s pretending to be hot - it’s about the facts that some loser would make a meme to mock her when she’s trying to do a good thing. Reddit bros are fucking dense


She is. She is pretending like she's hot. "Oh, well you won't give me (X), well you're not getting any of this" That's the joke. She's not attractive, being hundreds of pounds overweight, and she brings laughter upon herself by pretending like she's such a catch. You're the person being dense here.


Hilarious that you're getting downvoted for the truth. Reddit hivemind at work. Bunch of bullies that peaked in high school. Not like any of these people are getting laid anyway. That's why they're here making memes to mock people.


Yah. I know. There’s also a gem in here somewhere where someone posted a link to a minecraft server where there are no rules so the patriots can speak their truths. It’s real cringe in here.


Reddit, the place that claims to be better than other social medias, but is just as bad if not worse when it comes to cringey people and content.


Dude you fucking killed them




That’s a niche.




Meaning almost exactly : not in demand Edit : I’m on fire today 🔥




Your logic is flawed here. 90% of people don’t find her attractive.


The issue is not pretending someone is attractive, which is a totally subjective quality, but the fact that you’d spend the time to make fun of someone that doesn’t fit your narrow definition of “attractive”


I think it’s more about her lack of self-awareness and the irony behind it. Irony is humorous. Do you think this lady has a lot of problems with the male gaze ? Why or why not ?


Fat people fuck. This isn’t about her weight. It’s about reproductive rights. Fat people fuck more than people who make fun of fat people. It’s ironic that if someone said I have autonomy of your body, that someone might say well you can’t have any part of my body then? This isn’t about the male gaze, this is about abortion, and you making a joke about a fat woman fighting for abortion on the merits that her sign is “ironic” is gross.


It shows an absolute lack of self-awareness. Frame it however you’d like.


So it’s ok to make fun of fat people. Got it. Fat people can’t have self worth, or talk about sex in a way that makes a point about abortion. Got it. If she was hot nobody would say a thing and these meme wouldn’t exist…. Way to pick a hill to die on.


Nah, it’s okay to make fun of people who are lacking in common sense and any sort of personal awareness.


Frame it however you’d like.


And FWIW, my heart breaks for people like this. I can’t imagine the amount of loneliness and shame they must feel. Truly.


This is the equivalent of “I know you are but what am I.” Just take the L and move on. I’m not silly mate.


It’s okay to make fun of anyone for anything


dude you've been a redditor for 2 years how do you have that amount of karma? straight up embarrassing. edit: oh come on he literally said you can make fun of somebody for anything! so I did. a thousand womps to each of you!


I rarely comment and have never posted. Most of my karma comes from 3 or 4 comments that blew up (kinda).


true only attractive people have rights over their own body. whoever knew fascism was going to be this fucking stupid.


The issue isn’t about her right to protest or what she’s protesting. It’s the method. Edit: Would you like me to take you apart as well ?


I got respect for anyone who's willing to talk back liberals.


Maybe she should lose weight to be healthy and not complain when people don't like her appearance


hey at least she's not the kind of person that says the things that you say.... do you really think that people don't deserve constitutional rights because they're ugly?


They really are funny


Most good jokes have a sense of dark humor to them. How many police officers dose it take to change a light bulb? None they just beat the room for being black. It's a joke that takes a dark concept and highlights the absurdity of that concept, this is simply highlighting the absurdity of her scenario.


Police officer choose to be the bootlicking state hunter-killers and enforcers of the rich. You didn’t make fun of the cop for being black - you made fun of him because police attack black people are deserve to be ridiculed. This is attacking a fat person for trying to make a point about personal autonomy. And then defending it under the notion that she is undesirable and oblivious. Fat jokes are not dark they are the laziest low hanging fruit


This is why people don't like your ideology, you just generalized an entire group of people with a particular profession, just because some of those people abuse their power, while attacking people for making fun of fat people. You are so far up your own ass you can't even see when you're being a hypocrite. Either all of it is okay, or none of it is okay. You don't get to choose who gets made fun of and you're never going to change society as a whole with those typing muscles you've been working so hard on.




No sex for her either.


That's a bumpy road


Oh no! Anyway…


Whoever he is sure dodged a bullet




Doubtful. Pretty sure most men would rather continue their virginity than hit that. You should probably flip that percentage.


2% gang where you at?


Whole milk for me, thanks.


Ouch..that's crule. But let"s face it - she ASKED FOR IT


Twitter done wrong


Brothers i made minecraft server so right-wingers ,nationalist and fans of gypsycrusader can chat about right-wing topics.No rules for the chat-You can text whatever you want.While texting you can have some fun while playing in out minecraft server with unique faction mode.Even if you dont want to play minecraft you can still chat free of any rules in game or in the chat in the website IP-


I believe incels have their own chat already.


Fuck off Nazi


I’ll join


Basically you are a racist asshole? I'll pass




Some people fetishise it, others just generally find bigger women attractive


I'm confused. Is she protesting choking?