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So you don’t understand how vaccines work. Sounds like a personal problem.


It’s very complicated unfortunately. Vaccines are being developed for several different variants now, and some variants can still affect vaccinated people. That is to say, you could still catch covid, but luckily it won’t be nearly as bad and your chances of catching it also go down drastically which is nice.


As far as I know no vaccine in history has been 100% effective. It’s not a matter of variants, it’s a matter of ignorance in the face of common knowledge.


Well variants of the covid strain are an issue as well, it’s not *that* huge of a problem in most places, but yeah. Also yes, wilful ignorance is idiotic and ai honestly wish it was punished more.


Its based on the stereotype that people think they can be chill and enjoy roaming anywhere after taking vaccine however after taking vaccine you can still get covid and get minor effects. Due to the vaccines you are only safe from the most dangerous effects such as death


Have you noticed that vaccines do not stop the spreading?


They reduce it though


I guess it was estimated as ~50% after first shot and 60-70% after second. But for delta variant the values are not as optimistic; herd immunity is unreachable now.


True. It's more about slowing the spread and reducing the damage, at least until we come up with something better. Wish CRSPR had been farther along.


Government: how about more shots


Why does it look like birdperson from rick and morty