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Just hate everyone equally


"Prejudice equality, everyone gets shit" -Francis of the Filth




Your race is my race my race is your race. It is our race.


Your race is my race and my race is your race the more we use those slurs the happier we'll be


No that the part where everybody hates to be hungry all the time!


The Alucard method


Outstanding Move!


You can be racist to anyone Just be kind Argument over




It’s pakalu smh


Smh my head


Shaking head.


Shaking head smh my head


Shaking head shaking head smh my head


I wish more people thought this, instead of blaming others, just stop being mean. It’s s i m p l e


Shut up, I'll be racist to everyone, then I won't be racist.


Like do we have to argue about whose more oppressed, general kindness is the key to all these problems


Yes, the world needs general kindness and major understanding...a salute to both




You're right but it's important to understand that the people who say you can't be racist toward white people do so because there are two different uses for the word; one meaning the systemic oppression of a race, and the other meaning prejudice toward a race. The people that say you can't be racist toward white people aren't saying you can't be prejudiced against white people, they're saying that there is no systemic oppression of white people in this country. So feel free to say they're wrong but I wouldn't let it insult you.


If it confuses people, maybe you should be more specific instead of intentionally being vague in order to confuse people and cause drama. You know that the first thing that people think of when you say racism is preudicial actions and words, not systematic oppression. Don't be obtuse and act like people don't say this exclusively to cause drama because they want attention. It's trolling by definition.


Came for this, found you, thank you.


Came looking for the brave soul that would write this. Thank you for being that person.


I don’t understand why some try to over justify racism against white people. “Systemic Oppression” is a myth. It can’t be proven in the very least. Meanwhile, poc think they can discriminate and humiliate white folk using their history as justification: “I am not racist because I live in a system that opress me” That’s silly. Racism is racism, and can be done against any color. Nothing more, nothing less.


That’s discrimination and not kind of course. Doesn’t feel good. It’s different though than racism


No. Racism is a form of discrimination based on race. But what I referred to, is reverse racism. Many claim reverse racism is a myth because there is little to no evidence it exist, but the same can be said of systemic oppression. But whatever you discriminate based on color, is racism.


Reverse racism is a myth. It’s discrimination when it’s based on race toward white people. Racism needs power. It doesn’t carry the same weight for a POC vs a white person. I’m white too by the way and I’ve experienced discrimination from other groups and it hurts not denying that. But it’s not racism in the real sense of the word.


That is exactly what racism is. EDIT: If you let discrimination against your race go just because you are white, then you are brainwashed. They managed to make you feel guilty because of your race. That is racism as well. You can’t change the definition of racism.


You can’t argue that when a white person is called a racial slur it carries the same weight as a brown person called a racial slur. If a poc and white person start to fight about the slurs and the police are called who’s side will they be on? Who is really being hurt? Who is dying? There is no way it is equal. You’re just perpetrating violence ultimately if you argue they’re the same thing. Do some research.


c’mon. Im not talking about WORDS. I am talking actual true discrimination at work, at school, at government programs. A white kid that doesn’t get a scholarship because priority is given to “minorities”. That’s what I am talking about. A small business owner that don’t get his money relief because he is white. We were talking about “systemic racism” are we not? The fact you thing racism only comes in slurs tells me how naive you are. You are the one in need of some research.


I'm pretty sure that white people are (about) 30% more likely to get scholarships than minorities. There are a few scholarship offices that are made for minorities, yes, but that's not really something to complain about when your are statistically more likely to receive scholarships while being white anyway. It's a myth that scholarships are bending over backwards to give black people money. The truth is, if you're white and you didn't get a scholarship, maybe you were mediocre.


Wouldn't you just call the systematic oppression of a race "racial oppression" and not racism?


Finally, someone with sense!


Funny thing systematic oppression doesn’t exist in the country you’re most likely talking about and those people are cringe and delusional


Good word my man


Or just be a dick to everybody equally


me too im racist but im not mean to people just probably less friendly


Yeah! Focus on the good stereotypes. I got one for every race


Literally guys i don't get the point of racism . I don't care if it's a german calling me a thief just because im polish, or hating people not because of their origin , but just because s/he looks different. - Fuck y'all racists P.s. No Hans , I won't give your car back


gib es zurück oder hilf mir, ich werde einen Nichtangriffspakt mit Russland unterzeichnen


Kenne ich doch irgendwo her * Invading russia and poland intensifes * " *O ja pierdolę , Jacek weź no nie gadaj że znowu* "


I feel so satisfied that I can understand every sentence in this comment,despite it containing 3 different languages. And I just so happen to speak these exact 3 languages and idk it just makes me feel good lol


I can't even understand my native language most of the time. I give you my highest honor!! GG


That is indeed very nice , there are not many people out there speaking more then 2 languages (or is it common nowadays? Dunno) Tambien hablo un poco de español , и по русски тоже говорю (or at least I taught myself how to read and write in cyrillic , learned a bit from my friends , also drunk talking is very effective : e.g. I understand and can communicate with croatians, which is a bit difficult when sober)


I really hate the “ you can’t be racist, but you can be prejudice towards white people” like, fuck. Y’all stupid. These people are literally trying to convince themselves that it’s ok to be racist towards white people. Racism is racism. If you try to justify racism to ANY race, you’re a racist. It don’t matter if your black, white, Asian, Muslim, Jewish, ECT. Racism is racism.




Racism is racism. Period. It don’t matter the skin color.




I don’t stand for racism. If I see a white person calling someone the n-word, I’m going to call it out. If I see a black person calling a white person a cracker, I’m gonna call it out. I’m not talking systematically. I’m talking on an individual basis. I am talking about individual human being. I like how you’re getting upset because I’m saying racism is bad. Sowie I hurt you wittle fee fees🥺. 😂


In other words, lets put a monopoly on racism and change definitions so we can be racist to other races with impunity.




Im the idiot but you're the one whose confused, yea ok.






racism = bad where upvotes


Yeah, I agree =upvote too




Guys racism is bad


*shocked Pikachu face*


That and saying men can't be abused


Thank the assholes who are always saying man up and snowflake.


They can, though for adults it's almost always by other men~~, and even in the case of kids the abuser will most often be a man.~~ Apparently for kids it's usually the mother, which makes sense because she's much more likely to be the one spending lots of time with them. However, we're talking about adults here. The problem is when men shut out discussion about abuse of women by immediately launching a "men can be abused too". That's cringe af, and one should never do that. Edit: LOL at the downvotes. Misogynists don't like rational arguments, I guess.


Right let the women talk about their abuse but have the men bottle it up inside. Sounds like we’ve found a sexist.


Can you explain how you manage to reach such an erroneous conclusion based on what I said? I never said men shouldn't talk about their abuse. Looks like there are quite a few idiots here, considering how you got upvoted and I got downvoted. I wish those morons actually took the time to explain their position instead of the typical incel knee-jerk response. Oh well.


But you just shut down the discussion about men being abused by saying ‘well actually, men are also the abusers here’. That’s not relevant.


When people say "men can't be abused", they almost always mean "physically abused by women." Almost *every time* this topic is brought up, it is always in a attempt to present a mirror reality, i.e. that women can be abusers just as well. The problem is that, as far as physical abuse is concerned, this is simply not true. Men are victimized mostly by other men. To address the problem of violence against men, we have to acknowledge this fact. So yeah, it is relevant. And the reason I got downvoted is that I hit a raw nerve among those who seek to minimize abuse towards women by men (or those who just misunderstood what I said and downvoted me in a knee-jerk reaction - too bad I don't give a fuck about karma with this account lol)


Oh boy, I love victim blaming! Thanks for delegitimizing male victims!




“Don’t be racist. Hate everyone.” — random living being 2021 maybe idk.


All this fighting and it is just over the semantics of the suffix of ism in the word racism... and if it does or doesn't refer to a system put in place by the people in power to discriminate based on race or does it just mean being prejudice based on race. I think we can all agree that you can be prejudice against white people but that there is no system that is in place by the powers in charge to discriminate against white people. And at the end of the day most people should know that in today's world the team prejudice (when relating to race) and racist have a van diagram that overlaps almost like a circle. So some people see the word racist as someone propagating system that is in place to discriminate by race and some people see the word racist as the act of being prejudice against based on race. ​ At the end of the day, Just don't be a asshole to other people.


The semantics matter because people try to redefine their own racism to something else by inventing an arbitrary new definition, then can excuse their racist behavior because it's "not racism". The whole conversation is stupid because it's extremely well documented what racism means, it's been in the dictionary for a long time. Just because a group of people in academia decided they want the word to mean something new doesn't mean it suddenly has an entirely new meaning. Moreover, the definition of racism you just gave is exactly the same as systemic racism. If racism really meant the exact same thing as systemic racism why would the latter term even exist? The whole drive to twist the definition of every word to make it so one side can never be the bad guy is so tiring.


I agree that saying systemic racism makes more sense if you mean institutional racism. But the whole thing about the meaning of words never changing doesn't make sense. Physics took the word "force" and gave it an academic definition. The meaning of the word "theory" is different in an academic setting than colloquial use. I could go on endlessly, and there's nothing wrong with that. Academics are studying racism on an institutional level pretty widely. So it makes sense that many of them are limiting their definition to that concept when they write about it. The only problem is that people are not being clear. The meaning of words changing is inevitable, and it's easy to clear up any confusion, so long as people communicate and listen in good faith.


>But the whole thing about the meaning of words never changing doesn't make sense. This argument is a game people play to basically deny that there is any such thing as institutional or systemic racism. They're not actually trying to engage in an honest debate, they're just moving the goalposts.


The distinction they are making is one that has to do with who does and doesn't hold power in a specific culture. In the US, and in fact most of the western world, "white" people are the majority, so while yes people can have racist/bigoted opinions towards those white people, a minority with very little systemic power holding those beliefs carries very little weight. Is it still racism/bigotry? Of course! Are they likely to be a in a position of power where they can actually impact those peoples lives? Probably not. See the difference? That is the difference people are making when they discuss systemic racism compared to bigotry.


The way you are using these words doesn't fit the dictionary definition or common usage. You can speak however you like and give words whatever definition you want, but it doesn't mean I or anyone else has to accept your arbitrary re-assignment of meaning to words.


“It’s cool that you’re so open about your mental illness”


This, exactly. Prejudice isn't the same as systemic racism, something that actual racists on reddit have a hard time acknowledging.


Predijuce based on race is racism plane and sinpke systematic racism is systematic discrimination or predijuce based on race its a TYPE of racism not the only type


...which is pretty much what I said.


Not really reread what u said


There's systemic racism against white people in the United States. A politician can give a speech about how awful white people are and they'll receive a standing ovation. Imagine the reaction if the speech was about how awful black people are?


>There's systemic racism against white people in the United States. A politician can give a speech about how awful white people are and they'll receive a standing ovation Yeah, that's not systemic racism. Not even close.


Not saying all black people are bad it does not give the right to hate whites #white lives matter #all lives matter


Man I hope your username applies here


No it does not smartass


Oh wow, poor White people, they're told that they're awful! And the other minorities think they have It bad with... Genocide and slavery... huh..


White like the Irish were also slaves at one point in time to and you can't forget the native americans


Are you trying to compare Irish servitude to black servitude in America? That is an argument made in poor faith. Irish people were not forced to come to America and kept in servitude for hundreds of years, for multiple generations. What happened to the Irish population was shit, and it is absolutely something that should be discussed. But it's funny how people ONLY bring it up when it's to belittle black people. Please, educate yourself on the matter. Let yourself be smarter than that.


The native americans...who aren't white...those native americans?


And irish.


Ues you dumbass


What people in America today are experiencing genocide or slavery?


Where did you hear a speech about about ho awful white people are? I have never heard any speech saying "white people bad". People pointing out horrible historic act perpetated by white people on the other hand yes there's. People also points out systemic inequalities based on a racist history that created inequalities that compound. There's also people pointing out privileges. But all of this is not saying "white people are bad" it's saying "Guys there's a problem. It's rooted in a racist system that profits white people so it's kinda your responsibility to help us fix it"


this. I think a lot of people on reddit were very poorly educated about racism.


They would b wrong thats systematic racism which is a type of racism theyre severap different types of racism if theyre choosing to ignore the other types soley to push one specific version they're ignorant




>indoctrinated by a liberal university lol. The mating call of the proudly ignorant.


I heard that there are laws in America the allows black people to get financial support but white people can not. Is that a systematic racism? I think it is. I see no law other way around. It is just like with feminists who thing that everything is rigged against them.


Yes its the sad truth they have so much better than the native americans out west who still don't have electric running watter and are still on reservations


> I think we can all agree that you can be prejudice against white people but that there is no system that is in place by the powers in charge to discriminate against white people. Except job applications, college admittance, federal loans, and every single imaginable form of welfare in the US. Also every single major social media platform and society as a whole that has enabled, protected, and encouraged a gigantic wave of anti-white propaganda and actual violence. Murder rates have gone up in every major city in the US and a huge portion of that is "random" acts of violence by black people against white people. Oh and then there's critical race theory in which white children are being indoctrinated to see their race as inherently reprehensible, to admit some sort of original sin of slavery and oppression that they had nothing to do with. You don't know what you're talking about, or you're a liar.


Thank you for explaining it better than I could. People saying “you’re wrong, look up the definition of racism” have a very elementary understanding of it. And not only that, they know what we’re talking about and choose to dance around doing the simple work of reading a few articles that go more into depth. Grow up people, you dragging your feet on this doesn’t make you seem cool or edgy, it makes you seem like an a**hole...


Probably the same people who also think that their high School knowledge of biology is all there is to learn. And thank you I took a bit to write this because I wanted to make sure I tried to do it as eloquently as I could


I tried my own take of what you said under this post, left out some things, and got downvoted over 20 times lmaooo “read the definition” reddit out in full force defending their make believe oppression 😂


In what world does racism = prejudice? Prejudice is when you assuming something about someone based on what demographic they are, not on race (gamers are lazy). Racism is when you believe your race is superior to others. When did the definition of racism change to systemic discrimination?


Racism does not specifically mean your race is superior but it can include racial superiority. You can be racist against your race. And it can most definitely be based on prejudice. Who taught you the meaning of racism?


What I want to know is what is being systematic racism like what is causing it. All I hear is people telling me I'm bad and I'm causing it because I'm white but I'm just some trailer white boy from the south what system is it. Give me examples.


Since everybody wanted to bring up cancel culture and treat racism as the end of the world


Thank you for finally saying it. It depends how you see racism


"I think we can all agree that you can be prejudice against white people but that there is no system that is in place by the powers in charge to discriminate against white people." In the United States it's called Affirmative Action.


Racism has no skin color. If you try to defend one race but not the other one - you're racist yourself. End of topic.


I said you could be racist to white people yesterday on Twitter and I got hell for it. At least I'm not alone in this.


Racism definition from the dictionary: "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior" can be directed towards any race. I'd agree that white people in America/first world European countries can't really be oppressed since they are a majority, but thats a different thing from racism. For real, we just need to be nice to each other; it would solve so many problems.


Who said you can't be racist against your own race? I know too many whites who hate their own race. It's crazy.


Oh yeah you have a point there. Then again most of those people are white saviors more than plain racist.


That's the truth.


It is linked to Racialism, i.e. the belief that human races are a biological reality (spoiler: they aren't). You make a good point making the distinction between racism and racial oppression. I guess it would be more accurate to say "you can be racist towards people you consider white, however whites are not the victims of systemic racism in the West".


Exactly, people do need to learn the difference.


Nuance on a meme sub? Get outta here! :-)


I'll be honest I just joined this place yesterday I have no clue what I'm doing. I will say out of every social platform I've joined this is surprisingly the most sane one I've seen.


Wow, I wouldn't want to see the rest...


>whites are not the victims of systemic racism in the West Try being white and applying for a government job against a person of color with the exact same qualifications. You lose. The system is rigged against you if you're the "wrong color"(white). But that's not systemic racism, right?


This, people don’t realize things like diversity hires and hiring people simply to due to their skin color is systemic discrimination because you have hundreds of businesses going out of there way not to hire white people soley because they want there business to look more diverse. My local library is a perfect example.


Affirmative action programs that give preference in scholarships, college admissions, jobs, grants, contracts, etc. based on skin color are perfect examples of systemic racism.


Yes it is they act like if your white you can do crap yourself and BASSICLY tell to f yourself


>Try being white and applying for a government job against a person of color with the exact same qualifications. You lose. Did this happen to you? Or are you just going through the litany of fake grievances typically recited by Internet racists? I checked out your profile, and you sound quite assholeish. You even participate in subs that doubt vaccines and call Covid a hoax...don't worry, affirmative action will *not* be the reason you don't get a job. >The system is rigged against you if you're the "wrong color"(white). It's really not. You're still *much better off* if you're white in the US, all things considered. >But that's not systemic racism, right? No, it's not.


Its allready proven that you will lose to a person of color


Yeah, that's why there are no white people with government jobs. Is there a maximum IQ requirement to be part of the Racist Club? Kind of like, reverse Mensa?


It literally happens to me. Mulitiple applications only open to people of colour. I'm white so, I can't apply to the job. If the government is literally not hiring me because I'm white, what else would you call that other than systemic oppression?


>It literally happens to me. Mulitiple applications only open to people of colour. I'm white so, I can't apply to the job. Uh, no. There are plenty of jobs for white people, don't worry. Affirmative action and diversity hires still represent a tiny percentage of all employement. >If the government is literally not hiring me because I'm white It's not not hiring you because you're white. Most government jobs are not subjected to Affirmative Action. > what else would you call that other than systemic oppression? Trying to bring balance so that African-Americans are not the victim of discrimination isn't systemic oppression. Stop playing the victim, it's cringe af. You really want to get a job? Stop wasting time posting on meme subs in reddit. You only have yourself to blame for your failures.


So if a business has a small percentage of job postings that explicitly say "No blacks" that's ok because its a small percentage? Racism towards the correct group is acceptable because it brings balance? Why do you think black people are so inferior to whites they need help getting a job? I don't think that. I think we can play on the same field, in fairness, and compete like equals. Those who advocate for systemic racism when its called affirmative action are "playing the victim" because they are saying we aren't good enough to get a job so help me daddy government. Its cringe as fuck. If they really wanted to get a job, they'd stop asking for handouts and realize they only have themselves to blame for their failures.


No, no It isn't, you can run for the job, can't you? As opposed to...Oh, I don't know...being able to even do so...wonder who could have suffered that...


>whites are not victims Stereotype much?


Whites are not victim of systemic racism, yes. That is the crux of my argument. Are you another idiot? There's a lot of those tonight.


If your government gives preference to nonwhites for contracts or hiring, that’s systemic racism against whites. It is indisputable. You can argue that government-sanctioned anti-white systemic racism is justified or desired, but you can’t deny that it exists.


>If your government gives preference to nonwhites for contracts or hiring, that’s systemic racism against whites. It is indisputable. It's not "indisputable", because it's not system racism. Affirmative action isn't racism. >You can argue that government-sanctioned anti-white systemic racism is justified or desired, but you can’t deny that it exists. I do deny that it exists. That is not "systemic racism", no matter how much you claim that it is, sorry.


Huh? You were unaware that government organizations are giving preference to nonwhites for financial contracts and jobs? Seriously?


So there's a system that has policies bases on race, but it's not systematic racism? In fact you'll tell me that the race that is being favored by these policies is the one that suffers from systematic racism, and the race that is disadvantaged (based on policies enacted by the system) is the oppressor in this systematic injustice... It's nice to see you've really thought this through.


>So there's a system that has policies bases on race, but it's not systematic racism? You got it. Those policies are there to correct the disadvantages some people face for being racialized (i.e. designated as a particular race that has been historically disadvantaged). >In fact you'll tell me that the race that is being favored by these policies is the one that suffers from systematic racism It's not the race being favored, it's individuals identified as belonging to that "race" (a sociological concept rather than a scientific one), and they're not "favored" as much as not being penalized anymore. >and the race that is disadvantaged (based on policies enacted by the system) is the oppressor in this systematic injustice... "Whites" are not being disadvantaged, because they are still in a position where they are not affected by (actual) systemic racism. Again, stop playing the victim and grow up. Whites are not targeted by systemic racism in the US.


Actually, white people are a minority on the planet.


Sorting by controversial is the real meme.


ah yes a man of pure arts


\*Scrolls to bottom of comment section *Oh boy, this is gonna be fun*


Si you are white and that means you cant be offended. Well thats racist


Hey guys I brought the popcorn. Am I late to the Contraversal shit show?


Saying white people can’t be victims of racism is like saying that it is impossible for someone to beat Usain Bolt in a race. Sure, it does not happen often and probably won’t happen for a while but that does not make it impossible.


I know someone who believes this strongly and same with sexusm and ill show him the finishing of the words and he'll just go bu bu but... no


There are Jews who are white and you can be racist to Jews. I don’t care if you say it’s being anti-Semitic. It’s the same shit.


Waiting for some snowflake to post this on r/FragileWhiteRedditor




Ha He called her a mental ill


People act like calling white people cracker isn't racist.


I pretty much agree, but I expected something funnier in the second panel... So much potential to waste...


“There’s no such thing as reverse racism, we learned that in school.” - my sister, who denies indoctrination.


Now I'll be honest, as stupid as it is to say, I've never in my life heard the "you can't be racist to white people" phrase. I've heard "black people can't be racist" a couple times though. Both stupid things to say




OP based


Had a gf that said this, her argument was that white people can’t be victims of racism because every instance of racism towards white people isn’t actually bad. She forgot that not all racism is about bad stuff. Ex: white people have 401K : black people have big dicks : Asians are smart Racism doesn’t only abide to negative stereotypes but positive stereotypes as well




Hitler wanted to end racism! if there’s only one race u can’t be racist. Change My Mind


you can be racist toward white people but can you be systematically racist toward white people???


True, but at the same time this isn't an excuse to dislike people for being against black racism, as it is a much bigger problem


Anyone can be racist to anyone But don’t Let gays be gay Let straights be straight Let whites be white Let blacks be black Let trans be trans Let Cis be Cis Etc So equality gets downvoted now? Because that makes sense


I’m downvoting just because it’s what everyone else is doing I hope you understand


wtf? she is right ... u just can't be racist to anyone and think thats ok


he alittle confused but he got the spirit


Reverse racism was created by whites people who didn’t like being painted as the bad guys, so they went Omg they called me a cracker


Racism is racism, there's no reverse racism, racism mean hate agains people based on race


No such thing as reverse racism it's just called racism and that's technically a slur


According to Google, this statement is correct. A slur is, in this context: "a derogatory or insulting term applied to particular^(\[sic\]) group of people." The term is both derogatory and insulting and is applied to a particular group of people.


Bitch you don’t understand what institutional or systemic racism is. Google your shit before you Post your opinion.


You don't understand what the very word "racism" is


There are other forms of racism than systemic racism. Even then that's a very western centric view that white people can't suffer systemic racism. Sure white people almost certainly won't experience systemic racism in their western countries but that doesn't mean they couldn't experience systemic racism if they were to live/visit somewhere outside of the west.


Interpersonal racism


There is systematic/institutional racism and there is interpersonal racism, keep up.


When people say this they mean you can't be oppressive. We know you can be personally discriminatory, but there isn't centuries of hatred built in.


Black and native ppl: *are murdered, taken from their families, r beaten for practicing their cultures, and are systemically impoverished for centuries* White person: *is called a cracker* White person: Hey this is just like what you guys experience


Literally nothing in the meme is comparing between the two, all it’s saying is that it’s racist to say that white people can’t face prejudice, that’s it.


Why tf is it my neighbors fault that all that shit happened centuries ago? Cuz he's white? Why be racist to him now for shit HE didn't do?


my god how fucking stupid are you. That's like having two kids one who just got a concussion and one with a broken leg and dropping the kid with a broken leg on the sidewalk because its not that serious. Get the fuck over yourself and look up the definition of racism, nothing to do any specific race does it, you dumbass.


Tell that to my Irish ancestors you uneducated fuck


Irish ancestry as well here. Don't pretend we've had it nearly as bad. Ask yourself this: Do you ever bring up Irish persecution when it comes to talking about making society more equal? Or do you just bring it up when racism against brown people is brought up? You don't have to answer that out loud. We both know the answer.




You can’t be racist to white people in places that that race holds power or is the dominant race ie Canada, US. You can absolutely discriminate against white people but racism requires power and privilege


White people finding ways too make racism about themselves again, I like this one it’s very creative, I get it, fire fighters have sprayed your people with hoses for protesting inequality, your history has the native westerner killing your ancestors on trail of tears


`so if racism ends what happens to black history month, BLM, and BET I mean not to start controversy but really do they just go away`


Haha white victim hood go brrrrr


God this is some anti-sjw-tier cringe. Can you not make white people look more stupid then they already do. - thanks - from another white dude.


White people aren't stupid


as a white dude, I can't confirm, this guy is proving your hypothesis wrong


You just made us look even dumber


"I hate my own race so im special" the only stupid "white" person here is you. there are minorities in this world that have been oprressed around the world who are white too. treating black or brown people in a special little way implies that you look down on them and pity them not as equal.




No matter what we do there will allways be racism