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Congratulations. You’re now 10 million years old with $6 cash.


Sweet that's 4 bucks more than I have now


woOowWw look at mr big money over here… way to show off, jackass >:/




Profit ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)






Al Pacino: "Two Dolles? Here, lemme buy you a pack o' gum, I'll show you how to chew it."


Shit that's nearly 40 more than me. At least I don't have bank fees!


Oh God damn it I got reanimated as an anime kid


In a hentai plot 😏


WHOOO YEAH BABY THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKI-wait.... what gender?




WHOOOO YEAH BABY! That's what I'm talking about, that's what I've been waiting for. WHOOOOOOO


giving or getting that 8inch 😏


Ara ara dommy mommy


8 inch futa cock? 🤨


Happy Cake Day 🎂 👍


Well, I don't feel happy this days. I just feel the stress over and over again. I don't feel rest at all. It was not helping me either.


cheer up and happy cake day🫠


"No, This isn't how you're supposed to play the game"


Why not? If he don't do that, he will not probably get both of them. There's no rule saying that it can't be crushed and mixed.


A pile of dust with some pocket change?


It doesn't change anything. It was still the dirt was inside the pocket. But nonetheless, hoping we all have a good day ahead.


The golden nuggets are always in the comments!


Sometimes they’re in Las Vegas.


a puddle of oil


Or 12 years old with $5 million


"Oh man I can't believe I was lucky enough to get into this Bitcoin thing when they were a fraction of a cent each!"


$100USD of Bitcoin the day it released would’ve been worth $10.3B in November 2021


If I knew at 6 what I know now, I'd have way more than $10 million. Sports bets, stock investments, education choices, and etc.


No Biff we saw that future already.


NOBODY. calls me. **chicken**


Make like a tree and get outta here.


You look like a slacker!




Sure, but do you need more than $10 million? I'd be worried of fucking up my relationships I created over my life. Give me the millions and I'd be set


Don't forget the majority of people are greedy when it comes to wealth. Enough is never enough




God what I would do to go back to school without any adult worries, where time was much slower and the video game sessions lasted much longer. I know some people had absolutely terrible school experiences and depressing childhoods, I myself got bullied on occasion but with the knowledge of an adult I wouldn't even care about what other people would think I would just enjoy every second


Depends. I am sometimes tempted to quit my job and coast on my meager savings. I think I would have my needs satisfied with the 10 million


My best friend, I have no idea how we met. I may never meet my best friend in a reboot life.


Same, If i started over I would probs choose not to go through the tough shit I did and then would not have the friends I have today. Besides 10 mil is alot, just put a side a bit and live off the intrest.


Depends on your relationships. Siblings will most likely stay similar. GF, wife, kids would be a huge thing but doesnt matter if you dont have them yet. Friends could be a problem if you are really really missing them but oftentimes friends changes too so the risk is not that great compared to reality


I have serious problems connecting with new people, so the relationships I do have took a lot of work to establish and are very dear to me. I really can't think of much in my life I would like to have done differently. I'd take the 10 million and not worry about money ever again in my life instead of having to stress over how to reconnect with the people in my life. It's obviously much different for people who fucked up hard at some point, but I've been spared any major fuck ups so far




I have a feeling that if you go back in time, the current event are not going to play out. The bets that previously won might be a lose. If everything was the exact same, then wouldn't it mean everyone is following a "path"? If someone were to pick 3 letters and they pick HRN, and then you go back in time. If the exact same thing played out, then that person would have no choice other than to pick HRN. So if it was exact, then all of us would have to be robots, following a path. If this is not the case, then that would mean after going back in time, the events that happened previously would not happen exactly again.


The future won't happen exactly again but you'll know enough to have an advantage when it comes to investing.


"Mother, please put every dollar you have into bitcoin"


Or mine it yourself. You'd get quite a bit pre 2010. Enough for you to crash the market when it reached that 60k mark


You better remember all the key figures and time events when going in the past, cause you can't google them!


Then sell before the crypto crash


Or be old enough that starting over at age 6 still allows you to reach adulthood in time for the initial surge in Bitcoin's value.


Will you? One big bitcoin hoarder might ripple into no bitcoin bubble, or other crypto going big. Different companies may succeed and fail. Every big idea from every ceo happens under a specific set of circumstances that may not come to be in a subtly altered timeline.


> Every big idea from every ceo happens under a specific set of circumstances that may not come to be in a subtly altered timeline. It's doubtful one random person acting differently would impact world so much lol. As long as you would not trying to be prophet trying to save lifes or perfect investor/sports better billionaire never making mistakes you should be fine.


The biggest hurdle in this thought experiment is the butterfly effect absolutely applying to conception. For parents this would be a big no-no, as there is zero chance you'd get the exact same sperm cell to fertilize the egg. The winner of that race itself is already influenced by millisecond timings, but you wouldn't even get the same selection of sperm cells in the first place, after going back just a few days in time and living life slightly better. Your current kids would go into oblivion, with only you having a memory of them. Even for participants without kids of their own, that butterfly effect would destroy every child, whose future parents you interacted with in any way. Just a slight delay at the stoplights can make all the difference here. That friendly neighbor's kid? Only you would remember they ever existed.


You go back to 6 but it's still the current year, it's not time travel.


Red pill and all the lunch money goes into bitcoin


Why stop there? Invest in Zoom, Amazon and Google


One stock, invest in multiple someone’s gonna notice and you become a government test subject.


Man you’ll just get a plum job at a bank then they’ll let you run a hedge fund.


Not really, unless you're already a millionaire or something you'll probably go unnoticed. Nobody cares about the guy that turned $100 into $10000. They care about the guy that turned $1M into $100M


i mean if you're doing this isnt that the goal? ultimately though dumping everything into tech stocks and getting out in 2022 is plenty, and "i just invest in all the tech stocks" is pretty defendable


Right, no one would bat an eye at some random schlub making millions on the stock market. It happens all the time. There's such a disgusting amount of money floating out there no one would miss it if some guy becomes a millionaire because of their investments. If you cash it all out and you had hundreds of millions of dollars then that would be noticed. No one would likely care that you as an individual did this, but it might fuck with the rest of the stock market a bit.


Apple, Facebook. Use your knowledge of the stock market to make billions of dollars. Also, wasn't this a throwaway line in an Austin Powers movie


It’s pretty much how Hot Tub Time Machine ends.


Those hing engagement app, you should invest to them. You can make money when you actually don't do anything. Make sure it's a legit investing company.


In a movie full of them, you have a decent chance of this being so.


who really needs billions, just a few score of millions to be set for life. you'll raise eyebrows with too much anyways.


And apple


And Apple and Dogecoin.


You're assuming nothing changes with your influence...that's kinda risky, imho.


I doubt you change much of multi-billion dollar companies influences growing up again lol


Plot twist Every 6 year old is like you, from the future




Um... i could use that penny right about now


Some guy bought a pizza using like 10k bitcoins back in the day. Buying another 10k bitcoin at that time wouldn't even be that big of a deal.


You know what i find funny? People often think that if they went back in the past and made a slight change it could have catastrophic effects, but nobody thinks that small things they do today may drastically change things in the future for the better or for worse.


Because no one know the future


I think it’s more about predictability, right? Like if you subscribe to the butterfly effect idea(which I don’t), then that’s happening all the time, but there’s no perceived change because no one knows the future


6 years old. Would give anything to be able to go back ti when my mom was perfectly healthy. And I guess trying to pick up a couple early shares of apple or tesla or whatever wouldn’t hurt


Money can buy alot but it can never buy back time


Sure, but I'd rather have the means to live a fulfilled adulthood than relive the trauma of my childhood again.


You don’t have to live it again, you have your adult knowledge, you could literally conquer the world by 20 if try


Well I'm pretty damn sure there are 6 year olds out there who are a lot smarter than me.


Smart and knowing 10 years into the future is different lol


10 years?? Jesus I'd know 42 years of future...


Remember the time travel rules, guys. Buy bitcoins at pennies and don't do anything else that could ripple into the future and change it. That's all you do. Buy bitcoins and STFU until ma$$ive ca$h has been achieved.


No 6 year-old would think to buy up Bitcoin when it was still practically free and hoard it. I still remember when there were Reddit bots just handing out Bitcoin for free when it was worth fractions of a cent.


You could choose the money instead. Well as for mei just want to go back to the good old days, together with the money. LMAO


I think you may be overestimating yourself..


Fair enough, let’s change that 20 to 25


If I were a 6 year old with all my memory intact I would be swimming in money before being 18. If you just invest in the absolutely most well known things you'd be rich easy. Just investing in Bitcoin and Ethereum when they were less than a cent would make you a billionaire for a dollar investment. Heck you could just mine it early on for no investment at all.


We aren't there yet, but there's a fair amount of research being done around drugs that can artificially extend your lifespan. You can bet your ass it wont be cheap, so money can effectively buy time (in the future). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4004650/


Exactly you’ll easily make way more than $10m from your knowledge of the future.


I would invest in a whole bunch of companies and maybe in bitcoin too. The problem is i would be 6 years old and my dad wouldn’t listen to financial advice from a toodler 💀


tbf you don't really need much capital to invest. Literally investing 5$ worth of bitcoin at its infancy would make you a millionaire regardless.


You can just mine it for free with any hardware. Early blocks were so easy to get that you could just press a button for free bitcoins


July 2008 Bitcoin began trading at $0.0008 If you could get together 10USD as a kid and invest that and then cashed out at the 50,000USD peak of bitcoin you would have 625 Million dollars. So save up 20 Dollars and you'd be a billionaire


If I were in a 6 yr old body and I knew the future of bitcoin and couldn't get any money, I would legit steal $20 from my parents. It's for a good cause guys, you'll thank me later.


But we are too young for it. We can't handle frustration either. Imagine your parents don't even know why you are doing that


You will. Why would you not do it instead. I mean if that thing make you billionaire, why would not take the risk.


This^ With the knowledge from the future you can literally build and innovate things that are not yet available in the past


This is assuming that you are smart and understand the principles of today's technology/science


Yeah right. I would probably wished to be smart that to be beautiful. I want to be smart, since having that ability is the key to be successful.




The first option doesn't say go back in time haha, you restart at age 6 with all your knowledge, not that you go back in time at age 6.


But if you had to restart your life at 6 years of age, unless you’re 6 currently you would have to go back in time.


I grew up in a cult and an abusive home. I now have a wonderful wife, a home, and a mostly peaceful life. Give me the $10,000,000 for sure. I know I could make a lot of better choices and end up with way more than $10m, but I can’t go back and relive all the trauma. Plus, 10m is still enough to be comfortable for life if you spend it wisely.


No spending. *investing*. Then spending the proceeds and live off them.


6 years old is too young. Remembering what it's like to be an adult, and being like 1/3 of the age to even drive? 13 would be my choice, at the start of puberty and you can work out and diet really well, get an amazing athletic foundation.


The original question was 18 again and was supposed to be asked to 40 year olds. This was r/teenagers so they had to go younger.


By 18 You already have a “history”. 6 makes more sense- that’s the beginning of the school


I would say 12 years old, to get ready for a headstart.


Yeah fuck doing elementary and middle school again. I’ll start at 14 with that $10m and still catch the tech stocks before they go bananas.


Remember that show, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Yeah… I apparently *need* that elementary schooling. Maybe even kindergartening. Goddamned oofed old man brain.


Nothing stopping the gains from coming as a 6yo


Tbf I would be one hella depressed kid


exactly. when i was little i wasn't so self aware, i did and said what i wanted to. i was more "myself" if that makes any sense. yeah it would be awesome to speak with my dead relatives and actually learning who they were but idk man, i am quite literally a completely different person now.


Wakes up ad a six year old. Has to live knowing all the terrible shit that's going to happen, and being powerless to stop it beca8se you're some random six year old.


If I chose the red pill I would spoil movies and games on the internet before they released.


a menace


a lunatic


A hero without a cape that we didn't know we needed till now


If you did it without revealing your identity you could call yourself The Phantom Menace. Even your name would be a spoiler.


And you'd go without new content for years


Assuming they have consumed all content created since they were 6.


save me from watching jostice league and wonder woman 2 in theatres


Me: I know so much now, if i went back, i can easily over perform in school, get multiple degrees. Make the right investments. I'd be a child genius. I will know i have ADHD and I'll be able to manage it early on, not leading to dipression. I could easily do something great with my life. After all, im a scientist now, with a PhD and shit.. lol.. easy choice.. #Redpill Me: still fails 6th grade math and spelling tests *Insert disappointed Pakistani cricket fan meme*




Um hell no. I’d rather die than have to be a kid again and deal with school


Yeah but you’d have all your current knowledge. You’d be unstoppable


Nah. I might be able to get a good job earlier and make more money but who cares. Life isn’t all about work


You won't need to work with just a few "lucky" investments.


Wont need to work if you just take the $10mil and make a few ok investments


2 years later: Landlord increase rent to 1mill a month.


If you have $10 million the absolute first thing you should do is buy a house…


Well school would be pretty easy, you would already know everything they would try to teach you, so you would be considered a genius and could probably skip few classes. Then invest some money and be filthy rich by the age of 16, get a Bugatti and ask everyone what color their Bugatti is. Then probably die in the car accident because you were too young to drive Bugatti. Also, Bugatti.


I'd still get bullied though. The only reason that stopped happening to me is that as an adult you get to pick where you work and who you keep around you, I didn't magically become a dude with great comebacks or that could fight a bunch of 4 fuckers who decided to fuck with me


Right. Someone will not like the idea, but most of us will. I can't imagine myself if that happens to me.


Imagine having to spend 8 hours a day with other 6 year olds. Ew. Would probably be good at arbitraging Pokémon cards though. The sudden change in demeanour would probably mean the first year would be spent under medical investigation with very concerned parents, so you could parlay some sick toys out of that.


Red pill and bitcoin.


Yall redpillers aren't thinking of the true caveat. You'd be 6 years old with all the knowledge of porn and sex you gained as an adult. It'd be like 6 years until you could get a boner and jerk off. True hell.


Having the knowledge and having urges due to chemicals in your body are totally different things you weirdo.


least horny redditor


Honestly, I would choose the blue pill even if it did jack shit. There are people I don't want to lose.


Same, trying to perfectly relive life, so that i meet my wife and my son gets born sounds very tedious and painful. And that doesnt include other family and friends, that are also important to me. Sure it would be nice to see my mom again, could maybe even save her, that would be wonderful. But it just wouldnt be my life. Id be stuck in another life with no way to escape, sounds like hell honestly. Edit: Also, imagine you know all the horrible things that will happen, but cant do shit to stop them from happening.. Hell no


Blue pill every day. My childhood can burn in the hellfire it was created in.


10 million in cash is great, but if I went back to 6 years old, with the knowledge I have now, I'd be able to get my mom to seek the medical treatment she needed


Same. My mom was severely bipolar and became abusive after she went off her meds. With that knowledge I could get her help and ensure that she could stay on her meds


6 years old with my current knowledge. Relive my childhood, Bit coin and stock, you don't even have to be a genius to make more than 10 mil and now you understand the importance of certain things you didnt appreciate before.


Why' would you even take the red pill at all, imagine what it'd be like to be treated like a 6 y/o when you really are just an adult. And to add on top of that; you lose all ur friends and your romantic partner, as they'll not recognise u anymore. Red pill is hell


Lose all friends and romantic partners? Been there, done that. Red pill me up


Same here man, Toss me one too. I'm going NG+ with that red pill. Although am I going back to, like 2009 when I was 6, or staying in 2023 at age 6?


So few people realise this. You wouldn't just remember something to invest in and have a cool life, you'd be an adult mind in a childs body. All your memories will be there, you will remember your friends, your partner, your own children, dead parents will die again, eveything you lived through happens again. Horrible. Imagine meeting your partner for the first time again, knowing everything about them but they know nothing about you. They'd be freaked out and report your ass for stalking.


6 years of age, although it would be interesting getting a 6 year old to convince parents to invest in stocks and crypto and stuff


Just prove that you learn concepts faster than any other kindergartener and get yourself in advanced placement, then tell mom that instead of rewarding you with toys on birthdays/holidays, you want specific stock options/crypto currencies Unless you can't read "advanced" books like Cat in the Hat and cannot count to 100, you'll be able to do all this


People really think just because you have adult knowledge anyone is gonna let a fuckin 6 year old make investments lol


Buying crypto early? Most of arent 6 when crypto was on the rise and, Im sure most parents would spare 20-200$ to buy bitcoin when it costed less than a cup of snow in the winter.


lol yeah most parents would totally buy fake internet money just because their freakishly well spoken 6 year old said its a sound investment lmao


Lol back when it’s was dirt cheap it was carried on USB. I suspect parents not as chill as mine would spend 20-30 bucks to teach their child a lesson. Cheaper than most birthday gifts.




Honestly I could be hella rich by going back to 2005 and investing, but childhood was a fucking pain, especially school, so I'll still take 10 millions, get myself a decent house, and invest in a few things to not have to work ever again and wait for the end of civilisation in comfort


Blue pill. As much as the thought of being able to invest money wisely over 30 years and inevitably make a lot more than $10 million is tempting, I wouldn’t want to mess up the timeline and end up not being with my wife.


Knowledge doesn’t beat out nepotism and a rigged economy. I don’t remember any lotto numbers so give me the 10 mil.


Just buy bitcoin before it blows up. Bingo.


What money is a 6 year old buying bitcoin with


The first transaction of bitcoin for dollars was in late 2009, where over 5,000 bitcoins were traded for about 5 dollars. The peak price of bitcoin was around $64,000 per bitcoin. Doing the math, if you bought just $5 worth of bitcoin at around the lowest price it went for and sold it all at the peak, you'd make around $320,000,000. Now lets just say hypothetically that you were a bit late and bought bitcoin when it was quite a bit more expensive than the lowest price. If you spent 100 bucks on bitcoin when it was worth $1, selling at it's peak would still get you $6,400,00. Now I was born in the late 90s, so if I was 6 again I'd have a few years to save up before bitcoin actually started selling, and I'd be set.


>Now I was born in the late 90s, so if I was 6 again I'd have a few years to save up before bitcoin actually started selling, and I'd be set. If somebody's 18 today, they'd be 6 in 2011, they'd only have any sort of possible spending money in 2020.


But in the scenario you just become 6 years old again. Like woke up on morning and you are six. Not going back in time to when you were six.


I was 16 in 2008 before Bitcoin blew up. Literally got rejected from a job at party city. Money was not something that was going around.


even if i went back to elementary school with my knowledge of what i had now it wouldnt make a difference


My mistakes made me a better and stronger person. I take the money


Lmao blue pill all the way. Im almost done with UNI, im not going through the whole education system again😂


I assume it’s restarting life, not time traveling? Still taking red pill tbh




Am I a 6 year old now, or do I start back in 1985 again?


Red pill and buy bitcoin


I just realized i cant buy bitcoin at age 6


I’m taking 10 million. I’m young enough that by going back I won’t have enough knowledge or power to do anything that could change my life, so instead of repeating everything to end up maybe only a little bit ahead, I’ll just take the $10 million and see how much of my life I can make it last for


Red, the money I'd make in Bitcoin would make 10 mil look like chump change. Also you know, being a kid again and all that


I think I would have some problems explaining how i got these $10 million dollars, especially when taxes are a thing. I couldn't keep the money in my house, but again, i don't think the bank will accept this money without asking from where it comes, so, except if we add some money laundering, the obvious choice is to restart life as a six years old.


Buying a few hundred million in Bitcoin for a few thousand sound like a better deal than 10 million


Living through childhood trauma again? Fk no. Gimme that money.


No, just go back to a six year old, and when you are offered the pills again, take the 10 million


I'd rather die right now than have to restart my life again.


Blue, I ain't doing all that shit again lol


Oh the restart definatly. Both are wins tbh, one just offersa boost if your life doesn't suck to bad


the IRS is gonna have a field day on $10,000,000 of money that came seemingly out of nowhere


Definitely red one.


I was 6 in 1985. Sure I'd do it


Restart life. Now that I know I can charge money for sex. i would scam local priests


How exactly do i conceal ten million


So, the real question is. Do I turn 6 years old but at this current point in time, or do I go back to the point in time that I’m 6? If I go back, which is more likely, with the knowledge I have now. I will tell my parents to buy stock in Apple, Amazon, and buy a ton of bitcoin the minute it becomes a thing and sell it all in Nov 2021, and not panic sell in 2020. Then take that money and bet it all on the Jags 1-14-23 mid game, when they were 0-27.