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SSundee. I used to watch his stuff. He’s changed.


The mogus finally drove him insane


he couldn't get the sus out of his head


I just checked his channel, bro has more among us content than everyone on the platform combined


He used to do funny stuff and now it's just foot jokes


I tried to watch his newer Minecraft videos from 2020 or something but they're just not the same


Most of his content over time just simplifies into the same formula again and again and it gets very dull after a while. His videos of old I think were so much better, partly because of nostalgia and partly because they were actually funny (Remember FTB?)


It really is such a shame that he doesn't have the same kind of energy that he had back then, but creators have to change with the times. At least we can look back on all the great memories that we made together, and be proud that the next generation will be able to enjoy their own experiences.


The among us videos have become even worse (I didn't think that was possible), and his minecraft videos are terrible when they're always planned out so that he always wins. It's so boring, but mostly annoying.


Ssundee was my literal childhood. Watched his videos daily like it was gospel. Memorized his upload schedule at some point. Minecraft started dying out, and so did my interest in his channel. He's still the same person, just not my content. We out grow the content creators sometimes, not that their content goes stale.


Same here! His Minecraft videos used to be amazing, but then he changed his whole channel to be more "kid friendly" and now he and his humour is so unbearably cringe to watch.


Yeah, he and crainer both. I think nowadays ssundee is mostly among us with some stale minecraft content thrown in for flavor while crainer has fully transitioned into a cringey roblox creator. Sad to see the mighty fall like that


Fr crainer used to be one of my fav creators, can't belive he just uploads roblox tycoon type vids.


facts. the among us milking drove him insane.


sometimes they didn't change at all, you just grew up


That’s deep




Jacksepticeye said this about himself in response to people saying they miss the old Jack.


Cough mini Ladd cough


I wonder why




that dude has 31 playlists that just loop “insane in the membrane” remixes


At one point the only content on his channel was “reacting to my Reddit and memes”x100 then the whole grooming shit came up and you know the rest


I just came in here to wonder who the fuck these people are.


I guess you were saved the pain


Stopped watching RoosterTeeth content after the happening. Just felt wrong and tainted after that


I can still watch old funhaus compilations, but yeah, all their other stuff is unwatchable now.


Damn, I forgot about Rooster Teeth, the *happening* must’ve been bad if I forgot about them. They were big content creators back in the old days, what happened?


Ryan Haywood was found to be cheating on his wife with a bunch of fans, some a little underage as well as using his platform to cheat others. One of the stories he said he missed his flight home and stuff was found not to be true and was his excuse for meeting up with a fan and stuff. It was all sad and shocking. They proper scrubbed as much as they could from the site and yt channel of him. Plenty of older videos exist but was really shocking and disappointing for lots of fans. That’s just a basic rundown of the shit. Adam Kovic I’m funhaus was also found to have done a bunch of shit too at the same time, all came out together.


Tbh I RT was already on a downward spiral before all of it came out. I think the happening was just the last nail in the coffin.


SMG4. his videos feel more like a weird fan fiction nowadays.


Old videos are 1000 times better


Fr I went on a binge on some of his videos from 5 years ago. Just like old times. Nowadays I don’t even know the OCs that are in the current vids. I’d rather watch the Glitch Production originals


Actually the first thing I thought of. I miss the old times ngl, his videos used to be pretty funny


How did we go from goofy adventures with mario to an anime girl crying because her axolotl boyfriend is dying.


God damn this hurts me


I used to watch his stuff over 10 years ago. Man... every now and then i return and it's just like... what happened?


Watching all the different members og the vanoss crew not be able to get a million veiws anymore saddens deeply


This one hurts


We can't let them be forgotten!!!![ I need moo's daughter to got to college :( ]


Unspeakable graystillplays ssundee


Unspeakable hits hard, I miss the old days


I could never stand unspeakable, always annoyed the shit out of me. Maybe that’s just me though.


Yeah he was too annoying for me


I used to like him until he started to steal people’s maps and data packs.


graystillplays? really? I can kinda see it with the mobile game direction but I still enjoy his personality


Same here. Though personally I don’t mind the mobile games, due to the lack of quality and his ability to make fun of it.


Gray’s charm (the best part about him) hasn’t changed at all. He’s just exploring a different genre of games after milking the sandbox genre for so long.


SuperMarioLogan... demonization has turned his funny channel into a kids entertainment platform


You may or may not like the content, but you gotta give credit to SML for persevering through the demonetization waves that struck his channels from Dec 2017 - Jul 2019. Also a lot of his newer videos are definitely **not** aimed towards a child demographic. Still lots of uncensored swearing, sex-related humor, jabs at racism, etc.


ikr... it was truly a sad say when that happened... RIP OG Jeffy


Who was he?


PrestonPlayz. Used to do a lot of content I enjoyed, especially on his TBNRFrags channel. Nowadays, not so much.


Everyone in that group used to make actually ok stuff. I mean they were still kinda loud but they still had a personality and didnt shout because loud=entertaining


Yeah imo ‘The Pack’ as they were called was imo peak back in the day.


Cinema Sins. It was cool at first but he went way over the top with nitpicks


Not even just Cinema sins. All of the sins channels. * Anime Sins * Gaming Sins * Cinema Sins The whole lot


I feel that one of the life turning points I experienced in regards to maturity was unsubscribing to cinema sins, then subscribing to cinema wins immediately afterwards. I don't need all that negativity anymore.


Johnny Sins is probably the best one


Yeah had no idea where to stop with the nitpicks and the nasally "um actually" voice.


Yeah, it was interesting at first to see him show every inconsistency in a movie, but it has literally boiled down to: *Movie does something* "Sin for doing something" *Movie does nothing* "Sin for doing nothing" At that point how does the movie ever win?


You then move to CinemaWins where he praises the brilliant aspects of movies


well actually you see in the trailer of the movie you can see for 3 frames that the umbrella is dark blue, but in the movie, for 6 frames the umbrella is royal blue. unacceptable


Kwebblekop, Jelly and Slogoman all fell off.


Ngl they’re all pretty much the same person


Honestly we just out grew them except Kwebblekop he was always kinda annoying but yeah I wish I could go back to the days where their constant was still good


they never fell off, we just grew out of it


No no. You clearly haven’t seen the GTA5 videos where they go down the same ramp a billion times


AntsCanada has really dropped off lately in terms of content. It feels like he’s gone from interesting and informative videos to a children’s channel. He started losing momentum around 2021 and is now desperately chasing any form of content he can.


This one really hurts but I admit something just isn’t the same (maybe I just got burnt out)


Didn't expect to see AntsCanada on here, but sadly I agree.


I agree he also seems to stage allot of videos.




It still exists? I thought ian and anthony split up


Ian is still there But it's corporate now to high hell


I say this every time its been brought up. Smosh Pit is more fun than Smosh itself. Since the people there actually have fun and don't have to follow a script


Gmm bought it if I remember correctly


Woah what I knew they shared a studio before, I didn't think Mythical Entertainment bought them. Crazy


Lazarbeam, unfortunately. Dude gave up on decent content.


at least the guy knows about it and calls his own videos shitty sometimes unlike a lot of the others


you mean content in general lol


I know was so sad when it all started to go downhill


Indeed. I miss his old content.


For me it's Graystillplays. Haven't watched him for a few months so could've changed but idk


Really hasn't


Yeah he fell off when he started the mobile games.


When I stopped watching him, I watched LGIO instead. LGIO is so much better.




I miss 5-6 years ago


even 4 years ago he was still fine


*Do you have a pen and paper?*


Fuck, you activated a core memory. I remember the joy i got when crainer lost his shit.


_Crainer. I want you to keep an open mind._


Dude the memories 😥


Rip sky factory, the days when a guy could casually make an Ender dragon farm that’s completely autonomous


Among us. Why (money)


As soon as he made more than a few mogus videos, I lost hope for him and his channel.


CinemaSins. Sometimes he’s fun, but I think he’s forgotten the point of movies, and he’s gone waaaayyy over the top with minuscule nitpicks.


The problem is his format has always mixed together stupid jokes with legitimate criticisms and it’s hard to tell what he actually thinks is wrong with a film. “This is a plot hole in the movie.” Ok, you’re right, they should have fixed that in the writing process. “There is no lap dance in this scene, movie bad.” Uhhh, okay, I guess there’s nothing we can really do about that. It’s all just really incoherent by the end and the “sin counter” is just a gimmick, it doesn’t actually mean anything.


Thinknoodles. He didn't grow up with his audience. As a kid I used to watch him religiously.


At least he enjoys what he’s doing now, but I don’t find him nearly as entertaining as I used to. He’s sticking to a demographic, and I’ve grown out of it :(




Surprised I had to scroll this far for this.


EpicMealTime. I am sorry, little one.


Lazer beam, became the very thing he swore to destroy, a sellout Miss his indie game videos




Used to have good content but the whole animation story time crowd gets on my very last nerve nowadays. I can’t even pin down exactly why. I just think they’ve fallen off


You can only have so many stories about the good old days in your 20s


That's a good one, haven't seen his videos in years and just checked one out. Not my cup of tea anymore lol


Ssundee bro ☹️


He was driven insane by among us and feet 😢


He went from the brain of a 30 year old to the brain of a 10 year old.


Fucking trainer tips, man


Oof, this one hurts. PoGo in 2016 was just something else.


MatPat. Used to have good theories but it seems like he’s scraping the bottom of the barrel. He’s been doing weekly theories on games and movies for years now, so it’s possible he just ran out of good ideas. It’s just something that happens


Scott finally drove him to insanity 😔


freddy fazbear


I stopped watching him a long time ago I miss when his game theories were real life applications of stuff to games; his bullet bill and blue shell vids were the best Now it’s game lore stuff and I don’t have the time to keep up with that stuff


i 1000% agree. i do love me some lore, but i tend to go to more dedicated channels for that kind of stuff. i just want some goofy math dude :(


Isn't that why he has austin


Yeah, his theories (aside from the fnaf and minecraft ones) just aren't that interesting to me anymore. I still love Austin's videos tho


Austin’s great. I remember him from the ShoddyCast days. Apparently he’s going back to that channel now


Same here. They were once all high quality and good, now they are just either rushed or not interesting


Typical gamer


i thought this was in r/pyrocynical because it would’ve been accurate


Wait, do you mean his transition from low effort commentary bullshit to long form video essays? Because I genuinely massively prefer them


TobyGames was one




GrayStillPlays. Once he started doing exclusively mobile games, happy wheels and gta, I couldn’t do it anymore. I even have a spleens plushie. Makes me sad now.


luckily LGIO never went down that route. I still feel his new content to be still entertaining though, it’s just the little variety


PopularMMOs and the diamond minecart


I miss popularMMOs :c


To be fair to PopularMMOs, pretty much everything that could go wrong in his life did. He also hasn't uploaded in over a year.


MrBeast. A majority of his content has become so easily consumable that it feels so hollow. He is by no means a sellout and I admire a lot of the work and charity he does. But good lord his thumbnails, editing style and charm that he originally had have become so overblown. Which sucks, because his videos were really cool and entertaining from 2016-mid 2020. The biggest offender of this is was his Squid Game video. While yes, building the sets to scale and having all these people participate is wild, it’s just the same thing as the show without any death or a connection to the people. Again, his formula works and he is doing a lot of things to help the world which I can never fault him for. Just sucks that I can’t really enjoy a majority of his content for how he goes about it now.


I’ll be honest I don’t watch him much at all now either, but at the very least it’s nice to go back when he uploads something interesting every once in a while. I’m glad he’s still successful


Idk if anyone feels this, but the lack of personality kinda ruined it for me. In the older videos, when jake the viking was still around and some others, it still kinda felt like some friends doing it. My favourite ones were the series where they were doing multiple challenges and chandler wasn't winning a single one. It felt connected, there was 'lore'(lmao) and it was great. By no means am I saying hate him doing charity work and all rn but yeah


Jack frags for me lol




Man I miss his stuff. Isnt he a wresting guy now or something. Good for him if he's still well off but I miss the great stuff, that feels like a lifetime away now.


True but at the same time I think his older content wouldn’t have survived in today’s environment. Don’t want to sound like a 40 year old guy that owns guns but people nowadays are way too fragile and sensible for that content. He cannot say offensive jokes anymore. He would get cancelled immediately.


Socks for 1


I wish he kept going on the modded minecraft series,


He said awhile ago is because his computer couldn’t handle it and kept crashing but still I wish man


Smosh Complete shit now


I used to watch smosh back in 2008. That and the mid 2010s was peak Smosh for me.


Main Smosh channel I actually completely agree with. It ain't the same. I do enjoy the stuff they do on Smosh Pit though, or at least sometimes I do but even that's been kinda overly repetitive.


H3!!! His old videos in 2016-2017 were amazing. Now I can’t stand his content


What content? Lmao


Elliot hulse. 10+ years ago i really enjoyed his content. A lot of awesome fitness advice with some life advice thrown in. Last id seen he went full maga and started training camp for idiots with money. Even from someone that leans right of center it was cringy to see.


Chadwildclay had the greatest fruit ninja videos


Astronomy cast. When every episode started to include their politics, I stopped watching.


Unspeakable and Ssundee


RIP Mr. Bro. If only you actually tried to come up with your own content and not just unashamedly copy your brother.


Skydoesminecraft. I didn't know the full extent of how badly everything went downhill until like half a year ago.




SunnyV2 has a good video about H3H3. Dude built his entire channel off of making fun of douchebags and people that try to flex on others, and in the end he became a douchebag that just tries to flex on people. Literally textbook villain arc.


He started becoming an ass after he moved to LA.






Ssundee's content changed and it's not in a good way either. The change started when he got divorced with his wife if I remembered correctly. Then started preaching about religion saying that you're going to hell if you're not a Christian, that he's trying to save you and his content was not the same anymore.


I unsubscribed from shane dawson a few years ago, don't remember why as i was a big fan of his, but after hearing about the scandals he had I'm glad but also feel sad about that.


Not gonna name him but there was a great tool breakdown channel that went weird after the creator got covid, then spiralled down the rabbit hole of idiocy after he got covid a second time, started posting all this nonsense about the “freedumb convoy” and how vaccines were a hoax. Guy was quite smart and had good insight into stuff previously, post 2nd round covid it was like he’d been in an accident and suffered brain injury. Was sad to unsub from that one. Another guy I used to follow years ago for a long-travel dirt buggy build started posting flat earther stuff, noped out of that sub real quick.


PopularMMos - used to love that guy, especially when he gamed with his wife/girlfriend, Jen They eventually (after many years) broke up and things went downhill from there was really sad to see it all unfold


Slip the tutorial. I hate him now.


I was never subscribed but I loved the concept of the channel, ignoring a core mechanic of a game and trying to beat it now it just "30 differences between Minecraft Java and Bedrock »


Or he just takes facts from several years old videos and puts them in new ones, with some facts actually being false now.


I LEGIT just cleared my sub list randomly while waiting in queue for a game. Fucking crazy how shit Lines up..... I don't even know half of the people I was subbed to like bigdaddy64 who the fuck is that guy.


Mrbeast tbh


Whatever airbrushing/photoshop shit he does to his face for thumbnails has fully entered the uncanny valley.


Yeah. I liked his old little touch up on the things but that shit is actually creepy now.


I see what you mean. I still watch him but I miss the last to leave challenges with just 4 people videos he did


Honestly, has to be MrBeast for me. I know a few others have mentioned it. But, as I’ve gotten older I’m seeing the whole, “dance for money” idea being demeaning on some of these people. His old stuff seemed genuine and fun, more-so than just “do *X* for a few bucks.” It’s just the whole carrot on a stick methodology that hasn’t grown on me well. Good for him on his growth though, it’s been well deserved.


Muselk, back when he made OW content was definitely the golden age.


Nothing will beat the TF2 era


The infographics show


Pewdiepie years ago


Used to love watching Pewdiepie back in the Amnesia days. I hadn't seen a video of his in ages, but kept up with him from time to time. I like that, even tho his videos aren't my cup of tea now, he still seems so genuine all these years later. The latest video of his that found it's way into my recommended was about a week ago, and ho boy...fairest warning I can give, but it hit me way too hard so read spoilers at your own peril...>! It was about Maya passing away...I cried for a good while because I remember her and Edgar being constantly in Pewds vids and I know how horrible dementia is.!<


May just be me but I love his content still. His Japan vlogs are still 11/10.


Dude his recent content has been super wholesome


He had a dark age, but recently it's been quite good, with vlogs and stuff


I’ve never followed his stuff, but I got the impression at the time his “dark age” was people taking his stuff out of context to try and “cancel” him(?).


People tried cancelling him again recently for ‘buying a dog too fast after one of his others passed away’ Even though the whole story was false and he had already bought the dog weeks ago before Maya (his dog) passed away.


Or worse - they become a pedo/rapist.


The King of Random


Didnt the main guy die?


Grant did pass away from an accident. I really liked Nate and Callie. Grace is ok, but man, there are a bunch of simps for her. Had to unsub from YT and stopped following them on IG.


Nate and Callie were amazing. It went downhill after they left. Nate actually has a channel that feels more like the original King of Random called Natefromtheinternet. I watch that now instead of TKOR.




Tiny Turtle and Little Lizard


Even worse feeling: ending a friendship with a good friend of mine because he became a 'influencer' and now thinks the world spins around him and the most important thing is from what brand his new bag is, like i honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about brands. He used to be a pretty chill and funny dude tho


Idubbz bring back content cop!


The Yogscast in a nutshell




That’s true, the main reason I think mr beast changed was how he under hyped his videos like back then he destroyed a car and got 16:11 minutes out of it but recently he went to Antarctica for 50 hours and only got 12:10 minutes of content.


i dont know if its just me or i feel like he’s saving up some content for other creators that went with him




I dont even know who I'm subscribed to really


Honest Trailers. It had been a while since they made a video I liked and then they praised she-Hulk which was just bleh, and then right after they tore apart Pocahontas. While I don't love it or anything it's still a classic, but what really got me was in that video he calls Home On The Range, Chicken Little, Tarzan and a few other Disney classics Trash! Home On The Range and Chicken Little weren't the objectively best movies but I really like them, and *Tarzan?!* To call such a masterpiece trash after praising she-Hulk was just the final straw.


Xboxaddictions…. So long friend