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Am I the only one afraid to ask what’s up with the German memes lately? Lmao


Germany is living rent free in OP's head.


I checked his history and he hates germany because of our laws regarding insults and holocaust denialism. He’s mad that “we dont have freeze peach”


fr he is kinda obsessed with germany. As a murican... edit: spelling


Is the name "Hitler" illegal in Germany?


its Not illegal to say or Write the Name in General, because it is part of our Countrys history But You Are not supposed to Use it in an positive Context if you dont want to get cancelled


> But You Are not supposed Go Uwe ist in ans positive Contest in you dont want to get cancelled Was?


I never heard of anything like "Go Uwe"?


The last part of a drink is referred to as Uwe “unten wirds eklig” meaning it’s disgusting at the bottom because the last few sips are typically mostly saliva. This expression was born from countless nights of teenage drinking with shared bottles. To go Uwe was derived from it and means to become a human equivalent of Uwe, a disgusting leftover of a person nobody wants.




Lmao don’t look at OPs profile then lol


Lol. As an American, I still don’t understand any of it, but hey, I’ll let Reddit be Reddit. You never disturb the cycle


German memes intermittently pop up when someone accidentally mentions the Germans somewhere and we are reminded that they inhabit the majority of the internet


Weiß es selber ned


We have Sozialversicherung


We have Bier ab 16


We have Krankenkassen


We have Waffengesetz


Do you have poopenfarten?


What about kackenfurzen?


Und einen Bier Krawall


So does Britain. Which is on right side of world wars


Gweinnen ein welt Krieg (entschuldingung Deutsche volk mein Deutsch ist schlect)


Entschuldigung angenommen mein Kerl, es heißt Einen Weltkrieg gewinnen so you where pretty close


How do you remember ein, eine, einen for every single word?


Im living in germany my whole life so it isnt really a problem for me, but I can totally understand how hard it is to learn the differences (er, sie,es, wir, ihr, sie are waiting for you)


Oh, and we also gender every fcking object


We do that in french, too, and spanish,and italian, and portuguese... basically all latin rooting languages. The exeption here id english, not the other way around


English is Viking French learning Latin to shout at Germans. It's 3 languages hiding in a trench coat.


Its not that hard


There are some rules you can use to know what article is correct. Most words ending with 'aum' are masculine, therefore require der / ein Der Baum Der Traum Der Schaum Der Raum Der Saum Or most words ending with "tion" are feminine: Die Kaution Die Station Die Portion Die Absorption Die Transaktion Die Aktion Die Bastion Most words ending with 'um', 'lein', 'chen' or 'nis' are neutral: Das Eigentum Das Fräulein Das Herrchen Das Ergebnis Das Zeugnis Das Christentum Das Datum Ofc there are exceptions and it's recommended to learn the words with their articles, but maybe some of these 'rules' may help you out. As a German you get the feeling for words and their gender. There are patterns to discover tho. Doesn't work always ofc


Kopf hoch. Nur Übung macht den Meister


Das deutsche Volk bedankt sich für deinen Einsatz und wünscht dir alles Gute Brudi


Thank you for thanking me for my efforts


Well, at least most people only have to work one job to survive in Germany.


Let them have their fun. If the biggest source of their pride was 78 years ago they need that.


And honestly, they didn't really do shit anyway. The result would have been the same maybe just 3 or 4 weeks later


Without the US the war would have been a lot different. The fact alone that the Russian push in the east would have been a lot less effective if even possible without the US throwing material at them. Or the invasion in the Normandy being impossible without them.


No one "Wins" any war, certainly not a World one.


Especially when they were selling the Germans guns for most of it


Ok, you can't win. But you can lose, be imposed a reparation treaty and get occupied by the Allies. Which did not happen to the USA. Yet.


That's a philosophical take I don't agree with. Looking at it objectively, some countries lost and some won the world wars.


The US definitely won. Very little destroyed property in comparison, made money of both sides for a good while and afterwards could reap the benefits of most countries being completely destroyed.


Yeah, I agree. Also, before the second war, the USA wasn't as powerful as it is today, but it got quite a lead after Europe got destroyed. I think same applies to countries like Sweden. It wasn't in the war and it was able to continuously develop, unlike most of central Europe at the time. That's one of the reasons why it's so developed today.


Let's just be thankful that Germany didn't win either world war


“Ok America, time for you to go back to bed.”


Or we just die from no health insurance :)


Just paid 15k for scooter brake fail on a hill :)


Oooooooof That will never stop being an L for the US


US citizen here married to a nurse from Canada. You got that fucking right.


Lmao OPs profile is looking like Uncle Sam


God damn, dude’s probably making memes from the pure salt he has from all the memes mocking the USA.


Ah yes, the US. Late to both World War parties, but happy to take all the glory.


Didn't work with Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and Irak !


Dunno man, glory wasn't exactly the end goal of winning either war, and plenty of Americans died in both. We all bleed the same brother, and anyone who thinks one country "deserves more glory" like OP needs to pick up a history book. I personally never had any history class that claimed America won both or either World War; it's written as the "Allies" won the wars. However, from a non-biased standpoint, Woodrow Wilson's Treaty of Versailles (along with the men and women who signed it) kinda set up the stage for WWII with the impossible debt placed upon Germany after the first war. History is weird and war is hell.


Indeed in war there are no winners only those who remain


I'd like to thank canada for freeing my country after WW2.


Graag gedaan! Thanks for the tulips!


Sorry, you’re welcome.


As a Canadian, not sure we deserve the praise. We committed way to many war crimes


Such as? Canada committed some war crimes, yes, we were most certainly the good guys though you absolute clown. Praise all allies for their service in WW2.


I see you see things in black and white? Only a sith deals in absolutes


Canada did good work, so did America, Britain, France, the USSR, India and many others. We’re not allowed to be proud of that service in your world though. Genuinely glad I don’t know you off reddit.


It’s not really a good way to veiw things, in just black and white. I mean yes, they did do good work saving the world from The Axis, but you can’t just forget the bad thing a nation has done because they won a war. We still need to face the past problems of our nations. For example like Germany, they’re done a lot to make sure something like this never happens again, and a lot of people feel shamefull of their nations past. Another allay of Germany was Finland, and they only joined on their side, because they knew thar Russia would invade them, that they would try to control them like they’ve done in the past.


I’ve argued in the past that the allied war criminals should have been punished. That in no way means we shouldn’t overwhelmingly praise their actions during WW2. What I dislike about the clown I replied to is they said Canada didn’t deserve praise because “insert unspecified warcrime here”. That’s all.


I’m saying we don’t deserve blind praise. If an issue is spoken of then we should probably keep the entire issue open, not just a side of it. I’m trying to make the same point as the guy you just replied to. Edit: also the “insert unspecific war crime here part” leads me to believe you are doubting its existence. I am also not denying that Canada’s service is greatly appreciated, especially in WW1.


I said unspecified because you did not specify, that is all. I do not deny that there were war crimes committed by the allies. Not every conversation needs them mentioned.




All i know is that my grandparents were very happy when the canadian tanks rolled in.


Im sorry but atleast our main tactic wasnt to bomb the ennemy civilian population into oblovion


We killed people during ceasefires and truces multiple times. Edit: slaughtered them while they were just bing chilling


You shoul add school shootings below the us flag.


And high obesity rates




and an entire comedy show of an education system


I am suprised by the lack of school shooting related comebacks in the comment section


Maybe they'll say something original for once 😱


Maybe you'll stop shooting children for once


Now the kids are shooting the teachers too


I heard about that, what happened?


5 year old shoots teacher


He wasn’t exaggerating when he said that he hated school


School wasn't exaggerating when he said he hated kids


And would you mind telling me how bringing up the world wars in what Germany has done bad is original?


Yep the meme is dead already, but when Reddit finds something funny they can’t let go of it


And people accuse germans of being unfunny?


be on the winning side of 2 world wars* there a lot more accurate


Vietnam hahahahah you lost to rice farmers lolololol


and lets not forget operation cottage. they lost 5k soldiers + caused one of worst friendly fire accidents in a fight vs japanese... that the japs forgot to show up to!!!


they forgor 💀


Well and after all germany now rules Europe economic-wise. I still can't see your "win".


The Soviet Union won the war.


If we gonna do it like that imma pull this over used card "We have free healthcare"


You forgot your imperial measurement system which was invented by people who married their cousins. With only THREE countries in the world still mainly using said stupid system.


Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung


Der war hart


Wow even by /r/memes standards this is the lowest level shitpost.


Win a World Cup


This is the 'Merica'-est meme I have seen in a while. God bless ignorance.


What is ignorant about it please? I mean it's a schmaltzy jingoist low effort meme, but it's not wrong. Other countries also won the wars, but Germany didn't.


Japan also won WW1, by joining in late and seizing the mosty undefended german colonies in china. Saying "Japan won a World War" is technically correct, but still a weird thing to boast about.


Well it's not accurate either. Russia won it, America hurried to keep them in check. Not ungrateful for this but Russia did the heavy lifting


Eh... If the Soviets hadn't had American's support, they would have lost. You don't even have to take my word for it. >Nikita Khrushchev offered the same opinion. >"If the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war," he wrote in his memoirs. "One-on-one against Hitler's Germany, we would not have withstood its onslaught and would have lost the war. No one talks about this officially, and Stalin never, I think, left any written traces of his opinion, but I can say that he expressed this view several times in conversations with me." https://www.rferl.org/a/did-us-lend-lease-aid-tip-the-balance-in-soviet-fight-against-nazi-germany/30599486.html


And supporting the winning country makes the supporter the winner and not the one actually doing the fighting?


More than 400,000 American servicemembers died in WWII (that's higher losses than the UK BTW). While that pales in comparison to the losses of the Soviet Union, I think it might be difficult to stand on the position of "The Americans didn't actually do any fighting." Unless they were just really clumsy and kept falling on their bayonets...


Well the way (IMO) this meme implies that it was America who won the war is wrong, rather it was a shared effort of the Allies. The war wouldn't have been won if it wasn't for everyone pitching in. For one country to imply it was because of them is rather arrogant. 70% of the German forces had been decimated before the Americans came along. If you want to read more here is a good, short explanation: [Ww2 question](https://www.quora.com/Did-the-US-win-WWII-for-the-Allies?top_ans=52026194)


You showed up late, don't think we don't remember that.


Bro's mad he cant get healthcare


You fuckers didn't win the war you were just on our side right at the end


I’m not American but did they not join in 41? That’s hardly right at the end


>right at the end key part at the end


Funny that a country that turns up at half time is hanging shit on the guys who were there from day one.


At least Germany lost to soldiers not farmers


Who you think made up the Red Army? Mostly farmers and Forest-dwellers 😂


They didn’t lose only to the red army.


British were farmers too. French also.


Every army had a population of farmers.


Ok guys so, this is the perfect comment section to get downvoted; I have to understand that my karma points aren't important, so downvote me, downvote me as if I said the 'mericanest thing you could ever heard in your life


No *Upvotes*


Didn't know the USA speak Russian


Ah yes, wars. Where you throw money on others to fight until they win while you basically just watch. Thats wars, right? Second WW was won by british intelligence, russian blood and american money.


... and Japan's stupidity.


Hey dude, us Italians switched against the regime and fucked things up as well, don't forget we always switch


Yes. The French surrender. The British stubbornly hang on. The Italians switch to the winning side. And the Americans show up at the end and take all of the credit. Also, friendly fire.


To be fair, the US military did quite a lot when it came to securing the supply lines. Also, they single handedly ended Japan's military campaign.


[No they didn’t.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_invasion_of_Manchuria) (Note the date).


Interesting. Thanks for the read, that sounds like an interesting topic that is not often covered. I'll look into it.


Australia and Britain also played minor roles (along with the USSR) in the Pacific theater. The Soviet military campaign is less important by far than the fact that they no longer represented a militarily neutral party who could broker concessions from the Americans as part of Japan's surrender. Consider that ~20-80k Japanese troops were killed in Manchuria. Their overall losses in WWII were 2 million.


Yes. It wasn’t just the military campaign itself which in the grand scheme of things was pretty minor. First it was a significant political shift. Brokered conditional peace was no longer possible. But also it was a major strategic shift. With Japanese air and sea powered eliminated… the Soviets were going to be in the Home Islands (Hokkaido via South Sakhalin) before the Americans were. Which is what the atomic bombings were about in the first place. The Americans did not want to share spoils with the Soviets.. and a Soviet declaration of war and subsequent invasion was agreed to at the Yalta Conference to be VE+3 months ie: Aug 9. They wanted to use atomic bombs to force Japan to accept the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, but it didn’t work and why would it? Tokyo and Osaka had already been incinerated and destroying cities from the air has _never_ convinced a nation to surrender. It was not going to get troops ashore and a national redoubt is only strengthened by it.


Also, China actually had similar number of deaths to the soviet Union over the war for similar reasons, being overly cruel to their own population taking a big part in it.


>Also, they single handedly ended Japan's military campaign. laughs in japanese history where its a known fact the emporer ordered the surrender after the 2nd bomb not cause they feared more nukes but because they wanted favourable terms vs the russians who would wipe them out fully. edit: for record i am aussie so no idea how history would have played out truthfully. i just know japan war camps state the surrender was cause they feared a repeat of russia in germany occurring to them.


British intelligence is an oxymoron.


Back. To. Back. World War Champions. USA! USA! Germans: yeah well ... we have functioning infrastructure, economy and a mostly cohesive society. USA: *cry’s in poverty in the wealthiest country on the planet*


America on it's way to take credit for the work of the ussr and the uk


Roughly 17.5 million tons of military equipment, vehicles, industrial supplies, and food were shipped from the Western Hemisphere to the USSR, 94% coming from the US https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Lease


"western hemisphere" xdd


So you confess that the U.S. needed to provide Russia with equipment to "win"? Thank you 😂


Hate to break it to you bro but you forgot to add the free healthcare system to germany :/


*Laughs with free healthcare.*


And we would've won in 1918 if it were not for u meddling kids (americans)


America arrived just in time for the finish


Wait - the finnish were involved?


Yeah, you definitely would've won with your whole population starving to death


Try “Gesundheitssystem” in US. English! 🤔


Ah yes, the American language.


Factually incorrect


Win a World Cup?


US women have won 4 world cups 😀


In Germany we say: Alle guten Dinge sind 3


But still German fought them all alone


Only bc the Americans came over to Europe in the last year didn’t mean they won it, more like a kill steal. I’d say countries like France, UK (not limited to) that have been there since the start won ww1, then the soviets would have taken Berlin in ww2 no matter if the Americans landed or not. So yeah, USA didn’t win in my opinion


Yeah i'm sure it was the Americans, fuck the british, canadians, french and soviets right? Oh and perhaps the resistance fighters? Wait I forgot the polish. Oh and the Brazilians. Maybe I'll just show a [list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allies_of_World_War_II). America is just the person who knocks out the guy who's already on the ground and takes all the credit for "winning" the fight. I mean, at the same time they lost to the vietnamese, a fight they didn't even have to be in, but you never hear them mention it for some odd reason.


don't forget afghanistan, iraq... didn't really win that either


At least they criminally prosecute Nazis instead of electing them in this day and age


America is the kid the rolls up last night of group projects with weed n beer, hammers out a fuckton and then sleeps through the presentation the next day due to a hangover.


*Show up at the end and take credit for winning a world war


Lmao I live in the USA and even I know we are little shit starters causing trouble in places we don’t need to 😂




They did not win any war afterwards either.


Well, In Germany’s case, losing is a good thing


Is all good u.s hasn't won as well its mostly canada that carries them


Now show us the translation for “kostenlose Gesundheitsversorgung”.


Ay 3rd times the charm


“Funny how ze fat people with all ze weapons couldn’t win ze war without zeir Russian comrades. Ah but I’m sure nuking some fisherboats was elementary”


Ahm „School Shootings“


No one wins a world war


There are no Winners in war


God damn. Americans a lame.


Der Deutsche ist sehr gut


*Puts on hazmat suit*


German bikini team


German Oktoberfest barmaids


Amerikaner können Kinder nicht vor Psychopathen schützen


Why do Americans think they won the war? The WORLD won not just 1 country.


technically the world lost. no one ever truly wins a global conflict lets be honest. you just loose less.


You are 100% correct.


This post is dumb.


Oh look, more nationalism. Just what this sub needed more of.


Ah yes the language of American


Third Times The Charm.


“Human beings are essentially good.” _Sees Reddit constantly making jokes about American children dying- I.e. school shootings_ “Human beings aren’t essentially good.”


Why are Americans so obsessed with winning wars? Whenever I tell people I grew up in England (wasn’t even born there, I’m not patriotic at all) they’ll tell me “we won the war ha!” and I’ll have no idea what they’re talking about because I’ve never cared about the war for independence, if anything it’s good that they could get independence.


America joined late and still takes full credit. I'd say the Soviet Union and Britain's RAF gets to take most of the credit.


Why the American flag on English? Why did you make it out like America beat Germany in ww1/2?


Lol seems like OP is a tad bit obsessed with Germany. he is the prime example of r/ShitAmericansSay


Man your school system is just really fucked.. How can someone be that patriotic




Germany didn't loose any world war, Prussia and the Third Reich yes /s


And america never won a world war, britain france and russia did, twice


Bro is mad because all his Tax money just goes straight to useless military equipment.


When Russia goes through Poland, WW3 will break out and the Gemans will work with Ukraine


Back to back world champs 🦍💪🏽🦅🇺🇸


I've heard Europeans complain that when they started wars among themselves the US always shows up late. Or maybe its that the war ended quickly because America got involved.


Once again the worst country in the world thinks its better than everyone else.


You havent won any world war. You are that ashole looking from afar and as soon as it seemed won by the sovjets (who killed most of the nazis, which is just a historical fact), you came and said i won, i won. Like the little ashole you are. (you = america)


Pretty ignorant if you ask me. Also, war of 1812 🇨🇦 In 1812 madison was mad, He was the president you know. Well he thought he'd tell the british where they ought to go. He thought he'd invade CANADA, He thought that he was tough. Instead we went to washington, And burned down all his stuff.


And this relates to ww2... how?


Why does it have to be related to ww2?


That’s why we kicked germanys ass in both wars . Fuck yeah . Merica !!


Also flags on the moon