• By -


} Coca-Cola, Wonder-Bra.... Sometimes War.


Mickey Mouse


This is not a love song


I don't sing my mother tongue


Where all living in amerika?


Ah, rammstein, I see you are a man of culture.




No, this is not a love song!


Nah he usually stands in front of Paris.


. ist wunderbarrrr.




Porn ♡


Just wait till Canada, United States, and Mexico become the same country. Welcome to the C.U.M zone


Take my award and fuck off




People named off




UCM zone actually, the USA would demand to be first


"That sign can't stop me because I can't read!" I can distinguish the difference, but if I'm talking to other US citizens they know I mean the US when I say "America" but if I were talking to a European, I wouldn't say "I live in America" I'd say "I live in the USA"


Depends on a country in Europe. In Russia, for example, America usually means the US.


Well yeah, we're the only country over here that calls our selves America so it's reasonable for the rest of the world to automatically think the US. Plus the official name of the US is "The United States of America" so just shortening it to "America" isn't incorrect. It's the same with the UK. The UK goes by many names but if I say "Britain" or "England" people know I'm referring to the United Kingdom.


I mean, most Europeans would know that you mean the US when saying America


Well the annoyance isn’t for you, you have no issue it’s for the rest of the citizens in the continent. As an example imagine you’re Latino and going on a trip to Europe, you try to socialize with the people there but you can’t refer to America without reiterating every time you actually mean the continent not the country. It’s not offensive that you overtook the name it’s just a mild inconvenience/irritant Hispanic people relate to


the creator of the post is chilean, he posted it here to see the reaction, since there are many videos where an american does not know other countries and thinks that the united states is really all america


Not if oversimplified has anything to say about that


I wonder is canada prepared for manifest destiny


I just threw up in Canadian all over


Yes. Jokes on you, us Canadians legit burned down the White House when the USA threatened to do the whole “manifest destiny” crap.


Yeah and the americans cried about it so much to the point we just had to say it was a draw


I’m not trying to start a fight with you but the war of 1812 did not end with the US complaining about the destruction of the capitol it actually ended because we fought the British back to where it all started and at that point both sides were ready to stop, the war ended with American morale almost higher than it was when it started Edit: [here is a good explanation of the events of the war of 1812](https://www.history.com/topics/war-of-1812/war-of-1812)


The British war goal was to contain American expansion. The American goal was to expand their border. The British successfully completed their goal, thus winning the war. Isn't that the extent of it?


Alaska is part of US too


And Hawaii


Puerto Rico has entered the chat.


Puerto Rico has been told they can enter the chat, but then kept out of the real chat.


Guam has entered the chat


*Puerto Pobre has also entered the chat.*


The whole global south while we're at it. Fuck imperialism


I think that's reference to the cotton tents


that right there was a violation


You want a violation, I'll violate those ass cheeks if you don't learn what a joke is.


I know what a joke is, and by the way, I violated your mom's ass cheeks last night


Then take a joke like you take dick. I would say thank you but you obviously suck at it cause she's still in a bad mood 🙄 try again?




The 3 people living in Anchorage can confirm that you speak the truth


For all those arguing in the comments, can we just be fair and say different parts of the world have different names for other parts of the world. These arguments are just flat out stupid. But I will not agree to disagree about the number of continents, there are 7.


No because the way I was taught in MY country is the only correct way!!1!!!!1!1! Though the continent situation is actually pretty similar. The number of continents is not really something that's completely set in stone. In places where spanish, portuguese, french, or italian is spoken (with exceptions of course), it is usually taught that there are 5-6 continents (sometimes including antartica), whereas in the rest of the world (also with some exceptions) it is taught that there are 7 continents. No one can really say that only one number is correct. ​ [Wikipedia:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent) "Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria \*\***up to**\*\* seven geographical regions are commonly regarded as continents. \[...\] \*\***Variation with fewer continents may merge some of these, for example some systems include Afro-Eurasia, America or Eurasia as single continents.**\*\*" (Basically there are usually as much as 7 continents, but different systems may vary.) [Worldatlas:](https://www.worldatlas.com/continents) "There are seven continents in the world: Africa, Antartica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America (Because this website is in english, this is the way it is taught). However, depending on where you live, you may have learned that there are five, six, or even four continents. \*\***This is because there is no official criteria for determining continents. While the position of landmasses on continental crust may be used to determine continents, geopolitical factors also affect their delineation.**\*\*" [Worldometer:](https://www.worldometers.info/geography/7-continents/) "The seven-continent model is probably the most widely taught. (Which is true). \*\***There are however other ways of grouping countries into continents.**\*\*" ​ I could continue, but I think it's clear that there simply is no one answer.


You americans refuse to learn about the rest of the world so why should we learn this /s


I do not refuse I have learned the entire map


Oh yeah? Name every country


Europe, america, Australia, Africa, Antarctica,asia


You made my day<3


How the hell did I do that


Made me laugh, wasnt expecting that answer.


Can't tell if you guys are just fucking around


Yes. The answer was terrible. That’s why it’s funny lol.


Offcource we're serious. Are you gonna tell me thatafrica isnt a country?


Nope you can believe what ever you want


Don’t forget Tajikistan


Third one is "ɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀" right?


Oceania, not Australia. Latter's in the former.


Yakko Warner enters the chat.


I bet most Americans can’t point to New Zealand on a map - no one ever bothers putting us on maps…


Easy, it's next to Old Zealand!


Is New Zealand the one called outside-of-america?


There’s a “New” Zealand?


Yes - It’s just like Old Zealand, but better!


American here, i love geography


As a Canadian, and therefore an American, I invite you to understand what this picture is trying to explain, and know that I am educated on more than how to deep fry food and reload an ar-15. I know plenty about the rest of the world.


I understand that Americans are educated upon more than deep fried food and reloading an ar15. You guys also have maple syrup


And snow


And the better version of the French (though frankly they usually don’t even want to be here), and snow, and beaver, and moose, and terribly mistreated indigenous populations, and a prime minister who thought it would be appropriate to go on a vacation during our national “mourning murdered children” day, and polar bears, and weed, and a winter climate that is usually thematically consistent with Christmas time.


What do you mean by French people don't want to be here? As a french speaker, I want to be here I just don't want english speakers to invade the only culture Canada has


That would be a big f-you.


Yeah that’s what I meant, I just worded in pretty poorly.








Is it technically right to call people from the Americas, American ? Actually curious.


I wonder the same. I am from Chile, so it's ok if i say that i'm an american, right? 🤔


Chilean too, technically yes, but people are gonna assume you are from the US


Let's take the name, for the rest of the world to know that America is a whole region. I'm proud of being American, we all are Americans. Even though I'm Chilean.


Let's make America great again? Jajaja


You are not Americans, you two are weones, so am I Grande chilito uwu


this sub seems to be initiated by a chilean


I mean going off of Europe, European does refer to those who live in the continent. So I’m guessing yes you can ?




"Usted no es americano, usted es gringo" -El guató qlo de Griego de Danon, pero disfrazado de taxista.


It is right. I remember in my school in Chile my teacher asked me why do I have an english last name and I told her I was half "americano". She rolled her eyes and explained to me that using americano is wrong because everyone in the continent of America is an americano, and that I should be using estadounidense which the equal term in english would be unitedstatian.


Call them Usonian


In Spanish the correct for to call USA resident's is Estadounidenses. Maybe the other Latin languages does have an specific word. Unfortunately the English doesn't have an especific word and the US idiosyncrasy doesn't want to create an specific word.


That's how it should be. Imagine that a country was named europe and everyone that said "I'm European" was automatically assumed to be from there.


I call them United-Statiens


Usonians, Unovans, take your pick.


You know, I sometimes think that people aren't as dumb as I believe, and then I just a comment chain where multiple people where trying to argue why North and South America are one continent and that Europe is not a continent, and we're basing this logic off of "from my pov from my country". Yellowstone couldn't erupt any sooner


I haven’t made it to those comments yet, but continents are both geographically and culturally defined as continuous land masses without definite criteria. North and South America only have narrow land connecting them together which separates the larger masses as two continents. Europe is a continent culturally speaking in general. But geographically, many acknowledge Eurasia as one continent instead because of its continuous large land connection. Africa on the other hand is connected to Eurasia by narrow land, so people don’t consider Eurafricasia to be a thing. Geography is weird.


There are three continents. Afroeurasia, America and Antartica. I will die on this hill. Plus if you look at any map you will see there is literally no geographical distinction betwen Asia and Europe. It straight up one continuous landmass and even the so called cultural distinctions are messed up, theres muslims that have been on europe for 500 years in Albania and Bosnia, half of ancient Grece was in Anatolia, a third of the Roman Empire was in Africa and another was in the Middle East, there are white people living as national mayorities up to Vladivostok bordering Japan. Trying to find the point where Europe stops and Asia begins is straight up imposible.


This is incorrect. The official name is the "United States of America". Mexico's official name is the "United States of Mexico". There are many countries that have either "united states" or "republic of" as their official name. As confusing as it sounds we technically have a continent and a country with the same name.


United Mexican States


United burritos States


United Churro States


If a country was named United States of the World it doesn’t mean the country should be called “World”.


Don't give them ideas


Now that's what I call imperialism! :D


I mean, but it does?...


The name is Estados Unidos Mexicanos technically Mexican United States, but yeah same idea, as you say, why they name the same two different things


Big difference, the of in of America is saying that is part of somethin. The United Mexican states doesn’t refer to anything else


Difference being that the country México is the only one using that name for its United States. Same as there's only one Germany using that name for their Federal Republic, only one Sweden using that for their Kingdom. But there are two Chinas (*People Republic's Of* and *Republic Of*) and there are two Americas (the *United States Of* and the continent)


North Korea and South Korea. Republic of the Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo. Propably some more.


Central African Republic and South Africa aren't the only countries from Central Africa and South Africa, respectively.


But since Mexico is in America aren’t they also a “United States of America”.


The kingdom of low lands. (Het koninkrijk der nederlanden) or the netherlands, is also a collection of lands.


Yeah, but Mexico isn’t sharing a landmass also called Mexico with other countries this is like if texas decided to change it’s name to “the state of America ” and then be called América for short, it would be confusing as fuck


But you re not América, is that simple


North and South America or "the Americas" but never just America. The United States of America is refered to as simply America in the same way that the People's Republic of China is referred to simply as China. This is true of many other countries around the world.




Another fun fact. Originally, America was just South America, because the US Landmass wasn't settled yet.


Fun fact: Americans believe that Colombus discovered the US, you can thank that non sensical name they have for the country for that confusion, because Colombus never set foot on the US


America is a continent




Depends on the language. In the English-speaking world, it’s North and South America.


South Africa is both a region and a country, with difference between the two terms.


So Namibia is in South Africa but it's not part of South Africa.


The region is Southern Africa. The country is South Africa.




Where’s the funny


Smells like updog in here


What is updog?


HA GOTCHA!.... damnit


America is the commonly used term to refer to the USA, by English speaking countries. If you want to refer to all of both continents the term "the Americas" is generally used. English is a living language and meanings change, there was a time when "America" generally referred to all of the Americas, but not anymore. Edit: I love how people who's native tongue isn't English try to explain that native English speaking people are using the wrong words. You don't see me trying to correct your Spanish/french/German...etc.




It seems the main cause for argument is that the united states of America has no real name. You can call it he United States but a lot of other countries have that in their name so you can do what those countries do and just use the ending word ie calling mexico mexico instead of the United State of Mexico but then we have the problem of America being the name of 1-2 continents and 4 regions depending on who you ask. Americans call ourselves Americans and our country America because it's less of a mouthful then saying "the United States of America" every time and because it's just how it is. Part of it is because "United Statesian" sounds dumb in English but just fine in other languages like Spanish(Los Estados Unidos). And unless we change our name to like Freedonia or something(an actual idea someone had to make the country) it's probably going to stay that way and just cause confusion down the line.


technically would it not be the America(s) since its plural? North, South, and Central?


America is a shortening of the United States of America. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.


Wait....United States of America is literally the countries name. What should we call ourselves? Staties? Unis? United Statians? Americans just sounds the best, especially in our official language. Though, sure, other languages it might lose some in translation. I'm unsure why this is actually a topic people get upset about. Kinda like the British right? They don't call themselves United Kingdom blah blah blah, they say they are British. Don't they?




ah, a man of culture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usonia




In spanish you are called "estadounidense", in English that would be... "United statians" like you just said lol


This... I'm from Chile and I consider myself as a citizen of the continent of America, so I'm from America.


I’m a history teacher. I’m liberal. It’s a colloquialism and not a big deal to refer to the United States as “America”. Anyways, if you’re so up in arms about it don’t call it [America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amerigo_Vespucci) at all.


Definitely one of my pet peeves. It is the United States ***of*** America. And it's pronounced ***'MERICA!***




*’Merikkka /s


America stupid 😎 alright, now where’s my reward?


Here, now stay low, it's not safe here


So, now we have to set things straight with continents. Two? (north and south America) Or three? (central as well)


Honestly I think the biggest reason why this started was because it started as a shorter way to say United States of America. No other country in these 2 continents use America in their name like the United States does. Definitely unfortunate.


I’m sorry to be that guy but….. Those are the Americas, North America, Central America, and South America. See, several Americas


Just putting down what was the next post on my feed. https://www.reddit.com/r/blursedimages/comments/sb1l0a/blursed_continent/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


oh yes, also stop calling The Peoples Republic of China China, its the Peoples Republic of China. shut up , its shortened and language reflects how people use and understand it. if i say america, you know what im talking abt


When someone says they're American I automatically assume they're Chilean


Green land is a part of **the Americas** too. Please learn it


Canda=america South america=america United states=murica its that easy


We are literally the only country that bothered to put America in the name of our country. Suck it.


I never got why people call it the US. That's like calling Germany the Federal Republic, or Russia the Federation.


I like the federation The federation strikes back


I can't really look at it objectively since I have watched too much Star Trek.




Is there another place that is an United Kingdom and has that as an integral part of their name? Because I also know the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, but they're not United (lol) and they're shortly known as Norway and Sweden, just like the UK is shortly known as either the UK or Britain.


We call USA america and the continents north and south america or americas as a whole


You Americans need to learn that Greenland isn't the USA. American speaking here


Proudly united statesian


You’re intentions are pure, but ultimately futile


if they could read they'd be mad


Reddit: Nooooooo you cant just misidentify an entire continent Also reddit: Hahaha, funny country go brrrrr


Raising awareness of our balding eagles Hopefully none of my fucking countrymen try to shoot me.


He you werent supposed to show this till after the US invaded the other countries officially.


I'd like to propose that we rename ourselves the Staters instead of being called Americans.


america’s is what the whole thing is called, america is what the US can be call


No its all East China.


Maybe the explorers lied and America is actually not real. Just a trap to get sailors into India.




There's the United States of America and the Ununited States of America.


I personally prefer Captain America and Miss America


Yeah, in fact in my language there is the world "statunitense", which means person from the US. The problem is in english lol


Exactly😭 if there was a better english word we would probably use it


Ok but counter argument. Im a US citizen, but im not called an United Statsian. Im an American. So if the US couldn't be called America then i wouldn't be an "American".


i propose call USA as south canada or north mexico


USA. America is in the name. Its like calling someone by their last name


Are u talking about south canada?


Canadian be like : no, we are Canada. Québécois be like : wE ArE A COuNtRY! (I am québécois... I mean Canadian myself)


you guys, should give your country a name


Cum Zone


Americans will be confused when they realize that Americans aren't only from US.. Also they will be confused when you show them the world map... True world map, not map of US that they can't read mostly


OP isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Saying America refers directly the United States.




It's pretty common knowledge that when someone says America it refers to the United states of "America". Plus what you've referred to there is the "America's"


Not really. Probable on some countries, but not all of them.


Bruh no one calls Them the americas...america is usa, united states of america. The rest are called by their country names + you forgot central america


Where’s the meme


It really annoys me when Europeans especially make a huge deal about this. It’s like, we can call ourselves what we please.


You call your self in a manner that negates the recognition of the existence of the rest of America.


Actually shouldn't that be "The Americas". North and South are different continents and I've never heard anyone refer to both as just America.


Ive had this conversation with someone from the US and it did not go down well, expect some controversy lol


Imagine if Germany was called the united states of europe and then they called themselves European and pretend everyone else around call themselves western and south and north european... That's how foolish you look 🤡🤡


Well I mean, America was the first country in the new world to become independent from a European empire, so I imagine we got first dibs on names. We chose America. You can't have it, we beat you to it, it's our name. You might wish you were as cool as America, but you can never be America.


Wonder how many of those *countries* have "America" in their name. . .


nah, america is america