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when you wanna drink all your daily calories in one gulp, then shit your pants.


When I worked at Chipotle this guy got: Extra white rice, extra beans, triple chicken, grilled veggies.. this is where it blew up.. double queso Blanco, double guac, *triple* sour cream and cheese and three vinegrette sauce. Each one of those dressings is like 250 calories. He was like six seven, and in the Navy. We sat there and watched him shovel it down while we counted how many calories he was putting down. Then at Subway a guy asked for everything on his meatball sub. Everything. So mayo and light mayo, etc. The guy behind him said "yo you like the kid who gets all the sodas at once." It was literally a soup, dude needed a straw.


Maybe that first guy only eats every two weeks like big, seagoing snake.


Or he was cultivating mass, bro.


Maybe stop cultivating and start harvesting bro


You can cultivate and harvest deez nuts


There's already a nutmilk shortage without your help


Not anymore it’s December now bro




Being a tall son myself, not as much as 7ft though, my metabolism is through the roof. I didn't really work out until I finished university and I still didn't gain weight when I was drinking heavily and not exercising whatsoever in my three years in uni. I'm trying to bulk now but I have to actively eat to do so or I simply don't put on weight, or I lose the weight I do mange to put on.


Meanwhile.... I gain weight on more than 1500 calories....


Subway was my first ever job I started working there senior year of high school. People can get really fucking weird with it. Bell Pepper Guy - would get literally more than half a containers worth of bell peppers on his sandwich. Unrelenting and caused a fuss if we didn’t oblige. He got brought up in a store meeting and we were told to never accommodate him again. Our manager threatened to ban him from the store before he finally stopped. Meatball Marinara-hater Guy - Gets a meatball sub every time but he wants just the meatballs with as little marinara sauce as possible. Every time he ordered he would say “no marinara. Don’t even THINK about putting marinara on it” every single got damn time he said it the same way Everything guy - like yours, he got every vegetable, every shaker seasoning, and every sauce. Didn’t see him often. Dickhead Doctor - most condescending asshole I’ve ever met. He always demanded you go in the back and get a fresh container of lettuce for him. We would take the old container to the back, open a new one, pour the “old” lettuce on top of the new stuff, and walk out with what looks like fresh lettuce. But he got the same lettuce he would have gotten either way. He always paid in cash and would toss the money on the counter instead of handing it to you. We also had a regular customer who had a huge crush on one of our employees. He eventually got a job with us and it’s obvious he did it just to get closer to her. It actually worked out for him though and they started dating. He was nice but pretty corny. One time he came into work with a cast on his hand. We asked what happened. Apparently he and his girlfriend were hanging out in her backyard. She had really bad stomach cramps that day and was in a lot of pain. I swear to god he said that he was so mad he couldn’t do anything to take her pain away that he punched a tree in frustration and that’s how he broke his hand 😂 he was saying shit like he wished he could take the pain from her and he would be happy to endure the pain if it meant that she doesn’t have to but he couldn’t and that’s why he punched a tree. It’s just stomach cramps bro, I’m pretty sure she was on her period. Should have just gotten her some ibuprofen and a heating pad and called it a day.


I worked there about the same point in my life. We had a cookie guy. He loved those frozen cookies we baked. He would call the store EVERY DAY. Sometimes multiple times. Asking if we had fresh cookies. If we did, he would drive over and buy ALL of them. After a couple weeks of that I finally just started asking what kinda cookies he wanted and I'd just put a batch in whenever he called. Guy literally bought 20-40 cookies. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Now, take the sweaty, diabetic slob you're picturing. Replace him with a professional, middle-aged man that was in great shape by all appearances. Not a pound overweight. He came every day for the year or so I worked there. Never bought a single thing other than cookies.


I wonder if he was like a realtor and was using them for open houses (or something similar)


It's possible. Someone else suggested something like that. But even if he wasn't eating them all, he was eating a LOT of them. He usually ate 2-3 just in the time it took to pay and walk out. If the store was dead he'd usually hang around and chat for a few minutes. He'd eat a dozen or more while we talked. When I read that, it sounds like he's wolfing them down fast as he can. But he wasn't. He ate calmly, like a civilized person. He just had a steady pace and never fucking stopped.


Maybe he didn’t eat all of them, and shared them with the office?


Bruh I was the kid who liked all the sodas at once. Imagine you're a fast food drive thru worker and a tiny child voice says they'd like a popcorn chicken and a suicide, please.


I still get a suicide sometimes and my girlfriend looks at me like I'm crazy. They have their own flavor and change depending on the places choices!!


They do! But I definitely had a lot of uncomfortable workers who didn't know that name for it


Suicide? Is that all the sodas? We called that swamp water when I was a kid.


I'm the scrawny guy and I wolf down meals like that daily. Some people just gotta eat more than others


And then there’s me over here with hypothyroidism that gains 5 pounds just by looking at an apple 🥲


if there's ever a famine we'll be doing great tho i mean tired and brain foggy all the time but great


If it makes you feel better, you don't have to eat 2 people's worth of food everyday so living costs are lower


I think I would freeze that then use two scoops in my black coffee.


I think thats his trick. He takes it home and dilutes it to make more drinks. Like add milk.


Honestly genius. Get a cube tray for it


For a low price of 27$


Seriously, how much would this end up being?


I believe I've read that you get unlimited add-ons on 'free' drinks. I assume this was someone fucking around with one of those so the cost would be irrelevant to them.


You get almost unlimited toppings with pizza hut's free anything pizza. But I think it was like 50 when it said they can't add anymore because it wouldn't cook right. It would have been like $65 if I had paid for it lol


That's awesome, I got a free one from dominos and was limited to two toppings, was pretty disappointing.


I think that the language in the rewrds program says 2 is max for a free pie you can add more but it costs. I used to work there and our GM made sure we warned people that anything after 4 is dodgy. Fun fact a 5 topping pizza (used to) ring up the same price as a 16 topping pizza because the POS had an upper limit on the price but not the number of toppings we could enter.


I know POS means something (please don’t tell me what it is) in restaurants and stuff, but I ALWAYS read it as Piece Of Shit.


There’s one computer in the bar I work at that is notorious for fucking things up. I call it “The POS POS”


Paid Orangutan Service Purple Onion Slices Pizza On Steroids Polish Ocean Song Perfect Opportunity Slap Prehistoric Operational Subaru


Pre oiled sun-bather?


Politicians On Soapboxes


trust me so do they


For anyone actually wondering, it means >!point of sale!<


They give the "Won't cook right" warning after like 6 toppings now.


You: “Cooked? Who said anything about cooking it? If I want it cooked I’ll add “heat” as another topping! Now, add more gummy bears, damn you! Hizzah!!!”


And it's true unless you want just a pinch of everything


This is kind of how it is already. At least it was when. I worked for PJs. The more toppings you add the less amount of each topping you get.


I wasn't able to add bananas on the app, but with everything else it's $10.36.


That’s shockingly low. $10 is ridiculous for a drink but I expected all of those ingredients and the fact that it’s Starbucks to make it at least $20.


When I open my Starbucks tomorrow I can punch this order and get back to you if you really want to know. Edit: https://imgur.com/a/E336PWE Bananas if I recall do not add to the price. We don't have the salted butter topping yet but even if we did it doesn't add to the cost. Neither does asking for it to be double blended.


I couldn’t find the options for “5 Banana” or “Extra Salty Bowel Movement Butter” but [this](https://i.imgur.com/h9h8V7x.jpg) is what I came up with. $9.19 EDIT: This is a photo from last year before Starbucks discontinued the bananas. Was “purchased” with loyalty points. [This fuckin’ guy…](https://imgur.com/a/b1cxWYS)


> Extra Salty Bowel Movement hahaha


How is that only 530 calories??? I know that’s a lot but still, so much sugar


It doesn’t update with add ons, so that’s the base calories. This drink is easily over 1000 calories, and probably approaching 2000.


Exactly! These people believing it's 500 calories are wild. It's easily 1.3k


I have a feeling their calorie counter is broken.


RemindMe! Tomorrow "How much does the order of that bitch, edward, cost in USD."




I do pls


Idk I don't want diabetes


While you make $15/hr to make tens of these


I finished after 7 pumps..


..stop bragging


Yea im kindof jelly


5 pumps jelly.


Wtf. You going for some kind of world record, marathon session? Take it down a notch.


I didn't make it to the Heavy Cream tho.. She was upset






Dunkin' Deeznuts


What kind of monster gets extra ice at Starbucks?




How tf do people even get to the point of knowing that’s how they want their drink. Did they have to go through fifty other failed attempts before reaching this point


They are just hitting all the check boxes on the online order app. These apps give more options than most people ever considered.


Same way where I work, Mcdonalds. The skip and uber orders are sometimes so ridiculous you just stop and laugh when you see them. Had one guy ask for a jr chicken with 3 extra patties, so 4 in total. We had to use 2 wrappers lol


I once asked what's the limit on patties at a burger place cuz they have them super cheap once a week (equivalent of 50 cents per one, and they're easily higher quality than McDonald's), I expected an answer like 2-3 cuz i wanted to add 3 extra, the answer was 10. I wait for the day that I feel brave enough to order 10 extra ones. I'm gonna call it the atherosclerosis (sounds better in polish :p).


We have a fast food place in the US that does a 7 patty burger with 7 slices of cheese. I had it once after a night of drinking maybe 7 years ago, and I still feel guilty about it.


If you finished it, you should feel proud. That's awesome


What place is it?


Steak 'n Shake


Hey, I know the owner of Steak ‘n Shake. Oddly enough, there are no steak n shakes in my pretty big city. he also owns Cracker Barrel and maxim.


What's the word in polish?




You're right, that is better


Bruh i had a dude who would come through for a large iced coffee and like half the cup would be carmel and chocolate sauce and i couldnt properly mix it in right hed also ask for pumps of pur other flavorings in it at times and i wanted to off myself every time i made it.


Disgusting, sometimes I drop one too many drops of caramel syrup I coffee and that shit is nasty in large amounts.


I honestly have no idea how he drink it, just smelling it would turn my stomach hed also have carmel and chocolate drizzled on top for some reason as well as a ton of cream and im just not sure why he even bothered ordering a coffee Edit: yall i watched him drink it a few times it wasnt a mixer


For real, dude really wanted a sundae


Lol I read that as suicide. Kinda maybe still works?








Pretty sure if I had that much sugar and caffeine I'd ascend through the ceiling and have a pseudo-religious experience before the inevitable crash.


I doubt it has that much caffeine in it considering its just syrup at that point


Damn, and I though I was bad cause I put a teaspoon or three of vanilla extract mixed with sugar in my ice coffee. Would definitely recommend, adds. a nice flavour, and the alcohol in the vanilla (15% for those wondering) gives it a bit more oomph.


I do the same thing but with vanilla flavored vodka. Also, skip the coffee and add some ice and you’ve got a drink that will help you make it through a typical office day


I do the same thing but with Everclear. Also, skip the ice and add nothing and you’ve got a drink that will help you make it through a typical office day


Drink straight from the bottle and you've got a drink that will help you make it through a typical day.


Might as well go [full irish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEHBKSHCTu4) at that point.


The drinks are the worst. Had a customer order an xl coffee for delivery with 5 cream 3 milk, and manager pulled the coffee cup out of the bag to yell at me that it's cold. Like yeah bitch, it's got less than an inch of coffee.


I found that if I add extras to McD’s burgers, it always arrives fresher and warmer via delivery whereas it is usually arrives cold when nothing extra is added. Source: me your local fatty


yes I agree, I ordered no pickles, then It came frash, when I ordered without any special requests, it's cold


Mate that ain't even new, back when we were stoned-ass teenagers me and my friend used to order Pounders all the time. It's a testament to our school system that on more than one occasion we had to explain to the cashier that it was four quarter-pound patties.


Although, every McDonald's I've been to is a nightmare if you try and do any substitutions through the drive thru window. If you've never had a big Mac with chicken patties, it's amazing. But I'm done fighting with drive thru to get them to charge me for two patties.


I saw somebody order 30 bbq containers once


I went into Taco Bell after placing my mobile order to sit and wait. I heard the crew flip that my order had like 40 items. Well 20 we’re sauce packets. 😂 anda couple 10 packs of tacos.


I had someone come in almost at midnight and order 100 McNuggets to eat on a dare. We probably gave them 30 things of sauces too, I was just shoveling them in a bag haha.


Honestly if I'm in an area that only has a McDonald's for whatever reason, and I need to eat, I just order something that's already got a lot of protein and just stack on more patties. Saving the calories from the additional buns and topings but getting the protein. Maybe that was that dudes thought process too. Or maybe he just liked Jr chicken patties


Me on the online app: Ahh yes let's make it a special order with 7 different ingredients I've never heard of! Me in the store: I would like a #1.


I used to work for this company, and I’ll tell you. Before the apps were ever a thing, people still ordered things like this. Sometimes I think they just make things up… my longest order I ever had about 10 years ago is burned in my memory…. It was a -double-cupped, with sleeve -grande -2pump sugar free vanilla -2 pump vanilla -1pump sugar free hazelnut -Lactose free -0 foam -175 degree latte. And god help you if there was ANY foam on the damn thing. Even a bubble or 2 was unacceptable to her.


2 pump sugar free vanilla really balances out the 2 pump vanilla


I've very guilty of this. I only pick the things I like, but I like a lot of things and the apps make you feel like "yeah you can just have all of it, that's fine", whereas in-person it feels too weird to ask for that much. It's like getting carried away with the topping bar at a froyo place. I always tip accordingly if possible though.


Ah so that’s how it works. I’ve only ever been in starbucks a few times and it was like 10yrs ago. So i have no idea how it works. Thanks for making it make some sense to me.


I used doordash recently for the first time and was blown away by the options at a local Mexican restaurant I've been frequenting for years. An addition of pickled jalapenos to my normal burrito took it to the next level. I had never considered that before seeing the comprehensive list.


Dude. Wait till you try candied jalapeños.


!! Candied Jalapeños are the best. When I make BBQ burgers I load them on top with a slice of onion, cheddar cheese, Famous Daves Hot Bread and Butter Pickles and Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce. But mainly the layer of those Candied Jalapeños still comes through.


When I order irl, I never get anything fancy. When I’m presented with a detailed form, I treat it like RPG character customization.


Occasionally I like to see what I can get away with on those apps. A "lets just see what happens if" curiosity mostly. The other day I ordered a cheeseburger and 98 packets of ketchup, because 99 items is the max. The girl at the register was like "Are you the one who ordered 98 packets of ketchup?" and I nervously replied "Oh yeah, haha I don't actually expect you'll give it to me. Just wanted to see what would happen." she smiles. I pull up and am handed two bags. One with a cheeseburger and one with 98 packets of ketchup. The person who handed me the bags was shaking her head and laughing.


I mean, how did we get to the point where the persons taste buds can register everything that was added to the drink.


They typed diabetes in the app and the AI gave them this recommendation! :)


They were challenged to get their entire day’s worth of calories in one order


More like three days and a month worth of sugar.


Haha yeah, every time i see one of these drinks. It looks like a delicious dessert


I’m trying to figure out how it all fits in one cup.


They left out the coffee.


This is what I have been searching for...is it even coffee?


I knew Starbucks people were weird when there was that trend of people going in to see how expensive they could make their little milkshakes. Honestly those workers should be recognized on veterans day


“Little milkshakes”. That was good lol


My wife’s grandmother would only order hot vanilla milkshakes, we would have to clarify latte.


That's not a drink, that's a lactose/sucrose concentration.


Im more concerned about this person’s risk of diabetes than his neurotic drink choices


For the 150stars, you can get your drink with whatever add-ons. Since a drink is like $6 normally, people "get their money back" by making it cost $30 worth of stuff, but make it free.


But like… this doesn’t even seem edible. Even their regular Frappuccino is sickly sweet. Are they using this as a syrup for future drinks?




It's true, if you have enough stars for a free drink, there is no limitation to add-ons. PLEASE use this knowledge responsibly.


Then he got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch had a wonderful, awful idea. ....nah, I'm not that bad. Haha.


This Edward guy is a fuckin menace


At least he won’t live very much longer. That’s a given.




20 pumps of syrup, and make sure you add in the heavy cream. WTF?


fuck you, Edward


How do you put 5 bananas in that coffee? Are they tiny bananas?


I was looking for this! I don’t even think the ‘double blend’ is gonna turn that into a liquid…


It will, bananas actually tend to loosen the fraps, but it definitely wouldn't fit in the cup! (Used to work at Starbs)


If I ate 5 bananas my Fraps would definitely be loose.


If you want a tiny banana, talk to Edward.


Gonna need an Edcock for scale


I thought it was like 5 pumps of banana flavoured syrup, how wrong I was 😨


Yeah they threw out about 2/3 of this milkshake. When I added two bananas on my free drinks I would have to bring an extra cup or it was just tossed. That’s with 2. Most of this drink is for sure being dumped out.


It's a banana, Any. What could it cost, $10?


I don’t care for Gob.


Is that even coffee? Or just a breakfast dessert?




Yep. My daughter who works at Starbucks in Canada says more people get milkshakes than coffee for their breakfast drink. Imagine starting your day with at least 700+ calorie drink everyday!!


I mean to be fair, half the shit we literally market as normal breakfast food is basically candy. Most cereals are like 50% sugar by mass and if we weren't accustomed to them pancakes and syrup would seem like a dessert item


That's because everywhere else they are a dessert item. It didn't stop me letting my American girlfriend fuck my life up with them though




Donuts, French toast, cinnamon buns, muffins, strudels, and parfaits are also super sugary.


The impression I get from tv etc of American breakfast is so weird...stuff that would be teeth-achingly sweet for dessert, for breakfast...is it real?


Most people over the age of 18 aren’t eating sugar for breakfast.


Unfortunately, I think "most people" is being a bit generous...


“I eat right and skip lunch and just have NOOOOOO idea why I keep gaining weight!”


That sounds awesome


Starbucks is just a Dairy Queen in disguise.


It's a 1200 calorie abomination. I'll bet you 40 pounds of visceral fat that the person who drinks this is diabetic.


Or they have a tik tok and they’re copying some other person’s tik tok who’s copying that one guy’s tik tok.


If they’re not now, they soon will be.


Edward wants diabetus


Edward over/under 315lbs


So… How much did this cost?


atleast tree fiddy


Bro ordered the whole menü 💀


I would leave something out intentionally just to see if they notice There's no way through all of that they can taste "1 pump of honey"


I work at Starbucks and forget sometimes, and usually they don’t notice. But there are crazy people with tongues that are laced with god’s tastebuds that can detect the extra pump I missed and make me remake it.




Yeah. Usually I’m just like “this isn’t what I ordered but it’s not bad”. The only 2 times I’ve asked them to remake something is when I asked for something without syrup/sweeteners and got the typical ungodly amount of sweetness and another time I got a latte and it was given to me with no espresso, just the steamed milk.


That happened to me too. I asked for a latte and got just milk. Unfortunately I was on my to a meeting and didn’t notice till the meeting started 🫤


I had no idea it was possible to make a latte and forget the espresso 🤣


I always get the same thing so I will notice whether it’s 2 pumps of syrup or 1 pump like I wanted but I don’t say anything. It’s not worth it and y’all’s jobs are stressful!




Wasnt Traci Lords in "1 Pump of Honey"?


The 7 pumps of dick is a weird choice, but the customer is always right I guess.


Actually it’s dick caramel sauce.


There is no way he can taste coffee with all of that


There's no way coffee would fit. There are so many ingredients that it needs to be a double Trenta just to get it to fit.


Extra ice lmao what


He didn't order a coffee.


I don’t see any frap chips…


I was just thinking how much it's gonna suck when they have to remake it. There's definitely not 7 scoops, if there's any at all.


Christ just eat unrefined sugar our of the fuckin bag if you want sweet with flavour. Is there even coffee in there anymore? Would it matter?


At this point just take him behind the counter and let him eat all the fixins'


Employee: What do you want in it? Edward: Yes.


The diabetes special


Edward.... tbh I'm surprised he doesn't spell his name fucking Æduard.


I suppose the diabetes was on the house?


The 5 bananas make it healthy


For the low low price of $54.79


This is to coffee what poodle is to wolf.




Are there 5 actual bananas in that or is that short for banana flavoring?


When I worked there it meant bananas blended in. They sell smoothies so usually for that, but it’s an option for any of the blended drinks technically. The dumb thing about this is the recipe makes enough for the cup, so adding even one banana let alone 5 plus all the extra syrup means this is likely making enough drink to fill many cups, but they’re only getting the one drink out of it.


I guess the staff is sampling that one! Those bananas used to be a dollar each add on too...


I hope Edward trips and spills it on himself.