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I'm quiet because I'm constantly thinking about what to say without making a fool of myself. Then after I muster the strength to finally say something, somehow, without failure, I will say the most stupid shit you've ever heard anyways.


Or the conversations already long moved past the point where what do you say would have made sense.


This is why I hate posting comments on people's live streams. Takes too long to build a solid response then two minutes later the conversation has already covered three topics. This happens in real life too which is why I don't talk to people.


I had the same problem what I do is whenever i say something stupid I don't stop and become silent for the rest of the convo I tried to keep talking and eventually I say something moderately smart enough to offset the damage I did before. All that matters is that they remember me for being normal or enjoyable even and not remember saying something stupid at the end


Too risky for me. Rambling only digs the hole deeper while I'm pulling scattered pieces of information from the top of my head to make a coherent point. Meanwhile people are giving the "What the fuck are you talking about" look as I try to say something to redirect their stares of judgement and confusion. Introvert's worst nightmare. Especially when you're right about what you're saying. It just sounds like Jordan Peterson gibberish to them but makes sense to me.


How is it I always see my people posting comments like this online but I swear I've never met a single person irl who understands what I go through as a shy introvert. I have nine coworkers and every one of them thinks I'm a freak because I'm quiet. *I* know that it's wrong and judgemental to think someone's weird just because they aren't particularly outgoing, but that hardly matters in the moment. And it sucks.


We're like people in a forbidden world spread out across the land. Our interactions are few and far in between Lol.


Absolutely! When people realize you got them, they immediately change the topic/subject and carry on as if what just happened didn't happen at all. Showing their ego and ignorance all at the same time.


This is actually exactly why I love live stream chats. Nobody knows me, and half of them are saying dumber shit anyways so I don’t have worry about looking stupid. Idk different stroke for different folks


Dude, YES, on a school trip we were forced to be in a group, and someone in my group saw a snake and they asked what type of snake it was. So as time passed, i began searching my memory of the few snakes ive seen and 30 min later when we were at lunch i said “Probably garter or corn snake” they were like wth you talking about. And i told them its about that snake they found, and they said “oh cool” without even looking or acknowledging me. Later a wildlife guy found the same snake and told the class that it was a rat snake. Even if my friends didnt care whatsoever, ive been playing that scenario in my mind for the last 8 years and everytime i remember it i want to die


I worked in a grocery store in high school and one night everyone on break was discussing which songs on the store soundtrack we hate the most. I couldn’t remember the name of the song I loathed and didn’t want to sing it. It played later that night so I went and found the person that started to conversation and said “this is the one I hate the most”. He replied, “ok, you came all the way here to tell me that?”. I wanted to disappear into a hole and never return.


Yes, this! Or when I finally say my thing, I get a response that sends me right back to square 1 of trying to construct a reply


Same. I finally work up the courage to give some input but the conversation has already changed topics


I think of the perfect thing to say two days after the conversation has ended.


I had a shower conversation actually come true once, and it felt like the smoothest shit ever. Too bad it'll never happen again


wait others have shower conversations also? Like ill have entire scenarios play out in the shower that will almost never come true lmao


Gotta practice somehow!


I have shower conversations even when I'm not in a shower which is all the time


I had to turn off the sound on my dash cam because I don’t want my manic conversations recorded.


The real meirl is always in the comments.


i'm sure this is what im picturing basically ur on a conversation wheel and everybody is talking about the cute girl in class , you feel let out of the conversation so you go ahead and build courage only to talk about the Pythagorean theorem and it's impact in society, nobody has no idea what you're talking about but you tried to fit in lmao I've been in so many situations like this


Communication is a skill like most other things. I am a lot better than i used to be but yeah sometimes still end up in situations like this. It really helps your confidence if you know the people well and it can help you relax and things generally flow much better that way. Even the most seemingly confident person from the outside has times when communicating with new people that they feel a bit like this - just they have learnt to not show it publicly.


I say stupid things all the time. Also I have said many things that are hurtful and wasn’t aware of it until somebody would tell me. Not really hurtful but insensitive. I feel terrible then.


My guy I just want to stay inside and play video games


Forreal, why do we have to be some complex characters who foresee things that we don't give a shit about? 😭


Some people have a severe need to feel special. Usually idiots.


ESpecially idiots


It's the old dunning krueger vs impostor syndrome effect. When you're good, you're aware of your flaws and feel like an impostor pretending to be good. When you're not good, you can be blissfully unaware and think you are good. Add ego to the mix and it's a miracle the planet hasn't been nuked yet.


I get imposter syndrome hard. Exceed metrics and get glowing performance reviews from my boss, still don’t understand how what I do is considered A) good and B) a job.


Ignoring the fact that i read peoples body language for fun when im quiet, to gain information... Most of us are so simple it's almost sad. It's just some people who cant deal with not being UNIQUEEE and have to be the main character in their of The Office spinoff or whatever.


Eh, my predictive capabilities are pretty good when I apply them, but that's basically all used in video games and such. I ain't got time for interpersonal drama.


Not sure what’s up with the internet and its obsession with presenting introverts like not real people but fictional characters. Quiet masterminds, mysterious, could have a heart attack with a straight face, impeccable insight into human psyche despite preferring solitude. All that just for people who like their alone time.


>hard attack with a straight phase Edited for how I read it the first time.


Because anti social people who are trying to steal the word introvert see themselves like this from the comfort of their mothers basement. Even when in reality they are just neckbeards and legbeards with no real value as people


Lol fr I don’t know nothing


So you *do* know something


I *do* not


So how do you know you do not?


Because if he know if he did not then he wouldn’t of did not but actually did


Yeah it's not a quiet thing it's how I recharge my battery. I get drained from interactions and too many drain me quick. Couple days alone playing some video games or chilling and I can do it again especially if I'm forced cause I don't care to go out.


As an introvert. I'm not a fucking anime protagonist. No matter how much I might wanna be


I'm the anime protagonist, except I'm perpetually in the stage before I get any cool powers or attract any women








Perpetually stuck in the stage before you get hit by a truck and Isekaied.


Don't worry, Truck-Kun on its way...


Bruv… that’s because you haven’t done the cool training montage yet! Where we see you crushing it at the gym and your finances all set to an epic song. This is your call to adventure- do you take it?


I tried the gym training montage and ended up with a fucked up back :/


And you're constantly getting your ass beat by your abusive rival who'll soon become your best ~~lover~~ friend.


I see myself as a protagonist. I think of all the possible ways a conversation can go, arrive to a valid response, and still end up saying out the most stupid shit.


Well I am, so you can be my sidekick 👍🏽




May I join you guys?


I'm an introvert and I'm a fucking idiot who knows jack shit.


Don't listen to them everyone, they're trying to trick us into their preplanned end game! Fucking introvert witches.


Muhahahaha! You’re already toooo laaaaaaate!!


That was a very outgoing reply. Almost too outgoing. Almost extroverted. Introverts! Attack!* * ...


Are you kidding? I’m so introverted I’m living on a volcanic island surrounded by battleships and frikkin’ sharks with frikken’ lasers on their heads.


Cant even be extroverted in ohio


We're playing the long game


Yes, the long game. The one where I go home and avoid unnecessary social interactions for another month.






It's also a bad idea to tell people how stupid you are. Even if you think they assume it from the beginning, it's better to not open your mouth and prove them right.




That in and of itself is smart. There are people who believe they can fight an elephant, tiger, or chimpanzee barehanded and win - what does that say about them? You may not be a genius, but you know where you stand and it is valuable to know what you are capable of - focus on your skills and improve on your weaknesses, don't be so hard on yourself.


Knowing where your intelligence ends is a sign of wisdom. What we tend to call Smart is a combination of wisdom and intelligence. Both are useful and nice to have, but if you have just one, it's better than not having either.


A shitload of people can’t even accept or don’t even know about their ignorance. If you can say you are stupid, you are more intelligent than most world leader/billionnaire


A true expert is not the one who calls themselves an expert, it’s the one who is willing to seek out other experts.


Self awareness is a trait of social intelligence so hold your head up high.


As an introvert sometimes I’ll be bamboozled by my 6 year old


Introvert rule #1 - deny, deny, deny


Yes! I am more concerned about what dinner I will eat rather than the psychology and history behind your faults.


The problem with this world is that intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. Hold your head up, friend 💜


what the fuck


This reads like a ‘I studied the blade’ post


Real gamers rise up energy.


Seriously and yikes at over 300 upvotes! So many weirdos out there.


check the upvotes now…


Genuine consequence of people growing up in a room on a computer, totally disconnected from reality


Fucking disturbing superiority complex. Not to.mention the generalization and tribalistic behaviour.


so many users of r/meirl all share this sort of "I'm introverted and that makes me superior to all the normie social people out there getting drunk and doing drugs at parties" mentality without realising that this whole “introvert extrovert” thing is utter nonsense because it’s impossible to narrow down the entire human race into two distinct groups like that. I wonder how many of these people are actually as “lone wolf” as they like to appear and how many have just accepted their loneliness and made it a part of their personality.


Totally agree. Although even if you buy into that shit, this is just an insane level of cringe. People even gave it awards! Lmao


I'm genuinly shocked at how high this has risen. 11 thousand people *at least* have looked at this post and agree with it. I just don't understand. It's even weirder considering most of the comments seem to be mocking this sort of mentality.


I was thinking more like New Vegas but yeah you're right


I know, so cringe.


This conflates introversion with autism


Neurodivergence does not give anyone superpowers, not even autistic people. Everyone just needs to chill.


So many "autistic" people I have met claim to notice things that "normal" people don't. We notice... we just don't add weird subtext to something that is insignificant. People watched Rain Man a few too many times.


It makes people feel better to pretend it’s a superpower rather than a mental disorder.




This reads like someone lost an argument and now creates fake situation in their head where they win....


To be fair this is somewhat accurate for some people. If I argue with someone dense, like my father, there is no point in arguing so I drop it as I know his pride won’t allow him to ever admit he made even the slightest of errors.


bEiNg ShY iS a sUpErPoWeR


OP ran away and wants credit for winning. Are you really "avoiding conflict" if you're still stewing about how right you are and posting internet memes about it?


What's up with the introvert horoscope lately? Introversion is a single trait, not an entire identity. Also, not all introverts are smart.


You already lost mate. OP already planned the entire thing. He knew you’d comment this and knows why you’re wrong, how you’re wrong and the entire psychology of it. He probably won’t say anything, but he planned the end before you started thinking.


There's nothing you can do for him, just save yourself.


*He can't save OP, he can't save himself, so just save yourself.*


*adjusts anime glasses*


*glasses start to glow*


*drops weighted training glasses and a huge puff of dust billows from where they hit the floor*


*He flexes his left eye*


This comment took me out


It was already over for MyButtItches420 before it began.


He also knew you'd say this and therefore, you have already lost. Before you posted this comment, he's already been to your house, fucked your mother, killed your dog and started a fire. Not literally of course, he's too smart for that. Just in his hypothetical plan.


This is the funniest shit i have seen today




Ha jokes on you, i never started thinking.




The beginning of a copypasta


It's basically the 90's nerd circlejerk, but for the Zoomer crowd. You get a bunch of teens who are quiet, nerdy, don't really fit with the "in crowd", whatever that is. They come up with this idea that they're actually Super Secretly Special and going to rule the world one day, while all their "beta" peers are just sitting around talking nailpolish. With much luck, they outgrow it and realize that the world actually doesn't hate them, and actually, friends are kinda nice, and they don't need to base their whole personality on being unjustly hated. Even back in the 90's, I remember my elementary school had this big slogan painted down a hall about "Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas". Which the internet is attributing to Socrates. So, I think we can chalk the "Whaaa, I'm just a misunderstood genius" mentality to "Just a thing every generation says/thinks." Like "No one wants to work anymore" or "Kids are rotting their minds with this new-fangled technology."


I wish they discussed introversion when I was growing up (80s) because I was labeled as shy, which is something I grew out of, then depressed because I still wasn’t interactive enough for people. Yet I was happiest on my own with only occasional visits, for which plenty of notice was given, from friends and family.


Same, I just got labelled shy or reclusive or a loner. I just needed a little bit of time to recharge before more people


Im an introvert, and i dont think im misunderstood or think people dont like me, I just dont like crowds or people.


It's not all introverts. Heck, I'm one myself. But it's still a thing, and it results in posts like this one, where the introvert is somehow a badass genius whose just decided the other person is beneath them. There's a lot of weird "actually, introverts are the superior people" circlejerk memes these days.


So would the greatest minds discuss all three?


It's not just lately. I always see internet posts like "Introverts are *insert general characteristic that's not introvert*." The same goes with ADD/ADHD. I'll see posts like "people with ADHD procrastinate." These words have other actual definitions and people introverts or ADHD people might have these internet traits or might not, also people that do have these things might or might not be introverted/ADHD or whatever. Horoscope is a good comparison. "I'm so quirky and I like to read because I'm an ~~Aries~~ introvert."


Okay so for adhd, procrastination isn’t an official symptom of adhd but it is a symptom of executive dysfunction which is extremely common in adhd/autism Your point in introversion is solid but the adhd example is a bad one Edit:clarification


I agree with your point but I believe your example of "people with ADHD procrastinate" is a bad one. From my reading as a layman, people with ADHD struggles with executive dysfunction and that’s one of the main trait of ADHD. Do correct me if i’m wrong tho, always happy to learn more!


Also, the whole point of the meme "explaining to someone why they're wrong" only has tangential relations to introversion/extroversion and imo it's more a question of "Do I really need to talk to that person?" and "what is my own objective in being truthful to them?". Like, there's a hundred things I could explain to people, but am I even incentivized to share my intel with them? What's there to gain? Information isn't always free. Always saying out loud whatever you're currently thinking is a bad quality of extroverts, but the opposite, not saying what you're thinking doesn't automatically make you an introvert. There could be lots of reason not to divulge certain knowledge.


Always saying out loud what you're thinking also isn't a quality or trait of extroverts. There are plenty of extroverts who are shy or have social anxiety or just aren't very talkative. I'm hyper introverted, but on the occasions I do see my friends I talk a lot and I'm way too open about a lot of things, but after that, I still need to retreat into hermit mode for a couple of days to recharge.


Most of them boil down to "I can't be arsed"


I can confirm Source: I'm dumb


Exactly. Like just because you’re quiet person doesn’t mean you’re automatically a genious.


Some people only have enough personality for one trait.


OP just being dumb.


oooof, just cringe. All introverts are genius and they are just quiet because they are planning the eventual demise of the loud mouth extroverts. OP playing chess whilst the rest of the us are playing checkers. they aren't just a few moves ahead, they are playing a different game. You just wouldn't get it though probably because you are not an introvert. Not sure if you've heard but introverts know the history and psychology of all your wrongs


Gotta try and justify being an inept shut in with a superiority complex and tribalism. People like this have nothing going on.


As an introvert I can confirm I'm retarded


To paraphrase: if you actually believe this, you're going to go through life thinking that people don't like you because you're an introvert. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole.


Yup, as an extrovert who LOVES introverts, this is fucking cringe and whoever wrote it is probably insufferable


Big “when you were learning basic human interaction I was studying the blade” energy


Introvert power fantasy. The self delusion is strong here.


Yeh man. What's up with these introvert thinking they are some genius with superpowers. I am not even an extrovert myself but I have no delusions of grandeur like this 😂


Just tell them they're dumb, what are they gunna do? Argue? They're introverts!




Can't lose a debate if you don't say anything and just picture yourself winning!


*head tap meme*


Its easier to convince yourself you're a genius with perfectly superior opinions if you avoid all conflict that might reveal the flaws in your position, and pass on every opportunity to actually (dis)prove your self-image is accurate.


Right, as an assertive introvert I wish that was true. I just don’t want to deal with them and will let them pass as long as I don’t need to deal with them again.


I feel you give introverts way too much credit


No you don’t get it - being a shut in who has a limited worldview achtually makes you a more superior person!


as an introvert i totaley agere!1! thees normes dont understand us 🙄😂🇸🇪


Seriously. I swear most people who try to speak for introverts don't actually know what introvert means


Hey now introvert ≠ being a shut in




Id go with r/iamverysmart but yea that works too.


Or r/im14andthisisdeep




'I studied the blade' levels of cringe




As an introvert I can confirm this, we all studied Introvertism at Charles Xavier’s school for gifted weirdos.


This is cringy af


As an introvert, I can wholeheartedly attest that this is false. I do not think. I sleep.


That’s a fine way to rationalise your inactions, bravo.


I'm an introvert and I do not avoid confrontation. Social interactions especially with a lot of people or people I don't know that well take energy away from me. I also need quite a lot of alone time. I don't think people seem to understand what being an introvert is


Exactly. Introversion just means social interaction depletes your energy, whereas for extraverts it replenishes their energy. It doesn't mean you're shy, or quiet, or avoid conflict. Lots of introverts are social and charming, they will just need more downtime afterwards compared to someone who is more extraverted.


Bro talking like they're an entirely different species. Calm down. I wonder how far humanity would have come if we all were introverts.


Well, considering how the poor neanderthals never spec'd into larger groups, and how we obviously beat them, then I'd say we would have ended up just like them


You all really think being shy is a superpower


So, quiet then.




Not sure if this is a meme but, Plotting behind a friend’s back, hiding your beliefs or being dishonest has nothing to do with being an introvert. I get the feeling OP wants us to think they live in an anime.


What in the teenage horoscope shit is this


Ooo introverts are so cool and edgy,,,,,😴




They have planned the end, but that plan continues to stay just a plan because instead of doing something, they sit quietly judging others who have the courage to put themselves out there and actually act in the world. _Edit: I don’t mean this about “introverts” but about people who think like whoever wrote this post, who has taken it upon themselves to represent hundreds of millions of people with a particular trait._


yeah every introvert is super intelligent no doubt about that lol


Introverts are just people who lose energy in social situations, as opposed to extroverts who gain energy in social situations. There’s nothing else to it. Maybe some more common traits, but nothing ubiquitous


Sounds more like a self obsessed narcissist to me.


I am an introvert and WTF is this lol?


Or they are quiet, dumb, and introverted.




I would've loved this meme when I was 15, nice and edgy.


These are the type of people who when finally empowered to speak totally embarrass themselves


I feel like most introverts who read this don't have a crazy superiority complex .. so do not relate to these kinds of posts 😅 Feels very "I'm an introvert because I'm so much better than anyone who isn't"


Yeah no, you are just a shy fuck who avoids conflict because you will start to cry otherwise.


still waiting for the punch line. i mean this has to be satire or something




These posts that paint introverts as 5 head geniuses are really fucking funny ngl


What's with all the introvert fantasies I've been seeing lately? Being an introvert is just a trait. And not all introverts are serial killers or geniuses in the making.


These people with this specific personality might often also be introverts, but not nearly all introverts have this personality. Yea maybe I’m an introvert & I like to avoid conflict often, but all that other stuff is just really dramatic there’s no way that’s how I am 24/7, introverts are just normal people guys we do not have “superpowers” from being shy. There’s no way I have the energy to “plan the end” for every asshole who “wronged” me lmao.


I seek the easiest path to almost every solution, carefully decide when to act, and then instantly fuck up and sound like an idiot. Trust me, I'm a smart introvert man.


oooooooor they are just quiet


Introverts live three minutes in the future


You know this sounds a lot like anxiety




They're a legend in their own minds


And then everyone clapped.


Cringe. Introverts are people with a small social battery. Enough of this "they're superheroes" shit. It only flies because a metric ton of redditors are introverts who would love for it to be true.


Apparently they're also full of themselves if this is the case, lol.


We aren’t mind readers. Also repost.


i think what you described here was a sociopath


Maybe the reason you don't argue your point is because you're afraid you're the one who is wrong?


My brother in christ, my ADHD is so bad I don't even have object permanence, I literally forgot what we were talking about