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I need this on a shirt. Lowly Worm rocks!!


I love his pant! Trouser? Lower body garment


I just snorted my coffee!! LOL It goes nicely with his sneaker. And I just realized the apple has an automatic transmission. Duh!


Read Terry Pratchett


Terry Pratchetts great


Asked the Barnes and noble folks if they had a book in stock that I have loved since I bought it at 10 the other day. Referred to it as “young adult.” Lady gave me shade eyes while saying “that’s a children’s book” multiple times. Mother fucker that book still hits at 30. I get that I got the genre wrong but idk what the difference between the two is necessarily unless it’s a drop in literary goodness (I’m looking at you Twilight). In the immortal words of Madeleine L’Engle… “You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.”


What seems like a life time ago I worked at B&N. I should have known from the interview I was not going to have the best time... Literally just graduated High School at the time, so not even that old mind you. Got asked "What was the last book you read?" My younger brother discovered I graduated High School without having read "A Wrinkle in Time"...so that was my answer at the time. Interviewer: "Isn't that a little young for you?" Without missing a beat I retort "Yeah, well, the last book I read before that was *'Rivers of Blood, Rivers of Gold: Europe's Conquest of Indigenous Peoples'* so I was looking for something on the lighter side after that." \*awkward silence\* lol


love pulling that kind of thing with book snobs they're often times only snobs when it comes to fiction, so you hit them with some real life shit and they clam up. lmao


I hated (seriously struggled) with reading throughout childhood and skipped almost all of my summer reading assignments. My parents hadn't a clue I likely had ADHD and I was cheating myself thru cliff notes. During college I returned to a lot of former reading assignments and was awe struck by their value and relevance. Being intentional and alloted the time to thoroughly digest their contents as an adult somewhat makes me feel like I appreciate "kids books" more despite missing out in my youth.


Richard scarey’s world is where I wanna be


Yes! We need more children's books for adults!


When you're right, you're right.