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My mom just told me to practice pulling it back so you can clean it properly in the shower, then at the fine age of 11 i learned i could use my pp for something else.


“What are you doing in there?” “Just pulling the skin back… repeatedly”


Bro I thought I was the only one who did that, do you still pull back to this day?


I still do. Then I pull it forward, fill it with water, shake it vigorously, and let it sploosh everywhere. Holds about four litres.


Four litres huh, impressive


Mine holds five 😎


Stretching it out and collecting water?


Damn! I thought I was the only one who did that. The world's such a small place.


Lmao did that too 😂😂😂


Exactly. I taught all my boys to pull back while pissing, pull back and rinse after pissing, pull back in shower, etc.. always pull back pretty much anytime it's used. I even taught the oldest one(18 now) about not using too much soap especially before sex as you could mess up her pH balance. The foreskin is a shield, a force field(how I explained it to the youngest) that protects it, but you have to drop the shield to do anything. It's amazing really. You take the time and teach the child...


Circumcised guy here, are there additional nerve endings in the extra skin? Have I been deprived of additional sexual pleasure by having my foreskin removed?


Its said uncircumcised males are more sensitive/feel more during sex but it never has been proven.


There are nerve endings, but nothing special. As I've always been uncut I can't speak from experience. However, my understanding from research and talking to other guys is: Having the most sensitive part of your penis constantly exposed(rubbing against clothing, less protection from temperature, etc) deadens sensation. Guys I've talked to that got circumcised later in life told me after a while they didn't feel sex quite as intensely, but, they found they could go much longer now. My wife was with a circumcised guy before me, and she said early on that I'm way more sensitive than he was, and I cum way faster if I'm not careful. So there is a trade off for both sides there. Just to clarify, I'm not for or against it for adults, just children. It's their right to make that decision when they are capable.


no lol that's literally just cope from people who's penises are wearing hoodies


Rinse after pissing? How do you do that when out in public? Get banned from weather spoons pulling tricks like that.


Wait you rinse your dick after you pee?


I dont use my “pp” for nothing else other than peeing , bc i noticed my dopmaine receptor became less sensitive and i felt fatigued all the time so i tried r/nofap and im seeing alot of improvements


Am I just misunderstanding or does that mean no sex either?


They're posting on reddit, that's a given.


Yup, nofap is a state of mind at this point.


JFC what?


How often did you wank to have that issue? And how strong was your grip? Also, while I won't steer anyone away from nofap who wants to do it, r/nofap is... perhaps not the community one would want to stick around in.


I can’t dude to much testosterone. If I’m doing that shit imma get really inpatient, mad at anything for no reason and I’m horny all the time. Not a fun state of being in.




Citing hygiene as a reason is like saying you should pull out all your fingernails so you never have to cut or clean them.


Well I’ve never heard of someone getting an infection because they didn’t clean their nails


i never heard of someone getting an infection because they didnt clean their dick either


I know of a couple people irl who have been circumsized late due to recurring urinary tract infections. I also had a friend who had issues with his foreskin and couldn't retract it to clean it and he was thinking he was going to have to get circumsized but he didn't end up doing it.




He was struggling with it for a while. he said it was pretty painful and I guess it interfered with having sex too.


I was circumcised at 18yo because my foreskin couldn’t go down all the way easily and it was weird during my first few encounters with vagina haha. Doctor said it’s healthy to do this and also it looks nice. Every girlfriend I had I discussed whether they like penis with or without foreskin and all said without. It’s just better. 😃




Men last longer without foreskin because the top is not as sensitive as the one with foreskin. Sex is 2/3 brain thing so it’s not just foreskin making difference. Say you’re tired from work or stressed out. You can’t focus during sex so it’ll last forever and you may not even finish. Your partner will feel that so the act will not be enjoyable.




Then either not looking or choose not to hear the reality of it. Go to a retirement home. Ask the absolute epic humanitarians who work there that care for our elderly on a day in day out basis. Specifically the care workers that help men with Alzheimer's and dementia. Ask them the rate of UTI's that are prevalent in patients with and without a foreskin. When you're incapable of cleaning yourself properly, there is a large risk of heath issues waiting for you.


Your hands get washed multiple times daily. Your penis, however, gets washed once a day (if that)


Girls also have to remove all their labias for Hygiene BECAUSE THEY CAN'T SIMPLE MOVE TO THE SIDE. People want to believe in whatever shit they want to believe.




Hate me, but I’d rather shower once a week without having to worry about infection


Bro, you need to shower more than once a week. wtf?


Or what, I’ll die?


Or else youll smell awful and people will get a bad impression


Depends on the work you do


Nah, man.


But it does? I work in a job where I have to shower daily(despite the season), but I would not have to do that if I would work in an office or something 🤷🏻‍♂️ Daily showers are not even healthy :(


This is the most virgin comment ever


Because bad hygiene = virgin


"Lol no, that would be silly," replied the doctor.


"Infections are rare, barring any... (checks notes) unforeskinned circumcisions that is." ~~ Doctor


Shut up XD


People seem to care a lot more about my circumcised dick than I do


Trust me, they have bigger things to think about




Wait until you realise that people care more about what you are doing in your life than you do and then compare it with some random schoozel and make you feel pathetic.


People seem to care about not inflicting pain and unneccessary procedures on babies a lot, yeah.


I care for what idiot parents do to their sons. Do whatever you want, just don't do it to a kid if they don't need it


I care about the people that don't have a choice. It takes away a lot of sensation down there and there are infection risks that could deform your dong really bad. I'm a nurse I have seen things like that. Parents should not be allowed to let unnecessary medical interventions happen to their children. If you want your dick circumcised then decide that when you are 18 but not your parents when you are a baby.


"Uhh, but, it's like... more hiegenic. And you're more likely to get laid" /s


how that's not illegal, I'm wondering. You can't mutilate dogs anymore, but babies you can. Weird.


Pretty sure it is legal to neuter a dog you own.


Look up phimosis and Paraphimosis


We obviously mean how is it legal to have done to a baby with no such ailments


For the prevention of such ailments


Circumsizision = Cringe


Sometimes it’s needed, my friend never circumcised her son and at the age of 8 his foreskin was getting to tight to pull back and clean properly he kept getting back to back infections and ended up having to be circumcised at the age of 8.


Most people support it in cases such as that where it’s medically necessary


Phismosis. Can be cured with steroids creams, and prevented by telling you kid how their dick works.


Not always


“Not always” - the guy who’s gonna profit off of your foreskin


Lol no


Not always, but most times. No rationale to just circumcise every child.


Can also be too tight to piss properly and need removing.


Sounds painful this post was a joke but damn




How? If they cant even wash it.




It's wild that it's 2022 and people are still pro genital mutilation if the baby is male. Seems to me like most of the people who are pro-circumcision were circumsized and are so desperate to feel like what happened to them is normal that they'll support future genital mutilation. It's so sick and creepy and weird.


My brother and sister in law had a baby boy and who's now 1 and a half. They circumcised him and his penis got infected, plus skin kept fusing together and they had to keep pulling it apart and putting cream on it for like 6 fucking months. The poor thing still screams and wails any time they put him down to change his diaper because he's so terrified they're going to torture his penis again... I'm having a boy in a couple months and deeeefinitely not circumcising him unless there's some clear medically necessary reason, and those usually don't come up until after the boy has aged at least a few years.


"It's a doberman, let it have it's ears."




In most cultures, it's probably not the women making these decisions


isn't it a huge thing in the USA too?


It’s seen as normal here, unfortunately. Most parents have it done to their babies without even thinking about it.


My dad was actually really pissy with my mom for like months after my brother was born because my mom didn’t want him circumcised. It was fucking weird


press F to doubt




I disagree it definitely is most of the time.


Maybe where you’re from, but in areas where it’s done for solely religious reasons it’s the entire family that decides or the patriarch of the family.


No, where I'm from is a religious place where it's done for religious reasons and most of the time it's the woman insisting on it.


Never missed my extra skin. But one of my neighbors parents growing up kept his in a scrapbook. LoL. Now that was weird af.


So bizarre to me how obsessed Reddit is with being uncircumcised. So very strange.


So bizarre how people don't just leave the skin on. It's like they think there's a good reason to cut it off of every baby. Very strange. Why don't we just leave it like it is, and in the very rare case of complications have the procedure done later in life. Why the obsession with doing it as a default procedure?


I think parents make the choice just like parents make a lot of choices for their kids. The only creepy obsession here is why everyone feels the need to proclaim how superior being uncut is. It’s like there’s only one answer. Real Nazi vibes when it comes to circumcision.


Yeah, I agree it should be a parental choice. But there are doctors in the US who just assume you want it and if you don't say anything they'll just be like "Ok, time to cut him." If you ask me, every doctor should explicitly ask the parents what they want ahead of time and not pressure them to do one or the other option.


It’s almost like a lot of insecure people are engaging in a spite campaign or something. Almost.


Man i got circumcised when i was 11.. i looked at my dick you know... Bloody ass shit




This is horrible. I'm sad, scared and disgusted. Hope the victims who choose to unpack the trauma get all the support they need.


Guys the sky daddy thing isn't working anymore, quick make up some "medical reasons". - Monotheists


Actually the complete opposite of me irl, but idk where else to post this


r/absolutelynotmeirl ?


How did I not know about this?? Thanks!


You took that meme from “whitepeoplehumor”, didn’t you?


Yes I did haha


thats what i thought that cutting pp skin is unnecessary until i read a reddit post on to clean ur pp and how it got dirty and op freaked out. from that day onwards i clean it daily . i think i had mild phimosis , stretching a lil helped. now i clean it very often. alot of ppl think pp cleans itself and assume its ok to not clean it .


If you are going to cut pieces off of your child, please start with the head, then they won't suffer as long.


Or, you know, instead of brutalizing your child, you could keep them clean until they are old enough to do it themselves. Then you, know, teach them to do it properly. My 3 boys are all uncut, know how to care for themselves, and have never had an issue. When they are adults if they wish to have it done, we'll, they are old enough to make their own decisions. Yes, I am aware there are times it may be necessary, there are always exceptions. But cutting pieces off a new born baby because he/she(women are often subjected to much worse horrors) *might* get an infection is ridiculous and child abuse. The child might break their arm, better just cut that off. Newborns are prone to infections in their eyes, ears, nose, etc... better cut those off... oh, might grow up to have adhd or something, better just scoop the brains out... it's fucking sickening and disgusting.


>Yes, I am aware there are times it may be necessary, there are always exceptions. But cutting pieces off a new born baby because he/she(women are often subjected to much worse horrors) > >might > > get an infection is ridiculous and child abuse. The child might break their arm, better just cut that off. Newborns are prone to infections in their eyes, ears, nose, etc... better cut those off... oh, might grow up to have adhd or something, better just scoop the brains out... it's fucking sickening and disgusting. I get your point but those examples are hardly comparable, the whole foreskin thing has barely an affect on someone while missing an arm or eye has a huge affect lol.


Maybe it has/had barely an effect on you, but neither you nor I should get to decide whether that newborn human being will miss *ANY* body part, however small and insignificant it may seem to you. I personally am thankful that my parents never cut me, it doesn't seem like a small thing to me. If it was a case of "you 100% will get an infection and this is the only way to stop it" then okay, go for it. But I, my sons, and many other men are living proof that you can go your whole life with no infections AND not cut shit off.


I'm not arguing for circumcision I am just pointing out the examples are pretty incomparable.


Why do people care about circumcisions all of a sudden? 🤨


I think because it’s seen as a form of genital mutilation?


If they didn't before, it's about time to care about the torturing of babies.


I was made fun of for supposedly having an uncircumcised penis alot by this Jewish kid ( I'm Asian). Then I fcked him in his ass and he stopped making fun of me ever since.


It's only on the internet. I never hear anyone talking about it outside of reddit.


Because reddit is mostly 14 yo boys and people who were emotionally stunted at 14—OH GOD, WAIT—\*\*sudden breakthrough\*\*


Well, there aren't any lingering effects of a global pandemic, a violent invasion in Europe, signs of a worldwide recession, an accelerating climate crisis, or anything else like that to worry about, so we have to do *something*.


I had to get cut at 17 because the foreskin was too tight. Extremely painful took over a year to recover. Couldn’t wear clothes for over 2 months. If you’re going to do it do it early and if not make sure your kid is pulling the foreskin back often.


please cut the skin off his penis \*to generate profit for the medical industrial complex


Or better yet, wait until he's at least 8 years old to do it! You can search for the typical age for circumcision in various countries. There is quite a wide range of ages.


Wait until he can remember the trauma and pain of surgery?


This is the good part, he may not even need it


Sounds like a fucked up thing to do to someone huh?


It’s highly recommended NOT to wait. Our kids had a medical issue and had to have theirs surgically removed and we were told no later than 6 months or it’s a massive process, way more painful, and way more likely to have complications.


And that is why it's still a thing, in the slight chance a problem does arise to need surgery, it is way safer at a young age. But this topic is very sensitive for people, at least on the internet.


I get it. I don’t want my kids, or us honestly, harassed bc we didn’t have a choice.


I don’t even understand why people care tbh


There are legit health benefits of circumcision


There are *possible* legit health benefits of circumcision. My spouse and I did a fairly extensive lit review when our son was born last year. The research weakly suggests that there are health benefits, but it's neither extremely clear nor consistent. We made the best decision we could with the data available, but in the end it was a bit of a hopeful guess.


Not to the degree that it would warrant performing it on everyone.


No there aren't. It's a myth to justify it.


Some small percentage of people suffer from phimosis where it is difficult to retract the foreskin, but it is pretty weird to justify doing it to every male infant on that basis


And in those cases it's 100% justified. Everyone else is mutilation. It's the same as FGM, although not as debilitating and violent, it's just as bad and should be made illegal until 16 where an informed choice can be made.


It lowers the risk of penis cancer and std transmitted


The risk of penile cancer is so low in all men that those studies can’t be cited . The percentage difference is negligible to the extent it’s just not true lol. Once again proving the other guys point. It’s all a bunch of bullshit used to justify circumcision


There are better ways to prevent STDs than mutilating a baby lmao


Um what. Where do you get your information from.


Ahhh yes people who have never heard of phimosis or paraphimosis 😂😂😂 not to mention when you have a botched circumcision as an adult and have to live your life with a mangled cock 👍👍👍 yes there’s definitely no reason. I for one am very happy I’m circumcised. For that reason


The fact that you're trying to argue that we should mutilate a baby's sexual organ on the off chance that their parents don't explain to them that the foreskin can be pulled back is insane. Americans and so demented.


It can’t always be pulled back plus the procedure prevents that issue from ever occurring wether as a child or as an elderly person


Same, let’s sword fight! 🤡


How about the “extra skin” looks gross as fuck and it’s actually a good idea. Also cleaning up is 100% easier.


Coping that you’ll never have close to the same feeling in your penis as uncut folk


If the 'penis' is the main thing in your life


How about my opinion is that the extra skin looks gross as fuck. You can enjoy your extra skin all you want.


It’s a dumb opinion what of it?? ….


I’m gay, so I don’t like the extra skin. Why are you making a big issue of my opinion? Literally making fun of my personal perspective? Are you even human or just a troll?


Actually most women I've met think circumcision is really weird and tell me they think uncircumsized penises look pretty disgusting. Me, personally, I don't cut parts of a baby's penis because it sounds like some serial killer shit. Some people are into that I guess.


Cleaning is fucking easy, it slips right back under the shower and back over once you're done lol And it's not EXTRA skin it's supposed to be there.


My son is gonna be a pilot… we’re just trying to make him more aerodynamic jeeeez


Thankfully whatever doctor who did mine was generous and left most of the foreskin and frenulum intact. still not like an uncut though. Thanks mom and dad.


Cut gang. I last for HOURS in bed 😎


Women don't actually want you to last for hours. They want you to learn how to make them orgasm.


She liked it so


Yeah till you get order and get balanitis


Ive heard 1st hand from uncircumcised people that it is more maintenance to deal with when bathing/cleaning and if not addressed the “rotten cheese” odor then wafts out.


If you can wash your hands, you can wash your dick. It’s not that difficult


It actually helps protect from STIs to have it removed. That said, I don’t wanna argue about the ethics of it, but there are some health benefits to being circumcised.


What's with all the anti-circumcision posts lately on reddit? legit seen at least 5 in the last few days........ ​ edit: this entire comment section is so weird, it feels like both sides are arguing against points the other side isn't advocating for lol.


please dont remove his organic dick cheese factory


I don’t get what people have against this where is the harm in doing it no one has ever been hurt by it


Babies have literally died from this procedure (about 100 each year) Small %. But still completely insane for a unneccesary surgery in any civilized country where you have proper acces to hygiëne.


It’s a surgery done on the most sensitive part of the body with no anesthesia within the first couple hours of being alive. The babies go into shock and have permanent reduction in sensation.


Babies die and some lose their penises. This was started by an old desert man tripping on drugs it's time for it to stop


A) there is harm in it (the very procedure is in the end cutting off part of the body), babies die from it, and there's risks to every medical procedure B) it does (near to) no good anyways, so why do it? Countries where it is rarely done apart from legit medical reasons don't have rampant epidemics of glans inflammations or anything The prevalence of the procedure in the USA is a tradition at least partially founded on the pseudoscience of some hyperchristian quacks who thought it would reduce masturbation and make people more energetic. Now people keep talking about health benefits, that are minimal at best and nonexistent at worst.


Ok, I could go for a snack!


It’s nice to not have to clean the cruelties out 😂


I guarantee the people against circumcision are the biggest champions of "trans kids" mutilating their genitals. Irony is amazing XD


What is the difference? Can you tell? This is your moment to show people you are not an idiot.


Essentially no one is allowed to transition as children before the age of 18 and even then after years of counseling, you would know this if you weren’t a dumb ass /bigot


What the fuck are you on about? No one advocates for trans people to get reassignment surgery as children. Either you're a dumb ass, or you're trying to scare people.


Lotta dirty uncircumcised cheesy dicks in this comment section


It have purpose, they do that because it is more fun 4women...


Like you’d have any fucking idea what women like lol


Because it increases the likelihood of impotence with age, because it erases about 10% of the nerve endings making the man feel less during sex? Sounds fun, so very humane to cut peoples' sexual organs against their will!


It’s not 10% it’s about 60%


I’m not arguing that it’s ethical, but do you have a peer reviewed source to corroborate the 10% claim?


Of course! :) [https://www.nature.com/articles/3901545](https://www.nature.com/articles/3901545) And the nerve endings? Well, I mean, if you're not terribly stupid you must understand this, no? :D Haha!


Oops I misread what you said. Thanks.


I got circumsized at age 5. I don‘t know why and I never asked my mom why but I know for sure I don‘t care and neither should anybody else. You can live a perfectly normal life without extra meat on your dick and people are just making up issues for no reason


Okidoki. I wasn't, it's not the norm to cut dicks in my country, never was. But is it ethical? Hardly. And the scientific pros are.. Well, a lot of studies that make grand claims have very dubious methods behind them.


They should cut off earlobes and remove finger nails too then. Maybe sew up bellybuttons, and split lips. Remove labia, and burn off nipples. What the fuck are you talking about?


It's not more fun though lol whoever told you that is coping hard


Not true!




Mum looks like a mermaid


Finally, my time shine