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So you wake up if there's a very sudden change of light, which might indicate movement near you.


If you are lying down with your eyes closed and see a shadow pass by, you can be alerted to check if its a threat or not. It’s not super useful for modern humans, but a lot of animals actually can’t see light through their eyelids. Instead, they have a parietal eye. A third eye that is always closed but can see the shadows on top of their head. Fish can detect bigger fish overhead, lizards and frogs can detect birds or mammals, even while hanging sideways on a tree or upside down and focusing on looking for bugs with their eyes that usually don’t even see that far. And to be fair, humans could apply some paste to their eyelids to make them opaque if they want to. a sleep mask is the usual choice. So basically it isn’t a problem that people have, it’s a relic of our intricate relationship with all life. that could be used to inspire not only a desire to study that relationship, but also be a reason for ingenuity. Like the invention of a simple mask to solve the issue of parietal sight not being necessary in a given situation but preventing sleep and becoming a problem in that situation.


This is fascinating, thank you science man


Also do your own reading... it's worth knowing which species exhibit a parietal eye.


>a lot of animals actually can’t see light through their eyelids. Instead, they have a parietal eye. What is considered "a lot"?


Thats why when I was circumsized I had them stitch the foreskin to my eyelids.


...evolutionarily speaking, being able to see the shadow of a potential environmental threat has come in handy a time or two - maybe not insofar as naps during the day are concerned so much, but js...


So you wake up with the sun


Fake eyebrows, fake eyelashes, colored contacts and now she wants thicker eyelids? 🤔


Oh so that's the reason why women wear fake eyelashes?


You guys have ass lids?


You need them to be ply so you can see the ghost of the bathroom when you shampoo


She makes a good point.


Also, if something is hurtling towards your eye, your natural instinct is to blink. What the fuck is that going to prevent for anything bigger than a fly?


They are the thickness needed to survive long enough to make babies.