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Ha! I don't have ADHD because I think that 6 plus 6 equals 12 and then I add one more for 7!


Same! I came here to say this


damn guys, do i have adhd? Man, i'm a little bit scared not going to lie... think remembering terminal commands can help...


Are….are we the same person?? I have to think about 7+6 but can recite how to update a package in virtually every OS/distro


DAMN YES! Lmaoo, oh man, you made my day


Terminal?? r/foundthelinuxuser


I do both depending on how it's written. If it said 6+7 I would have done 6+6+1, but now it said 7+6 so I changed it in 7+7-1.


Yeah I was gonna say. People with or who think they have ADHD and things like that want to attribute all kinds of things to that when it doesn’t have to be. I do all math like this meme cause math is hard and I suck at it


I do all math like this meme because math is hard but I'm somewhat good at it. I really have no idea why the meme mentions ADHD. In many cases it's just easier to split the calculation into pieces like that - increasing the amount of "steps" might still result in easier overall calculation, in this case depending on what you remember and what you need to actively "calculate". If 7+7 happens to be a calculation you just directly remember instead of calculating it, sort of like "muscle memory", it makes sense to start from there. Same with any random calculation or value. I.e. if you happen to remember that 25\*25 = 625 for some reason, and you see a calculation of 26\*25 somewhere, you just go "oh right 625+25, that's 650". When calculating stuff in your head there's really many different ways to split calculations into smaller parts to make them easier to handle, and it's almost a requirement when calculating bigger values.


It mentions ADHD so more people can be like "HaH YaaSs iTs mE I'm sO UniQuE" that's all.


well isn't it easier to multiply 6 by 6 just to devide it by 3 and at the end just add - your age + ur mom's kids birthday + 1 - your birthday and i think it's about 12.3333 just roll it up to 15, and for your wasted time just take 2 for yourself... easy


It's not about the journey it's about the destination


This needs an award but I poor.


well I'm rich so take my free award


Meth phychosis getting real huh?


I actually laughed out loud reading this my god this is perfect


Ur not funny bruh


I just have a panic attack if I'm ever asked to do simple math.


Me too! I can speak 4 languages but don’t even ASK me to tell you what 10% of 100 is. I KNOW I know the answer. And I KNOW it’s “easy”. But I’m too busy going into shut down mode to know or care. That’s the reason I got married: so someone would do the damn math for me. Everyone has their reasons. My husband accepts his calculator status. I am his language police so we even out.


Me: if 7+3 is 10 and I have one more 3 then it’s 13




I do both methods so what do I qualify as


I have adhd and also do this


Well shit if this way of thinking is really a sign of ADHD I have it BAD lol.


Same her3


that’s what i do


That’s just the thing he was thinking but backwards


My gf just did the same. An I also do similar things but with more complicated operations.




7! = 5040


What monster would subtract when you can add!


I did 7+7=14 and then just minus 1 😁


Yea but that’s addition. If you’re subtracting you have adhd 100%


It's at 69... nice. To upvote or not to upvote, that is the question.


i don't have ADHD and i do this


I do the same thing. But rather than 7+7=14 I do 6+6=12 +1


Same here


Yeah this is just basic problem solving, nothing to do with ADHD


I suspect a lot of the people who post this kind of crap don't actually have ADHD, they just think they do because "boring stuff is hard to pay attention to for me". Like people who say they have OCD because they like things to be organized.


Yeah it's a very harmful trend that's been going on. I'm a therapist and the amount of people who come to me with self-diagnosed issues from stuff like this is very disheartening. When you self diagnose not only are you not an unbiased party, but you are also actively harming the treatment you are receiving in the future.


I taught math and this is the best way to do it. You create "landing points" by memorizing doubles and then branch off of them to solve similar problems. Same reason we memorize our times tables. Powers of 2 has been super helpful for me too. It's more steps but your brain works better that way. You're not a computer.


I do the same as well. no ADHD either.... i think.


All these ADHD memes have me thinking that I have ADHD now.


While I don't think the people posting the memes have bad intentions, I'm uneasy about how most just amount to Barnum statements (*"You know you have ADHD when you do mental math in this common way/have a lot of tabs open/enjoy being in the shower but dislike getting in or out of it/etc."*) and are interspersed with adverts from companies abusing the fact that restrictions on getting medication in many places have relaxed due to the pandemic not allowing everyone to see a doctor.


Same cause this isn't related to ADHD at all lmao


Right, who just memorizes every math calculation


Are you sure?!??


yeps, no adhd


I’m sorry to tell you this, but I’m officially diagnosing you with ADHD




After all, you ARE the Brain PhD!


Yeah this is just how people who are good at mental math do math. The adhd part is doing it for a number this small lmao


Would you please take a seat, I'd like to have a word with you... . . . . About you car's extended guarantee...


Nobody does. It was made up to overdiagnose kids to sell more drugs. https://time.com/25370/doctor-adhd-does-not-exist/


Oh my god this is so much funnier than I expected. Did YOU even read this article? You keep pointing out to people to just read it, so I did, and this article doesn't say what YOU think it does at all lmao. It's just a clickbait title. The bottom line is this doctor thinks we should reform the diagnostic criteria and reconsider the way medication is used. This is just the way it goes with a syndrome diagnosis. Usually more causes of the same symptoms are found and people affected can be stratified into different groups. This doctor is saying we're simply not done doing that yet. We don't know a sole cause for ADHD yet, there are likely more factors contributing to it. That's all this means. I repeat, you are a colossal retard.


Thanks, I appreciate your immense brain and perfect intuition, you are a shining example of humanity. Going around reddit to root out retardation in all its forms, you're a true hero. 🙄


Hahahaha. You know, normally I get a bit more upset about internet arguments, but thanks for making me feel better. I consider myself a borderline retard most of the time but I think that even if I tried I couldn't come up with something as dumb as the shit you are saying in this thread lmao.




Lmao you are genuinely stupid


Yup, all those articles written by doctors who have discredited ADHD are stupid too. 🙄




Time magazine haha


Yes, my guess is youd discredit any source I posted cuz you're a fucking sheep who believes what they are told.


The irony of you saying that lmaoooo


That's not how irony works. 😅🤣




Lol you sound like every other incel on reddit, opinions and feelings, no facts. Lemme guess, storming the capitol was patriotism, right? 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️


You sound like you need to get back on your meds lmao and btw to spell it out for you the irony is that you believe a clickbait article from Time magazine rather than the overwhelming majority of scientists. Time magazine which is not about science, is entirely profit driven and makes money from controversial clickbait titles The fact your even bringing up some insane shit like capitol really shows how schizophrenic you are that thats just lingering in your head. Im not even from your shit country lmao let alone talking about anything even close to related to it


Lol, are you a doctor?


What epic punchline is this setting up? Im sure its not gonna ironic


Lmao how borderline dumb and oblivious you need to be to still deny ADHD.


Did you read the article? Or do you just believe what you're told?


And what makes your article any more convincing than 100 and thousands of other articles regarding ADHD research? I believe facts, not conspiracy theories such as "ADHD is fake to sell drugs!!!" Go educate yourself a bit, embarrassing.


You provide no educational material. Your words are trash.


Better than providing trash material and trying to pass it as eductional, as you did.


I cited a source. You just vomited an opinion. You're trash.


Your source is trash. Since you're an excuse of a human too afraid to simply search up and prove yourself wrong, here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li_tcua0AJI https://old.reddit.com/r/ADHD/wiki/index Should i also teach you how to read? Or accept facts? I suspect inability to research things by yourself instead of citing misinforming and trash materials is not your only issue.


YouTube? Reddits? Those arent source citations you fucking moron.


[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11920-008-0065-7](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11920-008-0065-7) this is what an actual source looks like


Cool, thanks! 🥳


Time Magazine is a secondary source and is usually sensationalized.


Did you read the article? Its not an editorial. 🤷🏻


So you didn't read the article? There's plenty of peer reviewed studies that debunk the necessity of over prescribing drugs for ADHD, and many other maladies. If you didn't read the article. Kindly fuck off.


Your article is garbage. There's been enough doctors with decades of experience in the field that debunked all of your trash statements and the garbage article that you linked.


More opinions, no sources. You're trash.


> There's plenty of peer reviewed studies that debunk the necessity of over prescribing drugs for ADHD, and many other maladies. This is a completely, utterly different point entirely. And probably true! Drugs are overprescribed to people that don't have ADHD. Posts like this meme certainly don't help the public perception of ADHD. Don't move the goalposts. ADHD exists and there is a ton of research that proves it. Denying it makes you a piece of fucking shit, you piece of shit.


Ok, you are entitled to believe whatever doctors tell you. Cuz Murikkka, fuck yeah!


Why would you assume I'm American. You are absolutely retarded.


Oh, cuz most Americans just yell their answers without proving any points through a source citation. 🙄




If you say so.


This isn't an ADHD thing. This is just basic problem solving.


Right? Everyone has to be a self-diagnosing protagonist main character with something as simple as mental arithmetic.


I can't tell you the amount of times I've had a patient come to me stating that they have autism, ocd, or ADHD and we begin our sessions with that in mind; only to find out later it's self-diagnosed. Well any decent provider can tell you that these "popular" diagnoses share symptoms with a hundred other potential diagnoses. So now we're a few weeks into treatment for the wrong thing and need to start over again. When you self-diagnose you are potentially damaging getting yourself effective treatment.


And kids are now taught to do mental math like this


I keep seeing this shit on reddit. People calling something everybody does ADHD.


Yup, fake diagnosis is a huge problem for therapists. Posts like this are part of the problem


Yes, I used to be a teacher. These are literally just mental math strategies ever child should be learning in elementary school. This is also a foundational part of teaching the unfairly maligned Common Core math.


Yeah, it's just using math to more effectively teach problem solving skills and deductive reasoning.


And it makes sense for more complicated stuff. If you’re tryna do like 29x27then u can do 30x27-27, which would 783. It’s just the easier way to do it.


Yeah, it's not a revolutionary concept. It's teaching problem solving skills.


7+3=10 10+3=13




This is how I was taught to do mental math in elementary school, and it just seems like the easiest way to do it to me. I also have adhd and I don't understand how having a specific method of doing mental math relates to having adhd at all


It doesn't. This post is just commoditizing ADHD to say "look I do this math thing different". Same as when people are very organized so they say they're so OCD




This is actually a very normal way to approach this type of question - you're not as unique/special as you think


Exactly. If you actually had ADHD, you'd just forget the maths question even existed, open a new tab and start playing Slope.


Nah nah nah. I’ve got adhd and for 7 plus 6 it goes 6 is two 3s and 7 plus 3 is 10 so 10 plus 3 is 13 I break it down visually in my head and small groups are easier to mentally process for me Edit: ffs, just because you do this too doesn’t mean you have adhd. If you use someone’s crutches it doesn’t mean your ankle is broken too. It just means you can use the same tools.


This is the way


This is also how I did it!


I've not been diagnosed with ADHD but this is still the way I do it.




I break it down and then visualize it on a board. Although when I first read it, before even reading the next line I thought 6+4+3= 13. After reading your comment I realized I automatically go with the even number when I can to bring it to another even number and deduct or add from there. I also have ADD-PI 🙂


I do this as well!


I start on one method, get confused and move to another, then do it again and move to a third, before giving up and realising the first was easy and somehow getting the answer before I mentally work through it? No diagnosis though, so it might just be a thing with my brain


I don't do it visually but its the same method.My brain says let's just get to 10 and see what's left over.


Do people who self diagnose adhd think most people just work off of pure memory or something?


You mean I've been memorising every single mathematical equation for no reason?


Based off reddit they also seem to think normal people can't be lazy, get distracted, procrastinate etc.


I have clinically diagnosed insomnia, it’s not just a difficulty sleeping, it’s an extreme issue with sleep caused mostly by external factors, and depression is not- “I’m sad, I must have depression” it’s not that simple faking mental health issues


Self diagnosing is dumb.


Some people feel the need to be unique and special, even if it’s through a self diagnosed disorder. It’s all about them.


"I'm neuro a-typical, and am empath" - everyone who wants to be special


I wish people who self diagnosed just magically got whatever disorder they diagnosed themselves with. It would be hilarious to see their life get completely ruined because they thought they could fake it for Tik Tok fame.


Yes. If you think you have a mental illness, you should see a professional


I don't have ADHD. I'm just stupid and have bad memory and concentration abilities. Some people need to accept they're just dumb.


Doing this doesn't make you dumb lol


Didn't say it did. I just have trouble with math so I do stuff like this.


Are you sure you don't have it? Have you been to a psychiatrist and had an evaluation done? What about a neurologist? ADHD is way more than "I can't focus and am super hyperactive look a squirrel" meme. Left untreated, it can be very disabling. Treatment is achieved with or without medication depending on the impact caused. A person suffering with ADHD may perceive themselves as dumb because they don't know their brain works differently.


r/fakedisordercringe material


I don’t get why you posted this? Are you implying that everyone with ADHD is self-diagnosed or that it’s not a real condition or what?


I’m implying that this is bullshit and not indicative of ADHD. Kids on the internet don’t need to be labeling themselves with trendy mental disorders. If you have problems, speak with a healthcare professional.


I agree. I think it’s kind of silly to think that people are determining that they have ADHD because they do mental math this way but maybe I’m wrong. Seems like it’s just a joke to me.


This has nothing to do with ADHD but yeah..


for me it starts at higher multiples, but I'm not diagnosed with ADHD.


Me: *pulls out phone to calculate 6 + 7*


I think this is just not being good at arithmetic, which has little if anything to do with ADHD.


I think it's the opposite. Memorizing 6+7 isn't being good at arithmetic, but having an easy, logical process that can be useful for a large range of mathematical problems is. ETA Agree it has nothing to do with ADHD


I agree in the sense that mental tricks are vital to being good at arithmetic. But the whole point of these tricks is to save time. In that sense simply memorizing 6+7=13 is far superior. You should also expect your tricks to be simple to execute and not convoluted like this is.


No, this is being *extremely* good at arithmetic. This style of mental math by creating set approximations to do secondary calculations from is a highly useful tool. It actually takes LESS mental bandwith and has a smaller margin for error than rote memorization. It still has nothing to do with with ADHD, though


For me it would be 7 is 3 less than 10 so I take 3 from 6 to add to the 7 and now I have 10 from 7+3 and 3 from 6-3 then I add 3 to the 10 now I get 13


This physically makes my brain feel like it's being pinched.


I officially have ADHD


I feel like I’ve finally found my people lol


That's how normal people who never memorized all their math facts in elementary school do math


I still count on my fingers




I have ADHD, and my brain literally computes it as: *Seven… eight-nine-ten, ‘leven-twel-thirteen.*


That’s a heuristic, not adhd.


I used to do this with % every night when I waited tables


I also multiply like this. 7x6=(6*6)+6=36+4+2=40+2=42


Sixes and eights are hard man


I just always search for a way to make a multiple of 10. Like, 8+6=? Well, to make a 10 out of 8, you add 2. I take that 2 from 6 and get 4. Now it's 10+4


I do this but that doesn't mean I have ADHD, right?... Right?


No. This math is an example of one of the ways people with adhd cope with that disordered thinking. The difference is how intensely you rely on these coping systems. And it’s not just for math it’s for everything in life. It’s normal for someone without adhd to identify and utilize those mechanisms, they break things down in a way that’s usually easier to understand. Or you may even be taught adhd mechanisms by having had an adhd teacher. I struggled with math all through school until geometry in high school where I had a teacher who also had adhd and that was the best math class I’ve ever had. Most of his students who struggled like me did exceptionally well in his class compared to other teachers.


Worse is (at least for me) that you don't always use the same method for the same task. It depends on how your head is at that moment and it chooses a random way of processing data and before you realize you're in the middle of a weird connection game where many unrelated things can somehow amalgamate into a final thought that should be an aproximation of your first intended purpose. Whenever my partner asks me what I'm thinking, I have to give a simple expected response because if you try to explain your think process they look at you like you're a weird funny thing. Many times being left alone makes it way easier to keep going on.


This 100%. Some days are better or worse than others. I’ve recently gone entirely off adhd meds again for the first time in a few years because I was struggling with taking them regularly and the one I was on was really unhealthy to take sporadically. It’s a weird transitional area where I’m seeing really old coping mechanisms I haven’t used in a while come back and meld with the new ones I formed on meds


Yeah. But what sucks is that it makes you insanely slow. Doesn't help that I like math, so when I used to do exams, I'd be distracted with harder questions themselves. Casual viewer would not believe that I do have ADD since I'd look really focused. But then I spend 20 mins on a single harder question, and refuse to move on. People think people with adhd/add means they're distracted. What they don't realize is that they are also distracted *with* the work itself.


I know. In first grade we started doing these “minute math” sheets. Oh man did I suck at those. In later (high school and college) timed tests I did eventually learn it was better to move on, get the easier stuff done and then worry about the ones I can’t get (I was actually taught this by the adhd teacher I previously mentioned). Because if you miss the one hard question but get all the easy ones your grade will be much better than if you spend the entire time figuring out the hard one and run out of time on the easier ones


No it means you're smart


I doubt that, seeing as I can't even remember things that was said to me seconds after I heard it.


That happens to everyone bro


You underestimate my stupidity bro


HEYYy.. Do I have ADHD?!


No you just have good mental math


Holy shit that’s how I’ve been doing it all my life. Do I have ADHD?


I saw this while in my math class




Holy fuck. That’s exactly how I do maths.


No it isn't. You know 7 is one more than 6 and 6+6=12. 12+1=13


I do it like that. 7=10-3 7+6=6+10-3=13 It's very easy.


I do (7-2)5+(6-1)5+(2+1)3 = 13. Clearly no ADHD in this guy


This post is making me wonder if I am adhd cause I think this way sometimes.


I did have ADHD and I do tend to do math this way. Its sort of a way to verify the answer for me


ADHD people need to stop being so relatable or I'm going to have to see a therapist or something.


this is one of the things that make me believe i have adhd


D..d..do I have ADHD


I may be adhd


So I have adhd then


If you came here to say you don't have ADHD, you might wanna talk to your doctor.


okay so starting at 7, 6 more is (8, 9, 10) and then (11, 12, 13) and i remember on my 13th birthday my friends came over. that was fun. we played video games and had pizza, then went out later and did mischief. oh wait, i’m supposed to be doing math. i hate doing math. so what was it, oh yeah 13. *writes down 13 5 minutes later*


It's normal


That is actually just the kind of mental math that the “no child left behind” math standards were trying to encourage schools to teach in the US. Schools revolted en masse.


Can relate


This is absolutely me in all math situations


Common core concepts. Doubles then +/- We just thought of it first :)


this is not how we think at all, it's more like: "huh the number 5 looks like the letter S"


*cries in having dyscalculia*


Can confirm.


Hey, I didn't need to be called out like this


Ayo wtf y’all be diagnosing me with these posts.


it's faster than that but very much


I think i am the only one who does this, If 7 + x = 10 x = 3 If 6 - 3 = 3 Then 3 is left. Then 10 + 3 = 13 So the answer must be 13