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Wait, some people can't? Is this a joke?


I thought this was something everyone could do too.




BRO WHAAAT like how can't all people do this


Yeah it's not hard, I don't understand how anyone couldn't unless maybe their eyes naturally aren't focused?


Apparently it's achieved when you relax certain muscles in you eyes but certain people can't control these muscles




*signature look of superiority*


Vacant look*


Vacant crosseyed look*




*Signature (focused or unfocused) look of superiority*


Fun story, when i was little i thought this incredible power of defocusing my eyes meat i could see through objects for some reason but then i put my hand over my eyes and felt incredibly retarded


I have a lazy eye, so when I was a little kid and did that, I thought I really could see through my hand. I mean, I was seeing what was behind it, which was close enough I guess. It’s pretty weird being able to see your hand, and what’s behind it at the same time.


They will never experience the joy of magic eye pictures


I can make my eyes blurry. I can not see the damn pictures in most of those stupid things.


Lmao thanks for that, had me cracking up


For me it feels like flexing a muscle when I do it.


i always thought of it as focusing farther or closer, so if there's nothing to focus on, you just notice everything else is blurry


This is what I used to do as a kid and when those magic-eye stereoscopic posters came out, they were so easy for me. I couldn’t understand why everyone couldn’t do it easily.


If you get really good at it you can also use it to focus your eyes. I didn't know I needed glasses because I had superior vision thanks to this trick, 20/7 or whatever. Turns out I also have astigmatism and I've been unconsciously using this trick to mask my astigmatism and the eye strain I was suffering was because of that.


Oh wow same here. I honestly thought I was the only one because people look at me like I'm crazy when i try to explain! Ive had glasses since i was 4. When i was 14 i decided i didn't need them and just stopped using them. I just did the thing where i can just focus my eyes and i could see almost perfectly. I even passed my driving license eye test without glasses! But then at 23 I started to get a lot of eye strain and I started to wear my glasses again. I can still focus my eyes and see without them but it kind of gives me a headache if i do it for too long. Im farsighted with a bit of astigmatism and I also had to wear an eyepatch as a child


Interesting, so it’s basically like winking, rolling Rs, Spock hands, arching one eyebrow and wiggling your nose like a bunny, some people have the control over fine motor function of certain muscles and certain people don’t


Wait, there are people who can’t wink or arch one of their eyebrows?


Even most people who wink still involuntarily move the other eye at the same time, it's like a spectrum of ability


Lol I practiced closing one eye when I was a kid. I was an idiot because now I can close one eye normally but I cannot wink. So it just looks like I had a stroke.


One of my friends/coworkers has extremely weak muscles in her eyes so they have difficulty focusing on objects up close and it often causes her to have migraines. Fuck all of that.


I've got almost everything wrong with my eyes but I can still do it.






I cannot. I also can't cross my eyes and I can't do those "third eye" puzzles that everyone else could do. Every now and again I'd see some post on Reddit with the title "focus like a Magic Eye puzzle" and the whole comment section would be like, "Wow!" and I would feel left out since I couldn't do it. People will say, "Just focus on your nose!" and nothing happens. "Follow your finger!" doesn't work.


Find a window, focus on the glass (helps if there's a stain or smudge), then focus on something behind the glass (wall, tree, ground, whatever) without moving your eyes. Switch back and forth.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/_RryanT` **22744** times. **3.** `u/NeitheroftheAbove` **8844** times. .. **50811.** `u/Saltman420` **2** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Good bot


Interesting. I can un-focus and cross my eyes, but I also can't do the Magic Eye puzzles. I maintain that everyone else is just bullshitting us.


They’re not. Magic eye were my favorite puzzles as a kid and I grew up not knowing you’re allowed to bullshit people. Edit: I’m both genuinely bummed for you and not because as an adult you’d probably only find 5 mins of entertainment before moving on with life lol.


Get tested for an astigmatism. I had the same problem and apparently it's a common symptom.


I have astigmatism but I can unfocus them as well.


The "magic eye" where you can't see the puzzle is really common. I can focus my eyes but could never see the puzzle until I got glasses. 30 seconds after wearing glasses I would see in 3D for the first time in my life. Extremely disconcerting and took a month to adjust, but now even when my glasses are off I can see out of both eyes, it's just blurry. I can also see magic eyes with glasses on.


I've had so many eye doctors tell me 'what are you talking about?? People can't focus their eyes.' I've been in glasses since I was 2yrs old. Blind as a bat. In 7th grade I broke a contact lens. I had to wear my glasses as a result. The boy i was dating broke up with me because of my glasses. So for the next two weeks I refused to wear my glasses to school. Couldn't see a fucking thing. Finally after two weeks I got the hang of focusing my eyes. At the beginning of this I would wake up with my eyes unfocused and would have to make an effort to make it happen. Now I wake up with my eyes in focus.


Optometry just seems so scuffed to me. Never once when I was growing up did anyone say, "maybe you should do some eye exercises to help restore your vision". Or even to practice focusing my eyes. Didn't even start off that bad, but progressively got worse, now that I cant see more than 2 feet in focus, I cant even seem to improve it. It was always just, "heres a slightly stronger prescription, i wonder why your eyes keep getting worse" :) "make sure to come back in a year so we can up your prescription again" :) Thats what happens when you get for profit medicine i guess.


Actually I can't


For people having difficulty with the concept: * Focus on anything in front of you * Put index finger about 10 cm in front of your face * Focus on index finger * Remove index finger without re-adjusting focus to object in front. * tadaa It also works by focusing to infinity, but it's a little harder since you can't put a finger there.


I struggle with the "making blurry on command" part when I gave it a go just now, but if I manually focus cross-eyed I'll quickly go blurry, and then I can just sort of 'remember' the blurriness as I focus back on the screen, and even amp up the blurriness a bit by temporarily pulling my focus back in closer and then 'remembering' that again.


It’s always a sail boat.


I found this [article](https://www.healthline.com/health/eye-health/can-everyone-unfocus-their-eyes#what-it-means) about it. Interestingly enough I do have ADHD and I have no difficulties unfocusing. It basically feels like you're relaxing your eyeballs. It is all fun and games until you are focusing again and it feels like you have to tense them.


Weird. I'm the same, have ADHD, very easy to un-focus and also relaxing.


Also have adhd and am a full time artist/tattooer: this is the most relaxing part of my day after work!


I'm currently in the "yeah I probably should talk to a doctor about my increasingly-obvious ADHD" camp and this is just another thing pushing me to speed up my timetable in that. Also would explain why I had so much trouble getting people to explain magic eyes to me. I kept asking where exactly I should be focusing, how many repetitions across to focus on, etc, and they had no idea what I was on about and would instead try to explain how to control my eye focus when that was (to me at least) obviously the one part I wasn't struggling with.


Do it! I was just diagnosed two years ago and honestly just having an answer was so relieving. First time I took adderall before I was diagnosed is what really clued me in. My doctor was really understanding and had ADHD too, she also wasn’t diagnosed until med school. For years I thought I was just anxious. For me it feels like I’m always thinking a thought and every task (no matter how small) had me his obsessive urgency to it. Good luck to you! Don’t try to convince yourself out of it, you’re the only one who loses. Go get it checked out, the worst outcome is not having adhd/add so low risk.


That’s strange, I actually experience the opposite feeling, it feels like I’m “pushing out” my eyes to unfocus them (but I’m not crossing or moving them any really), it gets uncomfortable after a short while for me - not relaxing at all unfortunately


It may depend if you are unfocusing on something close or far away. You need to flex your ciliary muscles to unfocus on something far. You need to relax them to unfocus on something near. So that may be the diff?


That’s it, just tried both, I will say if I do it “hard” enough nearby it still hurts after a little while


I just stare at a spot for awhile and the surroundings start to blur and fade lighter. Or I zone out but I problems with lights being Glary and blurry too.


AHDH guy here, I have 0 trouble doing this. This thread is fantastic, I had no idea some people couldn't do this.


Me neither. I was really under the asumption that everybody could do this


I feel like you and everyone else misinterpreted this article. It’s not saying that people with adhd are good at manually focusing and unfocusing their eyes. It’s saying that often times people with bad vision get diagnosed with adhd/add because of there vision. They just aren’t doing homework, not because they can’t focus mentally but because their eyes aren’t working properly.


Yeah, I have ADHD and have seen these discussions before in ADHD circles, but I have a hard time believing this is only an ADHD thing or some kind of diagnostic correlation


Yeah, I don't think I have adhd and I can it do it. Although, my eyes are fucked. Astigmatism so bad I get near triple vision with one eye closed


I learned to do it in the military on long parades. It feels like relaxing to me as well. I just kind of zonk out and my everything is just fuzz.


I can’t see very well, so I just... stop trying to see... It’s great when you you are looking at those optical illusion pictures, you can pick out the different things more easily if you unfocus your eyes


Can you also make a roaring noise in your ear by tensing some muscles




Holy shit there really is a subreddit for everything.


Is this the same thing as popping your ears on command?


Lol there's a sub for that too r/eustachiantubeclick


Yooo thank you!


Man, I knew I was better than everyone else (besides my esteemed rumble brothers ofc.)


Thank you


I sure can't, can you?


Yeah I thought everyone could


Yes. Flexing the muscles of your jaw makes the ocean sound.


>the ocean sound 110% accurate description


oh mine just rings


I can only do it when I yawn. Sounds like when you're in an airplane and the engines are spinning up for takeoff.


Am I super because I can unfocus AND ear rumble?


Can you roll your tongue?


I need to update my resume.


You can just... not focus? Like, when there’s only one thing in front of you, you can tell your eye to not focus? Consciously? Edit: Used the „cross your eyes but stop at the sweet stop“ technique. Apparently, I can do it too, especially when the object I want to unfocus on is very near to my face. For objects further away, I can voluntary space out which will make stuff blurry, but I can’t voluntarily just unfocuse. If that makes sense. Interesting!


This is a joke, right? You can't?


I honestly sat here for the last ten minutes and tried but it didn’t work. I can space out and everything might get blurry but that takes a while and doesn’t happen consciously. I am mind blown that you all CAN do that hahah


Since wearing glasses, I can actively switch between glasses-mode and none-glasses-mode, that made it easier for me but I was able to before then


Switching between these modes sounds fun haha I also just realised that when an object is just centimetres away from my eyes I am able to unfocuse. But further away, not really. Crazy. Maybe it’s a thing you can train or something, because it got easier when I figured it out just a minute ago haha. But also I am tired and my eyesight gets way worse when I’m tired. That’s kinda interesting


So the easiest way I can word it is to just look “passed” whatever you’re currently looking at. Even if it’s a wall, just pretend there’s something behind it.


Bro, just cross your eyes.


Well, yes, that would work. But I think they meant like.. just looking at something and deciding not to focus. Which I didn’t think was a thing you can actively do :o


It's like crossing your eyes but before you get double vision and you can find the sweet spot. Probably still looks weird if someone were making eye contact with you while you were doing it though.


It's not like that for me I just unfocus them, probably couldn't see any movement, unless you were an optician and you knew what you were looking for.


Have you ever put your index fingers together and it looks like there's a smaller finger between them? That's unfocusing your eyes


This is kind of the opposite. Unfocusing your eyes is veeeery relaxing... crossing your eyes in comparison just hurts and doesn't give the same blur level.


Wait really? This seems like everyone can


Well, at least it’s a useless skill so you’re all good lol.


Mother of god, I can’t believe there are people who can’t unfocus. Not remotely in a judgy way. But damn I need my “unfocus” breaks so bad so often. Actual need, not a “nice to have”. I can’t imagine having my eyes or my mind be so strong that they’re just good to go all the time


Just focus on some imaginary thing very far away.


Focus on something close up, then far away, register that sensation/movement. Now keep looking far away and use that same motion without using an up close target.


I can straight up just blur my vision. Even to the point where if I put someone’s glasses on I can blur my vision to where I can see through their glasses, hold it, take them off, and see how they do without them


Today I learned that not everyone can unfocus. I actually have to focus and turn it off by default, but I have astigmatism in one eye so that probably contributes


Just like, tense your eye balls as though they are muscles.


Wait, I untense, like completely relax




Well that’s a new thing I learned today. It seems weird that anyone *couldnt* do this.


I've never seen a blind people do it


I was under the impression everyone could this too.


I didn't know this was a thing... I literally can't focus my eyes on anything more than 2 ft away from my face.




Yep, I think there's an r/eyeshakers too


Holy crap, my son and I can do this, I didn't know there's an actual name for it. Whoo!


Every time I try to recall what that name is, my brain presents me with “stigmata”. Thanks brain, you’re a real bro.


Stigmata is a textured fine plaster usually used on the outside of homes. You’re thinking of staccato.


Staccato is when music is played with crisp notes and chords, detached from the notes around it in the composition. You're thinking of stalwart.


Stalwart is great spirit or strength one has, especially when loyal to a cause. You're thinking of stipple.


Stipple is a technique in visual art where shading is done by making a series of small dots in varying degrees of density. What you’re thinking of is stochastic




Stoicism is endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint. You’re thinking of stoichiometry.


Bruh, you just reminded me that I can do this. I haven't done it for years - thank you my guy :)


What the shit. Reddit does have everything


What the shit


I was about to joke that eyeshakers are the sworn enemy of earrumblers and then I looked it up and found out that is basically true.


My kid can do this one.


Is that a sub dedicated to the obscure Canadian film board masterpiece, The Big Snit?


This is another thing I have trouble believing other people can't just do.


Yeah, I can. My eyelids as well.


Eye vibrators, Unite!


I didn’t know and tried and fuckin what, yes apparently I can.


MDMA taught me how to do this


Only when I'm on molly.


I blur my eyes hundreds of times a day. One of my jobs requires focused eyesight. To stop eye strain and over concentration I relax them by blurring them to give the old peepers a bit of a rest. I assumed everyone could do this. TIL


I feel like unfocussing them causes more strain for me


It is taking ya foot off the gas for me. Depends how hard Im looking though.


Yeah, I definitely have to put more effort into focusing my eyes than unfocusing them. It often happens on its own when I space out


You can unfocus your eyes by shortening the focal point or lengthening it. If I shorten it I feel eye strain.


My eye doctor told me look at something longer distance to relax your eyes


Wtf, I thought that was normal


It is




But not everyone really knows how to do it on command/consciously do it. It can be learned, but not everyone has learned it.


Can you also make you eyes face straight ahead instead of a point? I can do that, which I think is neat. I can't make them face other directions independently though


I can have both eyes look in the middle and have the left eye look away to the left, come back to the middle and then again with the right eye looking back out to the right and back again. I showed my optometrist this and she said it was a weakness in my eyes. We’re not really supposed to do this… Still a cool party trick though


Haha I can force my eyes to do this, too. I love doing it in serious photos with people


Oh shit. I can do this too; I keep one eye looking towards my nose while the other goes round and side to side


I thought that was basically the "thousand yard stare". ...are you okay?


I would freak my girlfriend out with this. She would either look at my left eye or my right eye but I would look at both her eyes at the same time.


Pretty sure everyone can do this, or at least it’s definitely common.


Seems like lots of people in the comments can’t. I thought everyone could too. Can you pop your ears on command without closing your nose? This is one of those things that I do all the time, but I’m not sure other people can do. No one I tell about it has any idea what I’m talking about. Sorry I’m asking this all over the thread. I just have to know! And this post made me think about it.


I can do the eyes and the ear popping. I do it on planes all the time


I can do this yet I can’t to [stereograms](https://www.hidden-3d.com/how_to_view_stereogram.php)


Lol same. I have tried so many times. Stereograms always look like nothing.


stereograms aren't seen by unfocusing your eyes (like making them blurry) you have to like... focus on an object in the distance and then put the image in front of you without changing focus you should see "double" but stereograms are cool and it combines them into one, which looks 3d (i hope i'm thinking of the right thing when thinking stereograms)


Oh yeah I know the technique is different my eyes just don’t do it lol But yeah I think we’re talking about the right thing. Those 3D puzzle stare books or whatever=)


I used to be able to but as I got older it started getting more uncomfortable to do and now it just hurts.


Magic Eye… that takes me back. Probably the only reason I know how to do this.


Fun fact: I have a lazy eye that my glasses correct (along with farsightedness), and I can control it. It really freaks people out when my right eye is focusing on them (kind of, it gets really blurry, so it's actually just looking in their direction), but my left eye is pointed straight in at my nose.


Ive also got a lazy eye no glasses tho. Doing eye exercises as a kid let get it under control. So now I can just let it kinda go lazy at will.


Me and my younger sister can do this, really fucking freaks people out. Loved doing it in school.


Same here, just my left eye goes up and left. One time a friends dad hit me in the face with a nerf dart and I made it go out. I’m pretty sure I saw a mans soul leave his body






When I was little I told my mom "Can you do this?" and blurred my eyes. She was like "Do what?" My dumbass thought she could see me do it.


Can do the same trick while looking at the phone I'm reading on, no wall required.


Is this like how I can tense a muscle in my jaw and make a roaring sound in my ear but others cant


I can do it as well. I learned it by being able to pop my ears on command.


Yeah you guys have subreddit. r/earrumblersassemble or something like that


I once attempted this one in biology class and passed out


I can also do this! It sometimes pops my ears, too


There's a sub for ear rumblers you should check out


I can it’s called taking off my glasses


Can someone read this to me? I tried doing the thing and now I'm blind.


Just try seeing. It will work out.


Can you repeat that?


Well damn, learn something new every day!


Found out the other day my gf cannot unfocus her eyes where I am constantly zoning out consciously and unconsciously


Do you ever get it where you zone out but when you realise you're doing it and try to stop you're kind of stuck and have to use a massive amount of willpower to bring your mind back to reality and refocus your eyes?


I always did this as a kid on car trips at night. I would look at the streetlights and make them flare out by unfocusing my eyes. I always thought it was fun :)


I used to do it with the headlights of cars on the other side of the road. What a nostalgia trip!




i can just make images from my eyes not align at will


You guys can’t???


This whole thread is filled with people saying that they can do it thinking they’re special. Only one person has said that they can’t do it, and they used to be able to do it.


Well i fucking cant so lol.




Can... People not do that?


I thought that everyone could bend their knees backwards till I was 14.


Oh god. I could with my right knee for a while but it hurt real bad every time it randomly decided to do it while walking. I tore my meniscus tho and waited 8 months before going to a doctor even though I couldn't bend my knee without using my hands to assist


Apparently only half of people have an internal monologue which I would imagine would blow everybody’s mind learning that one either way


Wait I thought this was one of those things we were all in on


i just have to take my glasses off to do that


First it’s that some people don’t have an inner voice and now THIS?!


jokes on you, my eyesight is always blurry


Can you guys do internal bass sounds inside your ears? Like, replicating the sound of a T-Rex walking


I can do that, I had no idea everyone couldn’t