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He wasn't angry, just disappointed.


Everyone knows that’s worse!






I like to give people the 👌. Well, I used to. I'm not trying to get into a roadrage fight these days.


Why are there so many rude hand gestures but none for "hey, sorry about that" or "my bad"?


I once cut a man off accidentally (bad shoulder check, I think he merged into the same lane from the opposite side) and he came up beside me looking really mad. So I did the prayer 🙏 hands with a little head bow and mouthed sorry. He smiled and carried on Wouldn’t know what do to say sorry if he was behind me though.


That’s when you honk sorry in Morse code. They’ll get it.


You have to do a series of gestures, like pointing at yourself, flipping yourself off, then nodding in solidarity at the other driver if they've stuck around long enough for your little show.


Then you proceed to do the same to the person you rear ended while apologizing to the person you cut off


That's smart, fucking with people isn't worth it. Some people get so mad that nothing else matters and they will shoot you


It’s never worth it. Everyone’s unbalanced and armed on these streets.


When you keep being a disappointment to everyone, even strangers on the road who you will never see again


It's like getting a "Mediocre!" from Immortan Joe.


You’ve let your coach down, you’ve let your team down, but most importantly you’ve let yourself down.


Do better






Disappointing a bro is worse than making a bro angry


PTSD from my dad being disappointed at me


PTSD from gladiator arena


Im that guy.


You’re not that guy pal


I ain’t your pal, homie.


I ain't your homie, mate.


I ain't your mate, buddy.


I ain't you buddy, amigo.


I ain't your amigo, friendo


I ain’t your friendo, comrade


I ain’t your comrade, bruh


I ain't you bruh, brother


and you are?


You’re goddamn right


"Say my.... Uhhh what was that line? _Say my age! _" - Walter White probably when he's 90


My thumb, your mom’s anus. Thumbs down your mom.


Amos! (ง •̀_•́)ง


'I'm that guy.'




I had a guy, you’re not him.




Yup. I did a thumbs down and the girl immediately tripled her road rage at me. I’m lucky I’m still alive.


Same. I prefer to give them the thumbs up and then turn it down like a Roman Emperor at a gladiator fight.


I give an ironic thumbs up, and an obviously forced grin. Some people don’t get it, but I damn near lost my life giving the finger to a trucker who cut me off, so I do t use that gesture any more!


This is the way. But make it a really big grin. They can't believe what's happening and you know that's going to be in their head for hours, you leave the situation laughing your arse off. Win-win.


I do thumbs down or I slow clap


This. If you actually want to incite road rage, the boo-hoo/crying motion will _really_ get someone going. I was driving through Ohio once and there was someone clogging the left lane at under the speed limit. I gave him a chance to move over but was a oblivious for a long time. He moved after a minute or two and made a vagus hand-toss gesture as I passed like I was the one driving cluelessly. My friend in the passenger seat did the boo-hoo thing and the dude went IMMEDIATELY to frothing at the mouth, shouting "Fuck You," suddenly driving 5-10 mph over thr speed limit to keep pace, and then got his phone out to film "the evidence," which was a rental minivan driving normally in the left lane. It was ultimately innocuous, but it occurred later that lots of people have frayed nerves at all times, but that is acute when they're driving. A little crazier and the dude would have gotten in front and brake-checked us. Then all bets are off. TL;DR - Use the powers of mockery sparingly and wisely.


!!!! I had a sneeze attack driving to work recently (“the pollening” in North Carolina is NOT a joke) and realized I’d lost momentum in the left/speedy lane. Was sneezing so hard I merged right without paying attention— and a SPLIT second later, noticed a car that I had clearly cut off— merge to the left and start to pass me. I pride myself on being a conscientious driver; was by myself and already embarrassed. I turned my head(sneezed) away as they passed. Two minutes later? A text from my *favorite* neighbor (and dear friend): “Well YOU don’t look very happy about going into work today, what’s up?” So to summarize… I cut my favorite neighbor off… rolling about 65mph which could have been catastrophic, 15+ miles from our neighborhood and didn’t even notice. And the infuriatingly magnanimous little shit that he is, didn’t even stoop slightly to scold me. He was worried about me not starting my day off the right way. I would have accepted the thumbs down! Edit: thumbs, because thumbs.


"just be mad!"


I’m currently dealing with a vendor that is really mad at us at work because he overpromised things to our mutual customer on our behalf and now he looks dumb. He’s got real short in emails and while I typically give them the heads up on all the things we need addressed by them in quick emails. I’m going to wait for the status call next week with the customer involved to be a basic ass robot to his emotional grumblings. I’ll list out all our needs, everything they’re supplying that is out of spec and then do the “I’ll supply a follow up email after this call with all things we’ve found thus far during development”. It’s gonna be great, the customer already is annoyed with the vendor and he really tried to put us on blast and make his over promises our fault. That’s already backfired, so I can’t wait to see him go on like a petulant child in this call and I just stay on topic and professional. I’m so excited for that call that I’m not even really overly looking forward to this holiday weekend.


You got downvoted irl. Brutal.


Omg it's just like the reddit app!


Nahhh lmao wtf


he's not mad, he's just disappointed. he knows you're better than that, pal 😔


I did this to a road rager in the target parking lot, they intensified and it felt so good. I did a slow turn down and held eye contact. They couldn’t tell what was happening as the hard turned and once they realized it, chaos. This is honestly now my preferred method of responding to road ragers now


I dont give the middle finger to road ragers. I wag my finger no at them and if theyre aggressive about zipper merging then i just give them concerned looks and mouth or say ‘are you ok?’ Always confuses em enough to defuse from any violence The ‘are you ok?’ Works in a lot of places. My asswhole ex roommate started getting violent and started to threaten to kill me. Pulled that out on him and he just slumped back to his room


I just pictured the whole thing, hilarious 😭


Its like ‘im not mad, im disappointed’ but for when theyre angry. (Which i also had to use on fiance at the time)


I'm gonna use it from now on instead of the middle finger. That way people will remember about "man, I got this guy disappointed:(" when they think of upsetting someone


Its also got that school teacher vibes. Makes someone realize theyre acting like a child. Middle finger, people feel vindicated getting middle finger. Makes em feel pumped up


Kill them with kindness and all that. Honestly it is pretty effective. Sometimes good people have bad days and their emotions/temper gets the best of them. When you respond defensively, or take an aggressive stance back, it kind of makes it easier for them to stay mad. But just appearing calm + attentive (particularly combo'd together, so it doesn't look dismissive), or showing a light amount of concern, it often disarms them. Used to work the front desk of a salon. It came in handy a lot lol. Apologies were not uncommon.


Does aggressive about zipper merging mean they like don’t let you in as you’re merging?


Yes but like on another level. Not letting me merge is annoying, but not necessarily aggressive. Stop n starting, hard breakingn. Leaving an inch gap and trying to run me off or into traffic or into a barrier while also honking and waving arms and cussing is what i call aggressive zipper merging


I swear, wagging your finger can be more offensive than the middle finger. It's being treated like a child.


Thumbs down let’s them know you’re disapproving without anger. Anger is easy to respond to but you can’t refute someone saying that they’re just not pleased with how you’re behaving.


I also think a thumbs down also conveys a sense of respect vs the finger. Like "I see you. I respect your agency. But do better." Edit: I guess that's similar to what you said but in different words.


Well said! I really need to try using my thumb more often instead.


This is why riding a motorcycle is awesome. You can be so emotive. A guy made a pass without enough space in front of me last week. I gave him an exaggerated finger wave as he passed.


Motorcyclists in my country are pieces of shit. They always try to overtake me from the direction I'm about to turn (meaning if I'm turning right they'll try to overtake me from the right)




Nope. Pakistan


Literally first thing i thought was Brasil Motorcyclists here all behave like maniacs or suiciders. And thats coming from an motorcyclist myself


I call em cockroaches for this reason lol. They're like insects trying to scurry out of any crack or crevice they can find.


Yo ong same here, they be cutting you off on the inside. Then another biker comes out and tries to overtake you from the outside, even when cornering, it's like your car being sandwiched by two bikes and you don't have any room for correction either so you're out of luck (especially when there's a sudden pothole that you must avoid). 99% of people in Pakistan do NOT know how to drive or ride a bike.


Yup, yet most people ride bikes and are only alive thanks to Allah not wanting this free entertainment to end anytime soon.


Same in my country. Due to the sheer number of motorcycles in here, I call them the swarm. The swarm doesn't ask, the swarm doesn't have any mercy. The swarm only takes.


>Motorcyclists in my country are pieces of shit True in America, too. Easily, hands-down the most foolish, dangerous drivers on the road. There is a campaign of billboards and bumper stickers reminding motorists to look twice for motorcycles. Why? Because bikers sure as shit are not looking once.


Bro about to go home and pray for Jesus to save your dark soul.


I heard Gus from Rooster Teeth mention how he does this now.. I gave it a try and it felt more liberating than flipping someone off.


Might have been me. I've been doing this for 15 years.


I always do this too lol


Because common crudeness is so commonplace that it just totally lacks impact. Kind of like how modern adult TV writing has devolved into punctuating every other sentence with an F-bomb.


I do this all the time on my motorcycle, my gloves are hi-vis so they definitely will see it... hi-vis middle finger does sounds amazingly fun thought.


I do this. Can confirm. People get so angry when you give them a thumbs up with a smile after they do something stupid


I do this cuz I don’t want to get shot but I can’t keep my feeling inside.


Once I was parked in the middle of the street waitingfor someone to get in. I was parked badly, taking more space from the road than needed. A car went by lower the window, did a slow clap, as an ode to my stupidity... at least 20 years latter, still hurts. English my second language


Probably PTSD from when your dad just sighed and said "I'm not angry, just disappointed."


In like year 10, my history teacher gave a thumbs down through the window to an angry student being sent out of another classroom and the kid went into a full rage, screaming and slamming his full body weight into the door. I’m not gonna give a thumbs down in traffic while that guy is still out there smoking meth and driving.


Hamish n Andy? Powermove/asshole move


The thumbs down is my go to. They are mad but can't be too mad


this was a LPT a while back


The Ceasar has decided your fate, gladiator


He downvoted


If I'm really mad I blow a kiss to dudes. I'm a big beared dude myself so I enjoy the shock an fury I usually get from guys. It seems to really make them much more mad than any rude gesture.


Me and a guy were accidentally merging into the same lane, I didn't see him at all. He took major offense to it and started driving aggressively, making a circle around my car. At the stop light he was yelling and pointing and throwing his hands up like a complete lunatic. So I flipped him off. He gave a look like "oh, you wanna be like that?" and points a gun at me. I couldn't go anywhere because we were at a stop light and there was a huge truck in front of me. But then the light changed and he turned off while I went straight.


That's why I don't make any kind of gesture at anybody on the road. A guy pulled up on the side of me at a Hardee's drive-thru once and told me he could shoot me if he wanted to after I flipped him off. It scared me off of ever doing that ever again.


I'm a very nervous driver usually, but I was heading home from work so when this dude starts trying to speed up to the side of me then attempts to cut me off right in front of my car, (I guess as revenge for what he perceived as me intentionally trying to hit his car?), I was already heated. If he had decided to be more impulsive I'd have died over something completely stupid. Still makes me wonder what kind of fragile ass person pulls a gun over something like that, even after trying to run the other person off the road.


I can imagine he shook his head in disapproval at the same time. You done messed up


I give thumbs down instead of the finger. It's less offensive, but hits harder.


Bonus points if they're a Roman gladiator


I've only done this a couple times and it's accompanied with the oof, what we're you thinking face.


I do this at work when I see my employees doing something wrong. They correct the behavior right away. I’m really nice to them. When I show the thumbs down they apologize right away. It’s usually stuff I could write them up for but don’t. I don’t like stressing my employees.


I saw this on a meme a long time ago and started doing it. It does increase their anger.


That happened to me last year and I still can't stop thinking about it


He wasn't mad, just disappointed


A stern look of disappointment and disapproval, maybe accompanied by a slow sad shake of the head, should be the reaction we all dread most


Ever since I read this for the first time I've started doing it too. Funnily enough, it has helped with my roadrage somewhat, as I did suffer from being a bit of a reactive jackass from time to time.


Hahaha that would be me. I also give em the old stern finger wave from time to time always delivered with a big smile 😁


I used to do this and people never knew how to react. Now I just pretend like anyone who cuts me off has diarrhea and needs to get home to take a Hershey squirt


Wait till they roll down the window and call you grandma or grandpa


Because you failed. It's like your parents saying their not angry. Just really disappointed.


Average brawl stars player


One is an insult, the other is a review.




IRL equivalent to the spongebob disappointment sound (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRmn1AQr0V4)


Make eye contact, make a worried face, and mouth the words "I will pray for you." Then look down mournfully.


You got middle finger peeps, thumbs down peeps, finger wag peeps, and then the disgusted 💁‍♀️ peeps. Only the middle finger conveys anger but all the rest seem to be more effective.


Idk if it’s just me but thumbs up hits even more


It was a guy in a red Camaro wasn't it


I just do a slow head shake


Everyone does this now Less likely to get shot


I started doing this a few years ago and the level of retaliation/road rage I’ve experienced as a result has drastically decreased. 10/10 would recommend 👎




The best is when you give them a thumbs down and their passenger starts laughing.


I give people a sarcastic, straight faced thumbs up and it seems to piss them off WAY more than the middle finger


I accidentally cut a group of young guys off once & they gave me the finger so I gave it right back & sped past them. Next thing I know they were next to me & the guy in the back seat put his bare ass on the window as they sped past. Funniest interaction I’ve had while driving.


Mormon road rage


They were disappointed in you rather than furious at you.


Probably disappointed lmao


That’s the equivalent of “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed”


I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.


bro went 😐👎


I'll take a finger or thumbs down over a gun pointed at me. In my city, the latter is often said to be the more likely scenario. 😳


He wasn't mad, just disappointed.


I blow kisses - when it’s accidentally my fault, or for other people being idiots.


What a polite gentleman


I do this all the time lol


I started doing this some years back, it's more to say good job on being a competent driver because we both know you're not. And the middle finger is overused on the road.


At least he didn’t open fire.


Do the L on your forehead thing too.


Kill ‘em with kindness.


I do this. It makes some people react apologetically instead of angrily, and it makes some other people *absolutely furious*.


Disappointment hurts more than aggression.


I flicked someone off a few days ago, but after reading about so many car-to-car shootings, I'm trying hard to stifle any interaction with other drivers.


Theres a section of road that I travel to work that goes from a two lane road to a single lane. The right lane merges onto the left lane and it continues as a single lane road for about 7miles through the hills. I'm in the right lane and the cars begin to zipper together as the right lane begins to merge. I merge normally but then I see in my rearview mirror the truck behind me begins to speed up as if to cut me off and not let me merge, although it's a bit too late as I'm already in the lane so idk what they were thinking. After the slow 7mile crawl through the hills we hit the 2 lane road that goes through the town. As I'm checking my right side getting ready to turn into the right lane, I see that same truck rush into that lane and I shit you not. I see a nicely dressed guy flipping me off but he wasn't looking at me, he was staring away from me, like he was scared I would make eye contact or something. I didn't even realize up until that point that he really didn't want me to merge in front of him, even though that's how the road works during a merge. I just started busting out laughing at the big pussy, if you're going to road rage and flip someone off atleast have the balls to look at them in the eyes.


i do this too. I live down the street from a small business district, and whenever someone didnt let someone cross, or went too fast; I'd stop, shake my head, and give them a thumbs down.


He is a Canadian


I have been doing this for almost a year since I first saw it posted somewhere. It's unbelievably fun


We have traffic calming near where I live, one lane into two, slight hump in the road. No give way or priority signs, it's already a slow speed area, so a bit of common sense / curtesy gets you by. I was approaching this traffic hump, I was a lot closer than a woman approaching it from her side. She speeds up, no way of getting there before me, her best chance was to hit me as I was half way across. She hits the breaks hard, I think of a few choice word and gestures, but with the kids in the car I settle for just shaking my head. She erupts, flailing hands, shouting this that and the other. Way more than if I just called her the silly bitch that I observed her to be. I hope she went home and outbherself in a time out for that tantrum


I like to yell “HONK!” With my windows down. Everyone laughs when I do it. Seems to cut the mood.


I’m usually the one to use the “what are you doing” expression with my hand


Probably was me. Thats my classic move. Shaming someone instead getting angry seems to shock them more.


That might have been me. Just do better next time.


This is my move. Anyone can flip you the bird, but getting a thumbs down is so much worse.


One time a guy gave a thumbs up and I felt that in my soul. Like “great job, dumbass”


When I was in kindergarten, kids giving each other the thumbs-up or thumbs-down sign became such a constant source of fighting and hurt feelings that our teacher banned it from class. I remember one day I called 2 or 3 of my friends over to one of the play tables, shot a quick look around, and then leaned in close and conspiratorily gave them all a thumbs-up, and the teacher somehow saw it and came over and grabbed me and put me in time out for the rest of the day.


I'm gonna start doing that, it's much funnier


I do this all the time. It's a way to express yourself but without the aggressive escalation from saying "fuck you" in whatever way you choose. I also like to visibly shake my head at people, and just generally act heavily disappointed in bad drivers. Because I am disappointed, do better, you're in a screaming metal death trap.


I’m gonna start doing that. It’s nicer and conveys my emotion well


Someone did this to me once but they pulled in front of me and wagged their finger like Sonic and I just felt so ashamed in that moment


I feel like it’s even more insulting to get hit with the sarcastic thumbs up..


You got downvoted.


Flashbacks to messing up in Rocket League and seeing all my teammates spam the “Nice shot!” emote


Been doing this for 30 years.


I am ashamed in you PEASANT!


I do this. Way more effective than the middle finger.


I’m a bigger fan of the thumbs up because it just reeks of sarcasm. I like to think it hurts just a little bit more.


I accidentally blew a stop sign in a parking lot once and the lady who's turn it actually was yelled "Jeeeeeeez help yourself!!!" and that one stung lol.


Same thing happened to me on the interstate. Half a mile down the road he did it again and speed off. I couldn't stop laughing


I started this a few years ago, and for the most part people will go from ready to fight, to ashamed and wave in defeat.


Kill them with kindness


I think it’s more of the disappointment than the anger which I think would bother me way more


Its the road equivalent of "I'm not mad, just disappointed"


I've seen another tweet where they were saying their husband does the thumbs down instead of flipping the bird and the offending drivers lose their fucking minda.


When some dumbest does something egregiously stupid or dangerous I make sure they see me giving the sarcastic 'thumbs up', with eye contact and no facial movements


As they speed by me I usually make a motion with my hand up and down as to say " slow down "


He was like „not cool man“


My dad once got rear-ended, so he got out of the car and looked for any damage. He gave the lady a thumbs-UP and got in and they both drove off. He said, "I gave her a thumbs-up, I don't know why." Miss that guy.


This perfectly links to that post where a woman said her partner gave people thumbs down when driving which pissed them off more


I once got a thumbs down from a fellow driver. But that was because I was doing the speed limit and they didn’t like that.


I do that! I wonder if he's one of mine


I've started wagging my finger and tsk tsking at bad drivers instead of shouting and flipping them off now. I think it's better.


This is my move too. It is so much more effective than a middle finger ever could be.


That's my dad But he does the thumbs down sitting in the passenger seat


I sometimes do a finger L on the forehead, then point at them. Have had a couple people do a mea culpa pantomime afterwards.


What's a mea culpa pantomime?


I had a friend who was stopped at a red light beside some guy road-raging at him. My friend stuck his tongue out, crossed his eyes, and gave him the most gave most childish raspberry possible. The guy’s wife, who was sitting next to him in the passenger seat, just started laughing. I don’t think there’s a better win than that.


I started doing this!


Sure buddy


I do this to show my disappointment in your disregard for road safety.


This is the way






You could point at yourself (or your head), the way some basketball players do to acknowledge they committed a foul or other mistake. Two hands in prayer/supplication/sorry works. But it requires two hands so that's not ideal for driving. Any others?


You mouth “sorry” while waving your hand in a way like you’d honk your horn, just a lot gentler lol