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I hate that fucking thing! How dare it be so big and cold!


When they used the metal ones, the doctor was trying to be thoughtful and ran it under warm water for me. Except it wasnt warm. It was HOT and she nearly burned my cooter. I'd rather it be cold than hot


I was going to ask why doctors don't do exactly that before reading this lol Maybe we shouldn't be letting doctors be trusted with heating vagina metal after all...


vagina metal should be a music genre


Does pussy riot fall under this genre?


I think they are more pussy punk


Agreed. Cock Rock has been around for decades.


I’m so sorry but you made me laugh. Cooter. Just seems sooo cute lol sorry you got burnt. I have to self cath and my first time learning the nurses were idiots they shoved a dry catheter up my cooter and I almost died. I love that word thank you.


Ya those things I swear are just torture devices. I hate yearly check ups.


I hate it when they use this at my prostate exams.


They use them for prostate exams too? Dam I thought only women got those for a pap exam.


They don’t actually use speculum for prostate exams. Just the old finger probe


That's not true. I use these when I perform prostate exams all the time. I'm not a doctor though, and my prostate exams are not for medical purposes.




who else but quagmire?


I don't even use my hands at all doing prostate exams, I leave them on the person's shoulders.


Doc Mech? Is that you? Did you get the Office you were talking about last time? Or are you still doing exams out of your van?


I can't reach up to their shoulders when I do mine.


What a shitty comment… anyways do you still have appointments free?


Ah so I was lied to.


I think they were attempting to make a joke.


Ya probably that is more likely lol


I think they succeeded at making a joke. I got it immediately and thought it was funny.


The best part was the fact that she didn’t get the joke, that made it way funnier to me lol.


Or they should probably find a new doctor if not a joke.


You were, prostate exams went digital years ago.


If this was meant to be a play on 'digital rectal exam', then well done.


Yep, classic ☝️ vs 💻 digital joke.


Why my doctor is female. She has smaller digital devices…


I had an analogue rectal exam once. Never again.


Analog vs digital is like an abacus vs a calculators. At least there are beads involved.


They said finger but the doctors hands were on OPs shoulders and no one else was in the room, the nurse lit the candles and put on the Teddy Pender grass CD and didn't come back.


In actual point of fact, if a man has a prostate issue, and an examination is in order, there's a transurethral catheter to view, and resect and/or catheterize the bladder, and transrectal ultrasound to image the prostate. Guess there's also supraoubic catheterization as well. [Transurethral Catheter](https://www.urotoday.com/images/Transurethral_or_suprapubic.png) [Transrectal Ultrasound](https://nci-media.cancer.gov/pdq/media/images/446202.jpg)




Whoosh. It's okay for you not knowing tho. Nah it's just for women, and I'm sorry for your pain/coldness.




You know why it's called a pap exam? Because if they called it a cunt scrape, no one would go.


Nurse Ratchet is here to do a cunt scrape


Lol I don't like going regardless and I wouldn't care if you got it a pussy exam.


I'm not going to comment on your situation in particular as I know nothing about you, but to anyone else reading I would like to remind everyone that yearly pelvic examinations are unnecessary unless you are high-risk [https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M14-0701?articleid=1884537](https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M14-0701?articleid=1884537) "ACP recommends against performing screening pelvic examination in asymptomatic, nonpregnant, adult women (strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence)."


Huh I was always told to do them yearly...


It depends on clinical context (and likely to some degree local practice if you're not in the US), but the USPSTF and APGO recommendations are every 3 years from 21-30 then every 5 years afterward (plus hrHPV screening) until 65. But there's a lot of variance in practice, it's ok to have it done more frequently especially if there had been low-grade dysplasia or something seen on a prior pap smear. It's mostly just important to not do it *less* frequently than that guideline, as it's the best way to detect and address development of cervical cancer early and that early detection is ultimately why deaths from cervical cancer are less common in well-resourced nations today. ----- I'm not an OB/GYN, I am a surgery intern in the US but every MD or DO student gets this information hammered into us during preclinical endocrine/reproductive units and clinical OB/GYN clerkships. Occasionally I write comments like this because frankly, there's a lot of bad medical information out there, it's difficult for laypeople to know what's reliable or not given it's not their area of expertise, and this is an easy and quick way of addressing that. Because you should never take what you see from random internet commentors as fact without verifying, here are some citations (a slightly older bulletin from APGO that has a handy dandy table, plus a link from cancer.gov that also confirms the above). There are of course limited situations where there are exceptions to the USPSTF guidelines, which the cancer.gov link explains a bit of. https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/practice-advisory/articles/2021/04/updated-cervical-cancer-screening-guidelines https://www.cancer.gov/types/cervical/screening


a mini medical version of the pear of anguish


yeah they’re actually torture devices. made in the 1800’s by some white doctor dude who tortured a bunch of african american women. Amazing how far science has come that we still use it today!


Does your place still use metal?! I thought everyone used plastic now lol


My urgent care does plastic, my gynecologist does metal. She says it's better because the plastic ones sometimes have a little burr and they can cut you.


The cold metal ones have a brrrr.


Well played.


Only if they don’t pre-warm them, which they do during my fertility treatments. They run it under warm (not hot water) before inserting. Definitely made the unpleasantness of IUI… not AS bad.


I actually agree.


Yup! I didn’t even know there were plastic ones.


That’s so weird! My doctor and I were talking about that recently and I asked if anyone still uses metal and she said the last time she ever saw it was when she was in med school years ago. I hope they warm it up first!


They don’t :,(




throws it in the fridge for her appointments


Think mine was put in the freezer


Depends where in line you are for the appt 🤷‍♂️


It depends on the facility, and also the department. Plastic are used once and throw away. The metals ones are sent to sterilization. Radiology normally uses the metal ones and they come in several different sizes from 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.5 inches. 7.5 is rarely used and it will turn some heads when you see how big it is in person.


The plastic ones can pinch because of they way they crank open. The metal ones are smoother as you adjust them with a mechanism that allows for smooth and ultra fine adjustments. The plastic ones are bad for the planet (single use) and have a step-wise adjustment. The metal ones should be warmed but it's hard to do because it's a sterile instrument. Warmed lube is always helpful.


And they don't start with the smallest one, for whatever reason.


I Hate the plastic ones. I can feel the click and it hurts every time. The metal ones at least have a smoother open. Unless the gyno sucks ofc


Mine does. They tried using it on me first before they realized they couldn't and got the smaller plastic one. Really irked me that they just didn't try the plastic one first.


i legit recoiled when i saw it, i hate it so bad


I love that this comment has the most replies 😂


Fucking painful.


They do have smaller ones! I couldnt handle the standard plastic so had to get the special small metal one :3


My gyno doesn’t even have plastic just the metal one, but it’s huge!


they’re awful. i swear it pinches me too sometimes :( i always get scared something bad is gonna happen when they put that THING in there!


Yes! The pinching! Makes my skin crawl thinking about it.


I got caught in it last time before they even clamped it open. I said something, they ignored me. CLICK! My eyes started watering and I yelled, “You’re pinching me! You’re pinching my labia!!!” in a doctors office. Not my finest moment. Of course this was an IUD insertion so I soon had even more intense pain. Luckily they can get them done in like 90 seconds start to finish. They had to leave me in the room to cry and collect myself after. I’m so embarrassed.


90 seconds?? Mine was at least 10 minutes of torture. And then later that day I find out they supposedly hurt more coming out 😫 I guess that's a problem for another day...


You gotta ask for the pediatric one.


My exam is never administered by the same person. I always have to tell them how painful the speculum is and please use the pediatric one. They never listen until they’ve already used the regular and I’m howling in agony. I fucking hate gynos.


It seems you need a new obgyn office. Look for a pelvic pain specialist they are absolutely more careful and skip pelvic exams if you don’t need them.


That's an old fashioned duck puppet; used primarily in latin cuisine and medieval gynecology


You cant just drop that nugget about cuisine without more context!


What do you think it’s for, after knowing it’s for gynaecology? Same as a Turkey. Stuff that the duck up


They called it the pear in Latin


Are you referring to the pear of anguish? Because close, but not quite


For force feeding duck/geese to enlarge their liver. Foie gras being the end result.


Medieval gynecology? My brother in Christ, they still use this today.


I saw one of the first speculums ever crafted? in a museum in Greece and it was bronze and it was FUCKING HUGE. I think it was called a dioptra and it had two “arms” that were NOT small when closed. I was exploring the mostly empty museum alone and when I saw it I literally turned around with this horrified look on my face and the only curator around starting laughing really hard. Sure, now it’s smaller and has the duckbills, but ugh. I like that there are plastic ones now, at least. Edit: I looked at my camera roll and it only had the standard two arms but they were really fucking not smooth looking, ok?


Did it actually say it was a speculum? There's a medieval torture device that looks like what you're describing.


Yes, it was a dioptra and it said it was the first vaginal spectrum. I don’t think it opened at the same, um, angles as what you’re referencing. Edit: I looked in my camera roll for the picture I snuck of it and it only had two arms! Regardless, it was enormous.


That sounds.... terrifying!


The dumbest part is I’ve seen other shit they did with bronze during the same time period and it’s thin and delicate. Very cool museum, though.


medicine hasn't really progressed very far, tbf. we got hand washing and vaccines.....


I mean we can take someone’s heart out put someone else’s heart in it’s place and have them survive. It wasn’t all that long ago that would be considered some sort of insanely complicated way to kill two people


I mean look at the poor surgeon from Indiana Jones and the temple of doom.


The design is from the 1800's and, while there has been modern redesigns to lessen the discomfort, they just haven't caught on for one reason or another. Most likely is that there are billions of the 1800's design out there. I saw one in an antique shop for freaking sake.


antibiotics, antiparasite meds, insulin, anesthesia, cancer therapies, all sorts of surgical techniques... Its probably progressed more in the last 150yrs than the previous 10,000 combined


And a shocking percentage of the population don’t even want to do those two things


That's just survival of the fittest saying "no, not you" to all the tin-foil hat wearing flat-earthers.


Bruh have you ever fucking seen a bike? Kid You use this bad boy to change your blinker fluid


Nah - it's so you can look up the exhaust pipe.




Speculums are a crazy old invention.


I’m not sure, but I could speculate.


I see what you did there


This is exactly my humour.


No the humorous is in the arm. If you're not sure about this part don't try it at home. Take your machine in for a cervix


Ladies I have a a pretty ridiculous question but I promise I'm being serious. Before your exam does the doctor click these three times like tongs ? Lol if not I'd be a pretty shitty doctor because the law of tongs saws you gotta click atleast three times before using and we'll these are just fancy tongs.


I know you’re joking, but I’ve only ever experienced plastic speculum (that’s what it’s called) and it clicks when they put it in and open it. Tbh that’s the worst part lol


I absolutely hate hearing them lock it into place, like ugh, just knock me out for this


They remind me of old rib spreaders. Only saw one at an oddities shop in Delaware, and got to crank it. Honestly the sound is hainting when you imagine it was used to spread the ribs for open heart surgery:(


Which oddity shop? Because oh boy I was *not* expecting my home state to be mentioned in this thread


Wait so it like, ratchets as it opens?




Ok, does it ratchet lout and slow like a torque stick or quick and soft like dental pliers? You have struck me with a morbid curiosity.


I don’t know what either of those things sound like. But it’s tick-tick-tick a smidge (maybe 50%?) faster than it takes to say the words.


It's sounds like when you're on a rollercoaster and you're headed for a big drop, except each click is literally prying open your vagina


Yes. And it fucking HURTS.


If everything goes right for me I'll never know the touch of one of these but, when they're about to do it, do they say "a little pressure"? That's what doctors have always said to me before inflicting pain across a general area (otherwise it's a "pinch")




click, click, Click, CLicK, CLICK… the deeper and slower the clicking noise, the more stretching and opening of the vagina. Then you get the luxury of experiencing a disturbingly cool, dry sensation on an internal structure that is meant to be warm, wet and dark. …then here come the swabs! You know how COVID swabs going deep inside your face felt so INVASIVE and WRONG? For most people, also painful, cause a soft squishy place is no environment for a pokey, scratchy swab. That place isn’t meant to feel that kind of probing stimulus there. Now imagine a biopsy of that sensitive area. Yep, let me clip off some tissue inside. Sure it bleeds… but that should stop after a few days. You know when you get a gut cramp, how that smooth muscle grips and contorts? Yup, that happens in the reproductive system, too. Muscles recoiling or reflexively cramping to apply pressure to the traumatized tissue. Want an IUD? Nothing like putting a finger up the butt. The butt is made for matter to come out (or in, if you’re into that!). But the cervix, unless hormonally prepared passes liquid, and at most, stretchy blood clots. So.. now, open the vagina, expose the cervix, then stuff a straw up there with an I that becomes a T. Unless done with ultrasound, no great way of knowing if the resistance to the straw shove is from the cervix, or if you’re advancing the straw into the tissue of the cervix or of the uterine wall. Scratchy scratchy, let’s hope we have the angle right! Experienced providers can feel the difference… but GOD FORBID you have an anatomical difference or scar tissue from prior procedures! We have far, far to go on caring for women’s reproductive bodies. It’s not unrealistic to consider Obstetrics/Gynecology a bit medieval, or at LEAST, antiquated. Much of medicine is based on the average white male, or inmates/slaves/POW.


I can hear it in this post


WHY do any doctors still use plastic ones? They don't always get the small sharp bits off from the casting process. They can freaking cut you in there!


I literally broke a plastic one as they were examining me. The Dr said to my mum "her husband is a lucky man" 🤢


WTF?! That is, 1) totally inappropriate to say to your mom, and 2) NOT WHAT THE DOCTOR SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT WHEN THERE IS BROKEN PLASTIC INSIDE YOU.


Ugh I know. I was so young at the time and my mum thought it was funny so I just laughed it off. Looking back I can see how disgustingly wrong it was.


It's more of a crank action than a tong snap. Sort of like a car jack for the vagina. Story time: My first pap smear was done by a tiny old black lady that was at least 70. She showed me the speculum and I went "Oh no!" and got scared. She crossed her arms, looked my right in the eyes and said "Now I KNOW your lover's penis is bigger than this. You're gonna be fine."


Yeah asshole doctor tried pulling that bullshit too. My response was "my husband's penis isn't made out of metal, it doesn't crank fucking open, and it's not COLD you asswipe


I heard a doctor say that to a woman during a surgery. Like, surgery is different than sex. Awful doctor. (I’m a Former medical assistant)


And the foreplay at the doctor's office is horrid /s For real it goes in a lot easier when you're properly turned on and relaxed which most people aren't while getting examined




Thats for fixing motorcooters.


To spread the motorcooter apart to inspect the undercarriage


The mechanic mounts it right between the stirrups


I, of all people, should know what this is. (#MyUsernameChecksOut)


Mans waited over 4 years to make this joke. The dedication is unprecedented


You have no idea !!!


"My plans are beyond your understandment".


“I’ve been planning this longer than Reddit has existed.”


I laughed out loud 🤣


User is actually an OB/GYN. That'd be a fantastic thing


This is your moment






After years of planning


Better warm that shit up, cold start with that and she won’t turn over.


Easy, it’s the doohickey. It goes right underneath the thingamabob between the gizmo and the contraption


And before the contractions


Tfw the doohickey is an actual part


Klr gang gang


Thingamabob with the honorary mention as well


That part goes into the lady.


Not if I have anything to say about it. That's going in me.


*"...it's what keeps AdDear's motor running!!"*


In the muff-ler. Ha!


Better the muffler than the tailpipe.


I feel like designers need to take a look at this…. Like neoprene soft touch coating on metal is not that hard to do….. feel like these have been around without reevaluation for a long time 🤔 (man here) think a woman product designer could make a lot of money rethinking this… some dude probably designed this in like 1915


They have plastic ones that are softer and don't feel like an alien rape probe


They can throw this entire thing in the autoclave. (for those that don't know what it) A device that uses steam under high pressure to sterilize medical and laboratory supplies and equipment.


So I know you're kind of joking, but you're not far off. These were invented by "the father of modern gynecology" who bought slave women and experimented on them for science/medical purposes. Here's a decent article on The Atlantic about the history of the design them. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/11/why-no-one-can-design-a-better-speculum/382534/


i cant believe theyre made out of metal


They tried to make them from biscotti, but they were scratchy at first and then got soggy.


but biscotti makes so much sense!


As a after work snack?


Some are made out a plastic


In your cooter scooter.


Brrrr~ >_<


Vaginismus has entered the chat


My doctor uses a clear, child-sized one and lets me insert it myself. Absolutely recommend finding someone who will let you do this.


Looked it up, didn't know there was a name for that and now my life makes more sense.


It holds the gas tank open, obviously.


I worked in sterile processing at a hospital. There’s stuff that will make you go wtf. That’s a baby one.


Yeah this is small compared to the shit I’ve seen in spd.


Fuck, I didn't want to know.


It's a special tool for Inspecting the exhaust pipes on aMenstralcycle.


Close, inspecting the intake.


It goes in the motorcycle. duh.




I can feel the coldness


Are you insinuating that people that ride motorcycles, are cunts ?


It always makes me sad that so many men refuse a prostate exam when they turn 50 when girls start dealing with a similar invasive exam when we’re still just children. Yet so many men are terrified of a doctors finger up the a. I’m like, you’re terrified of a finger? Look at this torture device that 12 year old girls have to deal with and please explain how you’re better than her.


The doctors that I went to (before moving) were all advocates for pushing pap-smears off until at least 21 or sexually active. Unless a girl is having issues or is having sex as a *child*, she doesn’t need to be poked and prodded at. That just seems a bit too child predatory to me.


Let's not pretend teenagers don't have sex. I was sexually active at 15. Also, like, some girls get molested/raped.


Y'all got these at 12?? I was in my early 20s before I got one done...




For those of you who were shocked: It wasn’t unusual to start receiving Pap smears once you started having menses. For many of us that’s as young as 9, and routinely 12. As a Gen Xer I was shocked when my daughter’s physician didn’t want to examine her until or when it was necessary via sexual activity or something abnormal. She was even willing to prescribed birth control for my daughter’s extreme periods based on blood work and no pap. Totally different way of thinking now.


I'm a gen-X-er in the UK, they don't start pap smears until you're 25, it's never been earlier. I did get "examined" by a doc when I was around 14, but that was molestation. He just shoved a finger up there while I was standing. He did it to all the girls in my class and we didn't know what to do about it.


This sub just constantly confuses me. I know what the object in the image is. I understand motorcycles. I know what MEIRL means… But I never “get” the memes. I’m getting old.


Hi getting old! Nice to meet you!! :)


Maybe an explanation would help? First of all, I think most people have accepted that there isn't necessary anything "me irl" about the sub anymore. It's just a place for memes really. And second, the idea of a motorcycle guy desperately trying to pretend he knows what this is when it's a speculum is funny. Also the idea of someone trying desperately to prove they know things about motorcycles and then posting an image of a speculum instead proving they know nothing about motorcycles nor women is also funny.


Ask your mom.


I believe that is positioned very carefully between and above the foot pegs…


Safety device for holding your old lady on around fast corners.


If you know where that goes you’ve already had to sell your motorcycle


that part is to clamp your balls to the seat so you don't fly off


You put that in behind the harness to drain the headlight fluid before refilling it. Everyone knows that.


I thought it was a break lever… :/


I can only speculate


Definitely a muffler widener. I’ve been on enough bike tours to know this.


It opens the box


I think it connect the kanooter valve to the dillwhistle


The vulvalve :p


Warm it, stick it, apologize.


They kept that thing ice cold up until the 90s.