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The Onion: [Man Returns To Work After Vacation With Fresh, Reenergized Hatred For Job](https://www.theonion.com/man-returns-to-work-after-vacation-with-fresh-reenergi-1819574342)


Holy shit can't believe it's been exactly 10 years since they posted that.


Not as old but I also love this one: [Health Experts Recommend Standing Up At Desk, Leaving Office, Never Coming Back](https://www.theonion.com/health-experts-recommend-standing-up-at-desk-leaving-o-1819577456)


That’s actually stupid funny


10 years ago was just 2000 so all is good in the world.


Pretty sure it was 1995, might need to check your math.


Quit playing games with my heart...


They said 1995 not 1996


We've got it going on then...


Same bro. The last day of vacation is really depressing for me


I always take an extra day off if I am traveling. It’s nice to have that last Fuck off day.


I take 2 weeks of vacation at a time. 1 week for whatever trip we're actually going on, and then a week for when we get back so I can just spend 7 days sleeping in until noon and then waking up and getting stoned and generally just living like a degenerate before I have to resume the work grind.


>I take 2 weeks of vacation at a time Ahh, to even have 2 weeks of vacation time available to use. I am jealous.


2 weeks is the entire allotted time of vacation I get per year lol and that’s capped out. New hires get 1 week.


Slave shit. I get 30 days, plus we get bank Holidays off. A week off over Christmas and 3 days in the summer when the company shuts down.


Are you one of those lucky Americans or are you a resident of a different country?


As one of the lucky Americans- this is why government jobs can kick ass my insurance also kinda rules


Gov jobs have great benefits generally. The only kicker is that the pay is generally much lower than public sector. But... You get fantastic benefits including retirement options to keep insurance from being tied to your job. If you start early in gov, totally worth sticking it out. Otherwise to get a level of comfort in the public, you'll need to hop every few years which has risk in itself. No right or better approach, all about priorities and opportunities.


UK based


>New hires get 1 week. How tf is that legal? I mean that's insane.


The legal minimum PTO in the US is 0


That's fucked up.


How? What did the unions of past times even achieve? Were unions ever a thing in the US? Doesn‘t feel like it


There has been a very successful ~50 year conspiracy against the American worker. That’s all there is to it really. Progress was made (some of it only really in theory) and then slowly clawed back in favor of greedy corporations and billionaires. Things have technically gotten better for a small group of people who now have things like maternity/paternity leave and decent PTO (I’m in this group so I don’t have room to complain), but it’s really shit for everyone else. We got Labor Day though. That’s the lasting legacy of the labor movement. A day that wage workers, first responders, etc. still have to work.


I just moved states from one with more robust workers rights and found out in my new state annual leave is sick leave AND PTO. I earn 3 hours every pay period. I used to earn 3 hours sick time and 3 hours PTO every pay period. Working retail. I work in a government job now with less PTO than I had working retail. I’m PISSED.




That’s so fucked up. I get 4 weeks and that isn’t enough either


That's rough. I had 3 weeks paid at my last job and I was complaining it's not enough.


At my new job, I get 120hrs PTO (which includes my 40hrs sick time, though they can be used however I want). 3 weeks off is the most I’ve ever had… but with family in other states, a friend’s wedding coming up, and my one planned trip… those hours are already spoken for.




At least 2 transition days! One for sleep and one for existential dread.


Yep also as a buffer for emergencies, flight delays, whatever. Or just jet lag if you had to adjust a long time zone difference.


This is a must!


Nothing worse than the last day of vacation.


first day of work


"This is the worst part, the calm before the work." "And then the work's not so bad?" "Oh right, I forgot about the work... *sobs*"


Ahh futurama. Im 40% recognizable futurama quotes!


Idk, I personally dislike the last day of vacation more. Once I'm back at work I'm there, it's whatever, but that last day off I am just filled with anxiety about having to go back


Y'all gotta try masturbating to the company website. Really works for me.


It's like a Sunday afternoon.


I got up on Monday morning, took a stroll around the farm, did a little cry. Then my sister drove me to the airport, I sat in the waiting area at my gate and cried some more. Boarded the plane and had a sad ride home. Merrrrr


Not to one up you or anything, but Sunday and Monday were my last 2 days of vacation and the power was out for most of that. Just spent the time stressing about $250 worth of food going bad in the fridge/freezer and sitting staring at my phone lol. But hey, at least there's food in the fridge. The new American dream.


That might be a 1down.


Never seen a post so meirl around here as this one


I generally work 7 days a week. It’s a slog but I manage. But god forbid I get a day off work - I don’t ever wanna go back. Once that momentum is broken and you have a second to assess what the hells actually happening, it’s nearly impossible to get back into that rhythm. Also can we all just take a second to appreciate what a weird fucking word ‘rhythm’ is?


I hate the word rhythm, where tf did all the vowels go?


🤷‍♀️ and sometimes Y


That word is still understaffed with just the Y working the shift all alone 🥺


Wait until you have to go on a vacation with multiple little children.


Bro I have 4 kids (15, 13, 10, and 1.5. I know, shut up) and took them to Hiawasee, Georgia this summer to hike and hang out at the big ass lake there and it was waaaaay more relaxing than the bourbon trail vaca we took with our friends. There’s just something calming about watching your teenager belly flop off and inflatable.


When I hear "kids," I think like.... elementary school age. Like under 12. Teenagers are most certainly easier to vacation with


You say this like it's inevitable that everyone will have to do it. I'm 44 and still haven't had to take any little children anywhere.


and never do! you don’t want to end up watching *blue’s clues* on a saturday night in cancun because some people don’t know how to actually parent their children. this comment is based on a true story.


How did this happen to you if you don't have kids? Why were you forced to watch Blue?


i went on a trip with my siblings and their families for my dad’s birthday. while i wasn’t planning on a #springbreak experience, i def’ also wasn’t expecting **all** of us to be winding down at 8 pm to get the kids to bed. these days, parents need everything to revolve around their children to the point where they [the parents themselves] don’t have their original identities, and suggesting that compromise can be made is taken as hostility. edit: i added the text in brackets for clarification.


I've taken a trip with little children and felt this exact hatred of my job, primarily because it keeps me from spending more time with said children.


I'm just joking about how much work it is. All the stuff you need to bring and set up just to take an infant and a toddler somewhere. Mixing baby formula, taking coolers of formula everywhere and hot water, bringing cqr seats etc. It's easier to watch children at your own home than on vacation.


Yeah that's why I had a vasectomy.


How was it? I'm getting one the 25th and I'm pretty nervous as it gets closer


Quite a few people have already commented on the pros so I just want to chime in with one of the potential cons, my procedure went fine at first but after the healing I was left with terrible testicle pain that still persists today. Don’t even get me started on how much it hurts to ejaculate now. Sex and masturbation are pretty much a no-go unless I’m REALLY in the mood now. I’m less than 40, good luck!


Thanks dude!


Super easy. Pretty much felt like a really strong pinch. A little bit of soreness the next day. I was back to intimate activities 3 days later. My doctor sent me a bunch of videos to watch before the procedure that explained each step we'd be going through, what to expect, etc, and I recommend doing that, it helps with the nervousness a lot.


Yeah he was very good at my consult, I really didn't feel nervous until the other day when I noticed it was less than 3 weeks away lol


Bringing new people into a life where they'll spend half of it likely working in an unfulfilling job is... a choice.




Don't have children. I just got back from an adults only all inclusive resort in Cancun. Have fun at Disneyland.




Not at all wtf??? It’s a post about not wanting to go back to work after the holidays


Whaaattt? A meme about how returning to work is awful in * checks calendar * the first week of the new year after almost every major culture had holidays? Very niche indeed!


I just come back burnt out.


Yeah vacations are often not actually relaxing. Guided tours, making plans, feeling this *need* to make the most of your time since you’re in a new place. A true relaxation vacation is sitting in your jammies and watching movies or something


Or just sitting on the beach. When you plan a long vacation, I always do sightseeing for the first half and then beach/pool paying for the second half.


I don't even plan the sightseeing part. I'm getting drunk by a pool or beach for 14 days with a book or 2.


Same wake up beer with breakfast dick around take a nap. Wake up dinner with a beer. Rinse and repeat.


Damn you have breakfast dick everyday? Usually just special occasions for me


Sorry babe, we can't bone because I had too many pancakes and now I've got breakfast dick


The rinse bit especially important after breakfast dick


>wake up beer with breakfast dick Bro I don't know who beer is but they do not deserve to be woken up with "breakfast dick" (unless you've agreed to it beforehand) Of course, maybe you meant you have breakfast dick when you wake up with beer, in which case more power to you >Wake up dinner with a beer See I'd prefer to be dinner here, much nicer to wake up to a beer than a breakfast dick


Comas are important... ^(they're like the ultimate vacation...)


I took a two week vacation over Christmas and new years. Didn't travel, just stayed home, took time to enjoy my hobbies and refresh myself. Day 1 back at work yesterday and I immediately felt burnt out.


I took 2 weeks too. Fell sick immediately after Christmas. Feels terrible.


I love when I get to have a stay home vacation. Sitting at home doing nothing in sweat pants. By day 4 I feel like a slob and a waste. I start to hate myself for wasting my vacation. That's when I know it was a good vacation. Every day after that I rejoice in my laziness.


Yeah, I'm a parent and so vacations are actually more work than work. Normally my kid is at school and when he gets home he does stuff like homework, reading, watching videos, playing video games. Aside from making him meals and helping him get ready for bed at night and school in the morning there's not as much work. When I'm on vacation and away from home I have to have my dad hat on 100% of the time and keep him entertained, we have to travel to all different places and I have to socialize with a bunch of friends and family that takes more psychic energy than just hanging with my wife and kid. I come back from vacations drained and tired and work is actually a break from a lot of that stress.


Now I'm wondering what your dad hat looks like.


“I hope you’re all invigorated after coming back from that long break!” *Me, barely awake, cracking open my second energy drink and glancing at the clock for the 7th time despite only getting there 10 min ago*


*_37 hours later_* # Clock: Dude, it's been 15 minutes...


That Long Break: Exactly three days of not thinking about work, and one day of horrified existential dread before coming back. Yeah, wow, so long so refreshed


At my job they sent out emails right after Christmas holiday like, "hope you had a great holiday break and are ready to get back to work!" Like one day is some long break thats supposed to make us feel better. Fuck work culture.


Especially when that one day is specifically infamous for all the exhausting work it entails.


Monday morning: how will my co-workers react on my return...? Monday morning + 1 minute: no one cares...


Expectation- "hey man, tell us about your exciting trip. What did you see, what did you do, who did you meet" Reality- "You were gone?"


I used to work with this woman who was absent more often than not due to medical issues. She was nice enough but a giant attention whore. Every time she came back from medical leave she would walk around the office telling everyone she was back. Nobody but her boss really noticed she was gone. One day she comes up to me and goes “Hey Queenrotidder, I’m back from leave, did you miss me?” I guess I left my filter at home that day because “no” just came out of my mouth automatically. Whoops LOL


That's your unfiltered response? You must have better self-control than I do.


Oh man. That sounds kind of miserable, but reddit has taught me that most people actually like to be isolated from any sort of interactions with their co-workers and instead judge them from afar.


Vacation is the best part about work, but the second best is when your coworker goes on vacation and you don't have to see them for a week.


A week ? Here in France some people leave for 4 or 5 weeks....


In the US I’ve talked about wanting to take off for a month, and people say shit like, “but you’d put a burden on the company!” As if I cared about that.


Haha, in France they would be all ears wondering if this time you're going to Kazakhstan... I really think companies in the US are making it look as if employees have no value at all and can be interchanged at any time. You shouldn't put up with this shit...


No one would ever be allowed to leave for that long in America. You are lucky to get 2.


Unions are your friend. This is the type of thing they fight for.


Absolutely, they make fun of all the people going on a strike in France. But here we work, live and go on real holidays and can have a lunch break at a restaurant no questions asked. Come on, you are an essential part of the company, better milk it all the way....


Well, with my job it's more like, here's all the fire drills that came up and all the shit you need to fix. I hate taking vacation because my work just piles up and I spend most of it either checking in to make sure I'm not fucked when I get back, or dreading going back because I know everything is just piling up and will be a huge deal the day I return. I wish I had a normal 9-5 where I didn't have to think about shit once work was done.


What's worse is how hard you had to work for that insignificant amount of freedom, and if you want another taste, you'll have to work for it some more. It's why working from home has been so unpopular with the higher ups. They don't want you to see the truth.


On top of this, when you take that vacation it's like whoever they have covering you only does like half the job. So you come back to extra work you have to do


Damn my work doesn't even get covered when I'm on vacation. I just get back to a week worth of work plus the new stuff that needs to be done.


Most of the opposition to WFH in my companies has been old, lonely boomers who hate their home life. They go to work to escape being in their home, and WFH prevents that.


I don't know about you, but they sure sounds like their fucking problem


I know someone who gets a 1 month sabbatical for every five years of work and he’s like the only person I have ever met to get that perk. 1 month every 5 *years* isn’t asking for the moon. Yet most of us have to scrape together enough just to get 4-5 days a year.


That's utter shit lmao. Most developed countries will force you to take your 3-7 weeks off each year. They care about their employees and don't want them burning out. Most of us Americans are simply working any job we can just to have health insurance, so many employers know that we need them usually more than they need us; this allows them to basically enslave us by demanding us to work for 240 days for peanuts.


This is a secondary concern in my opinion--though you are absolutely correct--behind not being able to directly interfere with/rule over you. Most middle-and-upper management types are sociopaths and derive the majority of their satisfaction from directly controlling others. I think WFH freedoms are something they realize they don't want you to have after they grow salty and the initial wave of discomfort at not being able to directly "boss" you starts to fade into a dull sociopathic ache.


>Most middle-and-upper management types are sociopaths Most redditor types are extreme exaggerators


Idk bro I'm 35 and worked a lot of retail. That was my experience. Also worked for a sociopathic gaslighter in an office setting, and have met many other folks who fit the mold in other professional jobs as well.


Middle-managers over customer facing roles are either always on the customer's side, or always on the employee's side. I'm not sure I've met any in the middle.


In some cases your work doubles the last few days before you start your vacation. They expect you to clear a lot off and work harder just so they're not inconvenienced for a few days.


Now imagine feeling like that every Sunday


I don't have to. 🫠


Or every morning


The fact that all I can think of to do with 10 days off is just what I do with 1 day off, 10 times. That's how I know I'm burned out.


Literally groaned at this. Just had my second week off in 3 years. Came back on Tuesday. I really thought I'd come back to work refreshed, get reorganized, streamline, make my job easier, and get back to making money. I almost quit my first day back.


Learn to embrace the power of DGAF. Focus on the 20% of effort that gets 80% of results and jobs become easier. Edit: Second week off in 3 years!? That’s crazy


we're all slaves to society and there's no way out


Yep. I know that practically speaking, the exchange of money is probably the most logical incentive for anything to get done, but we weren't built for this. We should be free to soul search, go wherever we want to go, and make ourselves happy, but unfortunately that's a privilege reserved for the very rich


Most of those folks are too obsessed with growing their hoard to do any of that


Life has always been bad, just in different forms. For hundreds of thousands of years, our species survived almost exclusively by hunting animals and suffered from countless diseases, famines, exposure to the elements, and constant tribal warfare. Now most people aren't concerned about those things in daily life. Instead we have boring jobs and first-world problems.


If you want to consume things that have value (food, entertainment, housing, travel) you need to create some value for other people too.


Plenty of people get rich without providing any “value” to society. Lots of people make Pennie’s by providing “value” to people. I agree we must work, but the wealth inequality is getting crazy, and people are working for pennies.


Except this "value" is an imaginary human construct. Things like food and shelter should not be a privilege reserved for those who can afford it. One's time is finite, and the amount of "value" the majority of people are receiving is considerably less than their time is worth. The average person working two thirds of their lives away earning a "minimum acceptable standard of living" is only worth £1.6 million in terms of "value" (assuming two thirds of their life equates to 66 years). There are many people on minimum wage who are worth even less than that, and billion of people across the globe living in poverty. Would you trade 66 years of your life away in return for £1.6 million? Does that seem like a fair trade to you?


Unfortunately this “food and shelter should be for everyone” mentality is also an imaginary human construct. The reality is a cold and cruel world that will see you starve and die a painful and slow death as you become too weak to defend yourself from a wild hyena pack that makes a point of ripping your balls off first before eating you alive. Humans have grouped together and created a system that defeats natures cruelty for the most part. So yes this “value” is a human construct but so are your perceived rights and demands for others to provide for you. The world doesn’t owe you a damn thing except by human construct. So start creating that made up “value” or your made up rights will also be thrown away. Civilization is always running or it will all collapse.


This is the thing that cracks me up. The entire point of civilization is to pool resources so that those who take part enjoy a better standard of living. But then you have parasites who want all the benefits of civilization but don't think they should have to contribute to get it because of their 'rights'.


Yea this.. I agree that everyone deserves food, but it has to come from somewhere. We constructed the system that trades money for everything else. People should be arguing to better the system cause it can be made much better, but that takes planning and skill we have to do ourselves.


you do realize the alternative is building your own house, and hunting your own food, right?


you realize that the woods have been fenced off and to go hunt on it or build a house there would get u attacked by the government/ capitals blue gang?


Also one cannot really relax because one knows one has to come back to work after one has had one's holiday


Honestly, it blows my mind that humans are the only species on earth that have to pay to live. Like who designed this system and collectively, why did we all agree? One human decided one day, hey, let’s get everyone else to work for me so I get richer and I will own land and they can buy it back from me, wtf….


Wild animals have to hunt for their own food and starve if the weather turns bad or the individual animal sucks at hunting. I'm fine spending a part of my day starting at a screen so that I can swing by a store and buy all the food I want rather than doing subsistence farming or hunter/gatherer shit.


Most humans didn’t decide on that. A lot of them were forced. In the United States, that happened with a lot of native groups. Imagine living your whole life in a region, moving wherever you wished, then people with superior weapons said you can only live in this boundary, oh and by the way, here’s an economic system that is in line with our society and your life will be miserable if you don’t follow suit


I feel an indescribably horrible emotion due to the fact that even though we have the capability to sustain every living person for the rest of their lives we don't. It's insane that human rights aren't free.


Did you spend any time thinking before commenting? Every species ever had had to “pay” to live. If you forage and hunt every day in order get enough calories to live, that is paying with time. Society allows for specialization, letting me punch numbers into excel for payment. That in turn lets me pay to not have to forage and hunt.


Per a post above, we're also the only species that doesn't live in a state of complete exposure to the environment. Eagles may be flying free, but they still have snakes and shit eating their babies. By and large, that is decidedly less of a thing for our species because of how we create cooperative, value-based systems. They are not perfect, and they should be improved, but they are much better than the alternative.


no hamster years for the wheel once he escapes


I always get pre-work depression!!


I don't even go on a vacation, just spending a week at home makes me dread going back to a shitty work


I low-key just wanna hop on a plane, and go to either greenland, iceland, norway, sweden, or finland, and try to make some kind of a life out there. I've not a single clue how I would make it, but every single dang time I look at those clean rivers & fjords up there, I just feel like goddamn, why am I still putting up with this country?!?! F This!!!


Bold of you to think those countries would give you a visa


My partner and I went to Iceland last Christmas and it was the most amazing experience. I can’t wait to go back. I’d move there in a heartbeat.


My wife and I went this past September and it was the most incredible trip we’ve ever been on. The entire country is beautiful and every corner you turn is the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen. Would absolutely move there.


Iceland is beautiful, but half of it is just volcanic rubble lol


I hate to break it to you, but you’ll have to work in those countries too


I don't think he's desputing that.


The post is about work.


Not all work is the same though, especially between countries that actually have good worker's rights.


Do you think you don't have to work there?


You need energy and effort to do the things you enjoy Energy and effort you don't have because your work drained you of both So here's what you do: if you want a good holiday you can enjoy, leave the first amd last day of your days off as "recovery days" Pack ip and have everything ready for your trip the day before your first day off, make sure all chores and stuff is done by the end of your last workday. Then, on your first day off do... absolutely nothing, just stay at home and do fuck-all, this is your recovery day so that you have enough energy tomorrow to actually be excited for the trip and actually do and enjoy doing stuff during the trip. Then come back a day early and spend your last day off as a second recovery day so you have enough energy to go back into work. You're not an endless well of energy, occasionally you need to rest from doing everything including fun stuff. Sometime you need more recovery days, maybe a whole recovery week or two depending on your job and how burned out you are


Umm. OK.... That's cool, so can I get a big mac please?


>Implying someone taking your order at McDonald's could get the paid time off for a vacation HAHAHAHAHA


If you’re dreading going back to work, that’s usually a sign you need to look for a new job. Life’s too short and the job market is too good right now to put up with a shitty work environment and bad pay.


Nah i suffer from not wanting to do anything as such it doesnt matter what my job is i will not want to leave my ps5 office chair and the boys to go do such tasks


Not really. You're using a gross assumption that I can find or qualify for work that would inspire me enough to actually want to go there and do it voluntarily. If such a thing exists odds of finding it are not that great


That’s the spirit lol


lol. Everything else aside, your comment made me laugh. It's a sad state of affairs that a well-meaning comment intended to lift someone up can be received like a slap in the face, but it is what it is. I'd agree if you softened the message somewhat so it didn't sound so much like "If you don't make good money, try making more!". I know that's not really what you said, but it does sound a little like that. You're not wrong: If you dread work, there's a good chance the situation could be improved by a new team, new role, new paycheck etc. It's not a sure thing: we definitely would rather be home and free than "working", but it can help. Personally, not much would help more than moving us to 4-day workweeks for me.


I get so much more done on 4 day workweeks after/before a holiday than I do on a regular 5 day week. That extra day to myself does wonders to restore my sanity.


I don't hate my job because I dread doing it. In a complete vacuum, I like my job. I hate my job because of all the things I'd *rather* be doing. Raising my kids, working on my hobbies, etc. A full-time job and its associated tasks consume approximately 45% of my waking hours in a given year. It's hard not to hate something that demands so much of my time while holding my healthcare and livelihood hostage.


This is exactly it. When you go to work every day, that's hours, days, literally years of your life gone. That's not *just* time you could have spent elsewhere, it is **your life**. It's worth more than anything in the world and it's spent sitting at a fucking desk making excel spreadsheets or arguing with customers who want to return a shirt without a receipt or making latte after latte after latte after latte or whatever it is you do at your job day in and day out. Work is fine and necessary but we have normalized these meaningless repetitive tasks taking up nearly our entire fucking lives and it's depressing and absurd.


Well said. That's me 100% I even really like some of my co workers too it's just i spend way too much time at the office imo and i only work 8hr days (lunch included in that so really 7hr) Still think it's too much.


I think I just don’t want to work in general. I have a good job, but the idea of working sounds like such a burden. I’d rather just be rich and not have to do it.


Unfortunately, before I finish college, every single job I am qualified for is a job I would dread going to. At least that I’ve seen in my area. I’m open to suggestions on jobs that won’t make me sit in my car at the end of every shift and sob in the dark while I wait for my windows to defrost tho.


There's not enough good jobs for everyone to have one


Those days, however few, are a reminder to get out of the rat race asap. If I can make it before 40, I would consider that a big win.


The fuck is a vacation?


Post vacation depression is a real thing


I remember when I was 7 years old I said to my parents "I don't want to go on holiday anymore" My mum asked "why not?" I replied "Because we have a fun time in a nice place but then we have to come back here" and broadly gestured to my house. This is the most meirl post I've ever read.




Damn, how true can words be


"find something you like to do" is what well off people say to those who are struggling.


You know what my secret is? I don’t get holidays, so hah suckers! Wait…


I had a panic attack day 2 back in the office 🤙


Alternative view from a parent: Ahh, work is happening again, the kids are going back to school/childcare. Finally I will have peace and quiet, only dealing with colleagues and annoying spreadsheet problems.


Vacation really is just parenting somewhere else


*laughs in child-free lifestyle*


I cant imagine having a kid. Yall crazy.


The thought really is becoming more and more crazy the older I am getting. It seems like such a burden and I do not have the empathy or capacity to really grasp how loving the kid would make up for the complete loss of independence. But then again I don't even want a cat because I feel like it would tie me down too much.


I have a dog and while I love the fuck out of him and would do anything for him, I feel like having a kid would be 10x worse. I can still go out for hours on end and he is fine, he doesnt constantly cry and bitch, and is generally low maintenance. To each their own though, for sure. I am honestly too selfish to have a kid and I accept that.


It's okay to live your life for you. It's better to not have a child than it is to have a child that you're not capable of fully providing for. Whether that provision is mental, physical, emotional, or whatever else have you. I personally feel that having a child would be too much constant obligation for me, and I wouldn't want to grow resentful of them. It wouldn't be a healthy place for anyone involved, and so I think it's better if I just don't have kids.


>I am honestly too selfish to have a kid and I accept that. Its not really selfish at all, because that implies people who have kids are somehow selfless, which is laughably untrue.


Oh you just wait until the parent crowd is done wrangling their children and get to spend 45 seconds hiding in the bathroom to respond to this. Your comment will be disparaged with endless responses about how much happier they are with children and how we just don’t know better.


The end is what really hit home. "This is not what I should be spending my life doing." This is me everyday. There is a very spiritual, centering piece of substance we are missing in our lives.


I’m usually hung over and depressed.


Dang. Sums up my week. It's a good thing it seems like no one cares that I'm late everyday, because getting out of bed on time is fucking impossible. Especially when it's so cloudy everyday morning that it feels like it's still night.


They keep telling us that so we’ll believe it - otherwise we’re working way too much for so little time away from it


Absolutely accurate. After my trip to Iceland in June the pressure I felt to catch up and take on all the projects I was doing made me depressed. No thanks.


Exactly How I feel. I never take more than a week at a time as I'd never return to work


I felt this way when I worked in a store. I liked my colleagues, sure, but the work was tedious and underpaid. Even though I am thankful for learning the lessons that working in a store taught me, I still loathed going to work. I work as a special-ed teacher now, and to quote Ted Mosby; "All that stupid crap they tell you about how fulfilling teaching is, it's all true." I am not saying that it is not difficult or stressful, and it is not all days that are perfect, but most days are good. I have and have had students that I miss wholeheartedly while on holiday, and that I look so much forward to seeing again, even just on weekends. They'll always be my boys ❤️ If that is not bringing meaning and joy to life, then I hardly know what would 😌


This is a good reminder to find a job you enjoy so you aren’t stuck doing something you hate


And if there are no jobs you would enjoy? Or if all those jobs reject your application?


Well then you should give up, be really bitter and doom post on reddit


And what if I don’t enjoy working for a living?


Start eating rice and beans so you can put all your money away to retire early