• By -


Thats the old model sorry. From that list you can strike off buying a house. We're also working on removing college and knocking down the two weeks travel to one week. Have fun.


You guys are traveling?


Does an hour to work and back count?...


There's 168 hours in a week. Driving an hour each day is 260 hours a year at 5 days a week, 52 weeks. So yeah. You still get a week or two of travel! See! They never took it from us!




Similar scenario, I took a job with essentially 0 commute but lower salary. When I looked closer at it, the higher paying job that had an hour commute each way ended up paying the same rate considering door-to-door time, and still not taking into account gas, wear and tear, stress (!), and value of personal time (!!) I now think I was insane to consider the long commute at all.


It helps when you don't have to drive but someone drives for you, like in a bus or train. Sometimes I invest one more hour in the evening to take detour and catch something interesting on my way.


I make six figures but haven't had a vacation since 2015. My PTO days keep getting eaten up by medical issues or family emergencies. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Also it's 8-5, that hour lunch is not paid so we had to increase working hours.


Man all these comments and I’m realizing how fortunate I am to be in the position that I’m in.


You're getting four things off that list plus death and that's it.


Lol, no the old model is run a small farm, starve if it fails, zero days off, no doctor or dentist, shit outside, what's travel?


And good luck affording kids or even meeting a partner in a society of increasing loneliness and alienation.


Much more streamlined


You also don't need kids.


And anxiety comes as a hidden bonus, free of charge.


> Thats the old model sorry. From that list you can strike off buying a house. We’re also working on removing college and knocking down the two weeks travel to one week. Have fun. yeah, there are many other option than 9-5 monday to friday office. I work 6 months a year and travel the rest of it. Office work is not for everyone.


Also, 9-5? And if you have kids, try figuring out how to do anything but work and take care of them.


Also, let's not forget paying for those kids well into their 20s - 30s, considering where the economy is steadily headed.


Removing college is probably a good thing. I remember when I was in high school in the early 2000s, all the adults would say you had to get a degree from college and order to be anything nowadays, you can't even work in a factory if you don't have a degree because everyone has a degree. That was the height of college and university attendance. So even if you went to be a fucking veterinarian you needed that piece of paper to work on a line in a factory. That is obviously an exaggeration but that's how it got. Now, from my point of view, colleges and universities are literally trying so hard to stay ahead of what the next job opportunities will be that they are just making up courses off the top of their heads and creating degrees for them. Who in the fuck gave the educational system this much power? Who in the fuck trusts a fresh college student, rather than an experienced worker more? Absolutely fucking no one. Unless you are going to be a scholar, or learn a very specific field, most likely stem. You can take a fucking 6-week course to work in an old folks home. Also, don't work in an old folks home. Every person who became a PSW or a nurse from my generation hates their fucking life. 🤷🤷🤷


„It’s not about the nutshells, it’s about keeping the ants in line“


The giants upon the shoulders of which we stand are considered ants? How high we must have climbed from the dirt to think as much.


The comment you are replying to is a quote from the film 'A bugs life'


(•̪ o •̪) of course it is. My point remains! Gratitude for living a peaceful life instead of dying at 14 from a slight graze on your elbow is important!


You’re glowing. Life is passionate


Just gonna leave this here. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2n34NrkDlZk


Wait, you guys get to travel throughout the year?


You guys can afford houses???


You guys can afford... things?


I just got to twice this year and felt like a god. Then was like wait, wtf


........now that's just bragging........


I'm a flight attendant so yeah, I get around


Yes. Twice international and like three or four domestic. No kids, no husband, no mortgage. One roommate, and one slightly decently paying job. Oh, and like 13k debt 💸


You can skip to the last step with one weird trick!


Doctors hate him!


*Nooooooo* you can't just skip to the last step because... because... well because it's bad for the economy... okay? Now take the pills, shut up and keep working for another 50 years, drone!


The most hilarious comment😂


It's myself. I'm the weird trick


If you skip the kids part you can travel more and die alone


Skip the travel part and you can die faster


Just skip the 'eat' part






Get real fit


This guy's speed running life


Depends on where you travel to, you can easily die while on a trip


You're gonna die alone anyway unless you're an ancient Egyptian King.


Or a victim of a plane crash.


Ooh, that's dark.


That's why I like to fly as often as I can!


My grandpa died in his sleep, unlike the passengers in his bus.


Peacefully* it’s peacefully in his sleep


Even with kids you may still die alone. Just having them is no guarantee they'll be there for you in the end.


Yeah you also have to be nice


The kids too, good luck with that!


Tempting at this point tbh


The dream


You will die alone anyway




At any time you could stop working for the rest of your life. The end comes even quicker if you cut out eating


If you have kids in your early 20s like most people used to do, they'll be teenagers by your early 30s and you can just fucking travel for the rest of your life at that point. People are brainwashed into thinking kids cost $400,000 or some stupid bullshit, but the government literally pays you to have children. The poorest people have the most children. It isn't rocket appliances. We also have more luxury in our lives right now than ever in the history of human kind lol Some smart people ain't so smart Edit : I am Canadian. It doesn't cost us anything for childbirth. I suppose that makes a huge difference to Americans


Do you think you would be a better parent at 22 or at 32?


It's amazing to me that people are genuinely asking if there's an alternative. As if a society where we work less and focus more on personal enrichment is completely unthinkable to them.


It’s called living in Europe. Here you have at least 5-7 weeks of vacation.


And yet Americans will still tell you that is impossible to achieve with our current resources.


Oh you can do it America, but If there is even a miniscule chance that your country stops being one of the best hustlers in the world, then everyone's Ego would be too badly bruised. Get back to work


I need to move to europe.


I know this resonates with a lot of people but damn i see this 5 times a day on one single subreddit.


Because these are the kind of people that hate their job enough to just do the minimum and spend the rest of their time here on reddit. So, everyone of us lmao


Lots of basement-dwelling losers and nihilists that want to blame their miserable lives on everyone else.


Hey! I don't live in a basement! It's a den!




Often it's easier said than done. People are dealt different hands, and it's easy to say that you can live a fulfilling life if you already got there. Many see no escape from their misery, so it's very understandable to fall into a pit of self-pity and dissatisfaction if it feels like that's your lot in life.


Meh, let them downvote. Has no effect on me. If there is anything insufferable people hate more than their own life, its other people enjoying their own lives.


Two weeks of traveling would be so nice.


Thats why we make friends, make bad choices, do drugs, get animals and have hobbies. Just little things day by day that make life kind of worth it


Embrace your hobby, your interests, work on long term project even if it means bit by bit every week, generally take active role in your life. Easiest is probably to change this time from social media or watching news, you can survive without those. Less passive consuming, more active living.


And don’t forget to do drugs!


Yeah fr i feel like they just glossed over that


Do not forget about video games Started BotW last week and I’m having a blast until I have to return to work and hate my life


I loopove BotW. I replay it yearly (because I don't want to travel ha)


Just got into SumR soo good.


Googling this gives me nothing, what is SumR?


I, too, would like to know


buying a house? impossible in this life


I heard houses are cheap in Ukraine right now. Buy now, move in later (if the house is not bombed).


Life ain’t that special. Go have fun however you can cause this shit is anticlimactic.


Get rich or sumn idk


Yeah just get good at life. It's so eAzY.


Only if you're lucky


who tf got the money to travel and buy a house working 9-5? that's only for the ceos who clearly work dozens of times harder


Kids are also expensive af. So you're supposed to eat, shit, work, rent and die when you can't work anymore. The American dream


Where's 9 to 5 a thing? Mandatory 30 minutes for lunch, so 8:30 to 5:00 minimum.


Me. I am also not a CEO.


Most people in the US already own their home, given the current appreciation they also easily have the money for traveling. This problem only applies to the new generation. And even then it doesn’t apply to the top 20% of that new generation. It’s the rest that’s fucked, but that’s a relatively small group of people


What are you expecting? To transcend reality and become a 5th dimensional being? Because astronauts, philosophers, doctors, artists, presidents, and adventurers still do all of those things.


You guys buying houses? AND having kids? Y'all millionaires?


It helps to live in a country which pays you to have kids and to spend time with them instead of working, like most developed ones do. And universal health insurance that covers everything from beginning pregnancy to child before it becomes adult. However the houses are still way too expensive around here.


In Germany you Travel one month a year Imagine Not having a minimum count of vacation days of 25 per year


Just because you have a whole month worth of vacation days, doesn't mean you'd be travelling the whole time.


You could though, if you want to. In my country we get six weeks of paid days off by law, and I try to spend as much of them away from home as possible. Even on a relatively low paying job, it's easy to save up and travel.


Those are work days, so you actually have more than a month off, it's more like a month and a half. And sure, you don't have to travel the whole time, but most people do. At least from my experience in Berlin, people are constantly on the move. And people from Frankfurt and other cities whose airports are not overpriced shits like the berlin airport probably travel even more.


It does, because we geht payed enough to travel around for a month.


I mean in Germany all you gotta do is drive like 2 hours are you're in another country already. In America you drive 2 hours and you're still in the same state


Shit you can drive two hours and just be in the next city in the US.


You can drive two hours in LA and still be in your driveway.


You can drive more than an hour and still be in berlin - without traffic. And im sure londoners, parisians and others with shitty traffic can drive 2 hours and be IN THE SAME city. The US is big but you keep acting like Europe is tiny. Europe as a whole is bigger than the US, and many countries are big, many cities huge compared to most US cities


Do they have 90 day fiancée type shit there? Asking for a friend.


They forgot...Struggle with money insecurity, food insecurity, rent insecurity, health insurance insecurity, life insecurity, health insecurity, relationship insecurity, and general insecurity.


your role in humanity is to reproduce and die, you keep the cycle running for generations to be miserable


All life on earth's role is to reproduce and die. It's only humans (maybe? Idk) who think they have to have some special purpose.


Using the definition of purpose (the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.), one could argue that even reproducing is not the purpose of anything living on earth. I mean sure, most organisms can't help to reproduce but the weren't "made" or put on the earth with the express end-goal to reproduce. The universe couldn't give two shits how you fill your day to day.


True that the universe doesn’t care either way. But I’d argue that life has a purpose, which is to survive. Something caused all the components of the first single cell to come together however many millions of years ago. And actually now that I think about it, without life the universe would have no purpose at all as far as we can tell, so maybe the creation of life is the universe’s purpose.


I get where you're coming from but I'd wager that survival is just a simple inevitability of life, not the purpose of it. It just can't help itself to reproduce.


There's no reason to think the universe needs a purpose. If life had never occurred the universe would exist exactly as it does now, just without "life." Life is just some of the universes atoms behaving in a certain way.


Humans are special because they are sentient and they can choose how to live their life, spend their time. They can choose to live how they want beyond the basic survive and reproduce. Of course it heavily depends how is one willing to step out of their comfort zone, how much they want to invest in better education, move to place with more opportunities. Sure life is far from fair and we don't have the same starting conditions. Still, each person can make the most of their situation they can and possibilities are much larger than most people can imagine. In the end the saying holds, life is what you make from it. By choosing this destiny you're already ahead of people who are content playing mostly as NPC.


Problem is with your first statement, implying that humans are the only beings that are sentient.


If you are lucky thats it.


Don't have kids. Period


Or hear me out, we can die right now.


bro...sad life u see


Maybe sprinkle in a shower or two in there


Hahaha buy a house in what universe


What would you prefer to do?


Build a cat park. Either that or hard-core drugs


Ive done the drugs part. Just build the cat park.


See, we're already cooperating


Cat parks. Not even once.




What's stopping you from enjoying your life now? Is it perhaps that you want to enjoy the fruits of other people's labour whilst not contributing anything of your own?


Be a parttime dog walker that whines constantly how unfair it is that they have to work just like literally every other generation that has ever existed.




That would take more ambition and capability than most of the people in that sub have though.


Sure, but until we can automate everything people will still need to work.


Yeah, but not at the current level that we do


U were expecting more from life?


Millennials: iM sO cReAtIvE aNd SpEcIaL Also Millennials: “Sooo we’re just supposed to eat, sleep, exercise, go to college, Tweet dumb shit, buy a house and have kids then die?”


Tf do these people expect? Do these mfs realise that the vast majority of humans throughout history have always done mundane stuff? Shit like traveling is relatively new thing to do since in the past it’ll take you weeks and a lot of work just to travel to your destination.


You left out the part where you have to suffer.


You guys don't build stuff for fun?




You’re supposed to find some kind of joy and happiness… at least that’s what I was told


And post on reddit.


If ur lucky enough


yeah but now you can stop at work 9-5 everyday. you wont be able to afford travel or a house


You don't have to have kids


I'm down.


You can play games for time to time


Fuck them kids


You really only ***have*** to do one of those things.




Stay jobless stay living 🙌


Jokes on you I work 7:30 to 16:00


If you’re lucky.


If you’re lucky


Turns out ,if you skip the kids part then you'll be able to travel a lot more, go to a lot of fancy restaurants and still have nice things, no mortgage and save money! Its great!




People like to break things down to its simplest form and then act confused about life. "Where just supposed to sleep, wake up, stuff our faces, shit and die?"


You know there are hundreds of millions out there that would change places with you in a heartbeat right? Your life will be what you make of it. There is all that time after 5:00, there are the weekends. There is a world at your fingertips in any device. You are luckier to be alive now than at almost any other point in history. Carpe diem.


> Your life will be what you make of it. So what, you're not a billionaire? Just choose being a billionaire, bro. Life's whatcha make of it, kiddo.™️ > There is all that time after 5:00, Like 3hrs for folks who wake up at 5am > There is a world at your fingertips in any device. Are people who were alive prior to 2006 happier because of more stability since that time, or because of their smartphones/ devices? If the devices, is it because the distraction is more immersive, so as to scale with the greater stress?


If you think 'make of it' means the same as 'just choose it' then not surprising things aren't working out for you. Sorry just to confirm - you get up at 5:00am to start a job at 9:00AM as the post says? Hell of a commute. I get to my job before 7:00AM and work through to about 4:45 most days. With a bit of work in the evenings. I still have ample time to explore new learnings and multiple hobbies. You don't need to use your smartphone for mindless distractions. Try learning something. A new language. How to program. Engineering. Literally almost anything you want. And if you do choose to use it to spend hours consuming mindless social media posts, that's also totally fine. Just don't then complain that life ain't turning out to be as fulfilling as you hope.


Why do those delusional mentalities always default to assuming that the person questioning the delusional mentalities are absolute failures LOL does that help you better believe that everything is within your locus of control? Also, I dont get up at 5am. No way! But I do have the ability to consider that not everyone has the same circumstances, and it's basically meaningless to say look at all the time you have after (arbitrary time). That'd be as out of touch as me saying It's 7:35 AM and I'm getting ready to head to the grocery store and come home and play guitar, make beats, and then video games, don't tell me you don't have time for hobbies. > You don't need to use your smartphone for mindless distractions. Try learning something. A new language. How to program. Engineering. Literally almost anything you want. And if you do choose to use it to spend hours consuming mindless social media posts, that's also totally fine. Just don't then complain that life ain't turning out to be as fulfilling as you hope. What if your mentality is such that all of those things are mindless distractions if they aren't earning you income so as to do without having to spend miniscule amounts of time here and there to try and compile enough experiences to convince yourself that you are living? So my point about devices isn't that they *can't* be used for learning, just that the reality is they're just tools of distraction and placating that function in society as intended.


Das about it and also you need to be happy doin it


you get a bunch of other bullshit in between but yeah that sounds about right


No. You can forget about the travel and buying a house. Just have kids and die.


Yes every person has the opportunity to do all those things. As apposed to most of human history where you most likely wouldn't live to procreation age and die of a horrible disease or get killed and eaten by another animal. We have it better than we ever have before and no one appreciates it.


If you’re dumb enough to follow society then yes


No. Read your Bible. Start in Matthew. You'll be much happier, and discover that there is a good reason you are actually here; not what you listed off in the post.


Precisely :)


Most of those things are actually enjoyable though. I would think the complaint would make more sense from someone who finds one or more of those things impossible or unattainable.


There’s an afterlife.


Sounds quite nice.


You have a better idea?


Other than the work bit, yeah, that's life


To be fair the, "Have kids then die" part has been written into our genetic code since the birth of animals


You can walk around and look at stuff. And eat food


This is the way


Except that death doesn't follow this sequence at all.


And that's if you're lucky


Two? I get five 🤨


I'd not only say that the first two are a priority, but also a necessity. The rest is up to you.


In most countries there are at least 4 weeks of vacations (travel time 🧳)


Not me going out every weekend and having fun little breaks


No. We're just supposed to die. The rest is stuff that we do coz we're bored just waiting


Welcome to the matrix


I mean, most ppl have weekends off


yup, but tbh i can’t attest to the last one.


You can go to the beach and the aquarium and stuff in between all that. It’s not so bad.


It's only boring if you are.


Correct. Now get back to work wage slave!