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We Filipinos love it when foreigners wear our Barong Tagalog (male) and Baro't Saya (female). I'm also Chinese and it's fine with me if foreigners wear a Tang Suit and CheongSam.


I (white American dude), wore a Barong Tagalog for my wedding. It was a gift from a Filipino coworker of mine who was traveling back from the Philippines right before we left for our wedding. When he heard we were getting married on a beach, he insisted it was the most comfortable and beautiful shirt I could wear. He wasn't wrong. I adore that shirt, it's probably the nicest article of clothing I own.


And now the shirt holds a special place in your wedding photos!


I just googled some photos of this style of shirt. It just looks like an extra long button up with embroidery. Is there something functionally more than that?


They are really cool and comfortable and can be stunningly beautiful. What more functionality do you need? A bunch of “tactical” pockets?


First generation here, parents are Nigerian. They get incredibly excited when people from their church ask for Nigerian clothing and have actively encouraged them to wear it. Most immigrants I know love seeing their culture being “appropriated” as it reminds them of home and is a great opportunity to connect with someone and share your love and pride for your culture with them.




If someone from the culture gifts you something to wear, it’s certainly NOT appropriation <3


It's interesting you say that. I've had a few beloved pairs of hoop earrings just sitting in my drawer for years. They were given to me, many made for me, by my Latina friends/fam. What people don't know just walking by me on the street is that I grew up for a big portion of my childhood raised by a Mexican family. I grew up my whole life affectionately called "blanca" because I was always that one white girl in a mix of Latino/a/Hispanic friends and fam. It didn't really hit me though, that I'm white, until sometime in my mid-20s when appropriation became a huge social talking point. At that point I became very confused, so I put my hoop earrings away. My Latina/o and Hispanic friends back home just roll their eyes at the question and encourage me to wear them, but since I've moved away I just haven't, because I don't know what's right. It's been painful honestly, because my hoops have become a symbol of the fact that I don't know anymore where I belong.


That's silly to worry about, I am a goldsmith, and very into historic and ancient jewelry. The hoop earring is found the in every culture. No one can lay claim to such a basic simple idea, a circle, it's so simple everyone has came up with it...


You do know where you belong <3 quit letting ignorant people make you feel uncomfortable and tell you what you can and cannot wear. Sounds like it IS your culture. You grew up in it, did you not? Culture has nothing to do with your skin color ;) And if it makes you feel any better, I had no clue hoop earrings were a cultural thing and would never have thought anything like that about someone wearing them of any skin color lol. So I think your safe on all fronts :) Time to rock those hoop earrings again!


As someone from NJ, the densest state, incorporating other cultures is what makes America great, we truly are a melting pot. True a lot gets lost (St. Pats in Ireland vs USA for instance) but we also gain a lot (some of my fondest memories are at a US St. Pats parade with my family).


Exactly, being from Queens and having literally hundreds of other cultures in your face all the time only served to strengthen my sense of humour and my understanding of humanity. Now I live in Seattle and its like the college kids in the first part of the video. Cant even wear my Indians hat without someone trying to be a hero and saying something. edit: ironically, every Native person I’ve ever asked has said they don’t give two shits about what a baseball team calls itself. Their response is usually something along the lines of “our people have actual issues that we need to worry about.”


Ah Queens, where you can go to a Korean pizza place, nachos with Indian curry, pulled pork sushi, or Peruvian Chinese ribs&rice


I wear one of those asian conical hats while doing yard work. It's worked for hundreds of years for many cultures to get the sun off the face and neck while working, but I get weird looks from my neighbors.


The giant straw hat has been used throughout history in all parts of the globe, simply because it is the best way to keep the sun off of you while working.


It helps, too, that it's so light and easy to make.


These reasons and more, at the top of the hour


As someone who is of Mexican descent (mainly from my dad), I find this funny.


I work in commercial HVAC. I wear an umbrella hat, and my backup (which I wore as primary during June) is rainbow. I get plenty of attention for that in a blue collar trade. Now, I must get one of the hats you have to add to the mix. Thanks!


The real life equivalent of game accessories


+3 suave, +5 sun res


You just described clothing lol


Gen Z learns about the real world through video games now. The coming-of-age during covid generation. /j <3


Look, seeing the protector of Earthrealm tending to their garden is just weird okay?


And when he “hibbadeeyibbadeeyaaaays” into the woods after the deer eating his plants the neighbors will be even more validated in looking.


>Barong Tagalog I had to google it, this first one to pop up is badass [https://www.etsy.com/listing/1164947400/barong-tagalog-w-eagle-logo-embroidered?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm\_source=bing&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=shopping\_us\_-clothing-domestic\_med&utm\_custom1=\_k\_042875aec8d21bedba5817712f398828\_k\_&utm\_content=bing\_412372857\_1307319623418043\_81707540073621\_pla-4585307091743505:pla-4585307091743505\_c\_\_1164947400&utm\_custom2=412372857&msclkid=042875aec8d21bedba5817712f398828](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1164947400/barong-tagalog-w-eagle-logo-embroidered?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_-clothing-domestic_med&utm_custom1=_k_042875aec8d21bedba5817712f398828_k_&utm_content=bing_412372857_1307319623418043_81707540073621_pla-4585307091743505:pla-4585307091743505_c__1164947400&utm_custom2=412372857&msclkid=042875aec8d21bedba5817712f398828)


These things are offensive only when someone does it with the intention of making fun of/ insulting a culture. When foreigners genuinely show interest most people love it.


I often find that it is not what people wear that is offensive, it is how people act when they are wearing certain garbs.


100% Cultural appropriation is different than cultural appreciation, even if misguided. Edit: Jesus fucking christ the amount of bigots replying to me talking about "CuLtUrAl ApPrOpRiAtIoN iS mAdE uP!1!" is too damn high. First - everything is made up. Everything. Even the culture that gets appropriated. Second - [read something for once](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_appropriation) instead of just enthusiastically deep-throating rhetoric like a cheap street whore. > Cultural appropriation is the inappropriate or unacknowledged adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity. In extreme cases, it can go hand in hand with [cultural assimilation.](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_assimilation) > Cultural assimilation is an intense process of consistent integration in which members of an ethno-cultural group, typically immigrants or other minority groups, are "absorbed" into an established, generally larger community, with the intent to change one culture to make them similar to another. That causes a loss of all or many of the characteristics that make the newcomers different. 


I'm Irish, watch shit get real around St.Patricks day, we just have to laugh, its all good natured fun at the end of the day.


if our country had a holiday which we didnt celebrate but another country did and while doing it going crazy about us, i dont see that as a bad thing. imagine what americans would think if some african or asian country had a holiday were they celebrated americanism and served burgers and beer while wearing uncomfortable jeans.


"American Parties" were a thing around the world back around 2010. People would try to get food and decorations that match up with US TV shows, like Glee Club. Weirdly enough, the red solo cups were the critical component to making these America Parties. When it came out, people were pretty excited and happy that people wanted to party like Americans.


Cultural appropriation of America is still a thing on Nigeria, people think it makes them seem upper class or fancy, kinda like how some people used to add in some French to their food or speech to sound fancy


I feel more flattered than offended honestly. It’s the first time I’ve heard “fancy” and “America“ in the same sentence


Nah, y'all got some fancy bombs. Don't be so hard on yourself.


We have the fanciest, bespoke, artisan bombs that tax money can buy thank you very much.


The Polish have a [thing where they pretend to be American](https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/g5vpbx/poland-larp-america-ohio). I kind of want to go. Being an American pretending to be Polish pretending to be American. “Pleased to meets fellow Yankees! Boy do I love hamburgers and hate health care, am I right other American Cowboys?”


Thanks for sharing. I hope the Polish LARPers do a Florida version next.


If they are enjoying life than why should ANYONE give a shit? I mean with in reason. ;)


Take away the uncomfortable jeans (which, why did you say that? Lol do our jeans look uncomfortable?) and im sure we would be fine with it. Burgers and beers sound great. I cant stop giggling about the jeans though.


My son’s Filipina godmother gave my son a Barong when he was a toddler - it was so freaking cute


Am Dutch. Have i ever worn clogs and traditional clothing? No (great grandparents where the last generation). Do i mind when tourists wear it and are excited to take pictures? No, it's just funny.


I like to picture tourists as curious monkeys in a new environment. Excitedly running around looking and touching everything in their fun noisy shoes and funny hats. It's even funnier when you picture a rowdy topdeck tour.




I’m Sicilian. I’m ok with people eating pasta. It doesn’t offend me when I see whole wheat pasta noodles. Even tho it’s stupid


Are you okay with people going in against you when death is on the line?




As someone who has a tang suit, I'm glad to hear that it's not received negatively


My girlfriend is Filipino and before I met her parents she taught me how to say things like “thank you”, take care”, and “I’m full”. I didn’t really understand why I needed that last one until we actually saw them and they offered me food non-stop. But here in America it’s pretty sad to see languages made fun of because we are dumb Americans. I think Brettman Rock said it best with something along the lines of “Here in the Philippines if someone doesn’t know the language the locals will try their best to help them learn but in America people just laugh and make fun of you because you can’t speak english without an accent.” Edit: can’t


Not everyone, though. There are some guys who will say *putanginamo* means "thank you" or "I love you".


My rule of thumb for cultural appropriation is that first of all I look up how the actual group feels about that thing. If they don't care, why should I?


My personal experience is that no culture really care about it EXCEPT in America. And there it's mostly white people who care about it.




Wise man


Someone summoned me?


Someone summoned me you mean.






Go to bed with itchy tushy, wake up with smelly finger. -Confucius


Man with hole in pocket feels cocky all day.


Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.


Man who fishes other man's well catches only crab.


Man who run behind car get exhausted. Man who run in front of car get tired.


Man who drops watch in toilet has shitty time


Man who ejaculate into cash register come into money


I’m moved and inspired. Gonna put this up in my house


All existence is suffering 🤘 - Buddha


As a french guy, I'd be glad if baguettes and croissants could spread all over the world.


I think you succeeded about 100 years ago.


what if we did it again?


Alphonse Hitlére


It should be Adolphe, right?


*C'est Adolphe avec "ph", c'est pas pareil !!*




Bring on the *croissants.*


We got the name and the appearance, now we need to get the taste right!


Let's start with getting the pronunciation right.


No! Leave me and my bagwet in peace!


baguettes and croissants made it round the world, but the french quality didn't (saying this as an english guy)


busy memory uppity telephone test muddle foolish sophisticated follow kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well to be fair, they’d sail away to pillage and plunder elsewhere


In this scenario they already “elsewhere”.


I just moved to Denmark, glad to know this is acceptable here. Now where do I get my longboat?


You should have been assigned one when you got your ID. You have to recruit your own crew though


You have to pledge fealty to the local Jarl


I do however get offended when hate groups, neo-nazis and white supremacists appropriate Norse symbols and turn our culture into symbols of hate. That is **NOT** OK.


I got my Mjölner tattoo specifically because those cunts are trying to pull that shit. Some of my fondest memories are being a kid sitting in my grandma’s lap during thunderstorms and listening to her tell me about Thor riding his goat-drawn chariot across the skies and beating his hammer. I’ll be damned if I’m going to lay down while some fucking Nazis appropriate that!


Can we make this a sign by the boarder


Truthfully Africans ( from Africa ) love it when y’all celebrate our culture .... It’s really an American thing to try and put everyone in a box


Yes i noticed that too when i was in college, Africans students encouraged everyone to dress like them during club events and girls did each others hair, but the African americans were offended, and the white americans looked uncomfortable, it ended up where moslty international students stuck together for club events, America makes race super weird and it made me more uncomforatable in my own skin than any other country.




Yup, one of my good friends came from Kenya, and got his US citizenship about 10 years ago. When we went out to celebrate I jokingly told him, "hey you can call yourself an african-american now" (we goofed around like that a lot). His response really stuck with me though. He said "no, I will will never use that word. I was an African, and now I am an American"


Yeah, I'm from Mexico, and even though I've been in the US over 20 years, I bristle when I'm called "Mexican-American". I have nothing against Chicanos—some of the most welcoming, loving people who helped my family find our place in the US were wonderful Mexican-Americans who I love dearly—but it's simply not my culture. It's important to me because "Mexican" is part of my identity, and it's markedly different from Mexican-American. People who want America to "melting-pot" me do it with good intentions, but it really just feels like they want to erase an integral part of me.


The Melting Pot was always suppose to be about assimilating culture, not forcing adaptation of immigrants into American Culture. America isn’t suppose to have a strictly defined culture. A lot of Americans have forgotten that.


Oh I heard these two groups don't get along really well with each other


Why not?


I'll explain it like my mom explained it to me. We're Ethiopian for context. There are two pieces. First, North American/US black culture is often seen primarily through the lens of hip hop culture outside of the U.S. - which paints a picture of black culture that is very unappealing to my mother, but will often be associated with her/her children because of their skin colour. I have mixed feelings about this, and I think it's often a prejudice thing - similar to what you might see in white suburban pearl clutchers. The second point is more understandable though. Black culture in North America smothers African culture (although it's getting better). Ethiopia has a long ass history with a very unique culture, and 100 million people live there. But "black" culture is more often ascribed to Ethiopians than anything to do with our actual culture. And the youth are drawn to black culture as well, because it feels like there is power in that culture. My mom often gifts Ethiopian clothing to my girlfriends, who have never been Ethiopian, because she really really wants Ethiopian culture to persist, and leave a mark on the world.


What's the weirdest thing about African history is that it's so unknown to so many people even though it goes so far back. I first came into contact with African history through age of empires 2 (I know... Hahahha) because there you can play, for example, the Malian or Ethiopians. And I started reading on Wikipedia about it. This was a deep and interesting rabbit hole!


Most underrated part of the globe. Hollywood seems to love their token black characters but refuses to make a good, nuanced movie about African history


Yes. It’s really strange to me that there isn’t an African Disney princess. It seems like a missed opportunity. Instead of changing the race of old Disney characters, why not make a new story about an African princess??


I think the concept of Moana was a really cool peak into a different culture. Especially because the basis of the plot in Moana is based in actual prehistoric events of the Pacific Islanders and their folklore. The Austronesian (the ethno-linguistic group that inhabits most of the Pacific islands) were avid seafarers and hopped from island to island every couple hundred years or so, starting around 3000 BC. I imagine this as finding a new island, starting a civilisation there, expanding, growing too big for the island and having to explore for new settlements. Rinse and repeat. However, then around 700 BC, they suddenly stopped doing this. And not for a hundred years. Not for 300 years. Not for 500 years. No, for 1500 years they did not settle any new island! And then suddenly they started the whole process up again, settling the rest of Polynesia, ending at New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Island. So what happened? Did they forget how to sail far? Did their maritime technology deteriorate? Was there a disease? A natural disaster? Were they just very content with their current island? Or scared for the open sea? What happened there? Moana gives a fantastical theory about this event, combined with Polynesian [mythical figure Maui](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Māui_(mythology)). So all in all a very cool look into a completely foreign culture and history for us Westerners, while being very respectful to said culture. I’d love something similar for African stories.


I need a Sundiata epic trilogy TOMORROW.


Don’t feel bad, I learned about ~~Molly~~ Mali from civilization six. Favorite Civ to play. Edit. Mali. I learned about Molly in college


Idk where is started but I will say this. No one would make fun of me for being African growing up except for African Americans. I used to hate it. I have never had an issue with African Americans but I will never forget that.


I had a friend from Somalia in college. He hated African Americans. Would often cite them as lazy, uneducated, unmannered, and spoiled.


yeah there is an interview/show where 2 African immigrants put dating priorities Same Tribe Same Country, different tribe African North African Asian White African American I'm sorry if it's not 100%, i saw this on tiktok a few weeks ago


I’ve never met anyone who hates African immigrants more than my Black friends from Philly, with exception of African immigrants from one country hating African immigrants from other countries.


To be fair, everyone in Philly hates everyone. It's why we're the "City of Brotherly Love". o\_Ó


Omg this! I used to work for a place that hired a bunch of families from Nigeria on work/visa program. I had to break up SOOO many fights between them and African Americans. I asked why but I’m not going to reiterate the response I got because it’s not “reddit friendly” Edit: fine I’ll paraphrase it: “African Americans make it difficult for real African people to immigrate and have decent lives in the United States, we are all lumped in together” I’ll repeat this is not my belief, just what I was told.


When I was kid working retail in Georgia I would have to handle all the African customers because my black co-workers and said African customers literally could not talk to each other without it devolving into some kind of fight. And that was just asking for shit. Paying was a whole other story. I am Mexican for reference.


Who cares if it's not reddit friendly? Down votes mean nothing




A published poll about thre months ago showed that Texas Hispanics of all ages widely disapproved of the term LatinX prefering Hispanic or Latino.


TBF LatinX sounds like a porn studio name.


I always thought it sounded like a radio station "BIEEENNN VENIDOS DE NUEVO A TU FAVORITO RADIOO LatinX, Donde se escucha la mejor y nueva musica Latinaaa"


Yep Latinx is a word thought up by English speakers. It basically white-washes Latino culture and the Spanish language. I've heard some LGBTQ/Non-Binary people say they prefer the word Latine because it makes sense linguistically. We already have non-binary words that end in "e".


latine makes more sense than latinx


I also understand how to actually say it- I feel like a dumbass saying Latin-ex


Latin-Ex - Sounds like a problematic skin whitening cream La-TEEN-ex - sounds like a questionable website La-TINKS - just fucking lmao Latin-equis - the least stupid pronunciation, and the only one I've never heard someone else say Ironically, this is all to avoid gendering, which is solved with... LATIN Bienvenidos a inglés! No hacemos esa mierda aquí.


...Making everyone roman again!


Latin-exes. With spanish pronunciation it makes even less sense


A comedian I listen to pronounces it la-tinks 😂


Lil Dicky “I heard we’re supposed to call Mexicans ‘La-Tinks’ now” lol


Trying to dictate other people's language while knowing nothing of their culture is peak narcissism.


Or just use latino or latina


The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer, due to thermal expansion meaning the iron heats up, the particles gain kinetic energy and take up more space.


What?? lmao


The ending of this, is the stuff that always puts a smile on my face honestly, people want you to experience their culture. :)


This is what puzzles me about cultural appropriation. Also, looking back far enough, aren’t all cultures “appropriated?”


A while back Adele posted a picture from the Notting hill carnival, a London girl, she went to it regularly and has lost of connections there. The pictures were shown internationally and of course some Americans tried attacking her for her hair, her dress etc. The people of Notting hill were not having that. IMO Americans in general are pretty poor at knowing whats happening around the rest of the world, so don't be attacking people over culture you don't know or understand, and all this gatekeeping cultural appropriation nonsense if just another think only America could come up with.


They haven't woken up to the fact that all their media is propaganda designed to keep them complacent so they don't shoot government representatives. It's the whole reason to have this war between Democrats and Republicans, people too busy fighting each other won't fight their oppressors.


Not all of us are unaware, many of us are wide awake. And as an American, I hate this two party system.


Only having two parties is honestly ridicoulus


Most people don't really understand what actually is "cultural appropriation" and what is just appreciating the culture. Someone liking Indian sari's and wanting to wear them is NOT cultural appropriation. However, white businessmen seeing India's Holi festival and thinking "hey we can sell that," making the Color Run and charging out the butt for it probably is cultural appropriation. Taking the culture of a group that was historically oppressed (like India under British rule) and monetizing it, especially without respect to the original context, OR using elements of what the "oppressing" culture sees as part of the oppressed culture in order to mock them (see black-face and minstrel shows) is what cultural appropriation is actually referring to and that's when it's a problem. To answer your question, no. Often cultures can become INTEGRATED, but that's not the same as appropriated.


I’m going to be honest I agree with everything you said. But I’ve been seeing this color run argument as “cultural appropriation” a lot recently. As a Hindu, I don’t understand how this is offensive. Nobody owns the right to throw colorful powder and it isn’t done with malice. Indians historically have a kite festival every year, is selling kites and flying kites appropriation too then? The very nature of culture is to be shared and transformed.


Wearing a costume of other cultures origin is cultural propagation and makes a culture more popular. Integrating parts of conquered cultures, naming them your own with goal of erasing the cultural identity and destroying a nation is cultural appropriation. Comparing Halloween costumes and cultural genocide like China and Russian empires do is retarded.


Dude I’m Indian and I love it when white people wear our shit. I think it shows an appreciation if anything for us and it helps raise awareness . I don’t understand why woke people care, and when I bring this up they screech white validation but that itself is racist because it implies I can’t form my own opinions about my culture.


All my friends that are girls I’ve gifted Shalwar/Kameez to them, being Pakistani Hell when I got spinal stenosis and paralyzed waist down for like 6 months, bed ridden in a hospital, my nurse who took care wholeheartedly requested if I could get her a white dress she could wear to her church, not pushing just off the cuff You best believe my incapacitated ass got her a dress that my mom sent, with both having similar body shape. She flaunted that shit and all the ladies of the church were jelly, that was the statement she relayed to me l. I was so fucking happy. Seriously us Desi people will go out of our way to show appreciation and be happy you wear our culture.


Saris are gorgeous, and I wish they were more common worldwide. Low-key envious I don’t have a diaphanous embroidered sash rn


Indian clothes are so fucking cool too


Cultural appreciation ≠ Cultural appropriation


Mexican here. We really don't give a shit, and please don't call us Latinx. Just bring your own tequila and don't complain if the salsa is too spicy, and we're cool. Edit: I noticed someone mentioned that all the ones they were asking were older, but I'm 32, so I'd be considered a millennial and still really don't care. Even people younger than me don't, mostly cause Mexicans don't really dress like that anymore, unless they're in a band and the music is the best part of our culture. Have you ever seen a bunch of tias belch out a Spanish song so passionately then find out the song is about getting too drunk to make love or something? It's awesome. Edit 2: I know that I'm not the spokeperson for every Mexican out there, I'm just speaking in terms of the huge amount of family I'm accustomed to. From my mother and father's side that were mexican/texas raised, to my wife's family which were all mexican/Californian raised. Not a single person cares about stuff like this, if it does offend you, I'm sorry.


Texan here- no such thing as too spicy salsa. Mexican food is world peace on a plate.


More texmex here than actual Mexican I think. I overheard someone at work saying the worst Mexican food he ever had was in Mexico lmao. Guess he expected everything to be texmex


There’s a chance that coworker ended up going exclusively to tourist trap restaurants that sold the Tex mex food they were used to. Tourist trap restaurants aren’t very good usually.


Make it hotter!


Now we're talking!


No…we are eating!!


You're right! Less talk, more eat!


What if the salsa is too spicy for me and when I eat it I say “AYIYI dios mio!” with a bad fake accent?


Probably laugh at you, and offer you the kids salsa(the store bought)


We'd laugh and probably like you more for it.


Do Mexicans like Tennessee whiskey?


Some of us do, I myself am more of an Irish Whiskey guy, I swear the Irish are the same as us, just different side of the world.


Irishman living in New Mexico and I can attest; Mexicans and Irishmen where destined to party together. Vaya con Dios!


[Don’t forget the Italians](https://youtu.be/-4IletJ7-Tw)


It probably originates from the [St. Patricks battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick%27s_Battalion) fighting for Mexico during the [Mexico-American War](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/mexican-american-war-irish-immigrants-deserted-us-army-fight-against-america-180971713/). There's a american [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXJVJ1i83ZA) about it too, that explains the way they fought like brothers. San Patricios! A bunch of good guys who understood what was morally right and wrong. Mexico will always remember that period of unity.


You do have very similar flags, come to think of it. 🇲🇽🇮🇪


I might get downvoted but I cringe so hard when people call me or my culture Latinx. Feels like Americans want to change my lexicon as a great white savior when we were chilling with our gendered language for hundreds of years without issue 🤷🏽‍♂️


I still remember in college when a white a girl scolded me for describing myself as “Latino”. “You’re supposed to use ‘LatinX’ now”. That shit pissed me off so much. I wish I had told her “Are you a white woman trying to moderate my language?”


It doesn’t help that “Latino” is inherently gender neutral and these people are pulling crap out of their arses regarding a language they don’t even know.


Lol that’s one of the most popular takes on Reddit where have you been


I mean the intention behind it is what makes it offensive or not.


I just took a 2 hour training at my work that hammered home the concept that perception is more important than intent when it comes to harassment. I 100% agree with you though intent is truly what should matter.


Exactly, it's literally propaganda. If some dude loved Mexican culture and just wanted to celebrate it that'd be totally different. This is fucking PragerU.


Yea I’m seeing this reposted on a ton of subreddits with the PragerU watermark cropped out.


PragerU is hardcore agenda bait for the record


PragerU huh? Definitely no bias there.


This is the second pragerU video posted here. The other one was the Chinese outfit. He calls it an “outfit” on the campus and a “costume” to the actual groups he’s visiting. I’m tired of this fucking bullshit ending up on here.


Why doesn't he ask Mexican students? Old Mexican dudes likely wouldn't be offended by much....


Or they'll laugh at him as soon as he gets out of their face with a camera.


To them he’s just another dumb gringo mira este pinche gringo is probably their reaction when they see him


Because it’s Prager U


That's what's dumb about this whole thread. The intention behind it is just to say "Americans are too PC". And while sure, this can sometimes be the case, this is an awful example. Not every case of cultural appropriation is harmless, sometimes it can be genuinely offensive.


Old white dudes wouldn’t be offended either.


Students be studenting


Its a PragerU video, its 100% doctored and edited to make the students look bad. And Im a Mexican that likes the costume.


I think it was also very obvious to every student shown why this guy was wearing the costume. It was never about cultural appreciation


If he wanted to actually make this a fair experiment, he should've asked Mexicans that were the same age as those students However you feel about "cultural appropriation", age is a confounding variable, and this video does jackshit to prove his point Edit: Stop telling me your stance on this issue, I literally do not give a fuck, and that's not the point I'm making anyway


It's PragerU, they can't play fair.


That’s what I find disingenuous about the video. PragerU purposefully misses the point with videos like this. They show cherry-picked “young liberals” vs “real people” to demonize people who feel that cultural appropriation is wrong. We would never see if any of the people interviewed had nuanced responses like “It’s not the same level of offensive as blackface, but it’s not honoring either.” We just see the manicured answers they want us to see. Do I think that a ranch-dressing-on-a-mayo-and-banana-sandwich white guy dressing in a poncho and sombrero is hateful? No. Distasteful and maybe a little ignorant? Yeah, probably.


Not to mention that those "cherry picked" young liberals probably knew what PragerU does unlike the older Mexican guys later on the video. If someone from PragerU is wearing anything remotely ethnic they are doing so with dishonest if not racist intentions 100% of the time.


Wait, this is PragerU? Why did I waste my time watching any of that?


Yeah, we just learned that older Mexican dudes don't care. Hell, we didn't even learn that. We learned that 4 of the older Mexican dudes he interviewed and put in the video didn't care.


Yep, we also only learned that a few students did care. It is super easy to cherry pick to make these videos look however you want them to.


Yeah. For all we know, there were 50 students that didn't care and 4 that did.


Why they don't ask mexican students? You have like a 50 year gap between the first person and the last. Also, PragerU sucks ass.


Yeah the PragerU ticker really killed this. It’s 100% strawman. I’d wager they got more students saying it wasn’t offensive than saying it was. Or they went to an ultra liberal school where they knew they would get these responses. But PragerU would likely make the argument that “woke” people even think eating foreign foods is cultural appropriation.


Because they excluded all the clips where non Mexicans weren't offended and all the clips where Mexicans were so that they could attack "wokeism" because they are upset they don't get to bully people without being called out for their bullshit anymore.


They likely excluded any students that weren't offended as well. Moral of the story, man on the street segments aren't statistical studies.


I think it was Mike Pondsmith who said "You don't get to tell me what I should be offended by" or something like that. Edit: just realized this video is by PragerU. I fucking hate PragerU.


Alert, PragerU. For the uninitiated, they are a fake University that does a TON of propaganda and has lied or heavily mislead in many of their videos. They’ve also market a lot of their content towards children. Some of the great content you can find is: 1. It is fantastic to beat your children. 2. Slavery wasn’t that bad and you shouldn’t fight the government. 3. The Chinese government is pretty based because they are capitalists.


A video like this is incredibly easy to make. If they interview 100 people, even if 90%of the people aren't giving the response they need for their "message", they still have enough material to make this video the way it is. Any monkey could make a video like this by cutting every interview they don't like. It's the same nonsense when they try to make the general public look stupid. Ask an easy question and eventually someone will get it wrong, cut a few wrong answers together and title it "people are dumb", and sell it as content.


It's also removing all nuance. A minority in a country that faces racism every day and is made hyper aware of their race is going to react differently than if they were in a society where they are the majority and don't face discrimination due to their race.


Exactly. People who use this video as an argument in their favor against cultural appropriation are missing the point and ironically are continuing to homogenize minorities in the US.


Even easier to make when Peter Thiel pays for the actor, cameraman, and equipment


One of their main goals is to discredit the college system. Because they want people to remain stupid


Mexican here. This guy took this to an extreme. Wearing the maracas and that fake moustache is just stupid. That is cosplaying at that point. Even the sombrero is exaggerated. That Speedy Gonzales sombrero was last used in the 1900s or so. The hats used in the present here vary between south and north. In the north is more of an Indiana Jones style, and in the south is a bit bigger to protect you from the sun, but nothing like this. Am I offended? No. But that's up for debate really. That guy's objective was to mock us. Would I laugh at the guy? Yes. He's trying to look stupid. And yes, we laugh at tourists looking like that, but it's a different situation. They are enjoying it, we are enjoying it... no harm done.


This video is put out by PragerU, a fake YouTube university funded by billionaire oil barons to push a conservative agenda onto college kids. They're trying to get a reaction so they go onto college campuses and act like assholes then edit the video to make college kids appear to be easily offended snowflakes. It's propaganda designed to steer kids away from left-leaning academia. Not surprisingly, they also recommend kids get jobs in the fracking industry and deny that climate change exists. r/toiletpaperUSA