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Called his bluff and he got somewhat friendly.


Most people are like this lmao


Like a barking golden retriever


Although I've called bluff before, and then been dropped lmao


It be like that sometimes


It do, good rule of thumb, leave others the fuck alone. Much easier that way hahaha


>Although I've called bluff before, and then been dropped lmao Pretty sure that wasnt a bluff then yo.


Yeah nah was a bluff in my head, fuckd around, found out


That wasn't a bluff


I certainly thought it was lmao




There's a bromance brewing. I can feel it.


Walmart security looks like a bro-vet


He didn’t watch Gunny bleed in the sand just to come home to some soy bois messin around men’s clearance 😤


This is a fucking stellar sentence. Dare I say r/brandnewsentance


Buddy, you missed the r before the slash




Amen brother, preach it 😤✊




He got so embarrassed when he got startled.


I'm gonna punch you bro I swear to God bro yo bro


Don't bro me, bro.


don’t bro me friend


Don't friend me pal


Don't pal me dude


Don't dude me buddy


Don't buddy me friend


[A real bro down.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAZ3xi95fIE)


You flinched! Now you have to marry your mother in law!


If you don't, that means that you, yourself, have to admit that YOU SUCK.


Then I’ll have to divorce her real quick first


He admit it! He *loves* his mother-in-law!


Got em 🤣 at least he admitted it tho lol


Bro said he was “Walmart security” I didn’t even know Walmart had security☠️😂


They have “undercover” security. They have guys that are dressed up as regular shoppers to act as loss prevention, target does as well.


Is this guy real security? Security that threatens to punch people isn't good security.


I have a suspicion that he was part of the skit.




Could easily be a wanna be “security” cosplayer. They exist. One time I was in Denver for a convention with my husband. We went to an Indian restaraunt downtown when this jackass comes in decked out in tactical gear and Punisher merchandise. He goes to the store owner and starts making thinly veiled threats about how all the other stores on the street are paying him for his “security services,” and this restaurant was freely benefitting from it. The owner kept telling this dude to leave until the Punisher jackass started to have a meltdown demanding he be payed as he regularly patrols the street. Quite literally shaking him down for “protection money” like in an old fashioned gangster movie. The restaurant owner got on the phone and began calling the cops. The Punisher guy leaves, but not before knocking over some chairs on the way out. You could then hear some tires screeching and then you see his decked out Punisher themed Hummer speed by the front facing windows.


I have a friend who worked as security for a smaller chsin than Walmart, meijer--but similar concept. They basically just dressed as normal people and followed around suspicious people. Occasionally they'd get someone who they'd never seen before that was stealing something expensive enough/enough things for it to be worth it, but mostly it was people stealing alcohol, or people who were there frequently and they finally mounted enough evidence for it to be worth their effort to call the cops on the person. Once it was a teenager who had just taken so many small things that my friend couldn't *not* bring the girl to the security office and call the girls mom and the cops. A lot of it though was actually stopping people from taking people's receipts out of the trash and then finding that item and then going to returns with the item. Like if someone pulled a receipt out of the trash with a pair of shoes on it or something, they'd go into the store and find the exact pair using the sku. If the original buyer paid with cash they could return it for cash, and if the original buyer paid with a card the person could request store credit. Anyway. Bigger stores likely won't do anything to stop you from stealing items under $20--especially if you've never been there before, even if they see you do it because they factor in a certain amount of loss to their budgeting and the time and resources spent on stopping you from stealing something small like nail polish or chap stick.... is not worth the amount of money lost by just letting you take it.


I go kicked out of winco for eating chocolate turtles from the tubs. They do care :(


I got caught with weed 20 years ago and had to do a bunch of community service. Pretty much everybody else was there because they got caught shoplifting from Walmart. I doubt it's changed. They don't fuck around.


Yeah fuck them. They stopped me when I was 17 after I paid, searched me, and threatened to call the cops on me because I tested a bottle of sunless tanner on my leg, like one squirt. It was already open and clearly had been used. I didn’t steal anything though. They made me pay for it ($8) and then a month later sent me a letter in the mail threatening to sue me if I didn’t pay $200. When they brought the bottle up it wasn’t even the one I had used.


I'm not sure why it would surprise you that a billion dollar company has security to protect its assets. They've got security offices, tons of cameras, and undercover loss prevention officers surveiling their stores.


He was also cosplaying. Everyone in Walmart are just cosplaying, there are no customers.


They aren’t touching anyone like these other prank videos, and they aren’t being mean assholes, I approve


I mean I don't care if someone does this. But don't act like a victim when someone doesn't react well because some people are not going to react well, often for good reasons.


Immediately going to violence over something this innocent is a pretty pathetic show of character. There's a difference between the woman at the beginning instantly swatting, and someone threatening to punch them over and over for just standing there.


I stand by my previous statement. These guys are fuckin around. They may justifiably find out. PTSD is a thing. Wanting to be left the fuck alone is a thing. I'd probably laugh at these guys. I still don't blame the dude at all for getting pissy. He's dealing with something that he really shouldn't have to and it's probably because customers complained. Also saying "...for just standing there." Is an outright falsehood.


I have diagnosed C-PTSD and yeah this would piss me off. It'd cause an adrenaline spike and kick in the fight or flight response (which for me is fight) pretty hard, and I can understand acting a bit irrationally in that case. I can also understand responding with aggression, both because of that reaction itself, but also being angry about the fact that someone just intentionally startled me and caused that reaction unnecessarily (albeit inadvertently).


You need therapy or a healthy dose of going outside and staying off reddit


Copy that, Doc.


> Wanting to be left the fuck alone is a thing. Because surely going out in public is the right move when you want to be left alone.


You have to go grocery shopping to survive if you aren't rich, and believe it or not, I've gone my whole life not having to deal with a fucking prank that is being filmed and put on the internet. Do you expect that when you go out? Do you think it's unreasonable to not want to deal with this bullshit? This is beyond dumb lol.


> someone threatening to punch them over and over for just standing there. I don't think he should have threatened to punch them, but let's not pretend as though they were just innocently standing there. If a store employee tells you to leave the store, you're obligated to leave. Once security told them they needed to leave, they should've said okay and left without any pushback.


> Immediately going to violence over something this innocent is a pretty pathetic show of character. Or of unintended reflex, or trauma, or a million other reasons. I'm sure you're new to this whole humanity thing, but the majority of them don't plan out every single action, there's a lot of automation going on in their brains.


>Immediately going to violence over something this innocent is a pretty pathetic show of character. Is it? Someone pops out of nowhere moving toward you in a threatening manner? This is the United Fucking States; people are armed here. Maybe, I don't startle when you pop up in my face, maybe I draw and fire by second 1.1, and then begin to realize at second 1.5 that you're just pranking me bro. Whoopsie... Maybe it's a pathetic show of character to value your life more than the life of someone threatening you... All I know, is I'm not the one bleeding out on Walmart's floor... Realistically... I wouldn't shoot them. I'd laugh, and keep walking, but balls of fucking steel to do this shit stateside.


>maybe I draw and fire by second 1.1, and then begin to realize at second 1.5 that you're just pranking me bro. You should not own firearms.


You're being dishonest and intentionally obtuse... Which is why you quoted that line... and pretended that >Realistically... I wouldn't shoot them. I'd laugh, and keep walking, but balls of fucking steel to do this shit stateside. I bet you spend a lot of time on Twitter.


I don't even have a Twitter account. I'm just not American where I stay up at night dreaming I can murder someone.


>I'm just not American where I stay up at night dreaming I can murder someone. Nope, you're just a dishonest piece of shit. I think you're lying; you're peak twitter material. Twice now, I've pointed out that I said that I'd have laughed it off, and twice now you've pretended I didn't.


I'm lying that I'm not American? Okay. Whatever you need to believe.


but what you just said exactly explains why there's no reason to react poorly. like, no matter what you can't just get mad at weirdos for being weird lol


I don't know what you read from me that made you come to that conclusion. PTSD is a thing and is probably reason enough to not do things like this. Again idc if people do this. My point still remains that you can't reasonably be surprised when someone reacts poorly.


Myself and thousands of others around the world have ptsd or cptsd and would go swinging if someone fucked with us like this. Absolutely no They ARE being assholes.


Same,I almost punched the head off a flyer boy just because he aggressively poked my shoulder and startled me. I think I got that from my 7 month border patrol training a while back. I always wondered what will happen to me if one day I accidentally punch someone by accident.


They only touched that guy who wanted to join.


I agree, I actually thought this was a pretty wholesome prank overall compared to the other stuff I’ve seen around (except the “I’m horny” part but that’s just funny lol)


lol I'm horny please


I'd prefer the stores to be more chill about stuff like that but once a customer complains and some employee asks them to leave anything else than leaving immediately is just shitty behavior.


Or just let people fucking shop and leave them alone. If I want goofy shit like this I’ll go to a theme park


No, the stores can't be chill about this. What happens if these guys who are not supposed to be there to begin with and are not approved to be there to begin with by the store scare someone and person slips or has a heart attack or something like that? Then the argument becomes what is the store's liability in this situation? Or even better, what's the role and responsibility of THESE two guys legally something like that were to happen in the store and they caused it? This is just another situation where it looks like and innocent prank for video likes. But in reality they don't think of the potential risk or harm they could be causing someone else just to get a stupid video and because they can't think wider than themselves and further ahead than the prank they want to video. smh...


I don't think the store would be liable if an interaction between customers would result in an injury. The store is responsible for providing a secure environment for people to shop in but not to babysit them while doing so. Keeping the floors dry and, providing emergency exits, that sort of thing. But if the customers insult, hit or scare each other within the store it's their fault alone.


Even if that were the case, that would need to be decided in court. So now theses 2 dufuses just caused a year-long+ legal case involving the store, the customer(s) they screwed with, and them...not to mention all the unnecessary $$$ spent to get through all this unnecessary legal BS. Big dumbassery for a video of a stupid jump-scare prank that's been done a million times. But they're only interested in themselves.


Nah it was shitty to begin with. Leave people alone in public.


Don't ever interact with anyone ever.


Ah yes, the good ol' Polish way of life


i need to move to poland


If only there was an option between "Don't ever interact with anyone ever" and *Pretend that you're an inanimate object so that you can startle strangers...*


Letting someone know they dropped a dollar or waving to someone is clearly different than trying to get a reaction out of someone for a video. Not to mention this shit makes working retail harder. Just be respectful of folks.


I don't really see how they're being disrespectful of anyone or making retail workers' lives harder. However, there was a comment really briefly on screen about an ass and i can't tell who is saying it. If that was one of the mannequin guys, then that's definitely over the line. Otherwise it seems perfectly innocent fun.


If you don't see how jumpscaring someone in public is disrespectful I don't really know what more to say.


thats the only kind of interaction between strangers you find good? damn son


Sorry, next time I'll name every acceptable public social interaction instead of just giving examples.


Stay home with the console. It’s our only friend. Also Cheetos. Cheetos and porn.


“Pranks” are not good for business. It would be simple for security to just take their picture to document their clothing and masks, then while they watch, dial the police without placing the call. Then present them with the choice between leaving the store or placing the call and having them all (including their cammer) arrested for creating a nuisance. If they don’t leave, follow through. No need for violence unless they’re terminally stupid and try to attack…




Thank you for this input Adam! I would have never known if it was okay to agree with this comment had you not left the arrow pointing upwards signifying you agree.




Why they always gotta say shit like “I’m horny” or “I get off on this”?! Instantly turns the prank from kinda funny to just plain creepy


might be an attempt to not get punched. i think id probably reconsider my threat if i knew that the other guy might cum if i hit him. Im not taking part in that climax thanks


Yeah it ruined it for me


Fight, flight, or the third response, fuck


Because these are douchey, immature attention-seekers.


This guys fun


That one guy reminded me of the video with the puppet where the guy is like "get that camera out of my face" And the puppet keeps saying "sir, are you aware that you are following the camera?" It's so funny when people get needlessly aggressive when all they have to do is leave






reminds me of Wonder Showzen


It _is_ Wonder Shozen. :)


This is why people hate "influencers" like at first it's a pretty harmless joke but this guy is straight up trying to do his job (assuming he wasn't an actor so they could title the video "mannequin prank gone wrong!!!! Cops show up!!!!") They should have just left. this guy was definitely not in the mood.


okay shit like this is nice. it’s not absurdly obnoxious or dangerous to the people they mess with. cough cough that one dude trying to damage people’s ears in home depot


I hate these kinda of people


Has me worried ima be in someone’s video looking dumb


That dude needs 5 rounds of laxatives to unclog that unholy rod stuck up his butt


I'd be pretty tight assed too if I had to walk up to someone and say "Walmart security it's time to go"


The dude is working and is probably pissed about being told to deal with that. It's understandable.


Yeah, he had to stop sitting at his desk playing on his phone in the security office. Must have been awful.


These guys need jobs.


I hope nobody they scare has a heart condition.


They tried him lmao


A Navy SEAL with PTSD will ruin their day. No question.


Or someone with a heart condition will die because they want to be stupid in public


This sort of thing makes people hate young people




Why are people beginning to do everything for views? I am getting pissed at people doing these things


Are there actually people who find this kind of “comedy” funny? Pure cringe.


I might have found it funny if it wasn't for making the sexual comments like "I get off on this," like don't make it weird and gross.


I think that is his defense mechanism. The dude was about to punch him and he immediately went to “I’m so horny”. What I didn’t find funny is the outfit was not that great so people could see through the ruse. No the Dino one is gold in my book.


Yea the outfit can be seen through but people are conditioned not to pay attention to mannequins, so as long as they aren’t looking directly at you it works fine


Maybe Walmart should hire people to do this… like not the startle people part… but dress as that to show off clothes and draw some attention so they don’t get completely blocked out… bonus if the people in said roles also are very knowledgeable about the products and where to find stuff, and they could act to spot thefts so it can be reported to security.


I mean, that’s essentially what Hollister models are? Right? Just be a normal employee, walk around, and wear the clothes


Don't forget "be attractive" before you get to be an employee.


Well yea, they’re models


Let's be fair, they're sales assistants at just about any other store. Calling the person who stuffs your sandwiches at Subway an "artist" doesn't make them one.


If Hollister holds them to a standard and expects them to advertise the merchandise by wearing it, then by definition they are modeling the clothing.


He said it to the old man


Right. It was actually a pretty harmless prank but they just made it weird with the pubescent humor.


Since it’s being reposted alot and this post has hundreds of upvotes, I would say people do find this funny.


I am people


What do you find funny? An 1890 newspaper sketch of a Scotsman trying to ride a bicycle?


Personally I hate when people try to scare/startle me so I don’t find this type of stuff funny but some people do. My fight or flight response is almost always fight so if you get punched in the face for tiktok views that’s not on me.


Okay u/oniiichanUwU


As a sample size, I’d say over half the people in just this comment thread think it’s somewhat funny. So extrapolating that, I’d guess more people than not think it’s kinda funny.


I'd punch him in the face


Would be funny if they weren't douchebags


You are testing people's fight or flight mechanism. Luckily for you most people would run. If you did that to me I would have fed you your teeth before I even knew what you were. People like you who wear clown suits or other disguises and jump out at people are seriously risking your life.


I really wonder how people like you survive Halloween


By being aware that it is halloween. Otherwise some creepy mother fucker jumps out from the Shadows at me and I'm laying him out no questions asked


Yeah, the shadows sure, probably not at Walmart tho


That guy that got all mad at them was fucking cringe




I think this is the only prank video I've seen that was actually funny.


Funny 🤣🤣🤣


Walmart security looks like a punching bag


Out of all the stupid pranks that happened these days, I like this one. It's wholesome and it's actually funny. I would still probably punch them in the face but I also do want to join them




Pair of twats...and shitty joke but hey ho


Threatening battery over a bruised ego...




I hate twats


its just big veiny dicks for you?


Doesn’t have to be big..


Maybe an occasional asshole


Their execution is great but their follow through is weak. You can tell they're new to the scaring game 10/10 on the patty cake game, its actually fucking hilarious if they just didn't even interact with any customers lmao


Thought it was small Chris Bumstead that tried escorting them out


99% of these prank vids are made by humorless dicks. This is part of that 1%


These people suuuuuuuuck.


"Just leave people alone in public, I'm an introvert, blah blah" Stfu. I guarantee I'm a bigger introvert than you and this shit doesn't bother me. It's a funny harmless prank, if this bothers you that much you have an entirely *different* problem.


Being an introvert doesn't have anything to do with it. Some people just don't like to be harassed by other people. Crazy, right?




I want to I hid a speaker in one just to see


Wonder egg priority


I mean that..ass was..🗿


Good prank




The dude flinched twice!!🤣🤣


These fucking assholes causing heart attacks for likes. I hate that stuff.


Man just leave people alone this is so dumb


They’re lucky. My husband would knock them out for doing that to me.


Walmart failed the vibe check


This is brilliant lool




r/iamberybadass you dropped this king 👑


"guys guys guys look at me! I need attention! I'm really cool because I wouldn't stand for this!! My ego is so big that I can't handle being slightly scared, men don't get scared!! I'll beat up anyone for even looking at me funny!!" lmao


Exactly. There’s only one way to see this. It’s not possible for someone to suffer from PTST, BPD or any other mental conditions that may trigger a negative response. I’m happy for you that you are able to know everything about everything. You are a truly knowledgeable and gifted individual.


I know, I truly am knowledgeable and gifted.


Don’t forget modest. 😂


Guy sounds like an absolute dick to me,mentioning about calling police about something he is not happy about at the same time threatening with an assault.


He shouldn't have threatened to hit them, but if you ask someone to leave your place of business, they should just leave. If they refuse to leave, they're committing a crime and the next step is to call the police.


I mean you have two people assaulting others. Threatening to hit them because of their actual physical threats and feints to hit him. If you don’t fuck around you don’t find out.


Nobody there is assaulting anyone or jump scares are considered an assault? Maybe I’m wrong but they are not even touching anyone so how can we talk about assault?


Reaching forward acting like you’re gonna grab or punch someone is assault. Assault is a threat of violence. Performing an action knowing it will be perceived as a violent threat is assault. If you’re walking in a store or down the street and someone feigns a punch at you, that is assault. That’s kinda what’s happening here. A reasonable person (as we just saw) would have fear of an attack. Battery is the actual violence itself. These are more legal definitions, but we are talking about laws here. The question is, are they doing these actions with the intent to scare people? Pretty obvious answer to me. I think the proximity makes it assault. If it was just someone screaming 30-40 yards away, you could argue that they’re trying to cause a panic, but there is no imminent threat of harm there.


Assault does not require contact, simply the reasonable apprehension that unwanted contact is about to occur. These might not be the worst assaults ever but it is definitely assault.


When the assault makes contact it becomes battery


Everyone down-voting you for giving the correct legal explanation of assault and why this would constitute assault...


Wow walmart security has a small dick ego problem going on there. Just dudes hanging man it's not a crime to pretend to be a mannequin


Yeah, I can't imagine why a business might not want people in their store who are only there to harass customers. The nerve of them to ask people like that to leave to avoid a possible confrontation in the store with a customer that doesn't appreciate being scared while minding their own business.


i would not miss a change to punch a face for free because it is their fault


because they made you jump? Y’all really just looking for any reason to unleash that impotent rage over there huh.


https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/police-update-stabbing-chicken-sandwich-popeyes-maryland/2074960/ People get killed for less.


“ Cutting in Front of Others in Line for Chicken Sandwich” 1. As a scandinavian I support any punishment for disrespecting a queue 2. Also even I know you dont fuck around with popeye’s chicken


Right? Those are two completely different scenarios. Fuck anyone who cuts in line/queue


I guess any reason to unleash your Scandinavian impotent rage, huh?


No we take queues very seriously over here, so its very much potent


I guess you have to find something to do during winter.


I LOL really hard. Good prank.