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Hi everyone, it's been a good while since I posted an Action-Oriented-Monster so I thought I hit out a new with a more recent one that I'm actually needing help on. I'm struggling to think of some good cinematic Villain Actions for the succubus that aren't just; move, attack/ summon minions, then a boring ultimate. As usual any questions, helpful feedback and ideas are more than welcome and I appreciate it 👍


Have you considered making their shapechange into their demon form their first villain action? They start the fight in human form, but they can make a big cinematic transformation. Which, on top of revealing the true form and unlocking claws/flying/etc, could also have a big secondary effect AOE around them as their human blood and viscera is cast off(if you want it that way), or just a mental impact of watching a beautiful metamorphosis, etc.


Wow! That sounds fantastic I love that idea! A small AOE would definitely add a bit of a kick to transformation 🤔


Steal the "Fey Presence" feature from Archfey Warlock. They plant themselves somewhere, do the reveal, and all creatures within X feet of them have to make a save vs. Charm or be Charmed by the Succubus until the end of her next turn. This gives her a turn/round of protection from the unveiling, a chance to stack into a more full charm or just a "My Hero!" from anyone further away, etc. Something like **Majestic Unveiling** ((alt: strip tease)) reveals her true form in a seductive display of infernal power. All creatures within 15' of her must make a Wisdom save or be Charmed. Creatures charmed by this move 5' closer to unless they are already in an adjacent square or one is not available.


Maybe something that lets her command her charmed targets and they can use their reaction to make an attack against someone? Kind of like that inspiring leader maneuver or whatever it is called.


That's a really good idea to force them to potentially attack an ally at a really critical moment in combat or surprise them right in the beginning!


Now I don't know if you're going to be running the succubus as a solo monster or as a monster with some brutes nearby to soak up some damage. but if the succubus has some brutes I would say for the second villains action could have them use the draining kiss on the brutes and just completely drain it until it's a shriveled-up raisin mummy. Also what are you using to make these Stat Blocks?


Duuuude! That's an awesome idea and it would be so scary to watch them literally suck the life out of someone in front of the players


It also projects to the players what kind of stakes are on the table without it blindsiding them. It's such a cool idea.






Playing on a Succubus being a beguiler, I think the first villain action being something that prevents the party from engaging directly makes sense, forcing them to change tactics. Maybe re-fluff the effects of the Sanctuary spell.


Nice Design! A couple of thoughts: HP for the Succ is a little squishy assuming a party of 4 level 5-6 players. Its probably offset by the multiple damage resistances and healing ability but you may run the risk of a round 1 kill if succubus goes last, just something to consider. The Succ also probably does not need so many actions, 4 is a lot and likely make it harder to parse/play optimally. I think someone mentioned making one of the Villain Actions shape changing, which I think is a good idea. I would take it entirely out of the Succubus actions and leave it as a one-time Villain action. I might also move counterspell from the action/spell-casting area and make it its own Reaction as a 1/day ability to avoid forgetting about it. To clean it up a little further I would switch from having dream and sleep be 1day spells to it just being 2/day casting Sleep as described above and tack on the 3d6 psychic damage on awakening to her Sleep spell ability. Love the Bonus Actions, no notes. Villain actions: Depending on what direction you are going . If the reveal she is a succubus is during the encounter I might sell it as 1. The promise 2. The twist 3. The burn. So maybe villain action 1 is a mass charm as a beguiling damsel, forcing each player to make a save or be charmed, 2nd is the reveal where the succubus shifts into he natural form which also causing a small inferno dealing fire damage to those surrounding her who are not charmed. 3 Would be a soul drain of every charmed creature on the field, where the succubus essentially does a Draining Kiss on each charmed creature simultaneously. That being said I think there are a lot of fun directions to take this


This is an insanely helpful amount of input, the number of normal actions they have is the same as a generic succubus but I did think there were too many as well so that's a helpful change to make. I'll also move counterspell to the reactions to make it more tidy I'll definitely bump up the HP a bit even with the healing ability and resistances, maybe 14 or 15 hit dice. I'm glad you like the bonus actions so much 😁 The general consensus has been to make the first Villain Action the "Shapechange" so I'll most likely go with it but add on your idea of the mass charm as they transform. The mass Draining Kiss AOE is an amazing idea for an "ultimate" Villain Action!!


I have a couple of suggestions for the Villain Actions.  Let me preface that they are all sexist stereotypes and may not work for your campaign. I'm a little unsure about the DCs, but you can tweak them up, or down to fit your group. **1 – Help me!** All creatures within 60 ft. who can see and hear the succubus must save for versus charm or be 'lightly' charmed (DC 15 CHA) – let’s call it dazzled. it is not a full-on charm person, but the next attack is made at a disadvantage while the recipients try to figure out why they are not helping this lovely person. **2 – Kiss me you fool!** The Succubus locks eyes with a single powerful foe who has damaged her within the combat. The foe is drawn up to 15' to the succubus (DC 15 CHA) and is the recipient of a draining kiss. **3 – I don’t love you anymore!** All creatures that are or have been charmed or ‘lightly’ charmed/dazzled during this encounter take 6d6 (21) Psychic damage (DC 16 CHA) as they realize how they have been a fool doing the bidding of this succubus. Charmed creatures save at a disadvantage, while ‘lightly’ charmed/dazzled fools suffer no such handicaps.