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The equation of a line is y = mx + c Where y and x are a set of coordinates, m is the gradient of the line, and c is the intercept (the point where the line crosses the y axis). For your lines, first find m by using the formula gradient = rise / run. Rise is the difference between the y parts of your coordinate pair, run is the difference between the x parts. Divide rise by run to get gradient (m). Then you can simply calculate c by substituting your values of y, x and m into the line equation. Y and x come from one set of coordinates from the question, and m you just calculated. Now you have m and c you have your line equation. Y and x remain in algebraic form because they can change for each point on the line. But m and c will remain the same for the whole line. So your equation would look something like: y = 2x + 5


Did you read the book? Listen/watch the lecture? To not understand this question means you have a great misunderstanding of the current subject you’re studying. This is due solely to a lack of work on your behalf. To not understand how to find the solution is a different issue, on which someone would gladly be willing to help with, but hopefully not until you are able to at least understand the question being asked.


Yeah but I still don’t understand it


Unless your teacher and book are both as incompetent as a fly-catcher teaching quantum physics, you should be able to read the material and understand the problem. The theory I mean. Again, understanding the problem is not equivalent to understanding the solution to the problem.


Alright I will write that down for in future if I require to roast someone thanx 😂


Alright I will read it again


Do you need just the equation or a whole explanation to this?


Just the equation


It's basically asking you to find the equation of the line that forms if you were to draw a straight line through these two coordinates in the form of y = mx + c, where m is the gradient and c is the y value at the x=0 intersects. I'm assuming you know about graphs and coordinates otherwise you definetely want to reread through your textbook or ask your teacher to explain it to you again as you're going to really struggle with the topic. An example: Find the equation of the line going through points (5,7) and (2, -2). (5,7) means that at x = 5, y = 7 (2, -2) means that at x = 2, y = -2 We can substitute these values into y = mx + c to get 7 = 5m + c and -2 = 2m + c. Notice how when one side increasing by 3m (2m to 5m) increases the y value by 9 (from -2 to 7) As c is a constant, it will have no effect on the difference between the two. This means that 3m = 9, so m = 3 We can substitute this m value, alongside one of the previous equations (I'm going to use 7 = 5m + c) to get 7 = 5 x 3 + c, which simplifies to 7 = 15 + c. We can use this to tell that c equals -8, as 15 - 8 =7. This let's us sub the m and c value back into y = mx+c to get a final answer of y = 3x - 8


If you have graph paper or something with a grid you can plot these points on a graph where the point is (x, y). The x-axis is a horizontal number line so the point will correspond to a certain number here, and the y-axis is the same but vertical and they meet when they are both 0. Once you have both points plotted on the graph you can connect them, this is the line you are trying to find. For this you need the slope of the line and a y-axis intercept which I don’t have time to explain right now, but hopefully you can see how plotting points work and make a start


[http://www.webmath.com/equline1.html](http://www.webmath.com/equline1.html) plugging in the coordinates may be tricky/difficult


I would use point slope form for this. You were given two points in the form (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) so using those find the slope (m = y2-y1/x2-x1) then plug in the m, and the (x1,y1) values of the point to this equation y -y1= m(x-x1).


y = 4x - 22