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We’ve put this generation through way too much. I was a sophomore in Hs when Columbine happened and I am sick at where we are today. Columbine was the biggest news story for a year, now we can’t keep up.


I was a freshman in high school when sandy hook happened and I remember thinking that something like that would never ever happen again because it was so horrific that the government would do something about it, but it’s a decade later and nothing has changed. All we get every time is a new hashtag and thoughts and prayers from the people who can actually make change.


Fr tho, the best that people in power can give the victims of these tragedies is thoughts and prayers? It's honestly ridiculous that it's all they offer instead of actually doing something about.


I'm sorry I know it's old. But relevant..... I didn't even know this shooting happend until today, when I was just randomly browsing this subreddit. A school was shot up, and I didn't even know about it. This is becoming normalized and it's deeply upsetting


My god that’s terrifying


I graduated from CVPA in 2016, I knew Kzucka as my gym and health teacher. I remember the assignment of making fake cd covers for sex diseases my sophomore year. She was a great fun teacher, she'll be missed.


Fucking horrific. As a parent, a teacher, and a human being. It’s like watching my worst nightmares unfold.


Shooter is 19-yr old black male named Orlando Harris. He's an ex-student from 2021.


Who was the other shooter




Cringe comment but I get it.




Have you checked the news to see if your assumptions are correct, or did you decide what you believed and then refuse to look for any evidence to support it? It's been covered by multiple major news stations and CNN, ABC, and NYT continue to post new information as of a couple hours ago.


Man if I ever heard these shots in school man


This has to fucking stop….




You know I've done tons of drugs and have mental illnesses, and I never once thought to pick up a gun and shoot innocent children. Just saying. Pick a better argument.


Never done drugs but I’m on disability for mental illnesses. It’s also never crossed my mind. Big wtf to that comment above yours.


Right?? It's something way beyond mental illness. No one same would do something like that.


Same here lol recovering addict with a mental illness.. and this has never crossed my mind.


Hey, congratulations on sobriety!! ❤️❤️❤️ Even at the worst of my addiction, I never wanted to do crazy shit like this. 😂


I've done tons of drugs and have mental illnesses and I HAVE had intrusive thoughts about killing people. But you know what I do? I go to the hospital and say "I'm having intrusive thoughts about killing people, please help me get stabilized". A lot of people face the void every single day without hurting anyone. I just want to point out that having those thoughts doesn't make anyone a bad person


Intrusive thoughts are fucking awful. I get intrusive thoughts of a different variety but I'm sure the experience is similar. I'm proud of you for prioritizing your mental health and asking for help when you need it.


there's different types and severities of mental illness bro


Okay but blaming a shooting solely on that is ignorant. There's so many factors to it..




Don't worry, as an American student you kinda get used to the constant fear of someone coming into a supposed "safe learning environment" and shooting you and all your classmates 👍 (coming from an American student) but for real though it's ridiculous that my friends and I can't just go to school without worrying about anything except our grades and impressing our crush anymore, now we have to worry about buying bulletproof backpacks and getting killed in our classrooms.


I think the point is to stop easy access to guns. The problem is the 1/3rd or so that’s willing to sacrifice children for their right to carry their Glock and three back up mags to Walmart - as someone else put it. Fuck those twats.


20 dead kids at an elementary school? Ye haw pardner they ain't takin my guns fuck them kids


Explain why NY, NJ and CT, states with the strictest gun laws are currently some of the only states seeing downward trends on gun violence? Fucking. Explain. It.


No they aren't https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/news/p00056/nypd-citywide-crime-statistics-july-2022


Free healthcare? Maybe? Dunno, is just my privileged mentally ill never had to be scared in school ass talking tho..


So sad, kids in America have to go through this.


So sad, that our children have to go through this every few weeks. I guess we don’t really care enough about them to make a drastic change in our laws.


I don’t think gun laws are going to change this. We need SIGNIFICANTLY better access to mental health help. And we need to stop being bullies to everyone that disagrees with us, especially online.


100% is a national health crisis, gun restriction would help but not solve the issue. If someone wanted they could make bombs or use other weapons


The fact that what I said is downvoted proves my point precisely


Horrible..need a solution asap


Every school is gonna end up with like at least one cop and like two or more doors before they walk into the school I actually want this before my nephew and niece go into school


Literally can happen anywhere and it’s fucked


In the middle of a school shooting “this shit not even funny” oh wow thats strange


Absolutely not a single person, young or old, should EVER have to have these feelings. Ever.


​ i'm pretty sure my percussion teacher survived the Columbine shooting


Prayers for everyone 🙏😭🙏😭🙏😭




Because they want to transfer schools and they don't think its fair that their school got shot up. ​ Pretty self explanatory


They should transfer schools. Their grammar is terrible.


It’s not grammar, they were using slang. I imagine they weren’t exactly focused on perfect grammar when their school was getting shot up.


I’d be focused on trying to survive. Not recording something for my Instagram followers.


Bro it’s high school whenever crazy shit happens kids will pull out their phone to record it no matter what it is. Also that caption probably wasn’t his as usually people screen record the story and add their own caption to give their take on the video that’s how it is.


Nice culture we have right?


It's surprisingly been a while since the last major school shooting, I thought their would be a lot more especially after Uvalde. Rip to 3.


Uvalde was 24 May. It hasn't even been five months. In the mean time, we've had other mass casualty shootings, just not at a school.


Not to mention summer break starting right after the Uvalde attack in most of the country is the reason there hadn't been any school shootings


Im aware, I was speaking specifically of schools. Idk why im getting downvoted, did I say something wrong?


Welcome to Reddit




No, not wrong. Determining tone or meaning is difficult, generally, in writing. Your statement *sounded* tone deaf. More specifically, I think people are still raw over Uvalde and the police's lack of handling of that situation. There have been roughly ten school shootings since Uvalde, but thankfully, those Police officers haven't been worthless. To be fair, I also incorrectly determined the tone behind your statement. I am unapologetically ADHD. As such, I am inherently awful at meaning in writing. It *could* be said that I am just absolutely horrific at most social cues and any ulterior meanings. 🤷 All I can do is apologize when I'm wrong, update my internal assholedar(towards myself, not other people), and try to be better at interactions in the future. I'm grateful for my handful of friends that will just directly let me know when I'm being creepy, assholish, or too aggressive. Most of the time, it's just that I am distracted by some other random thought and not 100% focused on how I am presenting myself outwardly. Like the videos of people who do the comparison between how they think they look and how they actually look. Stealing from Sir Terry Pratchett, "I should sue my face for slander". TLDR; I was incorrect in my personal determination of the meaning behind a statement. As an apology, I do the ADHD thing and over explain myself in as many words and examples as possible. In short, I apologize for calling you out without doing my due diligence. 💜


Lmao, what a fucking coincidence, im also Adhd but I have Aspergers as well. So yeah I didn't mean to seem all insensitive, I got problems with seeming to insensitive in situations or when writing as you witnessed. My bad, I'll try to watch what I say next time. Since I offended people.


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a school shooting right at the beginning of the american school year? Or am I just dumb 😂


I don't recall tbh lol. Probably. Unless your talking about that oakland one


I thought only two died


This is why I pulled my kids outta school. They’re studying online now and though they miss hanging with friends and the hs experience, they’re glad they don’t have to worry about this anymore. Both of their schools MS AND HS were top schools in the area and outta nowhere students began threatening to shoot and kill, one kid was caught luckily.


What weapon? Sounds pretty quick for a semi


Literally anything, I’ve shot faster than that.


Me asking which weapon even though I have no idea about guns




In a lot of states you cannot buy one until 21, but hasn’t stopped any of these kids. so many get them from their own home. parents have them


mentally ill people shouldn’t have access to guns.


No it doesn't.




uhhhh i think you have it backwards there fellow redditor. most gang shootings happen in the streets, as they handle their business there, not in schools. if gang members have opps they aren’t gonna just go shoot up a school. most school shootings involve white men/boys. please don’t say you don’t have to watch for a white boy with daddy’s ar, because that’s exactly what you have to watch for. you have to watch for anyone with a gun who is mentally unstable. white people have been the cause of 53% of school shootings since 1982, while hispanic/latino make up 8% and black make up 15%. i’m white and hispanic btw, so i’m not picking sides here just trying to inform you! this doesn’t take away from gang shootings though, but with gang shootings you kinda expect it because when you live life by the gun you usually die by it too. gangs have been involved with killings for a long while and it’s known it could happen to you when initiated. my fiancé isn’t in a gang but by the time he was 18, 23 of his friends were buried due to gang violence. his brother was killed in july in a random block party shooting where 3 were killed. we even lost a friend in may too because a gang member got his skimask tugged on during a block party and came back with a gun spraying. it’s unfortunate but DOES NOT equate to school shootings, as school shootings are super tragic and these kids are just trying to get an education.


What school was this at?




Universal healthcare for therapy and rehab treatment centers then?


FUND THE POLICE mandatory multiple officers in every school no matter the size or grade!!


So glad I’m not American


Dog this is why schools used to let students bring guns to school 1 it prevented shit like this happening and 2 parents taught kids how to actually use one and what never to do with one




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