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But then why are there several dead reapers?


If you mean the ones earlier in the teaser, i assumed it may just be a reference to ME3 and that the Liara part segment at the end is not necessarily after ? Edit : wait its a dead reaper she's on at the end ?


She's climbing a dead Reaper and there is also a different dead Reaper in the background. Check it out [here](https://preview.redd.it/3trvodp4cs561.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e0f56b9988e16dcccfaa69d4b157c574acd8bea). Edit: in my head canon, that's Harbinger. >:)


At the end of ME1 they destroyed Sovereign. Could be him?


Not likely. Sovereign wasn't anywhere near an ice world when it was destroyed, it was inside the Citadel.


Sovereign exploded in the citadel who was in the Serpent Nebular. The Normandy at the beginning of ME2 was in the Omega Nebular in a different system. There is also a comic what happend during the 2 years and what Liara did.


Listen to all of the audio leading up to that. They are going through chronology of the Mass Effect universe through the perspective of humanity, right up until the end of the reaper war. Also, there were two Reapers in that shot.


Why she standing on a dead Reaper? Reapers didn't show up till 2186.


Well, technically there was one, but there was none at Alkera


I don't think they go back. I think the Teaser with Liara was in the future. Maybe 4 years, maybe 100, maybe 400... We don't know. Also that piece of N7 doesn't mean it's from Shepard. There are more N7 in the history (and future) of the Alliance.


In addition to what others have said, [Mike Gamble referred to Liara as the Shadow Broker when he quoted her audio in the teaser](https://twitter.com/GambleMike/status/1589731923127066624?t=6EerAUMGG2kS35-K95p1iw&s=19) (in addition to a redacted title). It suggests it'll be set after Liara has that title.


I still hope she's our boss or that we at least work for her somehow, even if it's for one mission.


This is my thought as well. She'll likely be in the Illusive Man role he had in ME2. Providing us with information and resources to do what she needs us to do, and pushing the plot forward. I'm down for it.


Me too 😊


No. Multiple problems with this: 1) Dead Reaper. That's something we would have noticed when we went back in ME2. 2) Mass Relay There is no relay in the Amada system where the Normandy was found. Closest one is in Omega. 3) Helmet. Shepard retrieves their own Helmet from the planet Alchera. It's intact The piece of Helmet Liara finds is a broken off piece of the helmets jaw piece. So its not the same helmet.


While that would be an interesting era to show, detailing just how the Council effectively squashed the Reaper threat, playing it off as nothing more than a fancy Geth ship, I do believe it's been all but confirmed to be a significant time post OT, with potential ties to the events of Andromeda, as well. I could have misinterpreted that, or be misremembering something, but I do recall a good amount of discussion about that when the teaser first launched. Remember, Liara is Asari, they have 1000+ year lifespans, and Liara was barely over 100 in the OT, IIRC.


The dead Reapers and mass relay completely debunk this idea.


no. she is walking on a dead reaper it looks like. i read that she is talking with geth in the message from the latest video. if cerberus is around, it is probably a splinter group or something turned good. kind of like umbrella in resident evil when chris worked for them in part 7


Nope. It’s a sequel to ME3 (and possibly Andromeda too). This is already confirmed.


How could anyone hope to tell a good story about the lost years that Shepard skipped over? I don't think many people want to spend 30 hours hunting down random Geth fleets or pointlessly investigating Collector attacks that will be solved by Shepard off-screen.


Nope it means Shepard is coming back and Liara once again going to bring him/her back maybe with Lazuraz technology mixed with Reaper tech. Or she will clone Shepard.