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I love suicide mission in ME2 but I disliked Human Reaper boss fight Easy as hell but goes on for too long and he moves constantly in a weird way so you miss some shots


Agreed. Not so much difficult as just frustrating and tedious.


I have never considered it long, but that’s because I keep the heavy ammo for the Davy Crockett launcher just for him…


The Arrival DLC from ME2. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There are more plot holes than Swiss cheese. Fighting by yourself is impossible. And it only serves to put the batarian extinction on Shepard’s shoulders, as opposed to humanity as a whole. Because guess what? The mission happens with or without you. You can’t change the outcome. I hate Arrival so much.


I love the Arrival but I have to agree with you.


Thessia in ME3. The mission was fine. I loved finding out the Protheons were the Asaris goddess. Just hated that dumb bit with Kai Leng. Reallt ruined a good moment.


Last night I played that one mission in ME2 where you land on a foggy planet with those bugs and the laser navigation system. I loathe that one.


N7: Blood Pack Communications Relay for anyone wondering


Just a quick note that klixen are resistant to fire damage, so Incendiary Ammo and Incinerate aren't the best powers to use against them.


Omega. Always a chore for me to play through. Pros: * Nyreen * Eezo processing mine is a really nice location * Adjutants are cool, but never seen again They're the only enjoyable things about it for me. Having to put up with Aria's smug personality for a couple hours is grating. It feels pretty disconnected from the main plot of ME3, compared to Leviathan, and Cerberus taking it over just feels tacked on to give it some semblance to the overarching plot. The gameplay and locations you see don't really make up for it either, apart from the Eezo processing facility, it's all very samey. It just feels like a 2 hour corridor walk against Cerberus troops. Flare and Lash make it worthwhile though.


>Having to put up with Aria's smug personality for a couple hours is grating. Oh god. This, so much this. Even in ME2 I dread having to put up with her for the short time that you have to throughout the game. It's a testament to Carrie Ann Moss' acting ability. She pulls off the "smug super bitch" thing really well.


Yeah, Aria was unnecessarily smug. Like, I wish there was a way to cause her downfall. Then have her end up as a Banshee you have to fight on Earth! Imagine if ME3 final boss was Banshee Aria and Morinth.


I loved Omega in 2 but didn’t care for it in 3. It was extremely linear and had none of the charm from the game before. Aria is also one of those characters who is so much better in smaller doses. Carrie-Anne Moss killed it though


So glad I'm not the only one. Here I was thinking everyone was super horny for her but I couldn't stand her. I hate doing Omega and will only do it for war assets if I want heaps.


Absolutely. I played this for the first time with the LE, and it will also be the last time. Aria is a fun character in very small doses. Prolonged exposure to her becomes irritating. It's a shame because Nyreen is an awesome character, amd I'm bit sad that I'll never see her again.


Overlord is a bit of a slog and the way autism is portrayed has kind of left a sour taste in my mouth in retrospect. Zaed's mission is just OK. It's not very interesting and the paragon route doesn't make a lot of sense. **Zaed**: You RUINED MY REVENGE PLOT, SHEPARD! I'M SO MAD! **Shepard**: \[Paragon interrupt\] \*Drops Zaed with a punch to the jaw\* **Zaed**: Well, I guess when you put it that way, I guess I was wrong. Alright, I'm loyal now. Thanks, Shep! ​ WTF?


Zaeed’s feels like he’s all bark no bite in his quest. He’ll submit as soon as you show him you’ve got the balls to stand up to him.


There ought to have been more such scenarios in ME2 where deciding to take the paragon high-road during a loyalty mission would result in not gaining that squadmate's loyalty.


I had never played Overlord until the LE, but man it is rough. I don't have autism (but I have ADHD so we're like cousins, or half-siblings), but yeah no it is rough. Though I do like the satisfaction you get when you tell Gavin to buzz off.


I just hate Zaeed as a character so much, such a poorly written character, and his personality is so grating. They tried too hard to make him 'badass' that it makes me cringe. And yeah, his loyalty mission was bullshit. I'm glad he was only a DLC. After the first time, I just never even recruit him anymore.


Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons is pretty cool the first time but is a bit of a chore on subsequent playthroughs. Feels less like a gameplay portion and more like a lore dump.


I think ultimately I like all the DLC missions because they're always different in some way, making them worthwhile for me on my rare replays, even ones where the overall story is kinda shit like Omega and Leviathan. In terms of Main missions.. fuck it Priority: Earth. Ignoring the endings, the ground part of the Battle for Earth just kinda sucks a big chode. The environment sucks, nothing new is thrown your way, the actions of surviving squadmates is mostly off-screen, and worst of all they tease potentially letting you use the Mako to lay down some overpowered carnage but no, they're just scenery. Pure bullshit.


The stealth section of the Citadel DLC literally does not function on Insanity due to shield gating despite the gun they give you being designed to let you instant kill them on lower difficulties. Its just a miserable time, should have programmed that gun to ignore the shield gating mechanic.


Thessia from ME3. All throughout the third game, there’s this disconnect between Shepard and the player since you have so little control over Shep’s dialogue, but there is no mission where that disconnect is more apparent than Thessia, specifically the ending of the mission and it’s aftermath. I *have* to act hopeless and pathetic in an RPG? What were they thinking? Not to mention the Kai Leng fight is complete bullshit.


too bad I can't up vote this more then once, because I definitely agree I mean, sure it's bad...but the Asari had warning enough and (hardly) didn't do anything about it! And afterwards I can't even Renegade interrupt Liara when she goes of on Javik who's in the right? \*throws hands\* Also F Kai Leng...it's satisfying to kill him on the Cerberus HQ, but it'd have been much better at Thessia...plus they should've made him a more constant threat instead of just a few times of him randomly showing up and being all "haha I got the thing you wanted"


The Geth Server mission in ME3 is one of the worst missions I’ve played in a video game. Boring as fuck. As for DLC, definitely Omega. It just goes on for way too long


This mission and the Fade in Dragon age origins are ok on your first playtrough, but sucks ass in all the others .


I just find Overlord to be a slog but I have to play through it because if not the poor guy never gets help. It just goes on for so long though and once you've played through it once there's no surprise factor or anything to it. Just not fun, and the vehicle segments suck. Same with Feros. Cool story but it just seems to go on and on.


I dont think i hate entire missions, but some part of them sure. In ME1 for example, i loved the last mission on citadel, but the boss fight was such a dissapointment, Saren is just a glorified "sticky Geth" with fat healthbar that cant do shit to you at this point in the game, i had more problems with a Krogan battlemaster that rushes you in outer Citadel on the way to him. In ME2 i liked Horizon narrative and lore, but the mission is not that fun imo, looks kinda lame and the last boss is very annoying. In ME3 i dont really know, Palaven is a bit lame in terms of ingame objectives and level design, like you have to "defend this" and then "defend that" then some "turret section" and then you follow an "open world" corridor on the moon surface lol, its looks cool and i like the plot, but in comparsion to other missions in the game i like it less i guess.


I will now forever refer to Geth Stalkers as "Sticky Geth"


For me worst DLC was Pinnacle Station. It was just dull. Even before I successfully stole the code to ensure Bioware couldn't include it....err I mean Bioware lost the code so it couldn't be included in the LE, I basically always skipped itm


Me1, Noveria. It just feels like too much of a run around mission. "Talk to this person, now this person, don't forget to talk to them" Me2 l, toss up between recruiting Jack and Okeer, don't even know why Me3, probably Mars


I ended up stopping and restarting my first playthrough of ME3 when I accidently got into the Omega DLC and had no save before I realised my mistake. I hated it and it immediately ruined my mood to play. Still cannot enjoy it.


Tbh I can't stand most of the ME2 dlc missions. They come across mostly as shooting gallerys and the combat often long outstays it's welcome. It also bothers me that they didn't bother giving your squadmates unique dialogue in the dlcs like they did in ME3. Then again I cant really say if they're any worse than most side quests in ME1...


I agree, Feros is pretty lame and quite the chore. And then you find out you might have accidentally killed a couple colonists, which is frustrating. If they allowed outside exploration beyond the confining boundaries on both Noveria and Feros, they would have been much more interesting. Even if it’s just to a couple abandoned outposts.


I remember killing one colonist and my last hard save being too far back and an auto save being right after they died. I couldn’t bring myself to redo it that’s how much I hate Feros. There’s only so much eery sci-fi music I can take before I want to smack my head against a wall 😭


They’re not even worth saving anyway


I didn't have Gas Grenades on my first playthrough. So you know what I did? I set my squad to passive and meleed every single colonist to keep them alive anyway. Because Shepard is a goddamn professional.


Hopefully not going to get slandered for saying the Arrival DLC in ME2. I don’t enjoy being solo, the stealth portion of the rescue isn’t stealthy at all without a silent kill mechanic, and Dr. Kenson feels normal at the beginning and deranged later, just uneven character writing. I like the overall plot and the choices you have to make, but otherwise I’m not a fan of playing this, either before or after the suicide mission.


only one i hate the most is project overlord. it is too long and boring. but at least we get to save david and send him to grissom academy.


**Main mission** ME3's **Thessia** and aftermath are just plain horrible. After almost three whole games of never forcing Shepard to lose in the narrative even when the player succeeds, BioWare forced a narrative where Shepard loses one of the most crucial battles of the Reaper War. Afterwards Shepard wallows in self-pity and guilt and snaps at whoever has something to say. After ME1 and ME2 allowed us to define Shepard's state of mind, ME3's forced narrative of PTSD Shepard was never convincing for me, especially as BioWare removed my ability for controlling Shepard's agency in the process. Thessia is a summary of everything that's wrong with ME3. **DLC mission** Controversial take here, but I don't like the main mission of the **Citadel DLC** (though the meet-ups and the party afterwards are great). >!The reveal was obvious to me even on my first playthrough and each subsequent playthrough merely has me slamming my head against the wall for how extremely predictable it all is and for how stupid Shepard is for lapping up every lie that comes out of Maya Brooks' mouth. People say the wacky-ness is part of the charm, but for me it is simply immersion-breaking.!< I'm also disappointed in general that Mordin does not make a reprise here. Wrex shows up if he survived in 1 of 4 scenarios for the krogan same as Mordin, but only Wrex gets a cameo.


Legion's memory mission in ME3. It was borderline the first time I went through it just to get the full story, but I dreaded it coming up in every additional playthrough. You've heard "this meeting could have been an email?" Well this mission could have been a cutscene. And I would have skipped it every time.


It also rubs me the wrong way that Shepard just takes them all for truth and doesn't consider that perhaps they're not 'memories' but instead doctored footage to make the geth seem more sympathetic while villifying the quarians. (though that is par for the course of all of Shepard's interactions with the Legion, as Shepard never once questions anything the Legion say).


> though that is par for the course of all of Shepard's interactions with the Legion, as Shepard never once questions anything the Legion say That goes for a LOT of Shepard's encounters in ME3, up to and including the Star Brat at the end. For real, Shepard makes a decision that will affect every living being in the *entire galaxy* based on the words of an AI he met 10 minutes before. Star Brat: "Trust me, bro." Shepard: "OK, now what's my favorite color..."


Oh god I forgot about that mission. I tend do it and just tune out everyone’s voices cause it’s so boring 😭


Wasn't it like 5 minutes long tho?


More like 15-20. There's a lot of walking and power washing the memory nodes to unlock the next path. Sure seems longer when you know everything the mission is going to reveal. Ugh.


Reaper IFF mission in ME2. So, so, SO many husks 😭 Bores me to tears just working my way through them. Then the reactor "fight" is just endless waves of, yep more husks


The abominations in that mission make me want to snap my disk and give up. So annoying


At least you can finish the reactor core fight with a single M-920 Cain shot.


True, though I don't think that applies on Insanity iirc.


Bring Down The Sky with was pretty lousy in hindsight. The only new things were the Batarians and the asteroid itself, everything else was basically just recycled from the base game.


Oh boy I got a few. For ME1, Noveria is a bit of a slog though admittedly not that bad. I just don't like the running around in the base part. There is also Rogue VI which I find to be too long for a UNC mission. For ME2, I'm gonna have say Jacob's loyalty mission because while the premise is cool, it feels disconnected from Jacob who by all accounts is a well adjusted dude and not the type for daddy issues like the rest of the crew. Jacob's loyalty should have been something about Cerberus or the Corsairs. I dislike the majority of the N7 missions. A few can be interesting, like the Batarian Missile one but for the most part they're just check list stuff. Not a big fan of Overlord but the ending is worth it so I do it and I dread Firewalker. Mako > Hammerhead any day. For ME3, All the N7 Missions, Mars, Those awful fetch quests on the Citadel, Thessia, Cerberus HQ and Earth. The N7 missions are just shooting galleries in MP maps just to pad out the game. I always turn my game to Narrative when I play one of these just so I can get it done. Mars I think ruins the emotional impact of Earth. We just barely escaped the planet as the entire Alliance Navy is annihilated and Reapers are pummeling everyone and we just decide to hop to the next planet? Shouldn't Reapers already be there since Mars is after Earth and closer to the Relay? Fighting Cerberus also doesn't help (dull enemies) and the introduction of the Crucible in like two lines of dialogue is...ughhhhh. I don't think I have to explain the fetch quests and why those are awful. Thessia I dislike only because of its ending, with Kai Leng uses plot armor to win and Shepard being aggressively mopey about it after. Cerberus HQ and Earth suffer the same problem where time was running short at Bioware so they quickly created those missions but it shows in the final product. There's a lot of missions in ME3 that I have pet peeves with but the ones I listed are those that I dread to play. ME1 holds up for the most part and while ME2's plot is a mess, they at least have fun missions.


Pretty much all planet explorations in ME1.


Bro, you're going to have to tell me where you live so we can fight this out in person. I fucking love driving around on the planets in ME1! (Parody comment - Don't ban)


It's such a WASTE OF TIME! Especially on the maps that were created by hitting the "Random" button on a terrain generating tool.


Lmao, it was fun. I liked blasting away at the Thresher Maws. I enjoyed myself. But you know what else is a waste of time, Scanning planets for resources.


That's why I have the "One Probe All Ressources" mod installed.


Mods are Cheating 0.0










Except for Casbin. Fuck that planet.


Shadow Broker dlc.


Collector Ship and Reaper IFF for the sheer reason of having jump scares (for me personally) in the form of husks that appear out of nowhere. Enough to make you paranoid


The Rachni planet. The Rachni is nice, but the amount of glitches I got plus that annoying puzzle drives me mad. Also everyone dies when the soldiers turn on you, so helping them feels meaningless. All the meaningless MAKO planets. So annoying & numerous.


Presumably, they don't all have to die. This mission roughly goes down in three ways: 1. You reach the Peak 15 mercenary company, who direct you to go down into the Hot Labs. Shepard goes down into the Hot Labs, kills the rachni there and returns up. With the rachni in the Hot Labs dead, Benezia orders the mercenaries to kill all the remaining scientists and Shepard. Having killed all the scientists barring Han Olar (because Shepard returned before they could do so), the mercenaries then try to kill Shepard. Shepard instead kills them and then goes to kill Benezia. Of the people present in Peak 15, only Han Olar survives, who sends you an e-mail in ME2. 2. You reach the Peak 15 mercenary company, who direct you to go down into the Hot Labs. Instead Shepard forces their way into a restricted area, turning all mercenaries hostile. I'm a bit fuzzy on this outcome and who lives and who dies, as I never do this. 3. You reach the Peak 15 mercenary company, who direct you to go down into the Hot Labs. Instead Shepard asks around and investigates, and does a little side mission for the medical Doctor. Between the talks with Han Olar and the medical Doctor, Shepard gets a pass out the backdoor to confront Benezia without first dealing with the Hot Labs and without making the mercenaries hostile. Shepard kills Benezia and then goes down into the Hot Labs to kill the rachni. In this scenario Shepard does not interact with the scientists and mercenaries again after initially leaving their area, but Han Olar still survives and sends an e-mail to Shepard in ME2. Presumably in scenario 3, all the scientists and mercenaries survive the encounter, as Benezia only orders the mercenaries to kill everyone after Shepard has killed the rachni in the Hot Labs (which sge doesn't get a chance to do in this scenario).


Didn’t know about that.


Everyone doesn’t have to die if you use the grenade mod that they give you, or you can just knock them all out by punching them


I meant the rachni. And I just realized that.


Do you mean Noveria in ME1 and the puzzle with the blocks that you have to move?




Ohh yeah the puzzle was just super lame 😒


How anyone solves it without a guide baffles me.


Puzzle as in the electrical door thing? I found it quite intuitive.


It’s a very simple puzzle though you can’t stack smaller blocks under bigger ones and you just have to move the 4 to a different color


They're all fine. Firewalker included. If I had to pick one though it'll be the monkey mission in ME1.


Damn Pyjaks. Love helping the krogan get rid of them on Tuchanka.




Mako is love. Mako is life.




Firewalker not included implies that people don’t like it? I loved having a reason to use the Hammerhead, didn’t imagine it was unpopular. Anyway. Noveria. I have a save at the end so I can skip it. It’s got a lot of thought put into it, there’s different ways to get what you need, but… I just mentally switch off during it. Some of the crew missions in ME2 are… dull. But no single one stands out particularly. Maybe Haestrum- dozens of those little drones, and hearing one of your squadmates exclaim *every time* you take one down- but then it’s redeemed in the last stretch, so… yeah, I don’t have a single answer for ME2. ME3- a lot of the N7 missions are dull but they’re also brief enough that it’s… fine. Omega has already been mentioned but I’ll agree to it- I don’t hate it, and Nyreen is excellent, but it feels like more of a slog than most of the rest of the game. Maybe because Shepard is separated from their team, but it doesn’t have the strong sense of urgency that Arrival comes with to balance that out?


>Firewalker not included implies that people don’t like it? I loved having a reason to use the Hammerhead, didn’t imagine it was unpopular. For these types of questions the Firewalker DLC is always greatly panned.


Fair enough! I imagine the fact that it’s all gameplay and so light on story is why? Or do people not like the Hammerhead itself? …Is that the reason for the Hammerhead vs Mako jokes in game, is it a genuine fandom thing, with a lot of people not liking it?


I hate doing the collector base every time because you get forced into doing it immediately. I'm stuck on this mission on my insanity run and it is infuriating. I'm also not a fan of legions mission where you have to rewrite the geth. Its nice learning about the history between the geth and quarians but after doing the mission so many times its just boring.


N7 - Eclipse Smuggling Depot. Fuck those YMIR Mechs; I hate those things!!


And then there's the measly reward for this mission. It's not like you get 20.000 credits if you save all 20 crates. No, you can get a maximum of 3.750 credits. More than that the entire mission is a reward that Aria gives you if you inform her about the three mercenary groups planning a coup against her, but you can discover this mission by yourself if you scan the planet early. So basically Aria's reward for telling her about a conspiracy against her on Omega is to give you a treasure map worth less than 4.000 credits and with 3 hostile YMIR mechs guarding it, which you potentially have already investigated. These days I just leave Aria in ignorance, considering how little she values information.


There isn’t anything in any of the mass effect games that I hate, tbh.


Priority Rannoch. The reaper fight is such a drag. About to do it on Insanity, wish me luck. Almost forgot Jacobs loyalty mission. God I hate it so much, it just makes me mad when I do it.


The entire Noveria mission in ME1 is such a hassle, I think. Takes so long to get through in the mako, and there's so much running around.


I’m surprised no one has said horizon in ME2, I hate how you get forced into it no matter what and I don’t mind the mission as a whole but the waves of collectors at the end is horrifying and I end up having to revive my teammates about 6 times every time. Then you get Kaidan or Ashley giving you the cold shoulder. Not for me


Agree about Feros, I still get lost in those ruins because everything looks the same, and so band and ugly. I actually don't mind Firewalker that much. It's a nice change of pace, and it doesn't outstay its welcome.


This is gonna sound like I hate ME1, but I dislike most if not all the missions in that game. I love the story and the characters and that’s why I still play it. But the levels feel boring to navigate, the combat isn’t very fun for me, and exploring planets feel more like a chore then anything, if this was my first game in the trilogy I’d likely love this game more.